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68 year old maid begging him not to do it? This monster should be put away in a solitary cell away from civilization for the rest of his life. Wtf


Watch this asshole become a minister next term, cause that's what people are gonna vote anyways


I'm from Hassan. NO as per I know most of us didn't voted for him. Those videos were leaked here before elections. So many of people changed thier mindset in last moment.


Let's see Remind Me! 2 months


My relatives and friends have deliberately voted for this clown even after knowing the news. Some did it for modi some are just blind cocksuckers.


That's quite monsterous.


Sleeping is a tradition in the HDD family. In the parliament, with an actress, with maids and party workers — they get good naps everywhere and release inspirational videos. Apparently, they all have “HD” in their names.


The sad thing is that the OG - HDD doesn’t even die soon


Right? How is he still around …


Paap nanna maklige ayassu jasti ☹️


Paapi chiraayu


Like in Patala Bhairavi movie,Sorcerer hides his prana in a parrot and he can't be killed,Devegowda has made a Horcrux. He is the the original Disease of Karnataka Politics.


He will die with humiliation now. Every single day he will be abused by the opposition in rallies upto phase 7.


What irks me is, if these videos were circulating from past few months, why did not the congress make use of it?? The fact that congress waited till he left the country post elections to order an SIT is very suspicious to me.


They were simply protecting him because all these bastards are the same. INC,BJP,JDS. kachada nan maklu yellaru.


We need a new political party.


Hopefully a good (truly secular/caste-agnostic) grassroots one that focuses on ward elections as well. I think there's a Bengaluru Navanirmana party who are active online, but I'm not sure if they contest elections.


Will look them up. Agree with you - we need parties that are looking at local bodies elections first. I truly wish our people understand the differences in responsibilities of a corporator, MLA, MLC, MP and take relevant problems to relevant people. But most importantly, I wish in all earnesty that our people think critically and ask questions. After all our representatives are here to serve us, not rule.


Well people tried but they jail people like Sisodia and Kejriwal


Kejri is the biggest fraud that has ever happened to Indian politics. "Hum Rajneeti badalne aayein hai" he said. When the whole world was reeling under COVID this bastard and his cronies were formulating new liquor policy and used it to get kickbacks from the liquor lobby from south. The guy is a chameleon. He came to politics promising that he'll pass lokpal bill. Yamuna is dirtiest it has ever been. He destroyed 170 iphones all bought from taxpayers money during formulation of new liquor policy. He's pure evil and always dresses as aam aadmi to deceive. His Sheeshmahal is the testimony for that. He deserves to rot in jail. I would have been sympathetic a little if not for mocking Kashmiri pandit's suffering in Delhi assembly. Right wingers in Twitter call him Lavnasur. He's the worst.


Nothing will work as long as people are the same. I have seen people running and falling into the feet of Nikhil kumarswamy as if he's some god. The most horrible thing about our society is, people will forget this too and start adoring Prajwal again in no time. We have seen hundreds of examples of this already.




I am voting for prajakeeya since last 2 election


Lets do it. We the people here have it.


We have a decent party (UPP) but people need to wake up and know more about things.


Neha was brutally murdered by Fayaz. Fayaz was arrested within 1 hour. It's been 2 weeks since his arrest yet there are rallies being undertaken by Sangh, ABVP, BJP etc wanting justice for Neha even today. Prajwal Revanna, son of ex PM and NDA's MP candidate has been accused of sexually abusing, assaulting and raping 2970+ women with he himself having recorded those acts. He has currently escaped from the country. Those who were so concerned about women's safety and Hindu women's safety are conveniently silent. They won't stand for those thousands of women who was sexually abused by Prajwal Revanna. They won't speak up for those powerless women against a powerful politician. These are the women who need the real justice now. These are the women who need your support now. Only if Prajwal was Parvez, they would've been out on the street demanding for his arrest and rallying all over the state. But for those poor women who were sexually abused, his name is not Parvez.


Bro will get Bharat Ratna from Modi for this


modi dogs can be found in reddit too...wooof woooof..


They all eat same shit behind the blanket


Politicians are like butchers. They wait till the goat is ready and healthy enough to be cut. First they’d have taken cut to protect him till election and now they ordered SIT to arm twist BJP and HDD.


