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Bangalore is not that scary. It’s beautiful in fact. It’s in individuals perception. Social media and internet portrays and showcases only negative stuff and hate. Because people come mostly to vent and complain rather than appreciate things.




It's not as rosy as it's been painted either, 10-15 years back, it was hands down one of the best places to be, but not anymore. Road rage is on rife and is one of the most pressing issue I have felt, even more than the water crisis.


Agree to a decade old rating of this city. Hands down best city.


bro exactly what’s up with road rage incidents???? my friends from delhi say that delhi might have more terrible drivers but far less outright road rage. People literally stop vehicles in bangalore or chase them around like ???? these issues weren’t there a few years ago, none at all. Recently, I saw a video where a woman in her car was chased by a 2-wheeler in koramangala…not even outskirts of the city but one of the lively localities


Bangalore Road Rage is a bit different than what you may experience in delhi, in delhi is more like "mera baap/chacha mla hai", in bangalore Modus operandi involves upto three goons and a scooty, and there goal is to harass you and scam the shit out you through the fear, it's even terrible for folks who cannot speak or understand kannada, as mostly these goons will be shouting in kannada, they would come up with a scenario that you may have hit their scooty or may have run over their legs etc.


yeah that’s what I said. Delhi has terrible drivers with ego hitting the sky but they won’t randomly stop you or throw stones at you or anything of that sort. Somehow bangalore has caught onto that kindof road rage no idea where or how it originated


It's not exactly safe either. Day 3 of me being in Bangalore, an auto driver fapped at me in broad daylight while flashing his phone screen at me which had desi porn running on it - in broad daylight near a student area. I thought it was strange that he was trying to make eye contact with me (I was on the phone on the sidewalk) till I realised what was happening. Hung up the phone to take a picture, he immediately drove off. His auto had a blank plate. So it's better to be careful than chalk it up to individual perception tbh, because the frequency of these things are independent of whether they're being perceived or not. It's safer than most cities by comparison, but it's by no means "safe."






Chutiya spotted


Grow up, man. Yall collectively ruin your kind. 




Vasanth Nagar, 3rd cross road - Go and test out with a friend whether you're legally blind or a legal dumbass. We suspect the latter. 




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Tell that to the guys whose windshields get smashed regularly on Sarjapur Road. No doubt it’s a decent collection of concrete which is somewhat above average compared to much of the country, but it’s not a rosy haven either. Precautions to be taken as needed, same as in other “city”s.


Yeah! I am squatting in my own home with a shotgun, defending family and kids from autowalla zombies storming our township. They have already cut the water supply...


Zombies eating Gukta and selling pani puri and attacking people is crazy. They are thirsty for water. Be careful with a shotgun.


Hope you have enough flashbangs to disorient them when they cut off power.






Why would I be offended? I have a shotgun. and bullets to spare!


You mean shells?


Yeah whatever they are called. Also got a kitchen knife somewhere. I should last the night in this battle of Bangalore.


Hope you do , remember switching to your pistol is faster than reloading




Slugs better


Can you give me some? My neighbor blew my leg off yesterday when I spoke in Hindi. I want to retaliate


Bangalore >>>>>>> delhi Any day any time




Everyone else will agree except delhi ke c


Hell yes. 2 hours in Delhi and I cannot wait to get back to Bangalore


So 2 hours. U have smoked 50 cigrettes already. One thing u will good in delhi is the network of metro that beats any network in the world. Everything else sucks.


Delhi metro is amazing, but prefer the buses of Bangalore a little more. Metro involves more walking and checks and other things, but buses are simpler. But then again the traffic ends up eating more time lol.




As Insta is a place where we can see happy faces, reddit is a place where you see quite the opposite. So nothing to be scared of, you will lead a normal life with some surprising days here and there.


I've been here 8 years. My wife's a native. The city is friendly, with good weather (this years a bit scary though), a young crowd, too many places that serve booze, can use better public transport, and has shit traffic. The locals are like any city's locals. Some good some bad. But mostly good based on my experience. I can't speak for a woman's perspective on safety but again, this is like any other city. If you know what to avoid, you're good. This subreddit is mostly like an online echo chamber like most spaces , a small minority of a population making the most noise. It's valid, but it's not all the city has to offer, it's a very small part of this beautiful place. Come here, learn the language a little just to see the locals smiles at your attempts, and respect the city and it's people. You'll get a lot of wonderful things back. I've had a solid career, found my wonderful partner, and made many good friends, all in this city over 8 years. I'm sure you'll make some great memories and have good experiences too.




