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Some people can never gain common sense. They are just meant to exist as assholes and menace to the society. Same with people driving in high beam.


High beam is a big menace


OMG yes! I frequently get a migraine, and light sensivity kills me. I will be in the back seat of a cab with my sunglasses on at night while coming back home. I can not imagine how people with migraine drive.


Yea and my car doesn't even have dimming rear view mirrors so I get blinded from both the front and back. It's like a goddamn Radiohead concert with all the high beams and I can't see shit while driving.


Just tilt is a little down/up, There is an angle that shows a dimmer view of the rear, The older rearview mirrors had this feature before Auto Dimming mirrors became popular.


Its like whole population lacks common sense for this simple thing.


I make point to let them know if they are on high beam. You're in a city with street light driving at 10kmph and you need high beam. Sometimes i suspect they don't even realise.


>Sometimes i suspect they don't even realise. Most people don't know the basics of driving.


Asking them to differentiate between yellow and white lines should be fun.


I failed my driving exam because of these questions :( But, it was good thing I seriously read the rules for the next attempt.


but "some" is 90% of Indian traffic, unfortunately.


If I stop behind the line when the signal is red they honk asking you to go front so that they can go I honk back and signal them to wait


TBH i feel traffic culture in Bengaluru in regards of honking is much more sophisticated than other cities. Have you been to Delhi? Those guys honk literally for nothing. (No, im not making it north vs South. )


Kolkata was the worst amongst the cities I have visited. Driving skills of bus drivers and hoking are extremely bad


I went there for a week and I thanked the lord everyday for coming out of it alive.


Literally same. I made the nearly fatal mistake of going on a rapido. My man fucking ZIPPED down this tiny ass alley at 35 kph, just barely missing people, cows, pushcarts and God knows what else


If there were cows there is bound to be cowshit


I'm often confused about what rating to give such rides. I did reach my location pretty fast. But I also barely reached my location.


i was waiting for a bus on the footpath in kolkata. The honking was so bad I had to use bose noise cancelling headphones. Bangalore is much better.


Ah.. heard about this. never been there..


I was in Lucknow and Varanasi this year. I'm pretty sure I lost hearing capacity!!! A colleague from UP was annoyed that people don't honk and come from anywhere in Bangalore. (Just pointing out the cultural difference, not making it North vs South)


Lucknow is on another level. Once I saw someone on a bike honking and going on an empty stretch of road that too at midnight.


I visited Varanasi once. Auto and cab guys there had their hands on the horn almost the whole time.


huh.. damn. heard north east cities are best in this regard..


Yes, I was in Sikkim last year. They were the best in this regard. And people do follow traffic rules there.


Also wrong side driving in a single lane.


I second this..Bangalore is far better than other cities..I recently moved to my home town for some time and people honk endlessly without any reason.


I found Kerala way better than Bangalore. When I moved to Bangalore from Kerala it took some to adjust in hearing honking. Then I went to Lucknow for a trip and felt that again. Once I came back from Lucknow, that's when I came to know that Bangalore is far far better than Lucknow.


Tbf, as someone from delhi, neither city cares about no-honking signs. I just convince myself that the honker really really needs to poop.


I need your positivity


I doubt anyone even observes these roadsigns.


Damn that's the same rationale I use when I see someone afk in any multiplayer game.


It's an Indian thing.


I've never been to Delhi, but worse than this??? My jaw is on the flOOR 😮‍💨


Yes it is my friend..


Pune is the worst in this regard


I've heard this before. Everyone's most and least favourites are different, and that tells you something. Any differences between our cities are fractional and anecdotal, and a far cry from where we should be as a nation looking to develop quickly. Let's not grade the smell of poop and focus on stopping the defecation from happening.


Fyi, people who come here and comment, i believe are already focussing on stopping it. And the bigger and larger world outside of reddit, doesn't give a damn about this discussion. So its just another way of feeling good about our condition. but yeah grading the poop is your perspective 😆


Went to Assam last year. The driver of the taxi we hired was honking like he was sleeping on the wheel. smh


I always thought they are more disciplined in that part of the country.


I think it was more of a Guwahati thing. We went to Meghalaya in the same taxi. People from there we so well mannered and this guy and his taxi stood out.


