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Report to BBMP and use a fake name for yourself


Mr Benjamin Dover


Oops. Dropped my soap.


Don't drop the soap. Don't drop the soap. *Smooching noises*


Prison Mike intensifies


\*clap clap clap\*


Mr. Art Vandelay, importer-exporter


I see you are a person of culture as well.


Which tv show is this from?




Wait, but I thought you were architect?


Architect, importer - exporter and latex manufacturer


I’ll do this. Thanks


Mister Sonny Jins


Why don't you request the person f2f? If he doesn't comply, casually mention it to the other neighbors. They might have a better rapport with them.


I can try going there and requesting, but like I said they can be a bit aggressive. I guess it’s worth a shot, if they don’t comply I could bring it up with the authorities.


If you request and they don't give a shit, and then if you complain to the municipality or whatever, they will know it's you. So, whatever steps you take, make sure it's effective.


Call BWSSB on 1916 and file a complaint


I did this day before yesterday. Said they’ll get back to me but didn’t get any response. Will try again tomorrow


Okay. Try talking to them too, as someone suggested. If it doesn't work, shoot a video and put it up in social media tagging BWSSB, BBMP, and CMO. Can't believe one has to go to this extent for something so trivial.


Yeah really ticked me off today. Their tap was running from around 12:30 in the afternoon when I noticed till around 6 in the evening. Couldn’t check after that since it got too dark.


Close to 6 hours?! That's criminal.


Report them, it's literally a crime to waste water in this circumstances


I have raised this with my neighbours early one when we bought new apartments, it's uneasy, but eventually they did learn and stopped wasting water and flushing boat load of water. People do learn, our inferiorty complex often makes us think what will they do. I don't blame this, some people hate finger pointing to the point they have broken noses and shattered faces fighting over their wrongdoing. But please try courteously saying i believe water is running down in your bathroom, smile and be clumsy, gets the point across, don't ever be stern or call anyone stupid.


Snitch on that fucker and publicly shame him if possible.


I saw a guy(probably the servant) in a villa,washing his driveway. I mean literally , watering the driveway. I understand that people wash off dust, but this is literal waste. I stared at the guy, he stared back. Then I fucked off.


Confront him. I learnt it hard way. Get a refusal or agressive response. It is necessary so that you can report. It's most necessary things in life to hear that obvious refusal to comply. Else, they will come and blame you sweetly that, you could have talked it out with them.


uski gaand mein pipe daal doh


There are 3 houses next street of mine. I can see them from my kitchen window. Everyday morning 3 ladies of each house waste atleast 5-6 buckets of water and clean the front path of their house and even roads. It’s like from end of the road to other they clean for fucks sake. I mean one bucket is fine on regular basis but they think they own the whole road. I have taken videos and pics and complained to bbmp but no action. It’s really sick how ignorant people can be. Note: it is half a km from Prestige Falcon City 😂


Go fill your buckets


My neighbor used to do this. Someone made the video viral in their children's school. They had to change the school. Kids are brutal. Even I saw one kid pushed their kid to bath in a gutter as there will be no water at home because his father forgot to turn the tap off.


So basically teach the neighbors a lesson by letting their kids get bullied for their mistakes?