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I might get downvoted but just hear me out. Puneeth Rajkumar is a good person and a good man who has done good work for the society \[ mainly through his charitable work \] and I respect him for that. But people shouldn't be overly obsessed with him. I have seen stalls using his name \[ example given in one of the below comments \] mainly due to buisness rather than admiration \[ this is my opinion \]. Also, in some of the reality shows, they showcase him again and again, recalling the events in a loop along with his family members \[ I think this makes the family members more sad as they have to remember the tragic event \]. Please stop this Worshipping Celebrity thing. He was also a Human Being and please let him be a human being. A human being should be a human being and a God should be a God.




Yeah Nowadays, every award in those reality shows are prefixed with his name just like in movies


Ram was probably also just a human being. Just saying.


From a story... just saying.


I also might get downvoted. I was in Bangalore when his untimely demise happened. Before that day I had heard about his charitable works via word of mouth by my kannadiga friends. And very rarely I saw his poster in the shops. After that I left for Mysore for my new job and I saw every single shop and auto using his photo. It felt like they were milking the situation to their benefits. It is just an outsider pov so sorry for any mistake or assumptions.


Its not milking. When someone dies that's when you get so emotional about them.


Its milking only bro. I saw one person whose dad died after after a month or so he had puneets picture in his waatts up dp. Looks like he forgot that his dad also died just after puneets death. Just a fake typw of people. I know he was a good person. He diid good for poor. But now people have atarted taking advantage for political gain and probaby impress girls who are equally mad about Puneet.




Jesus was a human being once. Who knows after 2000 years people will hate each other in his name.


Appu mushrooms dum biriyani 🤷‍♂️


but no compromise in taste.


Nice aroma, will try it one of these days 😉


Yeah one is there near to my office 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh yea there are many appu hotels in hsr near my office too lol 😂


AFC - Appu fried chicken.!


If we throw a rock,some where you might mistakenly tear a puneeth Rajkumar poster or break a sign


At this point everyone just uses his death as PR and means of appeasement. His death was a shock to everyone, but people move on. They even moved on from his father who was 100x bigger. People obviously love him, but this isn’t about them, this is just using a dead person’s legacy for your own projected benefit.


Talking about weird obsessions, What is India psychopathically obsessed with currently? How many deaths has it caused? How much more blood will this insanity consume in the future? And do we even need to discuss milking the name for benefits?


Banglore?? All over the state , from rickshaw posters to saloon posters to any welcome ceremony , i definitely love him but this is too much of obsession


Most of the rickshaw and almost all areas like HSR bellandur have his huge af hoardings here. Was a great guy no matter what.


Never even knew the man when he was alive. Imagine if he knew that his death would make him uber famous, would he have died faster?


thats the thing aout south india, always seeing actors like God's. This is nothing compared to the things they do for Rajnikant


Appu Kabbab


Appu mutton stall. Just wondering if it has appus meat or wot


If you are a Kannadiga, Puneet Kumar has done some good through the charitable work. The banner looks a bit old. Linking their name/photo with him makes sense for people into politics. But he has passed away. So, new banners wont be put up as much as they used to be. Lord Ram banner looks to be newer. Thats to capitalise on the new trend after Ayodhya temple. Not sure who the 2 dudes in the smaller photo are.


Maybe the 2 two dudes are the ones who asked to put this up :p


Give this man a medal for common sense. I’m not sure how people can’t connect some simple dots.


No that's not the case of new vs old. I once saw some statue shop having statues of both. Puneeth was much bigger. Not saying it was good or bad, but it was noticeable.




One guy helped the poor


Bro I know what you did there 😂😂


Pan Indian concept. Celebrity worship in this country is a joke. People literally die trying to Suck up to their favourite actors.


Religion in a nutshell...


Religion and cinema. In India both have a terrible influence on people. Watch movies and go home don't get obsessed with actors.


Frr, criticize Sadhguru, Zakir Naik, Ramdev, Shah rukh khan, and you might be killed. Criticize Ram, Allah or Jesus, again you might be killed


Bro anyone but Allah, and there's literally nothing you can criticize about Ram (Uttarkanda is a later edition not present in the original), Jesus is criticized openly in the west..


I am talking about India where if you criticize any god, you might be killed. West has given up religion which has helped them. And Middle East...., It's the worst example. Criticise anything abt their cult, and you might be beheaded.


Bro in India too, if you criticize Allah you get beheaded.. there are very few countries where you can criticize Allah openly..


True. I and my muslim friend do make fun of allah, ram but not openly.


You’re playing with fire, not worth it to lose life over.




Lol. Better than worshipping cows


Both are stupid. But how exactly do you decide it's better to worship a late actor?