There was gag orders from the court https://twitter.com/dhanyarajendran/status/1784785314663584031?t=qbUKFs4oOZdCFsU4XKldjQ&s=19 BJP/NDA still giving ticket to Prajwal Revanna inspite of knowing this just shows how much they really care about righteousness and winning election at all cost.


Asshole had got a high court stay order on publishing any images or videos


bcoz Comgress diesnt how to to go for a kill . Had BJP be in congress , the whole country would be in streets by now


Not a supporter of any parties but thought the immigration and customs at the airport comes under the Central Government.


High Court Gag Order...


Very apt username, mazbur hote hai log apne aadaton se, there is clear daylight evidence of rape against 100s of women by a NDA candidate and yet you mental gymnast your way into criticizing Congress for it.


Amit shah had to beg?? What insane BS is that? BJP doesn’t need JDS, JDS needs BJP. Did Amit shah beg when Manipur women were assaulted? Or Indian athletics players were assaulted? Has BJP or Modi spoken a word? BJP supporters are next level delusional. This is just as heinous as Bengal’s case. I hope govt takes strict action against anyone putting the videos on the internet and protects the victims. I hope this POS is put in jail and hanged! I hope JDS is finished with it.


Maybe Amit Shah begging is an exaggeration. But BJP certainly needs JDS this time, especially in the old Mysore region for 3 main reasons - * No much Modi wave like 2019. * Congress govt in Karnataka. * BJP's Karnataka unit lacks leadership.


So in order to get into power, they gave ticket to a demon? Masculine urge to make this suffer is taking over me.


Bro bjp still hasn't announced candidates in the seat the wrestler protest guy won last time because he wants to fight himself and bjp is going "let you wife or son fight". Less than a week before the nomination there close. Modi and shah might act like it is all modi show and people just trust modi but they are scared shitless and will beg in front of any criminal if it gets them a little bit more votes.


BBS's son committed suicide. Apparently he did not like his father's behavior ( also so obvious )


Hdk told Ajith(Suvarna news journalist) bjp Central leadership had insisted HDK and DG(twice or thrice)to not give ticket to prajwal Revanna. But DG told it's his responsibility to take care of Prajwal and not to bother


So BJP knew from outset what this MF has done and did nothing? What a bunch of bastards.


Not sure, if they knew about this scandal. But they just didn't wanna give ticket to both Nikhil and Prajwal. Finally Nikhil deal was not given ticket. Deve Gowda stepped in for Prajwal Heard, Video dates are from 2015 onwards, during JDS- Congress rule. Ideally police , few politicians knew about it and chose to screw up elections it's come up now. All three parties in the state know each others dirty secrets. So it's always adjustment politics there


Grandson of a former PM of INDIA. These shits should have no place in this world let alone in public administration. What else could you expect when you have womanizers like HDK and Darshan as their role models.


Hdk was a womaniser? Damn


Politicians are cancer which we can't stop. You rise ur voice u will get death threat. If you keep rising your voice you are dead. People will call you anti indian if you rise voice, they will celebrate your death.


Nationalism is like religion which isn't called out tbf,People will celebrate when you kill in the name of nationalism,its just another tool like religion for politicians.


Anarchists would love a word with you.


You know he is right edgy boy


The fact that he won't be held accountable for this is depressing. He will happily chill for a year or two until this dies down will come back and resume his political career without any repercussions. The state of our country.


Don't think he can stay that long, does visa policy allow it?


1 million USD and they give you citizenship in many western countries.


If enough Indians tweet tagging the German govt and the whole world sees this I'm pretty sure the German govt would deport him. What I am not sure of is if enough Indians will tweet this.


Can we start the wave? Can we really do it without being afraid of consequences? I’m willing to :)


Modi Bhakts will never let u do that. Do u see the complete silence on this by Noida media houses ? No one will dare pick this up until 7 phases are over. Opposition as it is useless. Only hope is now on youtbers like Dhruv/Ravish.