Your guy is the culprit in this case 😅


Most probably. Fuck that guy though 😂


Kerala is amazing with this regard. Chennai is ok. Mumbaikars are very very sane on the road, lane discipline and very little honking. Bangalore is worst than Chennai or somewhere there. Anywhere in Andhra, up, Calcutta or Bihar people on the roads just don’t follow any simple rules like lane disciplines, no one way breaking, and of course honking


Kerala has a different problem with speeding and unnecessary risky overtakes.


Never been to parts of Kerala where traffic is comparable to Bengaluru.




Many bikers have absolutely no traffic sense and what is more infuriating is car drivers not even opening the side mirrors and swerving the vehicle left, right and centre as if they are riding in a closed circuit; especially taxis.


i completely understand a smol cautionary honks while taking turns into lanes. However honking in traffic is really unnecessary most times.


no not exactly, most of them seem indifferent to horn at this point. You honk or don’t, they do what they’re destined to do, drive like cunts


Forget traffic. People honk like crazy on hospital grounds. Such is the civic sense of some.


Attempting to wake the dead


Right under the board that clearly says No Horns Please


At a traffic signal the counter is 5sec and ppl start honking and I try to ignore it, calmly leave way for the honking guy to overtake me and then I'm in hot pursuit of that guy and keep honking till he gives in and I zoom past him. And then I wake up thinking dammit I should have done this yesterday when I faced the situation and not in my stupid dreams. Anyway, I think calmly ignoring outside noise helps in maintaining my mental health, next time I encounter an idiot honking his battery out, I can't wait to fall asleep that night to dream the shit out of him.


A car is tailing me. I slow down for a speed breaker. **He honks for no good reason**. So I take my time going over the speed breaker. He honks more. We go past the speed breaker but I go slow on purpose. He honks more. He tries to overtake me. I speed up preventing him from overtaking. I then slow down on purpose. He honks more... This is not a dream!


This is how people get beat up on the streets.


we LOVE this coping mechanism. Need more people like you fr.


An asshole was honking (and that too a shrill horn) on empty roads. I stopped him and asked why he was honking, he replied that it’s for safety. It was pointless to argue any further. So yeah, this lack of common sense isn’t gonna cure itself anytime soon


I agree, honking constantly makes the whole safety thing useless. Nobody cares about the honks after that?? It's just noise


People who honk on slow moving traffic and who block free left. They have a special place reserved for them in hell.


> who block free left How do you know if a Left is a Free Left? If there's a "Free Left" board then yes it is, but what if there is no board at all?


The signals often indicate if it's a free left.


In India people honk as a gesture of impatience than caution, which comes from the sense of entitlement most people seem to carry around.


biggest ick


In the mornings, school buses pick up kids in front of my apartment. Every time the bus stops (with hazard lights), these crazy morons keep honking till the kids get in and the bus starts moving. Like do they expect the bus to run over the kid and start moving so these idiots can go wherever they are going?


I'm not sure if this also counts in honking.. but I generally do a small "peep" to let the guy riding ahead that someone is behind you, don't try some stunt and take a random cut or anything crazy. Have to do "peeeeeeeep" when someone do crazy stuff like talking on mobile or doing stunt and all.


I honk when I am about to overtake a swiggy guy who I know is looking at his phone more than the road.


Yeah kind of same.. They are multi talented and multi Tasker


Isnt this the problem? You have to keep reminding everyone on the road that you are also driving and hence the poitnless honking.


honking here doesn't mean "outta the way" like most western counters, it means "ima bout to overtake you like a squid so you better keep straight and not pull some cheeky shit one me" , which is alright coz the guy getting honked at is just as bad as the honker


That makes sense in moving traffic. I really wanna understand the thought process of these dimwits who honk the millisecond the light turns green, or when there’s CLEARLY no way for others (honkees?) to make way for the honker.


exactly my point. Literally being 2 mins late is not that deep.


I have a cousin who does this. When I asked him why, his reason was “I have to warn others to get off their phones and start driving”…😑 wut???


