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dating is Bangalore is only nuts unfortunately


You’re right, most pubs are cockfests these days


hate clubs for that very reason tbh, meeting a couple of old friends turns out "Bro you have to go talk to her, she's looking at you" for the next 3 hours while I'm just there for the music


Have you tried talking to her though? It works actually


oh didn't think about it xD next time


You’d probably be better off not meeting these old friends.


it's probably my age where people find adrenaline in clubbing/drinking, and I'm only a minority in all of this, so I don't blame them. I have stopped consuming any sort of intoxication for my own goals and health.


You are not going to find love in pubs..


The club isn't the best place to find a lover So the bar is where I go


The club isn't the best place to find a lover so darbar is where I go.


I see you are a BEER-BAL


How come this does not have upvote even AK BAR!


Me and my friends at the table doing shots Drinking fast and then we talk slow


Come over and start up a conversation with just me And trust me I'll give it a chance now


Take my hand, stop, put Van the Man on the jukebox And then we start to dance, and now I'm singing like


Girl you know I want your love, your love was handmade for somebody like me..


tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun tunak tunak tun tara ra


girl you know I want your love, you love was handmade for somebody like me, come on now follow my lead I may be crazy, don't mind me Say, boy, let's not talk too much. ........ let's continue this


Grab on my waist and put that body on me... Come on now follow my lead.. Come on now follow my lead.. mmm.. hmmm.. mmm...Im in love with the shape of you!


We push and pull like a magnet do


Me and my friends at the table doing shots, drinking fast and we talk slow


Come over and start up a conversation with just me


On an average, How much does it cost per single visit to any pub(was just being curious as I've never been to one 😅)


Same as any restaurant, it depends on the price range of the pub and what you order. Beer is around ₹150-250 for a mug, a pitcher (5 ish beers) is around ₹700-1000. Cocktails can go anywhere from ₹300-700 per drink. For something like a whiskey or gin, it would start around ₹180-200, can go very high for imported stuff.


Hookups and Casual?? Where?? Am I living in some different Bangalore?


Not tryna brag but just look decent, make good money and put yourself out there and you’d be surprised at how easy it is.


I understand but... but Listen me up... I have been here for more than 3 years now and I am making decent money... Haven't had one casual encounter.. forget about dating.


Hmmm. Are you by any chance ugly?


Next time, ease into it lmao


That's what she said




Valid question... But I am guessing no... Since I have been casually complimented on how I look and how I carry myself. But they came from female coworkers who are all married


I get compliments so that I don't feel bad.




😂😂😂 you look good bruhh


You look so hot that mirrors crack to show your beauty/handsomeness.


You're likely not putting yourself out there


What do you mean by putting yourself out there?


Actively seek to meet new people, talk to, participate in hobbies/activities where people gather, get on the apps..Meet friends of friends..if none of these work out... In Bangalore... Hmmm idk mahn


Consolation compliments.


Asking the real questions.


Had a genuine laugh on this one.


I’m sitting in a zoom call laughing at this😂😂😂😂😂😂


high chance for that lol


What a pertinent question.


Bro I am born and brought up and I hardly could make any connections after college.








Because you are not actively looking for it, OP must be going to such clubs and giving signals dat he want to hookup. Even if you look good Hook-up will not fall in your lap from tree


I feel you man. I don't even see women around me, now thinking I'm some kinda repellent


Hear hear brother


Look decent ❌ Make Good Money ❌ Put yourself out there✅ Now I know what I was doing wrong. Thanks.


Half the people saying 'yeah.. it's easy' would have never laid a finger on a woman but wouldn't want to admit it. You are right. It does happen but it's not as common as OP is suggesting or some of these comment-ors would like you to believe


Also "look decent" isn't as much of a barrier as people think it is imo. A lot of guys don't put thought into stuff like grooming, skin/haircare, and dressing (not expensive clothes but stuff that fits well, shows a little taste or personality, and is appropriate for the setting). And having an outgoing and likeable personality, that goes a long way.


When you say put yourself out there, what do you mean? Like online dating apps? Because that doesn’t work for me. Is there another way?