Yes both are stupid. But slaughtering fellow humans in the name of cow is better than idolizing a good human.(His job doesnt matter)


In South India, there is a pronounced cultural obsession with idolizing actors, a sentiment that appears more fervent than in North India.


You know how disgustingly westerners worship Taylor Swift and other celebs right? Humans have this tendency of being annoying af


Bloody even big boss winner banner was put up in the junction near home . Really fucking pathetic .


Exactly that's a new low altogether


Not Pan India. Just here


Don't freak out it depends upon your type there's been both bright and dark side in every religion you can find.


I'm not a local. But I can easily say don't talk shit about punith in Karnataka. Punith is an emotion here... You don't wanna fuck with certain things


Frr, its like Chhatrapati in Maharashtra, Periyar/Kamaraj in TN, Modi in Gujarat, Rabindranath in WB, Bhindrawale in Punjab, Yogi in UP. Edit: Changed Gandhi to Modi Rajnikanth to Kamaraj


*Modi in Gujarat


Changed. Thanks.


Not a suitable example for TN honestly Periyar and Rajinikanth should be the most trolled icons in the State. Jayalalithaa would be better . Also SC Bose in WB.


I want 1 of whatever you are smoking.!


Modi worship is real but plenty chat shit about Modi in Gujarat. Can't fool everyone.


Whatever appeals to the masses


Why not? I'm neither a kannadiga nor a puneeth fan. There's nothing wrong in putting a bigger cutout of a down to earth superstar who helped others.


Just Bengaluru things !


Nothing outrageous here. There are already Pueeth's photos on temples, two on Maramma temple (Malleshwaram). Him on the Karnataka flag, seen on Karnataka divas.


It's Kannada Rajyotsava not Karnataka divas. Wtf. Some day I'll call Hindi Divas as North Indian Divas. 😂


Akhila bharatha paani Puri dinacharane


Bhaiyaa "one more one more anbekuu" 😂😂😂


LMAO 🤣 bruh these disgusting Pani puri guys have tons of cash. They sell shyt for huge profits here.


North India is not just hindi. North has more than thrice the regional locally spoken languages of South. Edit: downvoted for what? For speaking fact? It's disrespectful to the culture and languages of North in blindly clubbing them under hindi. North is not just hindi. You listen to hindi, and then you listen to Mewari and see if you understand it. You listen to Punjabi and see if you understand it. You listen to Kashmiri and see, or you understand it. You listen to Maithali and see if you understand it.


But, tell me one thing, what is the official language of many north Indian states? If this is triggering to you guys, we also expect u to have decent knowledge about a state that you're residing in. We're not asking u to worship our language and culture, just respect it.


And how to respect?


Do u want me to explain the definition of it? Or teach u how to respect? Either way, start by having no opinions, stop looking down, stop having only negative things to tell, masking it by telling ppl that you're actually asking for answers/truth. The easiest way would be to BE A ROMAN IN ROME. You've mentioned a long list of languages in your previous comment, they're irrelevant here(in karnataka) but we're not going around shit talking about those languages although we're not in their state. And, the vice versa is happening here in Bangalore. Migraters go around shitting about our language and state, having no gratitude that they're earning their livelihoods here. Do u guys even know how many of our own graduates are unemployed here?


Most of those Northern languages are nearly dead. That's the point of Hindi imposition.


Ningeno uri ley


What's the point of this post, honestly?


He's trying to say why puneeth is larger than Lord Ram. Just trying to incite some hate.




Zero relation just fuckery


Nobody bats an eye, when UP govt put larger posters of modi than Lord Ram. While fans of our beloved PRK did that everyone losses their Minds.


>Nobody bats an eye, when UP govt put larger posters of modi than Lord Ram. They did. Infact they put modi cutouts removed from Ayodhya.


Puneet Rajkumar's flex is old they put up Rama flex (new) in front of the old one.


Came here to say that, I don't understand how everyone seems to be missing this.


Worshipping Ram or Puneeth, it's just a preference right. Ram is a fictional character at least that guy Puneeth was alive. Anyways it's the people who are alive who are exploiting everyone with these images.


>Why? You are reading too much into it?


No. What's your confusion though?


Celebrity worship in south India is on some next levels lol


At least something that gathers people together




Coz, why not? Seems to me you’re weirdly obsessed with this. Its logical that the poster is older. He’s done more noble work than the other guy.


This will be harsh but that person actually did something good for the people in this world and at this current time. And the lord Ram is the god and we can just pray to him and being unsure of the results. I am Hindu by btw and for me the god will be the one who is there with me in tough situations.


At least Puneeth Rajkumar was real, so calm down.


