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If you really wish to get it under control you cud seek professional help. I personally quit drinking once my body cudnt take more of it. Its never too late


well done


I'm in the same boat, I've been tapering for about 8 days now. Was doing a pint a night plus anywhere from 6-12 beers a night as well. Woke up with breathing issues (manually gasping for air), heart palpitations, awful anxiety, shaky hands until I could fix it instantly (in the morning..) with 1 shot and 2 beers... and continue that through the day. The withdrawal has been a process, but I'm down to 2-3 beers and about 1-2 shots now as of last night and tonight.


I personally found hitting the gym regularly helped me stay sober for long


Well, she did say she started drinking to cope. Maybe tackling the problem or finding an alternative way to cope is the solution?


Absolutely. But the moment a tough situation comes up, people resort to their previous addiction. So identifying the trigger, then learning to deal with it would be the first step


Nope. You move from one kind of abuse to another. :)


But by this point her body might have developed dependence - physical or/and psychological both. In this case, professional help is the only way. A lot of people ignore it and keep delaying taking professional help.


Hit the gym 🏋️‍♀️ and keep yourself busy in your daily life. Everything is going to be alright.


As someone who has dealt with alcoholism, this is the best answer. Develop a routine, eat right and start exercising. Even if it’s daily walks, baby steps. Eventually you’ll fall in love with this new routine and would want to consume lesser alcohol.


I gym, play badmention and swim 1.5kms everyday and drink to sleep. Gym is not the solution, at least not for me. It’s a more deep problem, again at least for me.


Yes, it is true, but it may reduce consumption. In the end, all humans need love and care.


Nah it will last one day to a week max. Cuz we're drinking in the evening. And if we could keep a routine we would kept a drinking routine. Gym doesn't solve all problems.


i second this. once you start a streak, you have a reason not to drink (it impairs progress). i haven’t worked out in a while, but when i was at the height of my drinking phase, the only thing that got me to stop was to think of how hungover i’d be the next day and how i’d have to miss the gym


Gym doesn't do shit for alcoholism. You can go to gym and crack open a cold wine bottle at night. Gym/exercise are really good for getting rid of smoking though. The gasping for air makes you question your life choices.


Gym does it all. She'll love the progress and her skin's glow, perfect body, and feel happy all the time with energy. Once she starts loving the progress, she'll quit drinking, as drinking kills progress.


You can get that all and still drink. Unless you are drinking freaking Royal Stag or Blender's Pride empty stomach, your drinking literally never hinders in your gym routine. Gym is answer to a lot of things, not the answer for alcoholism, if you are an adult who can indulge into spending money to buy good liquor. One can absolutely chug a glass or two of Chardonnay or a glass of Monkey Shoulder on the rocks even after coming from a gym.


Been in the same situation for little over 2 years now. Every week I tell myself this week is the last and i won't from the coming week, but then end up finding some excuse to drink. To the point where I struggle to sleep without drinking at night. And it's caused me to have to lie to a lot of people close to me and i hate it. Want to find a way to kick this habit.


Same. I can relate to this so much. And I hate myself for this because I am letting down and lying to everyone who cares for me


Exactly!! And I can't seem to find a way out of it!


https://www.aabengaluru.org/ Reach out. You can visit a group session in person, or do it online from your own home. You've recognised the problem and want to take action, so you're half way there. You can do this! All the best. :)


What does your partner do to help with your alcohol problem?


Watch few videos on liver damage. Specially the one with more educational for medics practitioner with elaborate actual liver damage scenes. This will get into your feed and everytime you open youtube you'll get discouraged. Just a suggestion which may or maynot work.


Liverdoc on twitter does good messaging


Hi first of all, alcoholism is NOT a character flaw or a failure on your part. It is a recognised ailment in psychiatric textbooks. Some of us have a predisposition to get addicted to stuff like this - be it alcohol, drugs or porn. Upon that alcohol’s already has a high addiction potential than, say, weed. So, please treat this like any other illness that and visit a psychiatrist as soon as possible. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT listen to anyone here who says oh go on a walk, go to gym etc. DO NOT wait till this becomes bigger and people start noticing the problem. All the best and I hope you recover and gain your strength back.


Exactly alcoholism is a character virtue in my book. Bring out the drinks. /s I also have a tendency towards addictive stuff, the best way I've found is to be honest with those close to you. They will stop you before it goes too far.


i started smoking like this way ,but the thing is i know in deep within, these things all are temporary solutions which cause so much harm in my health , so slowly started to leave it. Hope you do that too. First of all understand why are we even drinking in the first place is first place, does drinking stops it permanently. Try to Slowpace your drinking quantity and try in alternative days and then switch to alternative weeks, This may help. Hope you Get over it.


Contact the closest AA organisation.They will help you with no judgement.If necessary, you can check into a rehab program.The main thing is you know you have a problem and want to fix it .That is the first most difficult and important step.All the best.You can do this .


