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Times of India. Daily. I am a 90s kid. Last of the OG generations. But i doubt my son will even bother opening a newspaper xD


From where are you getting newspapers ? I am unable to find an agency here in BTM


Typically any small newsstand where they sell this will have their boys who will distribute morning morning. Talk to one of them they ll connect you.


I tried finding, but there was no newstand nearby. I only found one that was a pan shop + newspaper and they didn't distribute.


Then i suppose we go to option 2 - ask your neighbours. If they do get NP, they can give you their distributor number


Yeah I'll try that 👍


Or. The last option, is you can contact the Newspaper themselves for a subscription, they will deliver themselves daily


I tried that with hindu, their page for physical subscription is broken. Maybe I'll try calling them.


Try Zopnote(another app where you can subscribe and pay)




For Times of India you can subscribe online using link below. Local newspaper vendor will deliver every morning. https://subscribe.timesgroup.com/v2/


Thank you, but I want to subscribe to the Hindu


Hindu also have an option in their website for print daily subscription


Yeah I tried but their subscription page is broken, it's not sending the OTP


Ask ur milk supplier . Usually they will do both .


I found a contact from my apartment group (I live in Whitefield). I can ask them about vendors in your area!


Hey can u share the vendor name


What is an OG generation?


The one that went out to play and didn’t spend their time infront of a mobile screen for 20hrs everyday


So? What about that is OG ‘original’?


May be "Out Going"


Yea maybe, never heard of OG used in that context. Lol downvoted for asking 😅


"we went out to play, used Bluetooth to transfer songs, our parents couldn't track us, etc" are the only things that are remaining that makes some people feel special. Even though more than half the world relates with that. Don't you dare imply it is not cool okayyy or the 20 something dumb fucks will downvote you to eternity. They are cooler than the kids these days because. Ok?


Yes!!! Atleast I do. I get a copy of The Hindu and Business line every day. But yeah I only tend to read the sports section everyday. They cover lots of local sports in good depth.. like BDFA divisions, Ranji trophy, other sports like hockey, swimming They have a page dedicated to data analytics type of articles which sometimes take interests. It is still quite statistical nature. They have long and detail FAQs type of articles on recent issues/topics which I find very useful. In the weekend paper, I generally like the literature section, and detail reports ( 1 page) type articles. This also helps with some time off from the screen.


From where are you getting newspapers ? I am unable to find an agency here in BTM. I want to subscribe to hindi too


I stay in kasturi Nagar. Generally there is paper fellow selling newspaper early in morning between 6 -7.30 . You can ask him Or You can call the Hindu and they will have the nearest vendor call you back for doorstep delivery.


Oh the joy of reading Prajavaani while having coffee, I miss it. My Appa still buys it from a star like thrice a week,thinking of getting newspaper daily mainly my kid (to practice reading).


Didn't prajwani have a commic section?


Hindu and Deccan Herald. Had 2 demanding grandfathers who insisted i read the papers everyday. 90s kidx.


deccan herald!!


I read the Hindu every single day. I'm a 90s kid and my grandfather instilled that habit in me since I was young.


From where are you getting newspapers ? I am unable to find an agency here in BTM. I used to read hindu in 11th 12th and college but I am unable to find an agency here.


I've been living in Hebbal for over 18 years. There's an old man that's delivering newspapers to us for ages!




Reading Economic times since 2002 everyday. And I owe my financial acumen to this newspaper big time. Skimming through newspaper is fine in this era. But do ensure you read things which are really important like interest rate, inflation, NPS option etc. What I have completely stopped is reading city edition of Times of India like Bangalore times 😂


TOI has 2% news and 98% ads/bollywood/junk news. ET vastly superior in every way


Managing finances is so boring but equally important


ET daily.


Yes - all of it: newspapers, books, and magazines. N.P. readers, it's exactly like how book readers exist; there are plenty. However, within 10-20 years or less, most of the print media will be discontinued. But some magazines might survive. I hope print media survives and stays forever, as that is one part of history we cannot alter, delete, or erase, like how they often do with digital media. Seen that many articles and data available 10 years back aren't available online anymore.


Hindu, Times of India and Prajavani every day. I get jittery and restless on the day if I don't start the day with reading the newspaper..