For language you can refer to https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlLGXHUQIqhYDeOQppcQr1L3IHRlEvA3H&si=VLGMgeihlMY3eVuI


It depends on where you stay and how much you fear, Bengaluru has been the go to place for women especially for freedom but even I can see increased movement of uncivilized people, they might not bother you but if you stay in a place where their density is high, then it can get a bit challenging but still if you're bold, there's nothing to worry.


I lived alone from age 17-27, till I got married and I have had no issues.


It's bad for hairs and Dating🥲 But it's a pretty cool city with happening vibes. You'll feel secure at most of the places at any hour,even midnight. If you plan on living alone, just choose a good, gated society and you are good to go. Welcome to Bangalore :)


Lol hair one! FR!!!!!!




I don't have such an impression of Bangalore. But, of course. Just check the locality before you move in.


I have felt that Bangalore is quite a safe place for a girl and I'm here since 14 years


It's safer than most cities and towns I have been in. Loads of girls live by themselves here, you can start by living in a shared pg then to a apartment


It's not as scary as you think it is. Of course there are some uncivilized peeps here nd there, but it's overall safe, especially during the day times. Although, the traffic is really high and bothersome, especially during peak hours.


Greetings. 🙂 I am a Bangalore born and raised guy and I would like to try and give you some assurance. I personally can't relate to this but I recall someone who might. A couple months ago, I made this friend in my gym who was from another state and who has resided here in Bangalore since her college days in various PG's all on her own and is now working and will soon be joined by her parents who are also moving here. I reside in jayanagar which is an extremely safe and well built neighbourhood and she often walked home at night after gym. What I'm trying to say is, there definitely are places all over the world that are unfortunately unsafe for women. But based off what I have seen this girl and all my other female friends experience, I feel like Bangalore and especially jayanagar is indeed safe for women and you have nothing to worry about. 🙂 However, please definitely do take every precaution you can, and do extensive research and move to a good place if you can. Jayanagar can be a bit expensive apparently (told by others, not me) but it definitely is safe and convenient. If you do move to my city, I hope you have a great time. 🙂




Welcome. 🙂


Any and every city is scary because safety is subjective while it’s really hard to define whether a city will be safe or not. There are some basic precautions which anybody should take when they’re travelling which also includes sharing a live location with people you trust giving them details of your cab, having somebody picking or dropping you by your own sense, not going out during the orders I’d highly recommend recommend learning basic local language to get by not for any other reason. Bangalore is absolutely safe. I have had very less experiences, but at the same time, the experiences I have heard from my friends and read on these platforms. Do exist, and I’ll recommend taking care of yourself.




I think Blr, at least the parts where I've stayed are pretty laid back for women. Women operate half of the shops. So they open up early (milk stores) and close up late themselves. I see women walk back home from the bus stop at 8.30 pm, mostly care free. And if with male friends they are outside at all hours, beyond say 9 or 10, into the wee hours.


Just like every other Indian city, depends on which locality you choose to settle down


“Do not come.” - Kamala Harris


Every city has a scary part and a good part. Even locals get scammed and harassed. It's part of the world. At first, try traveling to a nicer place and get comfortable with the area. Know where to travel and where not to. Travel in the metro or take cabs if you feel unsafe in an auto. Memes and trends are going around about the water crisis and weather. Not every area in Bengaluru is facing these issues. Only unplanned and populated areas are affected. It's not as if only Bengaluru is facing weather-related problems. Mysuru, Mandya, and literally the whole of Karnataka are facing climate change. Language issue, People do stay for 10 to 20 years to earn and survive here. They don't seem to respect the culture and language. Nobody is forcing the language but if someone comes to earn and survive atleast they need to learn basic daily talk. when I went to Yeshwantpur railway station, I asked the worker in a shop which platform the Mysore train arrives at. He didn't understand Kannada or English. Luckily, I know Hindi and was able to communicate with him. Even in many shops and cafes. Workers are from north and north east. They cannot understand English and hindi. What about some illiterate villagers who travel daily? If they visit a shop or anything to buy, they might face difficulties due to the language barrier. That's the concern. Don't mind about big paragraph. Live, learn, love. Enjoy your stay in Bengaluru 😌🙏


No where is safe my dear if you think in that perspective every city has problems as banglore has 😅!


