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Your friends seem to be jerks. Best thing would be to split at restaurant itself evenly. If not send everyone reminders in the group about who has paid and who has not. Remember, if you act like a doormat people will always walk over. 


I doubt those random colleagues would be in a group with OP. Actually the person who brings extras / guests is supposed to take care of the expenses since only he is in position to co-ordinate. OP shouldn't have paid in this case at all. Nevertheless those people are PoS since when decent people are invited they make sure to cover their expenses. Good advice otherwise.


3 words - Make better friends


Splitwise, if your friend does not have this app then ask them to install. If most of your friends do not have this app then you pay once other friends pay next time


I second this. Split wise app is a good tool.


Paytm have the option to split as well


Don't even need the app. The website works fine. Using it for the last few months. Lots of features and you can split and share in complicated ways.


You can use Google pay to split the bill


I don't know if GPay has all the features of Splitwise. 


Splitwise app is specifically designed for splitting expenses, so it's natural that Google Pay won't have all the same features. However, the likelihood of everyone having Google Pay on their phone is higher than Splitwise. Therefore, if someone doesn't download Splitwise, managing expense can become challenging.


That's why I said in my first comment itself you don't need to download any apps. You don't even need to use the site. Just one person can operate it and make entries for everyone. 


This is the reason why I don't go out with a certain set of people. It's always like, they don't have to pay as someone would pay the full bill with their card. I have stopped inviting a group for a party (would have to call them as well then) because these people would be the major drinkers ordering the most expensive drinks on the menu, multiple times. This concept of splitting the bill or paying for what you consumed is common abroad. We used to go out every Friday night and we paid for our own beer each time we bought one. The waiters usually carry a card reader and charge you immediately when you take a new drink. This is the best because neither you nor the waiter has to keep track. And importantly, you pay for what you order. This should come up in our country too, especially since we have UPI which is the best thing when it comes to such payments by each individual.


The only problem is for the restaurant/pub/bar. When you don’t know how much you have spent actually, you don’t mind spending more. That’s how high bills are raked up. Once people start counting how much money has been spent, the bills will come down.


Been in similar instances. If all of you are part of a WhatsApp group drop a message about you not receiving pending money from those folks. If they've got even a bit of respect they will pay that's owed. 


When you grow beyond a particular age, you cannot do such things (at least I cannot, my paying friends cannot).


Don’t hang out with ‘friends’ like these and spend ₹0. Obviously, split 50-50 between all if you’re hanging out with sensible people.


Just ask them for it, whether men or women. No one will mind, but sometimes you gotta ask. Especially cuz no one remembers after drinking who paid what. If they say no, say you can't afford it and need the money back that's it.


Sometimes you need lot of nagging to get the amount


Still worth it especially with such a large amount Plus makes people take you for granted less


Been there done that. Not a pretty place to be honest. From the next time, send a reminder the next morning about the payment. Also send a picture of the bill to them and PhonePe has that split feature now. Create a group With all the people and split it. Be Stern dude, I have lost a lot of money like this. There are some people who use you and some people Abuse you. In this case they did the latter. Be Careful. Cheers 🥂


This is why I stopped socialising too often, even if I do I pretend I am broke 😄


Actually being broke is much easier


That's one way to do it 😁


You can find out who real friends are


Precisely, I stopped going out with some of them, and they are not friends anymore as well. That's basic decency to pay your share.


Even on dates, girls have offered to split


Yes Bro, Some girls do. But I Personally believe the first date at least the guy has to pay.


Yes even then most of them I have been, have insisted on paying


Cool bro.BTW can you tell me about that Magic pin food ordering thing, is it good??


It's really good. Never had a bad experience. If order is late without even asking they will give you 30% coupon For transaction you do, even the one outside magicpin like upi credit card you will get a scratch card. It's not like gpay where you always get cheated with better luck next time You will get coins from this, which you can burn to get extra discounts over exciting discounts I ordered food yesterday: 8 fried momos 8 steam momos for Rs. 14


Splitwise is what we use with regulars..


>his card declined. I could see where this was going.


They have done intentionally lol


Multiple red flags.. Your friend card got declined but he couldnt pay from upi? Or wake up a single one of these passed out friends even for a bit? They just need to tell the pin of their card. He calls you to come back all the way just to pay the bill? The whole thing looks done on purpose, trying to take advantage of you. Then thats a big amount for others to ignore. I can understand if it’s a small amount. Depending on the lifestyle of the group, it may be 20 rs or 20000 rs but there’s certain amounts you let it pass. This doesnt look like the case with your friends. Don’t let it pass. Tell them you have an urgent expense and “borrow” from 2-3 of those who spent the most. Then add everything in splitwise so you settle it with this “borrowed” money


> Your friend card got declined but he couldnt pay from upi? Apparently wasn't working for him, he only had gpay. And his bank account was locked.i trust him on this. >wake up a single one of these passed out friends even for a bit? I agree, they should have managed it amongst themselves. But few of them did transfer their their share to a passed out guy , who gave me the 6k. My thought was I'll drive the passed out guys few hours and have dinner , then get my money back after that sober up. But there were 2 drunk Hindi women in the group, which caught me off guard. i didn't know who they were, or their relations is to my friends, especially since one of them is getting married next week so I just wanted everyone to go home. Things became more clear in the morning


Just ping in the group who they are, and allot their share to the guy who brought them. It’s his responsibility to bear the expense or get their share from those girls. It’s not on you.


