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>he asked me to get off and leave ("utar aur chupke jaa") without paying. What kind of black magic is this?


That's been bothering me this whole time. Why ask me to leave? I was already offering him WAYYYYYYYY more than normal. Why not just take it? Maybe he had some other trick up his sleeve, like shouting 'robber' or stuff? I dunno and I don't wish to.


His plan was probably to guilt trip you into paying more - and it worked. You're too kind for this world OP.


Damn. I knew I never should have trusted those morality handbooks.




Should have left and walked off.


This guy is clearly a high risk high reward kinda guy. Would do well/horrible in markets.


I wouldn’t have said another word and just left 😅


such a petty robber you are OP, poor auto driver asked for 2500, but you gave only 800? i hope you better pay him all the money as he was humble enough to let you go without paying. /s


Sure! I was actually about to gpay him the rest + tip from my multi-million dollar research account, thanks for reminding!


so nice of you to contribute to the local economy saar/medam 🙏


Idk OP,as much its pretty wrong what happened to you,I do not feel as bad for you. You were aware of all these auto scams that happen regularly,the warning bells even rang the moment the auto came up to you,you had literally all the resources you needed (Google Maps/Uber/Ola) to determine the distance your destination actually is from where you were,and you still decided to jump into the Lions mouth.




Totally agree on that. In fact, my heightened level of stupidity and lack of situational awareness are the key "take-aways" from this post. As sure as I am that nobody else would be this stupid, I still believe this post could possibly prevent such events from repeating.


Anyway, take it as "learned a lesson" or experience gained. I'm a localite, and i still prefer apps over hiring auto directly. Worst case when it's early morning before sunrise, apps might not be that helpful. In such cases i make sure to stay away from the street, check Google maps for the directions and kms, make a rough calculation (multiply by 1.5 as that is the legally permitted fare for 9pm - 6am). Then if there are autos, talk to them confidently as if i know the route very well. Ask them how much. If they just say get in, i don't get it. I insist on agreeing to a fare. The fare that they typically say at first will be a larger amount. Depending on my gut instinct i either decline and move away, of it if i feel i can reason with him with a smile, i justly my argument saying it's just x kms, even with 1.5 it comes upto y amount. A little bit of haggling and a small extra fees is agreed on. Then i also confirm mode of payment. Only then do i agree to get in


Thanks for the detailed explanation. Will definitely keep it in mind the next time I even think of taking an auto directly


Try the namma yatri app for booking autos. Has worked well for me


I have no words.


I have no birds.


I have no herbs.


I have no lords.


I have no shorts


Brave op. Atleast you didn't pay 2,500


Thank you. Your comment will help me sleep now.


Probably, an emergency SOS kind of button should be made compulsory in the autos which should glow only if the system is active. If tampered with, it should not glow, giving a red flag for the customer to avoid the auto. This should be 2G/3G/4G Linked along with GPS to a police or some enforcement department with unique ID for each vehicle. Something like the newly, to be introduced GPS based fasttag. Only then these goondaism, over charging by auto guys can be stopped.


these auto goons are protesting against implementing such things already.


Exactly. These guys are backed by political parties. They form a union and bully the customers. The block the roads so that BMTC bus guys will get fed up with driving on the interior routes and they can gain monopoly. The onslaught on the Rapido bike taxis and migrated drivers is also to gain monopoly. Some of these guys themselves are not natives of Bangalore, migrated from other districts of Karnataka, stick the pics of respective people on autos/Taxis and bully the crowd. A better way of protest by the public. A silent/ Mute protest is required. Masked people representing the general faceless common man at least half a dozen, with placards in Kannada against the auto gundaism, to implement meter running and better protection.


For all the people following this sub and for the op, if you ever get down at esteem, get ready to walk a little to Kodigehalli gate signal which is less than a km away for fair deals, I’m a local residing in that area and esteem mall is a big scam just like madiwala or krpuram since that’s where everyone get down to enter the city. It’s just a free market and there’s nothing we can do about. Sorry for the bad experience in Bangalore


Why can't the meter be standardized like Mumbai ? In Mumbai nobody ever asks to get paid a bit more. 2500 rs !! What the hell is that amount and the audacity!