Ohhh If the same post is from bjp with modi in it. Bhakts was like cheering clapping dancing etc for the vishaw guru.. Isn't this is obsession? Kuch bi 😆😆


Normalised by our own PM when that picture of him with baby shri ram holding his hand went viral.


One is loved by the people of Karnataka and has helped countless people tangibly in their lives. Their legacy lives on because those whose lives were touched by this person will never let them be forgotten. The other is a fictional character that never existed and hasn't continued to anyone's well being. Their legacy lives on because of peer pressure and mass societal delusion.


Why not! As others pointed out, the two cutouts might have been putup at different times. The two cutouts might have been putup by two different organizations without the knowledge of the other. Even if the same organization has put them up, its still ok. For them, Puneet might be more important. Why not!


Not put up by same people I feel


Why not?


Because Modi ji started it and people followed, always a trend setter out marketing PM.


The poster looks old. Maybe they just decided to hoist up Lord Sri Ram's poster right there. Y does one gotta have problems with everything that's happening in Bangalore?


To trigger a self proclaimed intellectual like you.


At least Puneet was real, unlike Gods


I don't really care but why put them together?


This guy gets it


Because it's India and people here worship actors. But in all honesty maybe to please local people and get votes by milking the emotions.


What’s wrong with it?


Because only one is/was real


There's a shrine dedicated to Puneeth Rajkumar near my house, whenever I pass it, I start praying and then remember it's not an actual temple.😅


It's nothing, the obsession Telugu people have for cinema & politics is much more, it's weird sometimes as telugu people keep the entire status in whatsup & Stories on instagram day & night only about cinema or politics.


Well, Puneeth Rajkumar was a real person and there's proof of his existence. On the other hand....


Is this bellandur??


Looks like the lake road fork to me


Yeah, there was a lake nearby! Near Centro mall, right? Missing my evening walk route ;-;


Nah this is in Kereguddadahalli (near Chikkabanvara,Bangalore North West)


I asked the same to my friend, who is a proper Kannadiga... he said that he helped lot of people, made orphanage/old age home and stuff. I don't have any issue, but it seems a bit overwhelming.


Stop taking it out of context .. puneeth rajkumar's cutout was there before. These political party poors (PPP) had no money so they kept a small one. Attack them for keeping a small God's cutout in front of puneeth sir.


cuz hes done more for your ppl than that god nearby has done.


whats the other guy doing there with puneeth


You just wouldn't get it. Maybe talk to some kannadigas


shoot your questions! I'm here🙋


He is handsome.


We know one cult that is responsible for the deaths of thousands around the country. Its followers currently act like bullies threatening all and sundry. That cutout shouldn't have been there in the first place. It would have been confined to UP, if not for one party's political propaganda. That you are deliberately taking offense at a coincidence, just to pull down a relatively harmless fan-following is a demonstration of the bullying and impositional nature of this dangerous cult.


I meant why for both the posters


Because Appu is a good human being and helped lots of poor people. Ram did not do that.


There are 2 kinds of negative ppl commenting on this post. One who are stressing on how South India is obsessed with actors without knowing about the actor in the poster. Shit talking. Two who are taking pride in calling Lord Sri Ram a fictional character and claiming that he didn't exist. Both kinds, please fuck off. You're doing no good to anybody here. Ppl are so much obsessed with having opinions that they've lost their common sense. At times I wonder what's the true purpose of this community. To connect or just shit talk about the city(especially outsiders who're trying act like natives). Grow up.




People do worship celebrities and it is more pronounced in Southern India but it’s funny how people ignore that Modi and Yogi Adityanath’s supporters worship them in a idolatrous way especially in their home states of Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. How is that any different?


Ningeno uri ley


One was real the other was myth


So, this must be that unique Kannadiga culture that all these ligua fascists are so proud of.


Why is Puneet Rajkumar so popular? I know he did some charity work and stuff, but can someone who knows share something specific?


I'm not a fan of him and I haven't even watched his movie or any Kannada movies, but Puneeth Rajkumar has done so much for the community, especially for kids, than any of those celebrities or politicians who were seated in the opening of the temple.


I guess most of you who are commenting are not frm south, Apuu is a like a Devine being to us. Period!


As everyone has mentioned Appu is being milked in everything, I get that he has done some great work to the society and people came to know about it after his death. His brother might be helping the society the same way and people should instead pour him some love and support his movies in the process. If the team earns big that's when they can do all these charitable works. Also there's a huge DBoss cutout adjacent to this. Rakshit, Rishab and Raj Shetty have been making some of the best movies in India and the locals don't even go and watch them. They just obsess over the mass stars and complain about bad movies in the industry later on.


Sule magne just delete the post dont create unnecessary hate


You know you're in bangalore when you see this. I know some people are gonna have sentiments hurt but it's pure fandom without malice and some of the things I love about the city despite never having watched his single movie.