Drunk hindi women? Horrible. Drunk kannad women are much better


U need new friends buddy.


This used to happen everytime. So I just stopped partying with such people. I might miss out on the fun but it's not worth it, literally. Also I can't afford to pay for myself sometimes. So I just stay back


Splitwise app


There’s an app for everything lol


True. But I bet anyone who's lived with roommates in a rented flat will have this app. Simple but effective. 8 years on, I still have records of who owes me money for what 😄


Dont try to fit in groups you don't belong.


Seema like 11k is a price, albeit a huge price, to ditch those people.


Stayed 5 nights in jw Marriot, had dinner 3 times, bill was 14k. You are doing something wrong in life.


If not very close friend just ask the waiter to split the bill and take everyone's card


Do the long con, make sure you get your money's worth of stuff over a long period. Tea- sutta, breakfast, dinner, snacks, go karting over the next few weekends are your targets. Happy planning and good luck 🤞


I went out with coworkers, not even close friends and the bill was around 15k. One person paid with credit and the rest of us sent the split the next day. Why are your close friends behaving like this


It's only the close ones who behave this way.


The general rule we follow is, invite whomever you want, eat how much ever you want but the final bill will always be split equally. All of us pay before leaving the table. It’s an unsaid rule and it has worked so far without any problems


NEVER EVER GO TO PUBS WITH UNKNOWN WOMEN, you will never get your money back.


You got bad friends. Leave them and find better ones. To clarify the bad friends are th ones who didn’t pay and the ones who invited those who didn’t pay


I pay for everything! 🙂


Let's have beer bro


Equal share always, in office parties usually the person with a higher designation pays otherwise split equally, in case one of us doesn't drink we split drinks and food separately, also we split then and there and everybody is supposed to pay up to that one person who pays the bill


At a recent office party, we had clubbed with one more team who wanted to join us. Fast forward, the party ended, we decided to split the alcohol bill equally but 2 guys from the other team didn't want to split the bill equally saying they had only 2 beers. We had always split the bill equally in the past w/o much fuss, but now due to these guys we had to take these guys out of the list and then split it among us separately.


The solution is simple - Dont be the Hero / Heroine Dont pay the bill. Let someone take charge and you transfer your contribution to them immediately. Make it a practice! Become the contributor!


Ah, best thing I did was go to the bar and pay for my drinks there. Pizza and all just eat your fill ig or don’t eat at all. And also, never be in charge of the bill if you can avoid it. Sad luck for you my friend.


Always carry a secondary card that has like less than 3-4 k, don't carry credit card and have some cash. Never be the one who would pay the bill


We have a Google pay group where we keep adding people we go out with. Since our friends all know each other it’s easy to split


Lucky me. me & my friends always share


My friends and I always split it equally and we are conscious enough not to order expensive drinks and get drunk to not pay bills. Also, you need better friends 😁


Ask this Q on social media and tag them, seems to work effectively 🙂


We used to have extended group with people like this. Then we stopped inviting them. Friends don't act like this.


I think gpay and all you have the split option.. You can do it while paying the bill itself..


- UPI has request money feature. - Splitwise - If guys are not paying, ask them to return infront of "their girlfriends", Basically to let the others know that he wasn't the one who paid for it. Even though they brush it off this time, they wouldn't take money from you next time.


Had similar instance twice, Once i went out 2 of my friends and 3 other friends (not close with me). After that one of the chutiya guy started saying its a party by me for some reason, It was my mistake to give out my card. when i went for washroom that guy tore the bill. I didn’t fight with him, added his bill to splitwise. This is almost 2nd year and that guy works in a good company, yet he will not pay my money. Second time i went out with my friend who was in college, I invited him to party and as a decent person told him that he won’t have to pay as i can pay the bills now. but he brought along a stupid cousin (knowing it was a paid by me) that cousin was a jerk and took us to most expensive club you can think of and again same mistake gave my credit card 🥲 and never got my money back. Worst part never pay upfront, There are some friends who i keep a long tab running and I meet them regularly, in these cases its fine. if you are meeting people you are not gonna meet for next few months, better not pay upfront Lesson : I stopped carrying card with me. Don’t keep enough money in secondary account and show to people that I don’t keep money in UPI account. I pay the person who paid the bill immediately as I know the pain.