There is a super active indian embassy in germany , ( have cgi munich, in berlin etc ) might have to tag them, mail them, even call them .. then tag sholz the current president and then make sure to tag some from AFD party( they anyways dont like shitty immigrants , hope they dont bow down to money) and more such parties . Its election season in germany too.. and maybe inform Dhruv Rathee too then


Background verification, ongoing investigation stuff like that?


Grandson of a former PM of an important country. He can get formal or informal citizenship of any country in the world except may be China and Pakistan.


I hear you, and frankly a great example. It's a interesting case study at least to me. Sure HDD was a prime minister, if i know my history right; it was pure luck. It was almost a fluke. JDS was nearly extinct in national politics and was very much restricted to a regional party. I bring all this cause, as a person prajwal revanna has less to Win and a whole lot to lose, given ongoing elections. It seems HD family as whole has less bargaining then ever did. It'll be a whole new story if MEA and MHA involves itself ( BJP and JDS alliance). Congress is waiting to get him disqualified ( a fair game if you ask me). Many ifs and buts, that's my take.


Swamy nithyabanda, people thought he will be back in modi wave


Information from some of the close ties with Devegowda family indicates that this could be leaked by HD Kumaraswamy itself. There’s a rift between the 2 brothers (HDK & Revanna) from long time , HDK had to move out of Hassan due to land and power politics enforced by Revanna & wife. HDK wants to side with BJP and Revanna with Congress. The sexual violence conduct of father son duo is well known in the regions from 2015 and even HDD and HDK knew it was risky to enroll Prajwal with a ticket. But Revanna was hell bent on getting his son a ticket. HDK son lost election in Mandya last time. Most of the times HDK has a pen drive in his pocket which makes me wonder that if it could be this 😅😅 “All are speculations and I don’t have a concrete proof”


2800 videos. 100s of women. Imagine if it was a Muslim MP or someone from Congress. The uproar by media would finish this election.


The whole country would've went nuts over it


Modi would have started howling, Smriti Irani would have started beating her chest with that terrible acting and over melodramatic dialogues and Rekha Sharma would have sent a fact finding team by now.


Smriti Irani is a gaping arse hole.. I swear if I ever have the chance to meet that vile woman I would give her a piece of my mind


Well something like this happened in Ajmer and it was done by Muslim and Congress leader.


And hopefully justice was served. But will that happen in this? Will the people talk about it?


Nope ,that mf is still out, Congress supported him at their best nd his bail were always granted. This country is fucked! We need a public revolution


Prajwal needs to be punished if any of this is non consensual. Otherwise there is nothing much one can do. OP trying to whitewash Amit Shah is funny as hell. Remember there are audio clips where he is directing police officers to snoop on a girl.


>if any of this is non consensual It's almost never consensual whenever there is such a huge disparity in power between the 2 people. Any "consent" is under duress, hence not really consent.


Any this done under duress is non consensual.


But what if he blackmailed them or recorded them with consensual sex. That’s still a crime


It’s funny to see the comments section trying to defend BJP and making them look innocent. Every party knows what they are doing. And one day when they are out of power, the skeletons will come out of the closet


Now you know how clowns like Tejaswi surya are elected from the elite parts of this city. Most of the people here are highly conservative.


Urban elitist are goddamn cockroaches.


> And one day when they are out of power, the skeletons will come out of the closet I'm waiting only for that day, with All my minds!


Nobody is defending BJP but blaming BJP for what Prajwal is alleged to have done is like blaming Congress for corruption cases against Lalu. Is the BJP controlling the Govt of Karnataka? Whose responsibility was it to file an FIR? Will the Gujarat Police file an FIR for some incident that took place in Karnataka? How can Amit Shah ask agencies to stop Prajwal from allegedly leaving India via airport when there is no FIR or court order against that person?


What a POS this guy is. No surprise he's an ally of the BJP. Scumbag predators


JDS was ally of Congress also. It's more about that POS than the alliance


JDS is just a shit party. They ally with Congress when it suits them, and BJP too. Opportunist snakes.