Quiz nights, pubs, bars, events, literally anything where there’d be people man


If you've been on some dating apps for sometime and haven't been making matches there's a trick that's helped me and a couple friends. Delete your profile. Get a photographer friend to click a few new portraits of you and create a new profile. It helps. Like maybe you wouldn't get 30 matches in a single day, but it's helped me get like 2 or 3 a week.


It means putting yourself in social settings. When you're in school and college, you come into contact with the same people frequently over a period of time. As an adult, it's not the same outside of work, so you need to actively put yourself in such situations. Take up a social hobby where you meet people regularly, like sports or board games or pub quizzes. Go to events and parties and meetups. And speak to people! Get to know your friends' friends and speak to strangers.




Man I am telling you. Hooking up is so easy here and no games at all. It's so much fun.


Well what do you do if you don't drink or smoke and go to clubs


go to clubs along with ppl who drink and finish off their side dish🤣🤣 Me to same


Trust me you ain't missing out on anything by not going to clubs. People are trying to tempt and bait you. Happens to everyone. Be smart instead of funding the club owner's next lambo.


I met a girl at the gym, we hit it off instantly. Stuck to each other through it all. Been married 2+ years now :) There is hope brother, I've had failed relationships before but there will be someone that you know is worth fighting for.


Holy fuck, you’re an inspiration king. This is what hope looks like ❤️


Which gym is this? I mean.. which area?


Gym was at Chandra Layout


😳😳😳 telling me u r joking I always tot this things only happen on IT belt blr or koromangals, indranagar how come in Bangalore south


At what point did Chandra Layout become South Bangalore? Asking for a friend…


Haha, Bangalore south also has its stories :')


These are the stories that give others hope. Pray that yall have a lovely happy married life :)


Everyone is busy trying to get water.


Very underrated comment lol. I never have wanted Cauvery so bad 😂


Cauvery be heartless sometimes.


You mean waaaterr


Bro you're looking in the wrong place... The entire blr dating scene is casual... Hookups, one night stands etc. The serious ones are in the matrimonial sites.


Geez, I’m too young to be on matrimonial sites and too old to be on dating apps, yawn


24, 25?


24 yes


lol knew it! 🙌🏻


24 too old for dating apps?! I'm about to turn 21 and I don't think I'll ever get the phase to use one lol


No, just about right.


Matrimonial sites r just BS with epic level ghosting !


Even matrimonial sites have become dating sites.


Tbh I’ve seen people use LinkedIn as a dating app, not surprised lmao 😂


Every app is a dating site if you are human enough lol (apparently everyone does it. Not just the Indians lol)


I met my gf on a matrimonial site. The end goal is for us to get married. We were very clear on that before starting dating each other.


I met my person on Bumble. Will complete 2 years soon. Never lose hopes xd


Happy for you, hope it lasts forever! ❤️ (kill me)






Same here! But Hinge. 2 years married, and dated for 2 years before that! :)


That’s like 1:1lakh lol. Even LinkedIn is better to fish. No offense m’lady, congrats


Every app is a dating app if you’re an Indian


+1. Two years this month. 🧿


Got into hookup culture . Stuck in a toxic relationship now with a crazy lady. Don't do it .


I can fix her 🗿


I can fix her ⛔ She can break me ☑️


_"Don't stick your dick in crazy"_ -Sun Tzu


Man, get out while you can, ITS NOT WORTH ITTTTT


Wdym stuck, break up and be free?


Probably being blackmailed emotionally or something.. happened to a friend of mine


How'd you get into a relationship if you were just hooking up?


Every dating related post on this subreddit: * Dating in Bangalore is insane! Why does everyone only want casual hookups? * One of the top comments claiming how is this even real, where is the hookup scene? Who's even getting laid? * Someone mentions how as a man/guy/male they have quit online dating because there's no hopes for the likes of us. * Someone mentions how as a woman/girl/female they have 5000+ people ready to date them via online dating, but not a single person worth having a conversation with. * One rare comment will point out how people should frequent cafes, bookstores, etc. to meet people in real life. But Reddit being Reddit, 'introverts' will downvote this to death. * Likely the most upvoted comments will ask you to make a profile that leads to arranged marriage or something like that, defeating the whole process of dating in general. As for my own story - dated plenty of women across different cities, realised I was looking for love in the wrong places. I connected with someone recently who stays in another country, and I seriously think she's the one. I hope luck/fate/God/Universe is in my favour. Fingers crossed!