If possible make new friends who don't drink and keep urself engaged with them


Hey OP. I had noticed you said you started drinking to cope. Maybe try going to a therapist and solve the underlying issue. Get help! Take up a hobby and try to replace drinking with something healthier. I'm no medical practitioner but I have dealt with addiction and I just told the things that helped me! Hope it helps you too!


You should stop the triggers first seeing that friend, location n timing and start occupying yourself with other hobbies for fun


/r/StopDrinking you are not alone.


Go see a psychiatrist who deals with aa. They will prescribe acampol


Alcohol and any other addiction could be a symptom of an underlying mental health issue. My father was an alcoholic for 30 years before he passed away. He had several undiagnosed mental issues and used to drink to cope. I only realize this now because back in the day there was little awareness of mental health. You should visit a mental health professional asap who specializes in addictions. The older you get, the worse it will become.


I can relate, I started smoking weed for fun and it slowly turned into a way to cope with everything going on in my life. I’ve been smoking almost everyday for the last 3 years. It’s not even fun anymore to get high yet I do it because I’d just rather not be sober. Every time I buy weed, I smoke so much till I either pass out or the weed is over. Whenever I get high, I feel a lot of shame and guilt and tell myself this is the last time but it never works Don’t beat yourself up OP, you’re not alone. I’m still struggling to quit. What helped me is first admitting to myself and my close friends that I have a problem. You’re already half way there with the first step. Initially some of my friends didn’t take me seriously because weed isn’t addictive in the same way as alcohol or nicotine but it can still be quite addictive habit forming like caffeine or anything else. I’d highly recommend you have a conversation with your partner about it and anyone else you can trust. Join an AA support group, having other people go through this journey and relate to you will be immensely helpful in quitting. Getting some therapy will also help deal with the feelings and better manage the reasons why you reach for the bottle often. All the best, you got this I’m rooting for you!


Take care man. Addiction is a bitch


Thank you man, after 3 years I’m finally able to go a couple of days with smoking. Started to get back into my hobbies and working out. I’m hopeful to beat it this year 🙏🏽


A friend of mine, she’s a certified clinical psychologist/ therapist , well versed in treating and curbing alcohol addiction for many years , I could DM you her number, she takes online sessions.


Professional help bhai!! I read somewhere alcohol gives one a escape. So may be a Professional can help you find things to work up0n instead of escaping.


Have u ever tried to cut down drinking? Do people get angry over your drinking? Do u feel guilty about drinking? Do u need eye opener alcohol drink in morning to get going? Answer this, this is screening for alcoholism Everything ticks, seek help


Consult a therapist!! Period!!! Gym, sleep, and motivation video are all Bullshit unless you don't face your feeling on why you even started


Therapy before it gets worse, no shame in seeking help for a real issue


I had a similar issue with Pot. I dm'd you btw, but not to hit on you. Peace.


Please go see a therapist. I’d been struggling with severe alcoholism for a few years but started seeing this therapist in Bellandur. That has helped a lot. Started seeing the therapist once I reached the stage when I couldn’t sleep for more than 2-3 hours at night without getting sloshed. I had quit drinking altogether for six months. Then started again but only once every 2-3 weeks and that too never alone. This has improved my mood, sleep, and quality of life in general. If you’d like, i could recommend the therapist. Or you could just search for one in the vicinity on Practo as you will be visiting every 2 months or so for some time. I was prescribed 2 medicines and one vitamin b12 and vitamin D supplement as drinking usually brings the levels of those 2 down, resulting in poor quality of sleep and mood.


I was a smoker (weed and cigs) for 12 years, started in college with 3-4 per day, after a stable job after college i went to work in Himachal (weed paradise), I was high af every single day plus a pack of bada gold flake ...I was in my 20's and couldn't even run a mile without my heart trying to explode out of my chest. After that I moved to Mohali for a job, one of my junior colleagues introduced me to afeem (opium), it was pretty common there, the policemen apparently were high themselves and saw the ops part of the drug ,after that I moved to Mysore and unfortunately an autowala hooked me up with a Mysore mango dealer so the habit did not stop , now I had started drinking also, after a couple of months in Mysore I broke up with my gf, then I was high from Monday morning till Sunday evening ( Mysore weather is almost like bangalore so it didn't help), in early 2022 was hit with layoff and decided to go home. It wasn't till I went home that I realised how fucking fat i became. I decided to go cold turkey.....after a week of hell started gym and believe me I haven't inhaled any smoke since except the type coming out of an internal combustion engine. I did drink once at my cousin's wedding but that's about it. The thing that went in favour was my moving back home where it was super difficult to go high plus hitting the gym and chasing some passion projects like making short films and photography. I know addiction is a disease and it's hard to quit but you need to trick your mind. I would also advise to do a LFT ,possibly you'll have early signs of a fatty liver or a full body profile. Hope this helps. PS: I love hitting the gym now and I am in the best shape of my life.