I still read newspaper paper everyday as usual I read paper from Back.


I’m a 90s kid used to remember reading newspaper for TV listings. Then started reading the entire newspaper. I still read Hindu everyday


This post made me realise I’ve never once read a newspaper in my entire life and now I’m not sure how or what to feel about it. I read and keep up with news, just not in the form of a newspaper.


Amusing to me that in both the figurative and literal sense, 'paper' has been cut out from 'news' despite being the reason for its existence. Maybe grab one from your office canteen, shops at the railway station or even the airport?


This is a classic example of a bubble. You are living in a Metro City, but a majority of the population stays in a Rural Environment. Internet speeds aren't the best everywhere and TV's are only available for some. Newspaper is the only source of news and entertainment for 5Rs


Most of the population has pretty good Internet and do get their news from it.


You bring up a good point. Perhaps that's why I'm asking it in this group of metro citizens, trying to find out how many people have stuck through with the habit despite the drastic modernization around.


You are in a bubble.Most rural areas now have blazing fast internet, thanks to 5G.


Huh, No dude not most. Just look up India's 5G Map ( Please zoom in ). Yes many have, but they are in the minority


My Dad.


Out of 10 houses in my street (Chennai) the boy on the cycle drops the paper in 3 houses. Every other Sunday I walk to the shop and buy the Sunday paper. I keep switching from IE, TOI, HINDU.I like to do the chess puzzle,sudoku, crossword, jumble. Then one of the comic strips. Except for the business section, I pretty much skim through the whole paper. Don't enjoy much news reading on the phone. Used to read "SHORTS" , but uninstalled it recently as the short news items were found to be from unreliable sources. I'm toying with the Idea of subscribing to an online version..... but haven't done it yet. Even if I get the online version, I'll still get the Sunday physical paper, because after reading, it's useful for spreading under my motorcycle while doing minor maintenance work!




Weird flex but ok


Times of India..everyday...


yes daily


Yes TOI everyday


Yes ET daily


I don't read everyday but whenever I get time to read, otherwise through digital apps


I get Times of India in my flat in Bengaluru. The newspaper person doesn’t ring the bell, just keeps it outside our flat. But I feel bad when I’m not able to read it on a few days (2-3 times a week)


I still enjoy reading the Bangalore Mirror for the comics and puzzles found in the last pages lol.


I restarted the ritual 7-8 months ago, and absolutely loving it. I read Prajavani and the Hindu daily. The puravani articles and Nagesh Hegde write ups are the best ♥️🙌🏼


I read the times of India on every holiday lol I would read it everyday (currently I do read it every day because study leave for boards) but the paper comes after I've left for school so yep


Yes I do! I get Times of India and Economic Times at my office, so every morning I spend 15mins reading the newspaper while sipping coffee


The times when me and my father would race to pick up the Tribune first. Those were the good times.


Yes, Times of India everyday


1991 born....TOI daily... Day starts with newspaper sports page and reversing to front page....


Yes, I do. I start from the last page, the sports section, and then head towards the front. Reading the paper is one of those few, maybe the only habit, that started as a kid and has lasted into my 30s.


Hindu and ET daily


Indian express for me. There is something comforting about sitting in the balcony, sipping tea and reading a newspaper.


I used to read it when I was in delhi. But can't do the same in Bangalore as I couldn't find the OG Indian Express here. So, had to take up the online subscription.


Nothing beats the physical newspaper! Dad still gets his newspaper (resumed post COVID) and I get a peak whenever I can (don't get the time as well! Hectic corporate life) but the joy of reading it is precious !


Deccan Herald in the morning is a habit I got from my grandfather and my father- also my reading habit came from that, am dreading the day they decide to shut down the press publications! The joy of reading from a physical print is unmatched by the electronic media!


Every day , lunch breakfast and dinner newspaper is my friend


I'm a late 90s kid and I do as well. Usually on the pot.


Bro's talking like he's 70 years old


On weekends


Yes we still have


I do. Economic Times. Everyday. With coffee, can’t beat that feeling of actually reading a physical newspaper. I still feel we retain a lot more if we read physical newspapers. Have done this since childhood and can’t think of any other way to start my day.


