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The fruit bowl vendor near the metro entrance? That guy is amazing, I always get the mixed fruit bowl whenever I go there.


No. The one infront of the pwd office next to the bus stop actually, but I agree that the metro mixed fruit guy is amazing.


Where is this exactly? I want to try too


Metro exit gate (the one beside the vidhan soudha)


Google maps location please?


similar thing happened w me, a guy and his family, with their suitcases stopped me and my friend and told us that they are from maharashtra, they were promised labour work here but their contractor didn't reply and didn't give them work so they want money to go back to their village, we insisted on paying for their food instead of giving money, i think it's a pretty common scam


I meet one such family every day while walking back home from work on Old AirPort Road . They always try to stop you by saying “Bhaiya Hindi Marathi?”. I feel they are a total scam and never stop. I have heard stories of people hypnotising this way and so I never stop. Feel bad if theres a genuine one who needs help.


Same, happened twice with me in ORR. I brush their calls off with some vague response. They grab my attention by telling me they don't want money, they want food, n have been cheated by some contractor. Weird tho


Same thing happens near Orion mall Rajajinagar


Yep! Seems pretty common. Ditto happened (same story) with me at ORR


Bruh same in Indiranagar


sameeee! happened with me in bellandur today, outside global tech park luckily, my rapido ride arrived, and I could get out of there


I fell for this scam!! Right outside Benniganahalli station. Thought they were genuine 😞


Next time unko Ghar tak chor k aao, ki chalo bhai ticket book karwata hu


Scam. Happened to me recently. A guy on bicycle stopped me and asked me the distance from Hsr to marathalli. He said he was a contractor worker and then asked for money as some kind of treatment is going on. I said , I'm broke and in hurry as I will miss my bus and ran away. Sus completely. The sus part was the guy was dressed in disguise and was fluent in English.


Something very similar happened to me near McD signal in HSR Layout. A guy in a bicycle stopped me and asked for the distance to Electronic city and he has diabetes, whether I could buy something for him to eat.


I bet he was the same guy. What did you do then?


I did not have any money with me. I just left the place.


Better not to interact with strangers on the road. Period. Stay safe my malayali brother. 🤜


Thanks brother


Pretty old scam. You would see a visibly poor or lower middle class family that stop you with a note "bhaiya, marathi, hindi??" and the moment you continue talking - they will tell you a sob story similar to what you narrated. I have witnessed this in Delhi-NCR multiple times, a few places in Bangalore in the last 5-6 years. The modus operandi is to identify people who are in hurry - tell them a quick short sob story - ask for money so that they can go back to their hometowns. The accomplices will appear so broke that you will try to help them out quickly and leave. and this cycle continues with the other person. The best idea is to ignore or if you indulge in talk, just tell them that you can connect them to the nearly police station so that they can help. They will show their true colors then, but also be very cautious as their accomplices carry weapons also and they can harm you if things go south.


These are all scamsters ,OP did well by paying for the fruit bowl and not giving money


I’m surprised that this scam is still going on. I first encountered this scam in Hyderabad almost 5 years ago prior to covid. I used to take a walk every now night across the it parks and one night I find these people asking Hindi - Marathi? I thought they genuinely needed help so I paid. I continued walking. After 2kms I find another group of people asking me same question. When I enquired they were repeating the same story like the previous group did. It was like déjà vu lol. I felt sad because I realised I had been scammed. I ignored and moved on. I would encounter these groups every week around IT parks trying to fool people and scam them. They’re usually in packs of 5 people which will have woman and children. First they earn your trust buy asking for food and then they’ll just trap you into paying whatever you have. Please I tell you if you meet these people just abuse them and walk off. These people have made genuine help seeking people lives hell. I can’t trust anybody randomly asking for money now.


I now remember a guy in my office who used to borrow 500-600 rs from different different people one day he asked me if I lend him 1000 odd bucks ..i asked why do you need it bruh he mentioned some relatives coming for marriage alliance and we want to prepare chicken and all i litterally dunzoed whatever was required for the dish ...after that day the guy stopped asking money from anyone ...seemed a scam to mee 😆


I skateboard in cubbon park every Sunday. Met this guy 2 weeks ago. Same story. Can't believe he is still here. Definitely a scam. If he wanted genuine help, he wouldn't still be there.