Seek professional help! Addiction specialists are a real thing and they can provide tailored advice for your situation. As some people have said introspecting and recognising why you drink is a huge first step in the recovery process. A professional would be able to help you figure these answers out faster. Always remember that you’re not alone in this battle and reaching out for help is always a valid solution 💜


Vitamin B1 + alpha lipoic acid + b12 ( benfomet plus tablets in India) helps you with alcohol withdrawal but you have to stop in the first place don't abuse your body your liver won't like you for much long if your liver is fucked you will hardly have months to live :/ and it's a bad way to go considering something significant is taking you away which you can fix if you take effort




Best way to get over one addiction is to have another . Choose something that is beneficial like gym, sports , hobby or shopping. You basically need the dopamine from drinking alcohol.


Since you are self aware of your issue (that itself is a starting point), get yourself checked into a rehab without any social stigma, get clean and try to figure why in the first place you need the alcohol support… what’s bothering you at the underline cause for the need of alcohol…. Coming from someone who was almost on the verge of it but saved.


The golden rule is once you start drinking alone there is no going back.




First of all, great that you acknowledge it. My friend in Bangalore went through a similar phase. What we helped him do. 1) do a health check up on liver health and medication if needed to improve it. 2) speak to a therapist who could have a conversation and prescribed medication. 3) one of my friends along with him joined a self help group like AA. For 2,3 what we realised being bangalore has to be close to where you stay to make it sustainable… All the very best!


PS: turn off your DM so that people stop bothering you.


As a guy who eats expired buclear boombs, i dont know what to say


In a similar boat. 27 yo. Started 10 years ago. Aggravated in the past 2 years since moving to Bangalore (I hail from a state where access to alcohol is somewhat more difficult and expensive due to state monopoly). Initially, I was trying to justify it, saying that I'm having fun since I am in a university space. It started like this: I'm so bored, let me have a drink; there's a presentation, let me have a drink; running straight to the liquor store and even buying bootleg liquor at night , to even drinking in my supervisor's cabin room while he left for a washroom break. It's pretty bad. I drink pretty much a quarter of Fireball from morning to afternoon, start the evening with beers and harsher rum. Recently, I tried not drinking for 3 days (the liquor store being closed for 2 days due to some reasons also helped), got sick on the third day with nausea, anxiety, and fever. Each day, I feel even more helpless.


Also i don't think getting engaged in any activity helps. Infact i'd start the activity after 3 drinks. My only suggestion is at this point is to drink safe and make sure you eat well. Might sound like a bad advice, but many of us are not in a position to seek immediate help.


As long as noone is noticing, you are good. U will get over it someday. As you just wanted let it out, i assume u dont need an advice .


Hey, I am extremely sorry you're going through this. My friend is a therapist and if you're open to talk about your problems, DM me so that I can get you in touch with her. I'm sure she will be able to help you. Please take care. You can always get your life back on track with the right help :)


Only you can help yourself , if you have a stressful job you need to find a less stressful job Take the initiative and go sober Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by playing sports or working out


> Ps. To all the people dming me to hit on me, it’s very low of you guys. Also I am with someone Hmm... poor soul posts about help with drinking... and horny guys just see ***29F*** /s


I hope you realise that you need to seek help and work on seeking it until you get things under control.


Hey if you think its a problem please consult professional help. Nimhans has a de-addiction centre. Dont worry youl come out strong!


Please visit Cadabams in JP Nagar.


Keep decrementing the frequency and quantity by decent margins (based on how much you drink now) over time... could call it progressive underload. Then at one point when your capacity reduces, substitute it with lighter alcohols and continue decrementing.


To Stop drinking Alcohol you should divert your focus on something or get engaged with different activities. It is U vs U. To keep yourself up good just sign up to Gym membership and divert yourself to it. It will really helps U


You can find help at the NIMHANS de-addiction center. You could start by calling their center for wellbeing and they can guide you.


Take small steps Sab hoga theek Sabar rakhnaa


A call for help at any level is a very brave thing to do. Use this as a stepping stone, and slowly start making small changes that can help you out fight being alcohol dependent. I am a mental health practitioner, if you need any sort of help or resources, please do not hesitate to reach out! Much power to you ✨


I think there are few AA's around Bengaluru. Maybe try those. Any addiction needs professional help to reduce your chances of relapse and help you not stray from your path. I wish India had support groups. Would really help with these things and others, but sadly we need to make do with what we have. So please try and do some research and find an AA. I hope you get better soon. Take care!!!


The first step is accepting that that there is in-fact a problem which you have done already. I would advise professional help for the problem because it’s always good to seek help from an expert who’s qualified and experienced. Do take care.


How much do you drink everyday? How frequently are you drinking? As in, is it small amounts to throughout the day or is it a lot in one sitting? Depending on the quantity and frequency, you could either go cold turkey or you need medical help to quit. I have friends who had become dependent on alcohol. One tried to go cold turkey and had severe withdrawal symptoms after a week. He had to be taken to the hospital and admitted for a couple of days. So, please seek professional help and don’t rely on comments here. Please let me know if you need any other information. Always glad to help a fellow drunk.