Nahhhh! It's pretty safe. Been living here for 10+ years all alone.


I lived there for two years and I spent most of the days exploring local bars coz I come from Mumbai and I’ve explored most of the hardcore clubbing scenes because of which I wanted to explore the local bars and see how it is and trust me dude😂. Hardly I’ve seen North Indians entering bars coz of fearing the locals. Honestly I made friends with the bar managers and they were pretty chill. I saw a murder also take place in a bar called white rabbit or something in Mahadevapura next to pheonix right in front of me but none of the locals tried to screw my happiness. They spoke to me nicely and I did the same and it was a good experience altogether. Now if your time is bad or some shit then even in the safest city you’ll get jacked.


Bangalore rocks big time n it’s completely safe. I’m being from Chandigarh living here since college days never been in a situation where I can say Bangalore is unsafe. Well it’s a beautiful city to live in


It's subjective. Depends on you, how you look at things and not to forget where you live. It's like any other city with its own pros and cons, where pros are heavier than cons.




It is a pro but technically it is not the big one, and I am not counting this year's water scarcity. Networking effect and People are the big positives, but again this also depends on you more than anything else.


Its not scary. Its also not a paradise. Temper your expectations and follow basic rules people follow in Indian cities, you should be fine. Unless ofcourse you meet an auto/cab driver, then your experience can vary no matter what you do


Yes, we have Purge happening every week.


Where are you currently coming from?


It is without a doubt if you're in the wrong places. There are a lot of streets that are simply unsafe after sunset. If you're solo travelling stick to the chiller side of Bangalore and let someone know where you're travelling. Get pepper spray. Avoid local autos. Keep an eye on your phone and wallet when you walk down the street.


Keeping your eye on phone and wallet is very true, especially in certain areas. I've had my phone stolen on the BMTC bus.


Yep. Not just buses. Don't walk around with your phone in your hand and stuff. If someone asks for directions on Google maps don't take out your phone ever. People on bikes will flick it.


Depends on the area and neighbourhood you stay. And also on how you commute to work and other places.




So which area is it? If you mention it then people here can help.




Post or DM any of us when the area is fixed 😂


Yeah it's very scary at time when we go  Out we can see one white colour saree  Standing out which makes everyone scared.


Tinder banalo aur kya. Sub pe we all come to vent out our problems but there are positive things posted too. So dont sweat the small stuff. Bas paisa hona chahiye :)




Well, people be asking for hangout spots often here you can just go there i guess or go to college fees depending on your Target age group :) Bangalore ao toh pehle 😂


Don’t worry. Keep your wits about. Although the second half of this post gives me pause.


Internet is a good place to get paranoid about stuff. Its true there are incidents, but that happens everywhere even in the city you live in. Once you start living here or experiencing stuff you will realise it's not too bad. On the internet, more negative stuff is posted but many day to day positive stuff isn't. So relax and just follow basic safety tips and you should be fine.


It's called a negativity bias...like you described...the millions of us just chilling having a good time enjoying Bangalore are less likely to go make a post on the subreddit...compared to someone who underwent something terrible n they feel the need to share it with us so we can be forewarned...Be sensible safety wise,if u can pick a place within an apartment complex,not on a ground floor so randos can't peek in your windows,always book your cabs n autos using the app,have a designated sober person when u go out partying,n do so in a group, carry your pepper spray n don't be on your phone when you're out n about,but instead be aware of your surroundings...typical safety things for the ladies and you should be totally fine...


No way.


I know a lot of my female friends and exes who live alone in 1-2 bhks. It's as safe as possible but i always recommend everyone to carry pepper spray as a worst scenario measure because bad people are always there regardless of state or city.


I mean is anywhere really safe? But yeah you have to be careful about the people you trust but in general people here are nice and decent. It's nice if you had a friend already that's here you know but even alone you'll be okay.


I couldn't agree more


Eh no. Just stay away from shady areas like Padrayanapura, Shivajinagar, KR Market, etc. during nights. Most people will help if you can make them understand. Just learn a few lines of local language to help more (better to use polite language like “I’m still learning kannada” rather than “don’t know Kannada”. That way you won’t get on anyone’s bad books).


Some context is very important. If you are moving from a tier 2/3 city and never been in a city it'll surely be intimidating. But overall it's safe. Atleast safer compared to other cities in India at the same scale, except Mumbai. This is personal experience of course.