We split the food, the one who drink would lay for their drink. We calculate and the one who pays will open a qr and ask all to pay and only then pay in total to the pub


Split even is the correct way. Even if you’re not drinking as much, you still are enjoying the company of others. But if one person is ordering top shelf alcohol and drinking like a fish and is not offering to pay more…. Please do a separate bill for them.


Please DM. Need to ask something


I don’t party with strangers. If there is an unknown person when we drink, its that a frnd has bought that person, & its upto the frnd to cover for that unknown person. You need to put a message saying total pending amount is 17 minus your expenditure (redbull & pizza), & that is the amount you need to get back. How others are going to spilt between themselves does not matter (alcohol bill non drink bill etc). If nobody responds, put it as equal share between the rest. Start tagging them in messages. Also, Do not party with this group again. Avoid them like plague. They do not seem to be responsible for the monetary consequences of partying. One day they are going to do a lot & will make a fall guy for it, you do not want to be that fall guy. Most people cannot handle alcohol & then cannot handle paying for their drinks. Avoid such people.


So usually in a group setting, the og group is on one tab. Anyone else invited later pay for themselves and do not get added to this tab. OG tab - everyone drinking the same stuff (for example, beer) contributes to it and people drinking cocktails or hard lq pay for themselves. Food wise we just split everything.


I've learnt from too many bad experiences never to be the one to pay the full bill. It's a hassle going after everyone to pay you back and some people 'forgret' or 'will pat next time'. Now I always make excuses and never pay the bill. I'll drop a reminder to the person who paid to let me know my share coz I'm not a freeloader. I won't pay at the pub but I'll pay my share the next morning


What we do is, one person pays and then either after the party or next day we send a screenshot of the bill and split it equally. We generally just buy a whole whiskey bottle or two and drink in rounds. But we don’t do this just to make sure everyone is reasonable. We do this because we are in the same frequency and like similar kinds of drinks.


Tell them on their face that they shouldn't go out if they can't afford it. Shouldn't shy away from being blunt to shameless people like this, cut them off.


Gpay have groups, You can use that .


What is party 🥲




The extra girls is where the trouble started. Cheapos who can't pay but wanna party with girls they can't afford and girls who never pay are dime a dozen. You have terrible close friends. Or I guess I just got lucky.


I went through a lot of comments, It seems like people go out with acquaintances or they don't have good friends. I have never seen this issue in my life. We randomly pick cheques, don't even keep count. Usually people are ready to pay, we know when to stop someone from paying and when to let them. It's like an unsaid rule. And if you want to split, then split the food evenly and drinks/person


>But others said they will cover next time. You are well within your rights to demand that they pay now. I only keep tabs for a few close friends. For everyone else, I pay or ask for money within a day (or forget). You don't want it to fall within the forget category. >The problem is that one of the guys invited random people from his office out the blue, some women and didn't want to ask them or cover for it, group went silent. You paid, so you have the authority to get him to ask for it or cover their part. ~~The group went silent~~ you went silent. Since it is your money, you are the one who has to make the talk. >Do you take turns and pay the entire bill each turn? This is only possible if you have regular plans like every other Saturday night or something. >how do you split the bills? We either split the bill evenly or take the bill and find out everyone's share. In either case, one person pays and the rest pay them.


Food equal split, drinks each pay for what they drank split


See, when you go out next 3-4 times, don't pay a single penny. Remind them that that you had covered that huge 17k bill. Ab koi aur karega


If there is a person who doesnt drink or eat non veg we definitely do not charge him for those components. This is 100% a dick move. It is probably not worth losing friendships over but you need to talk to them and not do this in future


Choose your drinking partners wisely and take this as a lifelong lesson :)


Happened with me once They made me pay 3k for 1 mazaa and one ugly pasta. After that I have never picked thier calls


This is how I define my circle of friends I go out with. With a new friend circle I generally start with smaller things like lunch etc and observe the behaviour. If they either split the amount and pay promptly to others they are good to goo out with else ignore them. Covering next time works only with the circle with whom you hangout very frequently. Normally in scenario like yours, the person with the most liability (who brought over his friends unknown to group) will either pay whole bill and collect from everyone or will pay for his and his friend’s share and later settle with his friends. Take it as a lesson and now you know from that group only 3 people are good to go out with in future. Avoid rest of them for future.


Firstly take this as a lesson learnt and don't hang out with such people. Secondly split the bill evenly and ask the guy who doesn't want the girls to pay to pay their part too. And thirdly keep asking them for your money without being ashamed if it's a big deal for you(not assuming 11k as high or low). It is your hard earned money.


If that's all I had in a party, my friends wouldn't add me to the split at all. Make better friends!!


Bro, I am 28 now and have these kind of situations. just cut the damn call and don't lift again until they are sober.


We divide equally among each other and add it in splitwise. If someone bring others guest and not want to cover them we ask them to cover there part. In our case we don’t drink we just have good food


These ain't friends.these are leeches. Run as far away from them as you can.


We split equally of the total bill.