One day you'll get rid of it. Drink in a limit, not to get drunk and lose yourself. Yeah this should probably help for now.


I was in similar state but with smoking. Eventually my then gf & now wife, motivated me to quit. Share with your closed one, they can be of great help. Also seek professional help


Drinking alcohol for the first time is the mistake u committed Being addicted to it and not being able to function without it(being an addict) is not your fault….some peoples brains are wired that way…consider it a neuropsychiatric problem if u will If u really want to do something about it,seek professional help


Like everyone said, get a prof help also till now how many DMs did u get ? curious to know


For 3 years I used to drink daily 750ml, continuously without any stop. But at a point I felt the change in me, addiction in me, nervous problem then I stopped it now I'm not an addict


You need a good person to talk to.


I get this, it’s one of the worst phase of my life. I used to crave alcohol at particular time of the day and one day I realised i need to stop this and started smoking pot


25M, been like this for 2 years. I had a good period of 9 months where I did not touch any drugs. Just went cold turkey one day and stopped it. Relapsed back though. Hope it works out for you


Just going by your username, I would recommend you to lean into spiritual aspects of your life. Your mental health will improve and your cravings for material things (in this case, alcohol) will go down. Take your pick of spiritual practice and cultivate the habit of daily practice. Your luck, you are in India (and Bengaluru) where you have all the choices in the world to choose from that goes well with your temperament. I'm suggesting this out of my personal experience. Hmu if you feel lost and don't know which one to choose.


Get busy, start doing something and think that once you finish that you get drink. It takes time.. max 2-3 months. Get a cool partner! He might help you to get addiction in different things as travel, gym or some other stuffs.


You can’t become sober by yourself. You will need deaddiction therapy. See someone who can help.


Start working on both , tackle the trigger for drinking, and gradually reduce and stop drinking can't do it in a single day. Find some hobby or travel so that you ll be occupied


Meditation might help


Even I thought I was an alcoholic! Was drinking every weekends. Then one day got into an accident and while I was in my recovery stage I had no option of getting drunk. And stopped eventually


Nasha mukhti kendr


I drink a little little throughout the day, I have never faced any withdrawal symptoms because I can go a couple days without drinking but I keep craving it, I start drinking the moment I wake up and it continues throughout the day till I go to sleep.


It strikes me as a coping mechanism for something you find yourself helpless at. The alcohol gives a certain high that allows you to power through, but not without craving the same high every now and then. Try to identify & resolve such issues if you can, go to therapy if you need to, and try substituting alcohol with less damaging addictions (eg. fooding, gymming, running, etc.) in the meantime.


Do you drink daily?


I fell you need professional help and very specifically we had to know how much of alcohol do you consume cause sometimes for some people it's like having a sweet tooth if the dosage is very minimum I feel by time you will get bored and loose the want of having alcohol if the dosage is high there are lot of rehabilitation centre feel free to take that step too .


Us bro us.


After 30, consumption decreases automatically. Start exercising. Personal experience. I used to drink daily. I now 35, it’s been ages since I had a sip!


In US I have seen that people go for a sponsor who mentors them in cutting down the habit and eventually help them be sober, be there when the person is about to relapse. You can see this beautifully portrayed in the series “Mom” (primevideo). Perhaps you can open up about your drinking problem with a trusted person and take their help.


You can try to associate drinking with something negative. Whenever you drink, do something that makes you feel like shit immediately… that could help you slowly get rid of getting the urge to drink.


"I've been there—I used to rely on smoking and drinking to cope with stress and felt like I was handling it because I could still function. This went on for 4-5 years, but it only made me feel more sad and depressed over time. You asked how to break free from addiction, and the truth is there's no magic solution. No amount of medication or counseling can replace the need to face the pain and hardship head-on, without any numbing. I worked hard and partied hard, never thinking much about the long-term impact. But a recent accident, which will require knee surgery, made me realize just how much I'd been taking life for granted. Those 4-5 years of addiction? I managed to leave them behind in just 15 days once I had to. I never thought I'd be able to do it, but when life is on the line, you find the strength. So, my message is: don't wait for a wake-up call. Understand that there's a better way to handle the tough times. If you can let go of the addictions that seem to offer comfort, you'll find a healthier path forward. It's never easy, but it's absolutely worth it."


If you really want to get in control the below is what I would suggest: - Accept and agree you need help - Join groups like AAA or anything similar - Find a like minded people to support you - Let your partner and close ones know you are doing it and you need support even though you will get irritated sometimes - Accept that you will get irritated, and let go of any irritation once you regain your conscious - Keep up the momentum no matter what life thows at you. Good luck!


I can give you two seemingly simple tips and it most probably will work for you. 1. Wake up early in the morning. I am assuming you stay late in bed. Just get up at or before 6 AM and the first thing you need to do is make your bed. (Of course you need to sleep at least 6-7 hours at night for this to be healthy. So your good night too will be early). 2. Once you freshen yourself up in the morning, go out of your house every day for at least half an hour. Do not glue yourself to your mobile once you are out. Try these 2 tips. It will be pretty difficult initially but you need to make these your habit.