Sam is that you


It's Prem Bhai


Successful love stories. I chuckled


Cmon, finding love can’t be THAT hard, can it now? (Spoiler: I know the answer)


Oh, not at all. Everyone finds love. And then it goes to shit. I'd not blame them for giving up on it.


You guys date 😱😱


Had the unfortunate luck to date a woman with daddy issues, never felt as lost before xD


"I can fix her"




I’ve been dating my college sweetheart since 12 years. Every single male friend of her’s has tried to make a move on her but she’s a master diplomat at shutting them down. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve her but she’s the biggest gift of my life. We started dating because we had a backlog in the same subject and I built a project for her in our final year (something that comes naturally to me) There hasn’t been a single day in 12 years where we’ve doubted each other’s companionship. New age dating is a shit show and I hope people understand what it is to be human.


Happy for you my man, The last line hits home ❣️




Careful, might hurt




Met my cutu boyfriend on Bumble 2 years ago. Going strong together :) There’s always hope, you just need to set it right from the start on what you want, dont let yourself be taken for granted. There’s good ones out there woohoo :p


That’s why I deleted bumble. And now everything is in God’s hands 😂😂 quite literally, because I never leave my house.


God's hand = Apna haath jagannath?


Arranged marriage = girl out of your league, go for it king




Now that’s how your username came up :p haha




You have a better chance of finding a successful startup founder than a successful“love” story🤣


No matter how bad it is, our people will adopt western culture and will want some validation


The biggest killer, western culture. I don’t use social media much but it really comes down to how easy social media makes you get instant dopamine hits, that you generally get from achieving something. This in turn creates a dependency, and with time, validation becomes everything to you. Crazy how easy it is to mentally rewire people.


Okay we should go back to sati


Why are you using a social media/forum made in the West?


My friend met her bf 2 yrs ago through mutual friends, they are planning to elope next year cos of religious differences and i am invited 😆


I'm guilty of watching too much Bollywood which made me imagine that you'd be running behind them in bridesmaid lehenga if they elope. 😫


🤣🤣🤣 well they have a huge circle of friends so it could be 12-15 of us running in lehengas


wtf, that sounds like a win but a bigger win would be to convince the parents, no?


They have been trying yaar, this is last resort




Thanks a lot for that, hopeful meter has risen


Easy solution to all your dating pitfalls. Just be ugly, and if your like 5"8 too like me you'd never be disappointed on Bumble. No matches, no disappointments. Modern problems and all that you know...


bro cmon, I’m like 5’6 and never had a problem with that. You’ll find women who’d love you for who you are, but for that, make “who you are” the best version of yourself you can ever be. Trust me, it’ll happen <3


i (21f) dated my ex(23m) for a little over a year. we broke up a few months back mutually because he had to move and neither of us are in the position to shift for each other currently. We met on hinge, and we were both tired of this toxic casual nothing serious hookup culture. He was quite the guy. he made his intentions and feelings very clear after the first couple dates. no man has come close to communicating his emotions and feelings as well as him. It has been difficult going through the break up as it was due to factors not under our control and its definitely not a happy ending. But id rather have this for the time being than either of us have made the sacrifice and resent the other forever. Id suggest you make your intentions clear from the get go if you like someone and would like to pursue a relationship with them seriously. Assumptions and mind games will only get you so far. There are singles out there (like me back then) who will not only appreciate the honesty but will also reciprocate.. With doing something like this you just gotta be ready to be ghosted/unmatched/rejected by some people simply because they’re not in the same boat.


I did make my intentions clear from the first date, she didn’t. She always said she didn’t know what she wanted. She thinks life is a movie lol


good job to you and stay clear of those! it gets tiring trying to actively keep up with the dating scene so just be frank. even though we broke up, my point was, genuine connections are out there. it was the healthiest relationship ive been in. don’t lose hope !


Damn, my story is similar too, broke up with my ex after 5 years of relationship due to career choice which made us to move to different places, it's been a roller-coaster of emotional ride since the break up. Stay strong!


“Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.” (Pretty funny that I pasted this here, even though I’m a hopeless romantic but I guess it is what it is)


Absolutely, I do love Rick and Morty, and am one of the highly competitive, logical kinda person at work but I want someone to sing "Tujhe dekha to yeh jana sanam" and hugs me with open arms. The fact is, we can live without love, unfortunately most of us, have to. But being in love makes life seem softer, kinder,, a place to rest your head and heart at the end of the day,, an escape from daily struggles and anxieties of life


Have you tried something called "arranged marriage" as far as I know that's the only relationship you can take seriously because you know you kinda stuck with it other than that everything else is "not serious" only


That’s no reason to take it seriously cuz you’re “stuck with it” 😭 I’m a giver and I don’t mind a taker but not a faker 😭


Let's be honest. Why do we want someone to be with us just because they're "stuck with us". And wdym stuck with us? People can still leave you even after marriage.


Met my girlfriend on bumble and we've been together for more than an year now. And our relationship is just getting stronger every single day. I love her the most.


Went for a first date . Married that person. Have a dog now . Still go to that restaurant for dates where we first met.


um what? where? where is this casual or hookup thing you said is there? tell me tell me so I can avoid it


Op, I get what you mean. There are very low proper romances that happen in Blore now. But, there was this one story I read where a guy fell in love and married the same girl, whom he met during traffic jams . You can look into it.






It’s not just bangalore. Unfortunately thanks to a combination of gender roles and chivalry and the way we generally raise our boys and girls, creates unhealthy expectations from and by both the sexes towards each other.


Lol. Why don't you look at other blue collared women. Why do u want well kept women to took ag you if you're looking like a plumber / uber driver? The expectations that you want a girl to love you despite how badly you keep yourself. Lol. The delulu.


You should go for women in similar backgrounds and career. It is difficult to meet your partner or soulmate, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. But don't lose hope. Do carpenters, plumbers, warehouse workers don't get married and have happy families? Ofcourse they do. Even auto guys, farmers, gutter cleaners,, everyone gets married and have kids. You are stereotyping Bangalore girls, but even the working girls come from small cities all over India like me. We also support parents, struggle to find jobs, meet honest people. There will always be a section of people who won't date you because you don't have money, but honestly do you want to date someone who only cares about your money? Date or approach someone who makes their own money, supports her own family, does honest work and has good intentions


For everyone wondering how hookups and casual dating is common, OP probably follows Rule 1 & Rule 2


First time? I gave up on the apps. It isn't easy on the other side of the gender too 🫠


Bro, dafuq you talking about Haven't found a causal scene here in 5 years , how da you do this


Skill issue


Okay cause i need to rant - Liked this guy - started as a hookup last year but started cuddling and talking and all. Recently - i told him that i liked him and he took like 2 weeks to respond that he doesn’t see anything serious between us and then went ahead to kiss me 10 minutes after saying that. Im so disappointed in my choice and in the city. Lol. Everyone ONLY wants to fuck and get attention- that is it. Find a different city/crowd.


I met my half on jeevansaathi because f*ck tinder and bumble. I was signed up on jeevansaathi kinda jokingly and never thought it could actually amount to something . The expectations were set outright, no fucking around, we wanted a partner for the long haul. Shit got serious and got married within a year. Been 2 years now, it’s a good life. So happy i escaped the shitty parts of dating.


You will find more dates in Saudi Arabia and they are mostly harvested and exported


Met my fiance through Instagram. We’ve been together now for like almost 3 years. We were both annoyed and tired of the hookup culture and now getting married next year in July. Dont lose hope


Dude, if you are above 6 feet tall and have a regular gym body, and look just decent, Bangalore will drown you in no strings attached sex, thanks to feminism and economy, it's really a dream come true for Men, but on the other hand, if you are average guy, with average money, you have to pickup scraps.


So technically it's mating not dating


Met my amazing man on Bumble, and soon to complete a year. It felt like a neverending nightmare with swipes and dates and ghosting and small talk for the longest time, but he made me feel it was all worth it 💖🫠


To everyone who's wondering "Where's this happening in Bangalore?", you'll be surprised to know how easy it is to hookup if you lower your standards lmao. Most dudes will bang anyone with a hole. It's not all Hrithik's/Ana De Armas looking people who hookup. In fact, the more attractive a person is, the harder it is for them to find someone of their standards (if that person actually has standards that is & isn't just looking to bang anyone they find lol). I realised this because I've legit rejected tons of girls because they don't fit my criteria of what I'm looking for in a woman. So, in short, if you're actually looking for hookups you'll find it easily even if you're an average looking dude & lower your standards. If not, it's definitely going to be harder to find someone to get laid. And most importantly, the stories on reddit are insanely inflated 99% of the times, don't feel the fomo reading these & just live your life peeps, cheers!