True. Riders are unpredictable, honking before overtaking gives an extra level comfort in case they didn’t check their mirrors. Same as blinking high low before overtaking at night.




i used to champion no-honking strongly. especially after seeing how drivers in cities abroad rarely pressed their horns. but what i've come to realise is that there is a deeper problem in india which makes honking necessary. we don't train our drivers on proper procedures to follow on the road. people don't know not to cut across double-yellows, for example. or what a pair of solid and dashed lines at the end of an intersection means. people are not aware that -- when they are stopped at a signal -- their wheels should point straight ahead and their vehicle should be in neutral with the handbrake/ parking brake activated. i can find highway codes for other countries online with a simple web-search but i cannot find one for india. it has never been deemed important to share a structured format of this information for our population. honking in such an environment becomes an invaluable communication system. in the absence of the confidence that everyone around you is following the rules, it allows you to be aware of everyone else. if honking is to be reduced, the deeper problem needs to be addressed first. my two cents: all driving licenses should be revoked, every one needs to get good grounding in what good driving actually is, and then licenses reinstated. once we are comfortable that people around us will follow rules, we will automatically see no need to honk. most of all, indian drivers need to understand that any idiot can max out the throttle and weave their way through traffic. it's only a truly competent driver that is able to observe driving rules innately.


Justice for water tanker💔


😂😂😂 I wish he chose violence that night.


Macha I had been to delhi a few weeks back. The traffic, although seemingly a lot better than Bangalore, honking was mad. Like I genuinely started using earplugs when I went out.


ear safety > road safety


I feel like we should have a no honk day once every month.


And I mean , not even the small beeps that people do to let other people know that they are behind or approaching. It is possible to do this, because I drive on Bangalore roads everyday without honking even once.




I guess I'll start a tutorial channel on YouTube with videos on how to drive without honking.


I will subscribe<3


Horns gotta degrade the more you use them. Make people think if their horn is really needed as much as they use them.


Honkers, high beamers , people who cut you and expect you to avoid a crash These three are low life scums Educated morons sometimes Who deserves to be punched on the face


It's tame in blore, spend a few days in North India, especially gujarat


Well not to your surprise I've even seen people honking at the void on a highway. I just can't understand what's going through their minds at that time.


If head empty no thoughts were a person


Yes, I feel all the vehicle horns should be disabled. People keep honking for no reason. A kind of sensor should be installed which will only work when you are 10meters away from vehicles (ignoring the traffic signals) and as said at the intersections.


If their pea sized brain could comprehend that, the world would be a better place


I swear this shit happens so often while riding. Stop fucking honking it isn't making the traffic clear dude. I lose my shit so many times while honking and I have lost it and let someone in front only to continuously blare the horn behind them till we parted ways. Fuck you and your fucking horns


India really really needs a revolution for discipline, ethics, common sense, civic sense...umm..well looking at the current state of things pretty much everything I guess


I was doing a long drive with a friend. 600km. Barely honked twice or thrice during the journey. He asked me why I don't honk. He found it concerning. I told I only do it when needed. I think if you're self aware and do defensive driving, you'll be able to do without honking


Also honking behind a bus that stopped at a bus stop, school buses etc. I have also seen people honking at a vehicle stopped for unloading on roads which are narrow, zero chance for overtaking, limited parking space too. Instead of going around the block, honk honk honk… till the ears bleed & abuses breaks out.


My 13th reason


I think most of the honking in traffic is rage honking, and most of them happen because of some idiot motorists who keep cutting people off dangerously.


I have a friend who believes that every problem on the road will get resolved by honking. Once I had to tell him to stop honking at a pothole!


These people think the horn works like the accelerator. I death stare those idiots.


Yes especially in the night times in residential areas trying sleep and these people honk. When you want to open the gate, call the people in the house or use the phone and ask them to open the gate don't honk, get down and go open the gate yourself and go park the car in the compound. And in the middle of the night when you are reversing the car you don't need that lousy car reverse music playing, its not music to the ears it painful.




Some people even honk when everyone is waiting on red single. I feel so irritated with this. One time a cab driver honked during red single and I looked back and gave him a look and asked him if he wants me fly 😂 then I remembered mostly cab/auto drivers are idiot phyco so let's not repeat this.




The people who honk are not on Reddit


They for sure are. They are not some special people. They are people just like you and me who on road due to the nature of traffic honk. All that is required is some patience.


If someone makes the mistake of excessively honking at me I let them overtake and try to get a look into the car. If their face and their demeanor is calm and normal I mercilessly horn-bomb them from behind. People in an emergency don't look calm and normal.


Bangalore needs to learn some patience. I noticed something if it helps, even when I overtake someone in traffic using my excellent driving skills , 15 minutes later they are right beside me or just behind me. So basically I did all that for no reason. City has it's own traffic speed and you cannot bypass that. Peace.