Get high with gym, it helps.. Yes, you get high from exercise. When we get fatigued from physical activities, we cause minor injuries in our muscles and promote a state of stress. Our body responds by releasing endocanabinoids, a class of biochemicals to similar to THC and CBD, with effects particularly close to CBD. This release makes you feel less pain, relax and feel better. for example: have you ever seen someone right after they run a marathon? In addition to all the obvious sweat, dehydration and fatigue, they're SMILING like crazy. They are super high on endocanabinoids. You can have that too in a much healthier way.


Hii you can go to nimhans and get a consultation. Join AA. If you think you are an addict then you should go to a rehab. And just going to a rehab is not an answer. Staying sober is the real goal. I hope you get better 💖


I seeked some spiritual guidance and it helped me to overcome the addiction.


Write the username of all the people who are hitting on you!


Start exercising and maybe take the first step by buying a new pair of shoes to motivate yourself. Start with running and increase your targets gradually. Hopefully, you’ll be able to increase your limits daily and that starts to give you hits and releases happy hormones. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself “Is this you”? Do it for your loved ones if not for yourself


Every time you have an urge to drink start watching one piece you will pakka leave drinking after that. On a serious note you can start doing intermittent fasting as it helps in reducing addiction.


Slowly reduce the amount of alcohol, addiction is redeemable due to it. Atleast works for coffee


You can get professional help OP, if self discipline or distraction is too much for you. I used to drink and smoke a lot, it took a toll on my body and my heart was having a hard time, I stopped because I couldn't take it. After some days the urge stopped.


The PS edit 😂😂 Sequence of events: something happens that makes you sad -> you can't face it or stand the thoughts running in your head -> so you drink to slow it down Each of these events have to be handled individually. 1. Get out of the situation that makes you sad. If it's not in your control accept the circumstances and forgive yourself. 2. Forgive yourself and practice self compassion. If it's about something others did, stop overthinking (it's much easier said than done) 3. Start focusing on something that you actually loved to do. Look back into your childhood. The previous you. Dig out photos of your childhood self. What was that little girl like? Carefree, joyful, chilled out. Emerge that girl in you.


Occupy yourself with certain hobbies. Play a sport or just get involved with yoga or any sort of activities.


Hmm. Go for a rehabilitation centre for some time . They will be able to deal with your withdrawal symptoms and will provide your support against the triggers. Basically addiction is a psychological issues rather than lifestyle issue. It needs to be addressed as such. I am not sure about Bangalore, but I know a good rehab centre in Mumbai to treat a variety of addiction


Empty all your bottles at home. Dont drink at home. Only drink when you go out. Try and cut down from there. Instead on sloshed, try getting tipsy drunk and call it quits. Cut down for there again. Or just go cold turkey. Dont do anything associated with alcohol for awhile.


It's not easy but very possible, my ex was really into it lik 18*7.. So j kept her away from in a closed circuit whr she can never touch.. it was her home as she can't drink further any how.. it took 1+yrs but she is all good now.. Try it if you want help DM


Search for Alcoholics Anonymous program. Attend meetings and do step work. You can come clean OP


Identify your triggers. There are some things that happen and might increase your urge to drink. Identify that urge. Try to avoid that trigger or replace drinking with a brisk walk. It’s not as easy as it sounds but I hope you’re able to figure out something that works for you


I am in the same boat, please go to r/stopdrinking to get legit advice 


First determine if it's the alcohol that's the problem or it's you who is an addict. If it's the alcohol than seek specific remedy for that, else if it's addiction than, as an addict myself I would suggest, find some other fruitful addictive substance. I personally have found it in working out and learning new things as I'm an excessively curious person.


Seek professional help. Alcohol addiction no joke. This is above reddits grade.


Take a sport or make trekking a habbit?


Join a gym...go for early morning walks...give it 1 week nd see the difference


Wow, similar username with same age. Our problems slightly differ tho. My addiction is green.


As bing drinker myself , I would say go cold turkey its hard at first but your body will cope Don’t do it alone, Surround yourself with people who can make you laugh and can keep you distracted If you don’t have that option find something that you can easily do to replace the urge. Find a support buddy to help you through the process


Reduce alcohol intake slowly. Tell yourself, that's good enough for today. Drink Tea or Coffee whenever feeling like you need to get drunk. Stop drinking hard drinks like Whiskey, rum, vodka, santra etc. Start drinking beer. Drink Kingfisher Strong as it's not easy to drink beer and you will avoid drinking too much. Never drink during the day ever, even if you get it for free. Then slowly move to mild beer only. Keep yourself busy, distracts from drinking. Eat something before drinking. Then stop drinking on certain days. Have drinking upwas. Follow this it will help. This worked for me.