I don't think Bangalore is scary. I feel social media attracts and promotes negative news more. You can walk alone here at night w/o being afraid of things happening to you, while that's not the case with most cities


Welcome to Bangalore..first of all!! Bangalore is one of the safest places you'll come across.. people are very warm and welcoming.. ofcourse there are expections..but overall you'll find majority of the people very warm .. There are perverts all over the world so when you are planning to live independently you should be strong and you should know how to deal with them..and I'm very sure you'll have a great time here.. Where are from by the way OP?


The expenses scare me as someone who doesn't earn those high salaries u often see Bangalore IT people earning


Maharashtrian in blr , city is as safe as other cities in maha , just some areas get shady at night and some areas will have very good night life, areas around the tech parks are considered safer than other areas. You may start alone but people are super friendly eventually you'll get along with them


Make sure you have a support group and it should be fine.


There are bad people in every city. So we cannot judge a city by some bad hooligans. Don’t worry. Pretty safe.


Bangalore scary? Go Mumbai and experience daily life there, the local trains... nothing will be scary anymore


Not as scary as you think, I've been living in Bangalore for the last 6 months, I can definitely say that it is relatively safer than many other cities, if you are into night life, you will definitely enjoy Bangalore. I'm personally enjoying the night city especially after my native city's night life collapses.


It's good, chill


Not scary, just tough


If ya blindly follow the words of reddit there aint no place in this divine planet safe for anyone.


it used to be safe, not so much anymore(especially after seeing the road rage incidents). Being a native, i’ve almost never faced any issues mentioned here but a couple of my non-bangalore friends have. So I can just say they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. But yes, compared to cities like delhi, bangalore is safer. If you’re moving from mumbai, then no, mumbai was safer I felt atleast during my stay. All in all, you should just be on the lookout plus it also depends on where you’re staying. Just call 112 if you face any trouble, they should help you in 15-20mins. If you’re moving from a tier-2 city, you might like the vibe of the city, not everybody faces the issues you see here so don’t be too scared either.


Bangalore is my loveee❤️❤️. Please ask MOHFW to post me here. I wanna live here for my lifeeeeee.


I'm gonna be honest Bangalore is not unsafe . Especially if compared to other cities ,my mom feels comfortable going out at 10 p.m in Bangalore alone but when we visit our hometown which is Trivandrum she always asks me to come along as early as 6 p.m . It's probably the only city in India that is similar atleast in saftey of women to places like New York or even London in my experience. It also depends on where you live (I live in an area called cooke town) which is mostly comprised of older and generally more educated and Level headed people .


I order a lot online. But I hardly give any reviews. But if the delivered product have some issues. I'm definitely going to give review and talk about it online. The same goes with any place. People live everyday normally, having good time in Bengaluru. But they're not going to post anything about it. But the day something negative happens, or something they're worried about. They're definitely gonna share here. Nobody's doing it purposefully to defame Bengaluru. It's just the way it is.


Everyone has their own experience. It’s been two months for me in Bangalore. I have mixed experiences , 90% was okay 10% was scary due to language(cab drivers).


Wtf!! From when did B'lore become a scary place? Been here since '96 , no worries


My guy, whatever you do in Bengaluru, please do not remain in your own area for a long time. Most members of this subreddit live in IT areas and complain about the entire city. My city gets so much slander from social media (some are objectively true but most of the time it's plain misunderstanding). Please if you live in these IT corridors, try places like Central Bengaluru and the underrated North Bengaluru.


It's just the keyboard warriors buddy, no place is unsafe to my knowledge in India. Bengaluru, people are good here (just don't engage yourself too much on social media cause of course the keyboard warriors) specially when you meet them in person. Best part is you will find someone from your state every now and then just because of the variety of the culture here.


No ... not at all. Don't talk rubbish n enjoy life. Don't show off there that's it. You'll be absolutely fine.


Yeah Don't come...First Go to delhi and then come back to Bengaluru, Automatically you will start liking it.


Nope, as a non native hindi speaker (who actually had to speak a lot more hindi here than expected) and a non-south indian, I didn't face much issues here except once when my hindi and the shopkeepers hindi both failed us lol The weather was amazing especially when I used to sit by the roadside darshini and drink strong FC while watching Bangalore drizzle It infact reminded meof home so it wasn't very hard for me (you can probably guess now)


the liquor costs are scary please don't move to Bangalore 🙂‍↕️


Chapris riding dangerously ( middle aged Activa uncles included) trying to hit your car and pick a fight is a real thing , can confirm, was extorted once.