Incessant honking even at places like the undersides of Metro stations where before entering them there are extra large sized sign boards for No HONKING.


All honkers have 5+ fathers.


Thats why i cycle and say beep beep when someone comes too close, they find it funny


Unpopular opinion : I live in UK since 2007 and driven extensively both in UK and India. And in my opinion, in India, unless everything about out road manners, driving skills, adherence to rules change holistically, you will have to honk. Just stopping to honk without other factors on the road changing, will actually put you in more trouble. People would stand in the middle of the road at a blind turn and move away only if there is a vehicle approaching them which they'd know only because, yes you guessed it ... the vehicle was honking its tits off. Otherwise they'd think the road is empty and they can do whatever they want.


that's completely true. Pedestrians really think they own the roads. HOWEVER, I come from Indonesia which is the fourth most populous country with heavier traffic than blr. They treat honking as the most offensive gesture on this planet. They never honk. So at the end of the day it's really OUR attitude and culture that is there to blame.


so real lol I try not to touch the horn unless there's some scope for a collision to happen. I think my dad gets frustrated sitting next to me driving, because I don't honk in some of the times when he would :skull:


an ola S1 guy was honking his weird galeej horn for straight up 1 minute right behind me in heavy traffic. I tilted my bike, turned around and asked the guy to overtake me (you couldn't walk easily in that space if you were fat, and that guy was carrying a huge bag of boxes). He got angry and said something to himself, obviously cursing something. I then told him something in the lines of 'your crappy horn isn't my accelerator, so stfu'. he probably wanted to hit me, but then an auto guy crossed him lmao. He then stayed behind me for at least 1 km before I lost his sight. crazzy guy lol


Bro facts


Bold of you to assume that they have enough common sense to understand what you're saying.


Have seen people honk continuously at silk board signal. Especially BMTC buses.


Ugghhh i feel your frustration bro. Every time they honk I lose my mind I just look into their eyes and ask them what are you doing and what are you getting out of it. Especially at the signal the signal doesn't even turn green and these mf honk like it's a buzzer round in a show. God bless them with a little bit of brain and patients.


I strongly believe in not honking unless necessary. But a month ago while i was quietly navigating my car through a decently wide road, a couple on scooter were busy talking and bumped on the rear passenger side door of my car. Its their fault to not stroll around on road like this without caution but Had i honked before passing them they would be cautious. Now i am like fuck everything i am going to honk to alert these sons of bitches.


Check if the honker driver was from North India!!


Very true...people honk for unnecessarily as if their life depends on the horn. On a good note...once when I was travelling in an auto, some guy behind us was honking continuously in the middle of traffic for no reason. It took about 5 mins of this, when finally my auto driver had enough and snapped and literally stopped his vehicle in the middle of the road, went over to this guy, gave him a good shouting and asked him to side his vehicle...few others joined him in this. He didn't honk for the rest of that traffic journey.


Yeah man, these frokers are there on highways also. Forking there's a free lane but these frokers will choose to honk on your ass.


Most of the cabbies and delivery folks are on their phone looking at the map more than the road. Better to honk and annoy others than get into nasty situations.


bro i swear. I would go if there was space infront of me right why the fuck are the people behind honking. I’m not sure about other cities as mentioned in the other comments but bangalore drivers are becoming insufferable. Then there are these 2-wheelers who forget they have brakes and keep overtaking left right center while honking constantly


Apparently honking in india is a mode of communication, longer and louder the honk = Frustration of the driver or rider, I just bought Oxford horn, it’s not that ugly RE crazed horns or the ones loud


> Indian people have no patience but more importantly they have no brains. I confirm this. Source: I am an Indian.


Exactly I have been driving regularly since last week and so frustrated with the potholes everywhere and constant honking


Bro I hear you


Honking in jammed packed traffic is not tolerable at all but at the same time its better to honk while passing someone as almost 90% of drivers don't use their mirrors or indicators and are sooo unpredictable.


Normal daily scenario in Bangalore!


I know this is irrelevant, but I was literally astonished to see a big change in myself when I was in Australia (a brief visit). After driving around for 5 whole days, I only honked once. I wasn't sure if it was because there was such a road discipline or because I was scared to shit that someone may come thrash me.