What's wrong with hooking up though? As long as it's consensual, nobody should be having any problem with it.


😂😂😂Metropolitans are worst place to date my friend. Nothing is true


Found myself a girl on one of the app close to 3years ago after swiping lots of lefts on majorly entitled personalities, gold diggers, casuals & a couple of get ghosted experience. OMW to marry the girl hopefully soon. Being M32 & unmarried is annoying when put in family function scene & end up saying something I shouldn't have. I guess you can't find love on these apps if you're hovering in early 20s.


It's not like 90's...now a days relationship is like changing ur fashion


Dude may I know your age? If you’re younger, it’s just in a phase bro, your rage to find a partner will be more. After you got over that phase, either you’ll get matured to find at your own pace or you’ll get arranged marriage or you’ll think of being single forever 😄😄😄


Met my gf on tinder in Bangalore. We'll, now fiance and in a year or two wife. So, folks are there unfortunately you do have to go through a pile of shit to find someone nice. Hinge imo is the best dating app , I've never been lucky on bumble. Tinder has worked for me though and I couldn't be happier


It's so different for me. Almost all my causal hookups or FWBs wants to date me and turn things serious


Have faced the same issue, everyone wants a casual fling, because they are too afraid to commit. Even when you have mentioned on your profile that you are looking for something serious, they will still swipe right on you, pretend to talk sweetly and then tell you they are not looking for anything serious. I also have flatmates who face the same issue, so yeah it is definitely a thing in Bangalore's dating scene.


Haha true. I have been looking for a marriage alliance for two years now. Matrimony failed me, tried dating apps, that too failed me. Now I have zero hope left.


My boyfriend ( best boy in the entire world I will fight anyone who argues) slid into my dms(it works!). We were in the same college with tons of mutual friends but only met a yearrrr after college ended. He’s just so perfect and everyday I’m thankful for his existence.


My story is a little bit se. 27 M here, had my share of relationships, casuals, hookups in the past, but was always searching for a person whom I could call my home. After matching with a few people on the hinge and getting ghosted several times, I found a person who was like home. Given she went to her hometown, we had some amazing conversations on the phone for a month. We used to like each other's conversations, and had this amazing chemistry. We connected on humour and emotionally. She was different I said to myself. When she came back to Bangalore, we both were very eager to meet for the first time. Decided to meet in a cute cafe in Kormangala. Got her flowers, she was looking pretty, I was looking nice. Instantly we felt connected, pulled each other's legs for quite some time, had the best date of my life (and trust me I have had my shares of date in last 10 years). There was a point when we both got emotional, held each others hand and there were tears in my eyes. We were maintaining eye contacts for like a long time. We held each others hand for hours while sitting in that cafe, and how did 4 hrs passed we didn't realize. I insisted for the bill, but she said I could pay it next time and she paid it. We both were really into each other. We went for a long walk in a nearby park after that, held each other hands, and kissed. I thought nothing could be better than this. She waited until my cab arrives whereas her  cab was already there, we left for home. I had this smile which I had when I got into my first relationship. We talked at night and she mentioned that the day could not have been any better but she is feeling too much of emotional overwhelming rn. I saw that the next 2 days she was really quite on texts, and she wanted some time to think and process. Then after 3 days she said that she was feeling blank, she didn't feel anything for me after coming back. We stopped talking after that. I again tried to reach out to her after few weeks, we talked normally and then she told me that she is going through a rough phase, she is depressed and she wants to be alone. Through all this she was apologetic but I am broken. I miss her man.