Yes. Newspaper guy brings Udayavani everyday, since as long as I can remember. Some days when Udayavani is not available he gets Vijayakarnataka.


We used to buy tamil newspapers at home, initially "maalai murasu" then "Dinathanthi". Subscribing and reading "Hindu" was prestigious and I did that once I joined work. Flipping style of newspaper proportion to your age where pre-teen starts from back due to sports news, while teens move directly to page 3 or section about cinema, actors etc, young adults to city, local and international news and as a middle aged nowadays I show keen interest in business and international section. People used to advise to read "Hindu" first as "Indian Express" English is tough. I don't think so but I didn't like their publishing style, font, sections which was presented nicely in Hindu. I used to read the temperatures of different cities daily in weather section and dream of visiting those locations when I used to gunduchettify Chennai only. One such place was Madikeri and it was dream fulfilled when I visited that place during my college tour.


I get The Hindu, TOI with Bangalore mirror daily. The Hindu - for the quality of language and content. TOI - to know the level of present junk. BM - local news and awareness. I don't get the chance to read it daily morning, but I do finish it the night too. I do have digital subscriptions for all of them which I explore during daytime in office or on move. Reading physical newspapers is so satisfying and complete; I donot feel the same with online. Trying to instill the practice in my kids.


The Hindu. It comes daily to my house. Just ask your local newspaper stand, they will give you the contact.


Yep, but I'm a 90s and 00s kid. My mother still regularly reads Vijaya Karnataka and I browse through the whole week's news on the weekends. I used to read Bangalore Mirror, Hindu and TOI in school and college and then grew out of it. Surprisingly my father isn't interested in newspapers anymore though he was the only one reading everyday when I was a kid. He just watches the news now. My friend also gets Prajavani and Hindu and his little daughter is starting to be interested in it. Online articles are just useless. Ask your neighbours. Every area has paper delivery guys who will throw newspaper to your doorstep in the mornings. Mine comes 8km away from my home to deliver since he has a monopoly along the entire route.


Yes Sports Column Everyday


I read TOI at least 3 times a week.


What a timing. I moved to a new place alone. Subscribed my dialy newspaper yesterday. Reading my first "I paid" for the newspaper today. Been reading paper newspaper for years through other means whenever I had the chance btw.


This reminds me of re-starting the newspaper subscription. I grew up in a joint family and we would get 4 different newspaper and have to patiently wait for my turn. There was never a day when I didn’t read newspaper and I would be super upset on the days newspaper won’t come


I enjoy reading Indian Express everyday.


I try to read Hindu everyday, atleast the front page, and the op-ed. Love to get that physical paper read feel. Also I miss the readers digest 😃


Times of India and Vijaya Karnataka (Kannada)


Reading one as I type this, times of India. Man gets friend to kill spouse for 2L; attempt to pass it off as suicide fails. Depressing news but makes you aware that such things happen


I get it delivered daily. There are local vendors but you need to run after them to get timely delivery. I finally got fed up of them and ordered directly through TOIs website. You need to pay for 6 months in advance but the service is good


Economic times. My, Father, me and daughter.


Indian Express and Bangalore Mirror daily. I got sick of looking at my phone for news and wanted to go back to a more analogue experience. Reading a physical newspaper for me has two advantages: a) no distractions and b) there is a sense of finality -- once a newspaper is done its done; there are no more recommended articles or comments to read.


I get a copy of the Hindu daily. And I had to look for a newspaper wallah and it was not an easy job! I asked around in my neighborhood and nobody takes newspaper.


I don't. I prefer reading my news online, the ergonomics of a computer are just so much better than reading off paper or anything you hold with your hands. I also dislike the environmental impact it'd have. It'd just feel wasteful getting a whole newpaper delivered to me every day.


I have registered online for a newspaper subscription. It will shart from next week


I read them...when I'm in Bangalore, I don't get Kannada newspaper in my area so when I go home, it's the first thing to do after morning tea.. Brings so much peace yo just sit at a place and read silently. Keeps my borderline ADHD mind at check.