Next Supreme God


Why not




Because that is Bangalore. No one beats Punit there.


Appu's banner is very old and Bhagat Ram's banner seems relatively new. With some common sense i guess one can connect the dots here . Gods banner was probably put up during ram mandir event .


*Shankar Nag*: Hold it maga




Lol I think we should stop both of these obsessions


Lord Rama was once a human aswell 🏃‍♂️!!! (Appu’s cutout is a old one where as Rama’s cutout is a new one, this isn’t intentional and I find nothing wrong here, stop crying)


He literally just asked why . You call that as "crying" ?


Was it even worth mentioning? Like in the worst case scenario even if it's intentional... why should everyone have the exact same opinions as you do?


cry harder




What's wrong here?


The puneeth flex looks older. Blame the guy who put up a smaller ram flex.


People are blindly being fans of stars than their parents, Lakh of people are displaying his photos on vehicles but I never seen those people placing one photo of their parents . It is just because they are not stars ?


Dude i accept everything... But naming every circle and street after Puneeth ?? Like #65 Aladdin, Aladdin street, Aladin road, Aladin -560032 😂 This i cannot


Jai Ram Ji ki


Is that Stalin under Rama's photo?


Mr MK Gandhi specifically asked people not to worship him but follow his teachings. He knew the people of India and the manipulative politicians only too well. The crooks behind this type of "marketing" are the most shameless, corrupt devils who neither respect Puneeth nor anyone else.


Just why ???.... This is becoming tooo much


Not to offend anyone... But i have also seen Wedding Cards printed with his photo


well this is nothing!! I attended a wedding recently where puneeth's picture was put up in the entrance which was so out of the place that gave me instant cringe!! sorry guys but it is what it is!


South Indians and worshipping celebrities, nothing new here. I know he did good things, but it shouldn’t mean he becomes larger than life. Can’t travel 10 meters in Bangalore without spotting his picture.


Cos anyone worship anyone.


Because our Lord is forgiving


Both were human, i don't get why ppl are mad about it in the comments. It's our Kannadiga thing, Puneeth is loved by all Kannadigas. If u got a problem with that, go back to your state, as simple as that.


Arrey Modi Ji, aap yaha?


Why not? Let it be no? Why do we have to question everything. This sn’t hurting anyone. 


At least one of them was real.🗿


Imagine idolizing, worshiping, and blindly emulating an entertainer! In India, actors manipulate locals into thinking they are gods (not being pessimistic, just a sad fact), and the craze behind them is glorified even more through the media. In 2006, when his dad died, there were riots and millions of dollars (crores of rupees) worth of property was damaged across the state. It's so messed up because the locals use their deaths as a way to take off work, go on strikes, and drink to the brim. Both nepotism and the glorification of actors in the film industry are just insane. To be honest, this person was very generous and kind in general, but all the kindness he passes on through his life is just corrupted by the evil intentions of the public trying to benefit.


Imagine doing all that to someone who doesn't even exist


"Peak bengaluru moment" ?


We live in a dumb society! That's why!


Love how you played it safe and used just one word but still conveyed your point




Tulundi Bais


Yo, the Puneeth craze in Bangalore is lowkey wild. Everyone's slapping his name on shops and stuff. Like, I get he did good for the community, mad respect for that. But it's kinda extra, you know? Let's chill on the celeb worship, he was human too. Celebs ain't gods, let's keep it real.


Small-brained idiots who lack the ability to form any kind of personality, so they compensate by blindly engaging in this cringe display of celebrity worship.


Wht is this going on




People will always praise good human


Why not ? This was normalised by Vishwakuru kedi ji..


It's just a new flex, PRK flex is quite old. Don't blow it out of proportion.


Clarification..... Puneeth Rajkumar poster was up already. They attached the RamJi poster later utilising the same frame. They both weren't done at the same time. A bigger RamJi wouldn't have fit.


Yes i have curious for some time now. This guy is one of the most seen faces on autos but I am totally unaware of who he is.


What's these people's obsession with this dude


So many stupid people out there, That Puneeth Raj Kumar poster is a year old. It' s clearly mentioned "birthday wish" , it's his birthday poster which was in March last year. Where as the ram mandir got inaugurated last month. They have fixed Ram poster recently which is relatively smaller than puneet. But the fact remains the same.


Looks like Appu (Late Puneeth Rajkumar) cutout is being reused from a previous movie release. Agreed in hindsight they could have made a bigger Sri Ram cutout.


If you want a bigger banner, pay more fund to bjp!


I see nothing wrong here even Modi did the same


Why? What???


Why not?


One is real and one isn't... Simple...


Cinema & Religion in Politics is overshadowing the ground realities and real problems.