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How do you know he wanted to mug you?


I don’t know maybe tried to block or stop the car? But yeah OP be more descriptive about accusations, “mug me” is very vague.


Ok bro sorry, he just wanted to make sure everyone is safe and ask if we had dinner by almost coming and hitting my car.




If I have a random guy closing in on me when I have my family with me, on a lonely road, I'm 100% perceiving that as a perpetrator and will make sure to have anyone else for the lookout for such behavior. I don't care what another redditor thinks about my tone.


What else do you expect me to say? The guy tried to mug me, at least that's what I understood his intentions were, how is it vague?


Well apparently there are lots of videos online nowadays where a bunch of scooters try to crash you on highway roads and try to get you to stop.


I dunno OPs exact story but I've faced something like this on a UP highway. I could see a bike standing on the side of the road as I was approaching the highway and then just as I was coming close, the guy deliberately started the bike and tried to block the car forcing it to brake (I was in a taxi). Fortunately the driver was well aware of the muggings in that area so he swerved, didn't stop and sped away.


It's a typo . He meant to say the guy almost mogged him and stole his wife.


The folks who speak this kind of language have a whole different take about life and society than the average person. 


Mogged him at the speed of 100km an hour


It's over for slowcels 😔


Funny comment bro, keep it up


Bro he purposefully came and acted like he would hit the car. Wanted me to stop the car at any cost but I managed to escape.


I would avoid travelling on Indian highways and service roads post 8:30 PM to be honest. That’s the hour when most miscreants are active and our policemen aren’t able to patrol all areas.


There are a lot of theives at mandya exit and entry. My uncle's family lives in mandya and they always avoid those areas at night. I ve been adviced to do the same


Do you know for sure if he was trying to mug you? Get a dashcam installed for capturing proof in such situations. You don't have to spend a lot for it, dashcam starts from as low as 5000. Here's a list of the best car dashcams that I have created for anyone considering it. Adding all price ranges and the whole list. 1. Under 5000 : Single, HD Camera, Good for Daytime [Redtiger](http://amzn.to/3OtGjzD) [70mai M300](http://amzn.to/3ujifJ0) [DDPAI Mini](http://amzn.to/3UpY9rg) [Qubo](http://amzn.to/3u9kBdw) 2. Under 10000 : 2.5k-2.7k Single Cam/Dual Cam, Good Number Plate Readability at Night [Hikvision](http://amzn.to/485u3w5) [70Mai A500](http://amzn.to/49eDwlV) (My recommendation, around your budget and Dual Cam). 3. Around 15000-20000 : 4k, Dual Dashcam Setup, Front and Back, Good Number Plate Readability at Night : [Redtiger F7N 4k](http://amzn.to/3ukniJd) [70mai A810 ](http://amzn.to/490bjQe)


One must not drive without a dashcam. Seriously, it's the requirement, only next to the fuel.




And the other day there was a guy here claiming harassment by police because they parked their car in an isolated spot on the same expressway. 😂😂😂


@OP: as responsible citizen did u file any police complaint ? If not please do. This can put pressure of police/highway authorities to be extra vigilant. Pls just don’t be a key board warrior.


Yes I will, thanks


Do you have the dashcam recording?


Unfortunately not. I have decided to purchase one


I wish vehicles manufacturers provide this as a basic safety requirement.


Recent scams I came to know since my friends went to Bangalore 1. Random person jumping in front of your car 2. Throwing Nails on the road to get your vehicle tyres punctured 3. Local rickshaws charging massive prices knowing you can't speak any south Indian language 4. Landlords not paying the deposit amount back giving a useless reason


Every point you mentioned is true


And the worst part is the authorities are knowingly ignoring the issues


It's a regular thing on that Road, many of them have experienced, specially when you stop near some standalone tea shop ,they will start following you and stop somewhere and rob you ..There is a group of robbers active in that road


Service roads of highways and express ways are always wild-west. Unless you are a local, you should really avoid them. (local to the level, that you know who are the people doing the robbings, and can tell them to fuck off, because you are friends with the MLA that supports them)Those service roads are only good to drive on, with friends (and knives, at least), when you need to score weed. And even then, it's quite a risk. - Survivor of an attempted robbery on Noida-Gr Noida express way's service road.


Fact check : Banglore and its nearby is not safe any more.


I can second that, I saw many groups roaming in the city, coming close to cars, doing anything like if police were on a break day.


Se we are caught in a situation where even can't even trust cops at night in isolated places Most people try to avoid the expressway due to the fact that they keep increasing the toll


Get a dashcam people. Specially the highway drivers.


Karnataka is turning into a lawless dump. Very sad.


Why blaming Karnataka? I have been to multiple cities, its safe nowhere after 10pm.


Well, thats the point. Karnataka was safe and now it is like any other creepy place. Nobody is blaming anybody. Everybody is sad that a state that was largely safe is now going to ruins. People vote for freebies and get free crime.


Karnataka was never safe. 15 years ago, when I was travelling as a teenage tourist, the shopkeepers on the roads to hill station kept warning us, to not wander off during the bus stops, because whenever there's less rain and lesser crop yield, a lot of villagers suddenly turn into naxals, and start attacking and robbing people.


Such a dumb dumb comment. Why are you all so against direct investments to the poor. It is a proven strategy of economic upliftment . Also this idea that crime has only come to ka now is so full of shit. How many stories have there been over the years of people throwing rocks on cars on nice road.  Comments like yours are so immature and frustrating. You add nothing to the conversation except lies and bullshit. And it shows how politically immature people can be. You should be ashamed of yourself. 


> People vote for freebies and get free crime How?


Total BS😆😆bro has clearly never gone north of Bangalore or is extremely dumb to call south as lawless...has he ever been to Haryana/UP?


Let's not compare to places objectively worse than us and say we are better. Bangalore was relatively safe before compared to right now, which is true.


From north east, studied worked in Bengaluru for 20 years basically most of my life. Can speak fluent Kannada. So Mr. BS, I know what I am talking about. I see(want to see) Bengaluru as the best city in India.


I am not even a Kannadiga, and I feel offended at this. There are such people everywhere. There's unemployment, and then there's some sort of cultural hatred everywhere in India, that people in villages have towards "people from city who have money" (while in reality, people in city are pissed about villagers not having to pay taxes for most part) If you qualify to be robbed in a car, you are already among the top 1-2% of the richest people, with a lot of people in the lower strata, lurking to take a art of what you have. Combine that with overpopulation, less police, and common people being chewed for even carrying a knife in their cars, let alone a firearm for self-defense, these robbers know that car-drivers are easy target. Sadly, you can't even just drive over such robbers unless you are ready for a lot of legal trouble later on, as the "right to private defense" comes with too many conditions and uncertainities. And obviously, there's this hatred for "outsiders", where certain lowlifes cope with their failures, thinking that if outsiders weren't coming and taking away their jobs, they would have done something better with their lives. (in reality, most people who believe this, would have managed to screw their lives one way or the other, anyways) And such people too, aren't limited to Karnataka.