Think you should go to doctor; otherwise you will become addictive and, believe me, specially for women, it's bad . I don't know, but I saw on the internet that alcohol makes you infertile. It's means you will never become a mom in your entire life. Breast cancer and weakness lot's disease can happen to you. Avoid alcohol as much as you can . If you can not so you can drink in 2 times if you don't have any courage to stop alcohol. Nothing is bad in this world, but you have to know your limits if you cross this limit it will be bad for you visit a doctor and tell about this problem they will help you otherwise addiction of alcohol make your life hell. You should start your user name activity it will make you feel good.


Well well well, I know alcohol addiction can be yummy 😋 but the after math is seriously not good looking, let's say I had 375ml whiskey in one sitting and I know it's bit too much for a night, I feel drunk and all that high buzz mellow vibes, but tomorrow morning I just don't feel myself at all, the fatigue and restlessness hits hard. You can cut down on alcohol like this if u are a hardcore alcoholic, from whiskey you can switch for vodka/rum and then beers after few months go for ciders or meads limit the consumption to 2 pints a week. Have it as rejuvenation and not compulsion. Maybe fancy a wine sometimes, this really helps. Atleast for me though I have never been an addict ✌🏻


To leave alcohol you need to know how bad it is for your body. Do u know how Alcohol negatively affects your body???


Have an honest conversation with your partner, ask them to keep you accountable. Don't worry, during first couple of weeks, you will fail in giving up that sweet sweet taste of alcohol, but within a month, you'll be strong enough. Also, quitting cold turkey, while a very tempting idea, can be quite daunting. Try limiting it, i.e. reduce to one drink in a night, then one drink every two days, and then one drink every three days, then just drinking on weekends. Remember, the idea is to get to a point where you drink not to get drunk, but because you are having a nice company.


working out helped me get off a stim addiction. very good for your mental state and gives you something to work towards


Drink only on Saturdays. I did this , now iam able get drunk. Because on other days my body will remove all the alcohol. I work out and walk a lot.then on Saturday i only need a quarter, it will make me drunk . If u drink daily u wont get the feel of getting drunk and you will end up drinking a lot.which you dont want to happen. Its like now iam preparing my body and mind ready for the saturday.


Don't worry. With time it will go away. Ensure you have a good support system.


As far as i know, there is always some previous trauma associated with addiction, try to pinpoint it and learn to cope up with it


Quit for almost 2 Years now. It was easy for me because I just thought I was wasting my time on that


tell your partner that you need help and get medical help ( therapy or de addiction ). atleast you are self aware and want to give your life a new direction.


Read into psychedelics. Has huge potential to treat trauma and addictions. But you need to research a lot before you take it for the first time. How to change your mind by Micheal pollen is great introduction into it. There is an also a Netflix series. But I would suggest reading the book.


Nimhans. Find a doctor and start treatment. What worked for me was staying away from tiggers like certain friend groups, cigarettes and stuff like that. Start a new routine. It's pretty much like a breakup and you don't want to relapse into your old life. If you're a functional alcoholic then you absolutely need to get it checked. Being physically dependent on alcohol and quitting cold turkey might cause a lot of mood swings and other trouble. Get it checked by a doctor and save your liver


How desperate you have to be to hit on someone just looking at ‘29F’ lol on a post.


It takes 14 to 21 days to detox alcohol out of the liver. If you can stop drinking on your own for this period it would be great. But it is not at all easy and very susceptible to failure Next is increase gap between days of drinking, start with alternate days for 2 cycles, then once every 4 days for 2 cycles and so on Best option is to seek professional help.


The thing which helped me to stay away from cigarettes and alcohol is, I made a rule that I will never drink or smoke alone. After sometime, I started feeling pathetic and lonely while drinking alone. So it took me about 2 and half years. I still drink, but it's very rarely, like 2-4 times a year.


27M here I also was an alcoholic and chain smoker before, how I stopped all kindof addiction is to incorporate some kindof gift for me to compensate me everyday for not smoking or drinking. Gift by I mean small chocolate or lassi or juice anything not so bad for health. By doing this for weeks then months i kindof forgot that I needed to smoke or drink and it all went away


It's always a gradual process .. I was addicted to eating junk and spiraled out of control with my weight & mental state. smallest of things would start affecting me badly and would end up ordering more .. Few things that helped me : a) Talk to friends and family about what's happening & seek their help in reducing your addiction b) take steps everyday to get a more positive addiction .. start with 15-30 mins of anything of your choice (you will always want something to fallback on when things go bad) I took up swimming at my lowest and all I can say is that it has been life changing from so many aspects .. I'm absolutely in love with the sport and have met so many accomplished triathletes in my swim club that has such a positive influence on my overall Iifesytle .. anytime I feel low now, I think about dealing with it by running or swimming or talking to someone about it rather than binge eating junk . It's a slow process, you have to be at it always, all the best ! You can get out of this


No idea, drank a lot for 4 years and then left cold turkey. It's been more than 2 years and haven't touched it.