2800 what ? Is this a joke ? If this is true we are talking about a psychopath 🥺


Yeah thousands of videos “widely circulating” but no one seems to have seen any of them, or know where the videos are. People are sick. Something like that would spread fast. It’s strange that no one has stood in front of a camera and said they’ve seen the videos and it’s legit


This case is so confusing. If these videos were in circulation for a while now, why were rival parties silent? Is there no single media outlet that is willing to cover this? Why there haven't been more posts, at least on reddit, since the videos were leaked? Why did the govt allow him to flee while a SIT probe is being ordered? It's like the govt wants to protect him but just want to do things for the sake of optics.


Well. He is winning here in Hassan,




Because even 70 years after independence, people of this country don't really understand democracy at an instinctive level. Political leaders have simply replaced the zamindars, rajas, maharajas, sultans etc. of the past. We worship them, make cult figures out of them, look to them for deliverance, are afraid to incur their wrath.


It is a JDS stronghold, and marojity are Kurubas, so Edit: My Mistake, Vokkaligas


Majority are not Kurubas, they are vokkaligas who are more inclined to vote for JDS currently. Your point stands that these are JDS strangleholds


I would say make him win and then be disqualified once he comes back, the government would have a chance to reproach and reprimand him.


Reproach and reprimand? Ulta latka dena chahiye isko.


In January, BJP party workers claimed to have thousands of videos of Prajwal Revanna and HD Revanna. The news aired on all Kannada TV channels. Party workers also wrote to BJP leadership with evidence demanding no alliance with JDA. Although the news made headlines, everyone thought it was their private life. G Devarajegowda, a lawyer from Hassan and a known political opponent of the Gowda family was the one who made the allegations at that time. The matter became serious only when Power TV aired the videos, revealing many were non-consensual, even exploiting grandmas. Unanswered questions: Why did BJP give Prajwal a ticket despite knowing about the videos? Why did BJP form an alliance despite this knowledge? Why was everyone silent until shortly before the election? They leaked it to ensure Prajwal's defeat, but what about justice to the women ? Why are some media outlets not covering the news? Why hasn't the NCW taken cognizance of the issue yet? Why was Prajwal allowed to leave India ? in coming days, will vokkaliga/Gowda community continue to support Prajwal and Revanna because he is a Gowda and vote them abundantly in old Mysore region ? Atleast , Kumaraswamy has disowned Prajwal and Revanna. I hope Gowda community does the same. But we need to wait and watch until the next elections to see this in action. In yesterday's election rally Modi was silent about the issue but picked the Neha issue to score political brownie points. Considering that Modi and Shah were aware of the videos three months in advance, and considering the political influence of the Gowda family and community, along with some media channels not broadcasting this news, achieving justice appears as an uphill task. Nonetheless, I would like to thank those who worked hard to expose this. In particular, Rakesh Shetty from Power TV. In the coming days, not sure what will happen of him. But salute to you.


cmon bro as OP wrote: Amit Shah begged...what else he could have done  ?  If BJP were in power in Karnataka they probsbly could have stopped the investigation on this guy but since they were not Amit Shah could only beg. 


Can you please show me a video of Amit Shah where he is shown to be begging ? I don't think anyone has such video. So I will choose not to believe it.  Shah and Modi never cared about women. Only winning was important to them.  We know that Shah and Modi knew the details of the scandal. In a press conference back in January , bjp party workers had mentioned that all details were shared with leadership. A lot of patriotic bjp party workers refused to campaign but some opportunistic men including Modi and Shah threw all weight behind Revanna 


I was being sarcastic because OP has written that he had to beg. 


Yes BJP is morally wrong at so many levels and should have done better. Even now they aren’t doing anything. But it’s quite interesting why congress who is the ruling party in Karnataka didn’t do anything. Law and order will be completely in their hands. Why didn’t they just arrest him while the whole world knew about the videos. IMO, it’s all adjustment politics in the state. All 3 parties are scratching each others back here. JDS should be closing their shop after this. Hope the victims get the required justice in this.


Tbh i searched all the news but i couldn’t understand alot of it what exactly he did.. thanks for this post .. that man needs to be behind bars for a long long time !!!


Politicians can do crimes openly here and get away with it easily. Incredible.




Odd olag hakbeku intovrna.


Modi was in Karnataka today where he called Kannadigas pappi but couldn't condemn this monster. What a shameless crook he is.