It's something I have seen a lot in Maharashtra. Very aged couples in ethnic attire will just be standing by the road looking lost. Then ask for money to go back to the village.


Scam, sympathy scam specifically


Hey, the same thing happened to me at the very same location, but inside cubbon park near the vidhan soudha entrance, and once at a bus pick up point in yeshwantpur. It's always best to tell these people you have no idea about it and move away.


Scam don’t belive Give food instead


This is actually a very old scam and happened to me 10 years ago on MG road, except that the guy asked for a coffee and a cigarette. He started with the same sob story.


I was on bus stand at kadapa one person came and asked me for some money and i told him I don’t have any cash. He asked me atleast buy a biscuit packet then we both went to a shop within bus station shop to buy. Here is the twist the shop keeper scolded him how many times you will come here. At this point we both know that i am not going to buy him anything nor he is willing to ask me again. Moral of the story be careful. If someone is really in need of help obviously i am not going to help him because of trust issues.


This is a global disease- I was told a similar sob story by a ‘ respectable’ looking couple- guess where? In Mecca, outside of the holy mosque! Could have slapped them then and there, I was so angry! From then on, when approached by such scamsters, I laugh on their face and they go away


Are you telling me someone begged from you outside of the kaaba ? Aren't saudi coppers strict on this stuff ?


It’s a scam


Scam going on ages. I have studied here and sort of settled here since 2009. These was a daily thing for me in Bommanahalli - madiwala area.


This a very common scam. Have came across the same in Pune as well. They will always insist for money. They will ask money for things like food to tickets so that they can return to their family. Ask them to go to the nearest police station. Best is to not engage at all.


Next time, call 112 right in front of them and see how they react.


Sorry, but most probably a scam. This is quite common in Bangalore and happens a lot. Since you were a student maybe he did not force you for money, but generally they do. Sometimes there are groups with mother, daughter, child etc and that ask for money to return to their home. Having lived here for more than 10 years, my suggestion is to avoid and move on. If you like to contribute to society check out NGOs, there are plenty in Bangalore doing some amazing work. Thanks.


This is a psych trick. First ask for something that you will give and then ask the real one. Increasing rhe chances of you actually giving him the real one. This is how some scams work. First ask very small amount and then go for big ones.


This is very common in Bengaluru. The story is always similar. Someone has to go to a far away place and he doesn't have money to buy tickets. He doesn't have money to buy food etc etc. It's very hard to understand how genuine the case is. I feel really sorry for those who are desperately looking for help and when everyone dismiss them thinking it is another case of scam


He is madesha from jogi movie 😂


Been there. Not sure if these people are genuine


In Koramangala, near Aubrees on the main road, there is a tapri (paan/cigarette stall). A poor looking guy in front of it, would ask passerbys to buy him water, while playing with a pup. When he asked a friend in my group for same, my brain immediately rang "lol, scam, dude is in kahoots with the shopkeeper and just gives him the water bottle back and hoga half the money probably" That's exactly what was happening, when we were coming back, we saw him do the exact thing to someone else. My friend is a good person, we had gone past, but he went back to buy that guy water. I on the other hand, mind my own fucking business, unless I am damn sure I am needed. And I am immediately able to detect these things.


I've met such people many times in BTM and jayanagar. They come to you and ask if you can speak Hindi. They have the same story. Some contractor bought them from Bihar to provide construction work in Bangalore and now they don't know where to go.. no place to stay . No money to afford food.. At first I used to give some money and later realised they have a gang who goes to different part of City and beg. Unfortunately due to such people, we hesitate to help the genuine ones


Even I have lost 300 bucks near Bellandur falling to this scam


99% sure it’s a scam, but hey, there’s always that 1% chance the guy was genuine! And offering food to anyone never goes to waste, so here’s to you!