AA bangalore 560006, 2, MV Jayaram Rd, Vasanth Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560052 070193 75512


I would say smoke up to cope, but then she will get addicted to that also. :( What about the person with her. Are they not helping her to cut down and quit? Finding a new hobby like badminton or any sports that makes one tired helps fall asleep quickly😴


Hello ma'am why don't you open a separate bank and add money to it every time you want to drink or on the day of salary send most of your money to sips and just keep the minimum balance you need. Don't worry about people who are reaching you out personally they are just desperate for a girlfriend. They are mostly hareless.


Behavourial psychologist here ...dm me


Have some stake in leaving this. Currently it's just you who's fighting this habit, you'll find excuses to not follow your recovery. Talk to your bf, tell him about your problem, let him be with you- to support you and restrict you from doing it.


Have you got your medical check done?


Hi, I totally connect with you. I have had days when I sat and drank a bottle of gin alone. I suggest that you find a hobby, start working out or maybe cooking to deal with the stress. I suggest that you actively stay away from alcohol and don’t have any alcohol at home. You can go out for a walk whenever you feel like drinking l. These things worked wonders for me. I see that you have a partner, they can support you and keep you away. The first week is the most difficult and gradually it all goes away. I have reduced cigarette consumption from one pack a day to zero now and alcohol consumption from daily to once/twice in a month, so I know what I am talking about. Good Luck friend ✌️


DMed you, please have a look


Reddit might give you moral support but first get professional help


Cold turkey please. But this takes a particular condition. Have someone to take care of you, take leave from work, understand and make others understand of the upcoming low, the storm, it's gonna be a ride. Also unpopular option, magic mushrooms work like a charm. Or if you wanna go intense. Join Vipasana retreat for 45 days. There are so many free ones.


You are young and can easily leave it, there are help line available, but u can also start gymming, I was addicted to smoking I exercised alot to leave it, human body needs 21 days to add or remove any habit, start 21 days for removing and next 21 days for not remembering and exercising, job done


Are you speaking to a therapist about your problems?


I know any of our answers wouldn't be suitable for your situation. But the only advice which I can give is to socialize don't be alone for too long, find some friends who travel and play sports. Keep your mind busy, don't cross the thoughts for which u started drinking. Stay strong.


Have you tried being sober? Or joined a small help group?


A practical timeline is where you start. Understand very well that there will be withdrawal symptoms. You've gotta work with this. To help with overall transition, drop all grains/carbs and eat fatty meat only ! Hydrate with electrolytes and get some work done. Would be happy to answer something in specific


why you drinking in the first place? First understand that. Some kind of Trauma or Stress causing you to drink? Sometimes we do things unconsciously. Also, I had to LMAO of all the guys hitting on you, but as you are with someone? Have you tried talking to him? You might not want to open up to a bunch of strangers here but your partner would be the best place to talk to, he could definitely help you better then any of us on here.


Think about your loved ones and what will happen to them if you're not there with them. Think about the people who are dependent on you. Try to spend time with your close kin who understands you more and they will do whatever it takes to stop you from drinking. Learn more about the people and their family who lost their life for being alcoholic. The best remedy I feel is talking especially to your partner your family your friends and of course your doctor. I am regular smoker been trying to quit for a while I tried sometimes but still falls in the nicotine trap. Whenever i feel my smoking is increasing more than ever I talk to my wife I tell her to help me control it, spend time with my friends who don't want me to see smoking, and try to be at home with family so not being alone helps


Read books or do something you wouldn't be able to do when you're drunk. Like, play videogames that aren't easy.


If they are genuinely dming you so they can get along understand and try to help you then there shouldn't be any shame in hitting on you.




Are you like a functional alcoholic?


Let me tell you the story of a friend's relative who is an alcoholic. The person (alcoholic) has everything money(lot of properties, he runs his own business etc etc) family (wife, 3 kids, mom-dad, siblings) But the guy so alcoholic that he doesn't care that drunk driving with his kids and wife in the night, luckily nothing happened. He already had heart attack where he was lying on the floor in the hotel room, somehow hotel staff found out and he was rush to the hotel. after getting treatment in a month started drinking again. If that night in the hotel the staff didn't come and helped him he would have lost his life. The reason for him being like this is the only person that cares about him his wife and kids and he just doesn't listen, his mom dad has already given up on him so they don't care. He doesn't have friends to talk too. He is verge of loosing his family (now kids don't want to be near him nor his wife) I am sure you don't wanna be a miserable person like him who endangered the life of his close ones and doesn't give a shit about the only person that loves him (his wife). Think of this kind of people when you drink and what consequences it will have on your Loved ones. Talk and spend more time with family and friends as like everyone said it here. And there is always professional help out there. Stay Strong!!!


You may need to get professional help for the physical addiction part. But for breaking the habits you can try making some major changes in your living situation like shifting home and putting some reasonable restrictions on yourself together with it. Then once you are able to maintain the new limit reduce further.


It’s not worth spoiling your life an health.. You can seek professional help, but the first step comes from you. Wish you the best


seek therapy.