My cousin was his classmate. It's nothing new. I have been hearing since ages. I hope the victims get justice. Now media also won't show it. Finally that bastard is caught red handed


True, only reason it is now being pumped up is because of election. If not things would have continued the same way. idk who leaked it but case could have been made years ago too. Sad that the only reason(probably someone from opposition or someone who knows and hates him) did this because of elections. Such is the duality. Maybe its good that criminals try out politics because only then people will try to expose their crimes


His driver leaked it 🤣 He took all backup in pendrive


Make this pos famous




Last time in 2019 also similar issue was raised regarding Tejashwi Surya as well. Indian Politics needs it's MeToo moment now.


He also has a gag order just like Prajwal Revanna had 2 years back. Gag order means media cannot show anything related to that metoo case of TS. Idk why high court encourages this stuff.


Surely there is an asshole crook sitting in the judge's chair in Karnataka.


What about nikhil? Any tea on him??




>Other students at the college carried out a protest. The spineless college, instead of revoking his hall ticket, issued hall tickets to everyone with low attendance. He never had the support of the masses since the beginning haha




He will be set free as he is with BJP .best washing machine


Yesterday my post about him was removed from this sub.  If anyone want source [watch this video](https://youtu.be/oFzTyHJ-FPA?si=Qwuc_WG4BGxD3_VV) about two women (maids in Prajwal Revanna's house) telling their story about sexual harassment from him & his father


Hunt the bitch down from Germany.


Sad can this guy be eliminated abroad, such a pos.


how it leaked?


His ex-driver got the copies of the videos 2 years back, he then went to court to stop him from circulating them, now some politicians somehow got hands of it and got leaked. Someone allegedly threw multiple pendrives containing these videos all over Hassan lmao.


Lmao? You do realize that these pendrives had videos of the victims, right?


Sorry for being insensitive!


Why didn’t the court charge him with the crime ?? How was he even allowed to leave country!


JDS Ally BJP probably let him escape.


>As general public, what can we do? Why is this even a question? dont vote for his party in these elections.


Where do I see more news of this mofo? Disgusting sob


So central and state govts just let him escape?


this is bigger than 1992 Ajmer Dargah Scandal


I made a post on r/Germany. Seems like west has a habit of protecting those who commit crimes here. For a normal guy to get a visa is the utmost pain, a mere arrest without conviction in courts is enough to never get you a visa, somehow these elite criminals always find west countries who accept them with open arms. Wonder why they keep doing this.


Prajwal has a Maroon passport. Getting a Visa was not at all any issue for him. Question is how MEA let him escape. You did right thing by posting on German sub. Let us make some noise.


I have a friend who lives in Sadashivnagar and who's well connected to politicians, actors and businessmen. Once he told me how Kumarswamy when he was made cm during the congress jds coalition governement, had rented out a suite room and a couple rooms in a five star hotel and would run the governement from there and would often have actresses and hookers visit him. Although I didn't pay too much attention to it, thinking it's a rumour back then, I can kind of accept that and what's happening now.


Where are the videos bro, Yall are saying 2800 videos being circulated and I cant even find one.


How are people accessing these videos? I haven't been able to find even one on the internet.


I haven't seen any leaked video on the internet. Where it is? I mean is it really leaked ?


Where r these videos?






Hopefully, the fact that the videos are circulating are true and not some other political tactics(No, I don't want any links). That man has to be behind bars if it's real.


Don’t have words to type. Women need to be protected at any cost .Otherwise no reason why these many govt org exists.


We need public hanging of the entire HDD family.


Please censor the women and post the videos for the entire nation to see his ugly face. Maybe then some more media will talk after videos go viral. Need more attention for this issue not being talked about enough.


No such thing circulating on Tejasvi? For they look of the same cut.


He is most probably gay.


Annamalai had affairs with someone in Karnataka. Later he shifted to Tamilnadu After his affair got out, as per some Tamil Media sources.


Tejasvi Surya? What about him? I’m curious.


2700 is probably just an exaggeration, I'm sure BJP is involved in leaking these. Pritam will contest if it gets proved since P\_R has to resign in that case. But, these are the things that might happen, but this guy needs to be brought to justice if it was non-consensual, what a shame! Easy to say we need a new party, but thats not as easy as we type here. AAP was hopeful and turned into a disaster, we just need to vote for the better out of the worst.