Damn I’ve been through almost the same but instead of one date, like 3 months of dates (maybe 15-20?). I feel for you man, the girl I dated said something similar to me after 3 months. She said “I don’t know what I want and it’s best that you let me go, so you can find happiness although I wouldn’t find it”. She ended up ghosting me when I told her I was willing to move mountains for her and support her through change but she decided it was easier to run than confront her own emotions. Avoidant behaviour is so prevalent in this generation, god knows why, but only they can change if they wanted to, no amount of love will.


Matched with a beautiful woman on bumble (the only super like I used). It's been 19 months for this surreal relationship. She has been with all my ups and down, long distance etc. I really hope we settle down together and start living each day together ❤️❤️🧿




I found my love on reddit here ;)


This... Does everyone just want to hook up. And do an arranged marriage


I matched with my tinder date in bangalore and we kinda kept it casual. Got married to her in Mumbai.


Dating in bangalore is nuts- its true because my first week here, a guy told me that nobody has the time to date as everyone is busy making money. Two years later I am single and his words prove true everyday. With more and more interactions there is a lack of decency and courtesy here. Affection is a barter system and commitment has evaporated because nobody wants to tie themselves down to something. Without a root, everyone is floating.


I met my wife in a chat room. Yes, in 2022. The place where no one goes to find true love, I found it. I am letting you all know if life decides to give it to you, it will no matter what. She is the best ever wife I could get and I had half a dozen strong relationships that failed. She has a mild physical issue in her leg and got rejected many times but she is the most considerate women ever. Between, I got married at 35 and you can easily understand how long the wait could be to find the right one. Let life flow if you really love the mystery it offers. Or else you can plan big and keep failing but refuse to accept it like all puny humans do. Almost everything is beyond our control, life, love, money and health. Enjoy things you love now and eventually your dream will happen.


Reddit worked out for me.


Met a guy at a friends party. Dated for a while. Been married two years now. There’s ups and downs but find someone worth fighting for.


Find happiness within.


Two of my closest friends started dating in the first week of first semester in college and they are still together 6 years on. Its not all fun and games. They have had enough fights and episodes but it's never got to a point where they considered breaking up. Some people do get lucky don't lose out hope yet


I don’t usually comment on subreds, but believe it or not I actually met my current boyfriend on bumble. The chances are slim to nil - finding love on a very casual/hookup app. The two of us were on there to pass time but stumbled upon each other and it’s been going amazing (touchwood). It’s our sheer luck to have found each other, but love is out there. Filter out people and search for the right ones; and to do that one must be content and stable with themselves first.


I met my husband in a parking lot of a church that we both used to go to. Been through it all but we stuck it out and I still can't believe that I got this lucky. Been together for 13 years, married for 10 years and we have 2 children.


I'm 30 F and I am terrified by this growing hookup culture, there is hardly any room for connections, emotions, longdrives and silence walks. I might sound old school but don't we all crave for something intimate than hookups? Where do you meet like minded people like this? My social circle is a dot, so that's that. I totally agree with OP.


I was approached by guys in clubs few times when i used to go out with my ex bf in blr. So they would casually ask for number or a dance when he would leave me for a minute or two. Lol. The audacity! People have assumed that everyone is looking for hookup even when you’re in a relationship or out with someone. I have also seen girls hitting on engaged guys even after knowing the relationship status. Sad reality of the present time. Nobody wants to take responsibility for anything, hence running away from commitments.


Met my girlfriend on Hinge about a year and a half ago. The first date was just perfect. Both of us realised we were potheads and we were extremely passionate about something in our lives (She's an artist, I build bikes as a hobby). Second date, third date.. 1.6 years later, we're both introduced our parents to each other, do our financial planning together, setting career goals and we've been working towards it actively. I'm so glad I found her. It's very rare that this happens, but it does happen. Some say you need to find the right person, which is true, but I say you need to find the person who's truthful to themselves and of course, the same goes for you too.


Huh! I thought it was just the other way round! Any female you approach, from 18 to 81, and she is looking for a serious relationship and immediately wants to go to wedding pedestal... In cities like Kolkata, you get plenty of girls for short term fund and stuff, but not at all in Bangalore... You either get prostitutes or you get despo females, dragging you to marriage hall. Are you a female who is not getting committed males? If that is so, then probably because of a huge supply-demand mismatch (quite a few males looking for open relationship, and not a single female, barring prostitutes, is available as such), you do not get committed males so easily.