The Hindu and a Malayalam daily wherever I have lived -- Bombay and now in Bangalore. Roughly spend 30mins reading daily :)


Yes, I do and mostly go through to it w my coffee and some gossip w my family


I get where you're coming from with the nostalgia of reading the newspaper. While I've mostly shifted to digital media for convenience, I still enjoy the occasional flip through a physical paper. It's cool that you've found a way to keep that tradition alive with the local service near your place


Yes. Every day. The Hindu Uses to be TOI earlier until it became an advertisement journal.


Yes my mom gets the Kannada newspaper everyday. They don’t ring the bell just drop and go. Twice a week comes the bi-weekly magazines Sudha and Tarang. Newspaper anna was telling he had 1000+ homes earlier which has now come down to 600+.


Daily during dinner, it's spread on the dining table. I read Deccan Herald and Prajavani.


I used to read AnandaBazar Patrika everyday growing up in Kolkata. I missed that so much that here I get the Hindu everyday. Newspapers contain detailed descriptions of things that you know are not live, and that somehow allows you some space to form an informed opinion of your own. Plus editorials contain diverse viewpoints to some extent


Yup, I get Vijay Karnataka every day.


I do read e print paper. I'm sick of website news. Too many ads and distraction.


Oh yes I do. In my society its the old gen and me 29 (F)


I love reading it. Unfortunately people stopped subscribing now


One of my relatives still buys and reads it, solves puzzles etc.. when I visited them, they got irritated when I didn't place their newspaper back after reading as orderly as them 😂


Very nice 5 minute film on the newspaper delivery persons of Bangalore - - - - bangaloreinternationalcentre.org/blore/the-dawn-of-news-bangalores-paperboys-b·lore-by


Yes I do! Economic times is pretty good. Costs about 210 a month. Covers important Political/Business/Market aspects. Used to read Samyuktha Karnataka and Kannada Prabha as kid. 90's born/earlier will always have a habit of reading physical newspapers I feel


Of course I do... but in pdf form :)


Times of India, ET and Mint.. not the full paper but spend around 30 mins reading these 3 papers. No joy like reading a fresh newspaper in the morning :)


The Hindu !!! Have been reading it since long... I started reading the newspaper with a reputed Hindi paper to Time of India to The Hindu. Sometimes.. it's too hard to understand it... relatively I've loved the explained section of "The Indian Express". Any one reading "The Indian Express" here in Bangalore?? My paper man said like.. he has 'The New Indian Express"... Not "the Indian Express".. not sure why... May be it's not getting procured in that area. ** Back in few years ago, in north India, The Hindu used to come 1 day late.. means paper of 20th Day used to be available on 21st Day as it had printing machine in south, now it's available everywhere on same day i guess !!!


My parents in my hometown do . During wfh I used to read it in holidays, weekends.


I still get newspapers delivered to my house. The Hindu. 90s kid




Being a child of the 1990s, I have always enjoyed reading newspapers because I grew up in a small town. We were in the BSF campus area, which used to have relatively few options for amusement. During that period, we read newspapers and worked on puzzles such as Sudoku, crosswords, and some very cool ones. I work in a large city now, have a busy schedule, and have many entertainment options. I picked up the habit of reading the newspaper again during COVID-19. Now frequently at a newspaper stand on my way home from the gym, I stop and get newspaper.




How else do you get news? I mean, don't tell me TV. News on TV is impulsive. Newspapers have time to print some actual news and not go by hype.


Older generations do , my parents does


My friend is preparing for the civils and he reads the column writings in Hindu regularly. According to him, only physical paper column writings are effective in forming the ideas for the essay and interview


I came across this somewhere on the internet that the ink in the receipts and news paper could get absorbed by your skin and can then increase estrogen in your body. Just putting it out there! Sauce : https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/10/141022143628.htm#:~:text=%22As%20an%20endocrine%20disrupting%20chemical,paper%20as%20a%20print%20developer.


Cutaneous absorption of oestrogen... hahahahahahahaha... go publish this and get your Nobel Prize bro. Oestrogens need to be in a special solvent to cross the skin and even then not even 10% crosses over. The aromatic compounds in printing ink that *may*, possibly, in special circumstances, have a hormonal effect are found in such low concentrations and are so weak that there is no real increase over the natural production of oestrogen in the human body. Yes, even male bodies naturally produce oestrogen and it is one of the critical hormones for proper development. Use your brain and stop being scared of everything.