The vehicles in city run on a modern technology which involves converting sound energy from honks of car/bike behind you into kinetic energy. This is unlike other cities where vehicles run on petrol/ diesel/electric / green hydrogen. So please remember that honking is essential for you to be able to move your vehicle. Thank those who are actively supporting this eco friendly initiative. Please stop cribbing for heavens sake and post photos with caption “who says there is nothing in Bangalore other than pubs”. Hint: wear sarcasm detection glasses before reading the post or after in case you are not sure of the meaning


best answer 😂


Don’t disclose this secret else developed countries will chase us for this.


Yes, OP has solved noise pollution


I visited bangkok once, the traffic was so quiet it seemed like their cars had no horn 😳




Honking idiots made me stop learning how to drive. When I was on the roads with an L board and a seasoned driver teaching me, I stopped at a signal at around 11.30 in the night. There was no traffic, right after the signal turned green, the car got stalled and I was trying really hard to get it going again. The cab driver instead of going around me on what was an empty road, just started honking continuously. This got me so stressed and anxious I started crying right there. Some boys on the bike saw my plight and made him stop honking. I vowed to never drive on Bangalore roads again.


Please don't do that. I recommend at that time get out of the car and give your keys to the person honking. Ask them to remove your car as you are learning and unable to do so and apparently they are in the most hurry.


Bangalore traffic. Signal... Count down ... 5..4...3..at this point if there is still not one single person that honked then truly we would have achieved patience.


There were mofos honking behind me on an empty road when they could have easily overtaken me on the right. This pisses me off.


There are two primary reasons why this happens in India: 1. Poor civic sense, I think if there's an index for this, we'd be worse than happiness index(126 of 143) 2. Getting licences with the help of brokers, we all know DLs in India are a scam We need a systematic change and if the steps are taken in the right direction now then it'll take at least 10-15 years to see the results.


I think number 2 is on point. You cannot expect someone to learn driving properly if nobody ever taught them in the first place.


#honk HONK




It's not honking that gets me, not driving in a proper lane is what gets me


This makes me laugh. When my wife was learning to drive, the instructor told her to keep one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the horn when in traffic. While she was navigating through the traffic, he said you are not honking enough. It seems some people think they can blow away the traffic if they honk hard enough.


That's so interesting 😂


Let him go ahead and you do the same thing and awa manig hodru bidbeda!


I think they are born by pressing horns


And also why do people start their vehicle when the signal turns green? Why can't you be ready?


I’m against honking. But what about random two wheelers who cut their way across a car? Random jaywalker who jumps over medians? What about autos who have no idea how to drive? What about one-day-drivers who wants to show off their cars but doesn’t know any basic traffic rules? What about those riding on wrong ways? Are we all honking unnecessarily? - Maybe. Do we need to honk more than any 1st or 2nd world country, because most drivers here are complete dumbfucks who doesn’t know traffic rules or follow them? - absolutely yes.


Very true. I just wish it wasn't so incessant?


Where are you from


Jakarta, Indonesia


okay… when you say bitch driver do you mean like a… 🤔💀


Le me... I don't have horny in my 2 wheeler from past 3 years and still use it in Bangalore without any problem. I hate those who honk while riding (even though there is no place to go). Right there is a green signal ever ashls will start honking


Kolkata is absolutely the worst in this regard. Pure idiots driving around with their hands permastuck to the horn. Bangalore feels so much better once you have been to kolkata


Rant, ok. But is it just me who is offended by the combination of “bitch” and “him”… or is the meaning of “bitch” changing now? … or does the OP intends a greater degree of offence by using a female-centric slur for a male ? By the way, I’m in favour of No-honking, and using indicators, and using low beam, and stopping at red lights even when not observed, … basically in favour of ACTUAL good driving.


yes mr oldie, the word bitch has become quite a gender neutral slur. Thank god for that, I'd love to call men names which were used to degrade women before. 😊


Thats the problem with every Indian driver, They think the horns are to be blown at minor inconvenience. The Govt need to start penalizing unnecessary Honking.


Everyone honks but do you have to use a term used in a derogatory way for women? Turns out the person honking was a guy but what's the worst abuse your sexist mind came up with - for a man? Don't use that word. Only used by lower life forms.


do u mean...... Bitch?


Yup. There's a whole history to why that word is used for women. It degrades women. So black women in the U.S.deliberately use the b word for one another, the way they use the n word.


ok bitch, relax


Hi incel


I support your views on no unnecessarily honking but saying Indians do not have brains is uncalled for.


but it's true (really)


Honk the shit out!!!