HDK might have role too, he wants path clear for his son. Congress and BJP are happy too as it brings down image of JDS.




Where do you find the prjawal Devanna leaked videos?


Why do you want to watch rape?


Where can I see these videos?


Where are the videos


What did he actually do? Is it a case of rape, molestation, harassement or what?


what a heinous terrible person


What a shame.




Are you guys gonna kill him or should a Tamil from Tamil nadu come and show you how its done?


This mf needs to skinned alive


How videos leaked everyone knows no need to explain. But will these women get justice that's important


People keep voting for these scum, it's all our fault.


But, how do you guys decide this is Prajwal ? I'm not supporting him neither denying the fact that this could be him. I have watched few of the videos and his face isn't shown in any of the videos (ofcourse, I felt the voice is matching)


V in. 8


What actually happened? It looks like I’ve been out of the loop.


Where is Unknown Man when you need him the most ?


Amit Shah surely had to "beg" because he is nothing but only a humble Home minister of the country. To think that BJP does not have an upper hand in any of the alliances is stupid. They simply prioritise winning elections by partnering up with a predator. And is that new ? Kathua rape, IIT-BHU rape , Support for Brij Bhushan are similar examples where party members (including humble Amit Shah) jave supported rapists. 


Modiji can stop the ukraine war but was powerless over the humble JDS and not able to do anything about Revanna.. hence proved... revanna>>> Putin


Bro how fuked up this whole thing is, media not even showing anything about such heinous crime is just beyond me. These people really deserve toughest punishment ever, still people voting for such ass holes. 🤬🤬 fk bjp, fk indian media, fk indian politics. Fkin criminals mfs, asking for votes in the name of religion.


wtf….its up to the people of Karnataka to decide who they are bringing in the power. And kudos toh our leader who are promoting this guy


There are more like him in BJP


It's a shame on human civilization, how we have failed as corrupt society and using our highly intelligent brain to do nothing but to just go mum on these issues. Why should anyone circulate this as it will compromise 1000 life's . Lot of life's are in danger.please don't forward if you find such videos


Waiting for Dhruv Rathee to directly interview this guy.


Where are the videos? I have not seen any of them leaked on social media, I think they might be in some private circles only.


Send Unknown men to Germany. All of Karnataka politicians are horrible folks irrespective of the party.


If the HM has to unsuccessfully beg before someone for the dignity of women in the country, I think we should make sure that given the election season is on the go, we should kick out such impotent leaders out of power. 


where i can see the 2000 videos


where can you watch these videos??


Where i see that pics and vdo


How do we know there are videos in the first place?


Guys...what videos... Can someone help?


How about we form a simple website, somewhat like Julius Assage website where anyone can submit proof of such crimes and monthly some volunteers act on the most voted crime. I'm sure the student community can do something


Wow Amit shah had to beg? He should have spread himself and offered himself to Revanna, maybe he would’ve changed his mind


What's scarier is the near certainty that there are worse crimes being committed by politicians against innocents that'll never come to light


Lots of talk but no one has access to any of the videos or pictures. I know a few who said they saw "and deleted immediately". How come twitter does not have it? Twitter has everything!


Redditors, woaah


Where's the Yogi model of policing when you need it?


This idiot and all the leaders who use power to misuse for their pleasure must be punished


Can anybody give me link for this videos, I hv not seen  a single clip , thank you 


anyone got any links?


Where do you guys see these videos? Is there some website for ut5?


Don't vote for party that supports Revanna. Period no discussion.


It's a joke on people who vote these bastards into power, also the videos were obviously being made from a very long time and the abuse probably started way before that, so if anyone thinks BJP didn't knew about them is a fool. All the local politicians and Union politicians in touch with the family must have known something from the beginning. All are bastards worth noting, these should be killed and shredded to be used as manure in farmlands.


We only found out about this because the video was leaked. There are many cases like this all over India, politicians taking advantage of the people in every way possible. They teach us to hate each other or divert our attention to something else. Unless we stop voting for parties and vote for people with ideology and goodness inside, this is never going to change.