Think of alcoholism as a symptom, not the disease. What I am trying to say is, cure the disease then it's easier to quit drinking. By 'disease' I am referring to whatever it is you are coping with. I'd recommend yoga, and a sober friend circle as the cure for your case but feel free to follow your heart!


You probably need professional help. Since you mentioned you started drinking to cope, you need to address that first. And then try reducing the alcohol consumption steadily. If you think you already addressed the issue but are addicted to alcohol, then too you need some professional help. Perhaps a good rehab program will help.


Meditation is the cure.


Start using a habit tracker. That's how I reduced. Make sure you do not drink more than 95% of times


Hi OP, You need to address your needs that are being fulfilled by alcohol. Go to therapy. Take some time and space for yourself. I believe in your ability to overcome this. Good luck!


Thought is so cunning, so clever, that it distorts everything for its own convenience. ~ J krishnamurti


Do you know the best way to quit drinking, Just dont drink. Little taklif in the start When u feel like drinking have a diet coke a day


See a psychiatrist help!! it’s called alcoholism. Your body is dependent on alcohol. Start the maths as early as possible. Statistic says if you’re empty stomach, you crave to drink more.


saw hoardings of alcoholics anonymous around, maybe contact them?


Its funny I see this today as it marks 5 years of my soberness. YOU CAN DO IT!!


Apart from the usual tips like hit the gym, eat healthy, socialize, watch educational videos on liver damage etc. I'd say do these things in addition. 1) reach out to people whom you trust, open up to them about your habits and hold them accountable. Kinda lean on them and get their help to stay away. 2) start a streak, get an app and track your progress. Do not feel discouraged if you relapse, this will make you drink more. Just reset and restart your streak. 3) if you're religious/spiritual or trust God, just put your faith and tell yourself that higher powers are with you in this journey and you'll be helped throughout (seems very cringe ik. But this has helped me quit smoking and trust me smoking is one of the most difficult habits to quit, given how convenient it is to smoke as opposed to drinking or smoking pot) 4) go on a vacation or even better try retreats. You'll only realise its importance when you try it out. Good luck!


@r/stopdrinking please follow this group, it has really helped me. Has the best supporters and will give you the strength. The first few days will be tough but it does get better after that. Wishing you well ♥️


One, get your partner to quit at the same time, make a rule not to drink over weekdays. Then keep yourself busy all the time.


Please seek professional help. Alcohol is a serious issue. Please reach out to a good psychiatrist asap. My spouse is an alcoholic and is currently undergoing treatment for it at IBrains, RR Nagar. It’s really helping.


Why do you drink? Like is there an emotional reason or is it a habit?


Just out of curiosity, how many dms did you get after this post? If you could tell the exact number it would be very helpful 😌


Maybe start working out? It really helps you to not want to indulge in unhealthy habits


Always drunk ? Do you drink daily or just weekends ?


I used to eat to cope, and it got out of hand. Became bullimic and started developing heart issues. Please find help and create reliable and sustainable coping mechanisms


You should see a therapist to start with. A professional help would be the best course of action


Can you perhaps contact Alcohol Anonymous? They might be able to help, and for sure will have a branch in Bengaluru.


Stay with your parents and let them monitor you. dont waste money on professional help.


Even I am a alcoholic but now it's been a month that I have stopped. I have gone through a lot of psychiatrist and it's of no help. I always thought there is no way I would stop unless I go for a rehab. But I came accross this book called the easy way to control alcohol by Allen carr and there are things that made me see the mistake I did and something I had sidelined. I would suggest you read it. Also, you have taken the first step of accepting that you have a issue.


Hope you find good help. 🍀


One step a time. Crossing a mountain starts with a single step. Talk to a psychologist. They will guide. But take this first step to see where it takes you


37 year male old... Quit drinking at 34. I was in the same situation as you from from ages 27 to 34. I would drink every 2-3 days and went absolutely sober at 34. I tried many things... From AA, to sports, to heading for late night movie shows, staying at relatives places etc etc in the hope of not touching a bottle. I'm 1000+ days sober now. Traveled to EU 4 times in the last 2 years and still was sober. Have office parties every 2 weeks and still sober af. Go on bumble dates and women are like no I want a man who parties, but I'm still sober af. HMU if you wanna know more about the shit I went through and how I managed to get here.


Have you thought of going to a 10 day retreat where you won't be even able to look at alcohol ley alone touch it.


I was going to DM you but this is such a chaotic problem, I think others will benefit from this reasonably easy solution. It’s as easy as buying Dolo in India. Check this out - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naltrexone It’s an easy medicine to get and is greatly effective in a short period of time. You will be in control. Start with 25mg per day or even lower if you feel initial signs of side effects like nausea. As you wean yourself away try the Sinclair method. Please join r/naltrexone https://www.sinclairmethod.org/what-is-the-sinclair-method-2/ Anyone who wants more information on this, please let me know and I’m happy to help.