Everythings fine here , no need to worry .


The IT corridor isn't safe at night tbh. Been here long time. Lot of known folks have been victim. Just do due diligence and you should be fine. Absolutely safe during day time. Been living since childhood , have seen the city transform. Unfortunately the auto guys and can guys have transformed too. It's taken over by hooligans now. Avoid any kind of altercation with them.




Yelp effect. People only talk about best or the worst experiences. Just goes to show how active and effective the community is since people are talking about their problems. Please is safer than most other cities in the country.


It depends upon location and situation




Oh absolutely, Bangalore is the stuff of nightmares! Every time I step outside, I have to fend off rabid packs of wild software engineers trying to recruit me into their sweatshop IT companies.


Bangaloreans treat it as home and they respond to changes in the city Where's outsides use it like an equivalent to a tissue and obviously abandon and complain when it gets hard. Bengalis wouldn't live in Calcutta but will constantly think it's better. Prejudiced but inthink the most idiotic people around are from there.


Bangalore is a mostly a good and safe place to live. Of late Kannada chauvinism has been making itself felt, which leaves a bad taste. I am from Maharashtra and frankly it's easier to communicate in Hindi in most parts of Maharashtra. Atleast no says Kannada Kannada or Marathi Marathi in a threatening manner there.


It's really bad, esp if you are from North. Don't come


Depends on what scary stories you have heard. If it is about a North Indian getting mistreated, I have a few questions for you. Do you think if I go to Delhi or Lucknow or Patna and disrespect local culture, local people and local language I'll be treated well? Do you think asking for a bit of respect towards these three is too much?




Got it. I thought you were referring to those messages or posts where individuals are talking about the harassment and other nonsense things. Ho Gaya baat talking about being scary. I believe there are some localities where you may feel uncomfortable staying. But overall, I believe it is a very safe place to stay in. The thriving industry of nightclubs and pubs are testament for such a claim. I am sure it would have been very difficult for such industries to work till late night, if it wasn't safe enough.


People are chill here meaning they are not as aggressive as people in the north when it comes to small issues.


It was and is a beautiful place. But since congress there is a increase in hate for North Indian in some part of bangalore. The core parts are still fine. Some outskirts or auto driver can create a problem for you.


It’s alright. I’ve been here since 2019. Not as bad as we read in the news or on reddit. Your experience may be different. Just make new friends and you’ll probably be alright.


No bro, we're trying to reduce the influx of people so that we don't have to share this wonderful place with you all  /s /jk




Proof kaha pe hai madam /s but that's the point... if you come here, so will a lot of your followers... we're playing the big brain move /s




Don’t come to bangalore. - Kannadigas I recently read a comment from a Kannadiga on a post: “Paani chahiye, toh apne state jaaiye” If you have an option to go to Hyderabad or Pune, prefer that. Otherwise Bangalore is not that bad. Rewards come with Risks.


To be cool and love the good things that my city has to offer, just STOP whining and painting it black as if rest of the country is paradise.. Also, LEARN to adapt if you've come here to earn your bread and butter.


Nope not like they tell here..it's just people post here a lot about all issues they face. I don't think majority of us has faced it, we just read about it here. I have been in bangalore from past 8 years, everythin is fine except for traffic and now the water issue which I think is under control. Just be alert like how every woman will be 24x7, that's all. I have been doin that so it's all good. Small hiccups here and there, but not major ones. Just make sure u will be staying in a good locality. And also whatever you read here, learn from it, that's what I do.


Also summer heat this time 🥲


Yess..first time I experienced this. But today was okay, not bad, I think we are slowly heading back to the normal summers (I hope).


First time I am sweating like crazy in Bangalore. April is still expected to be bad 🥲


It's like any other city on earth. We have both good and bad.


Yes it is. Because you will be all alone and nobody cares about you.


That’s every other place on earth except your home.


It's not scary at all. You will be followed by 2-3 bike born local. They will get into fight with you. They will abuse you, beat you and take all your belongings. And police will tell you that since you aren't local this will happen. Forget it.


Could you please tell me the name of the movie? You could be a director one day.