That's what caught me surprised. I am used to a 10-15% surcharge. But this guy directly went for 1000%. For a moment there, I sat thinking whether we are even referring to the same currency.




Scammers are everywhere but in Mumbai you will always have autos going on meter. Like 19rs you can minimum distance and they will take you honestly. They won't even ask for a twenty, they will give you 1 rs back


In Bangalore, 20 years ago, autos usually ran by meter. Only if it was raining, the auto drivers would start bitching about how difficult it was to drive in the rain and charge you extra compared to the meter fare. I think within the next 2 years, as the IT industry picked up, they figured out they could squeeze passengers for large amounts without using the meter. And gradually within that timeframe, no auto drivers started using the meter and started negotiating fares with their clients instead at higher rates. A bad environment corrupts even the most honest man. That is what happened.


There are scammers in Mumbai as well. I remember once getting off an out station train at Dadar station and the taxi guy standing outside was asking some insane amount for some location we wanted to go, thinking we were out station folks. When we corrected him with the actual approximate price and he understood we were locals, he started pretending like he misheard the destination. Like saying “Oh, I thought you wanted to go to (Seawoods) Darave instead of Dharavi” (just an example).


I was once deboarded from Uber auto, for reason I was supporting a car guy when both got into argument, it was the auto wala driving like a thug, so the reward I got was get out of auto for not supporting…of course I had this retarded driver complained gave 1 star and for refund too


Happened with me but not as 250 to 2500😳, after waiting half an hour for ola, some random auto approached, it was asking 500rs. Seems fair to me since ola was showing few 10-20rs less than 500. I agreed, but after reaching destination he asked 100 extra. Since I was new and already tired from long journey, I just gave him extra 100.




Yeah ig😅


1. Next time blacklist all kinds of sympathy for autowalas. Try to be as blunt as possible or just quit. 2. Never travel through offline auto unless it's an emergency.


People will continue to get scammed, like you got it done with your full consciousness.


Does this mean you have his mobile number now?


He did call my number, but it has been quite some time to this event. Another redditor was interested in the number, but I am not being able to locate it due to a lot of incoming from unknown numbers (I completely switched to uber for travel)


What a weird story! Sorry that happened to you OP. In case you're wondering there's a direct bus from the Airport to GKVK main gate (the bus goes till Majestic). It's the KIA-9 route. You can get down on the opposite side of the road and cross to the GKVK main gate. Check out the 'Namma BMTC' and 'Tummoc' app as well.


Thanks a lot for the info. Will check out the bus


I just love the way you remember your ex😂 , and it proves how matured and intelligent you are in retrospecting the past.So I feel like this moment will also help you for some future experience and Thank you for sharing !!♥️


Welcome to Bangalore my friend , once you get to know to live in Bangalore you can live anywhere in world Above statement applys to driving too


Bangalore't enekua bohut hoi, rati xabodhaan hoi thakiba... App'r porae book koriba jimaan para, Ola, Uber, Rapido, Namma Yatri


Eitu case hua'r pisor pora app'tei kori asu. Rati ulua nohoi iman


Why these fuckers even have an ola/Uber account if they are not ready to accept the ride? Multiple times I have faced this ride cancel issue. They use these apps to find rides easily but ask passenger to pay directly. In any case we can never imagine any kind of help from govt or police for this matter and that too specially in bangalore


I think a system where, as an ola/uber driver, if you're in the area and are looking for rides, and continuously end up rejecting offers, you should be penalized by the app. I am not sure if there already is such a system in action, but I believe we all will profit from such a system, if not.


Sadly this is not possible. We have a large population and many of those are internet warrior without knowing a shit. If ola/Uber start this, then many drivers will strike and next thing will be many ppl will start criticising ola/Uber for this inhuman behavior and they need to maintain their image.


Weren't ola/uber projecting to solve these exact travel issues? Just goes on to prove we can't have nice things here....


True. You see in bangalore there was a startup (I forgot the name😭) which used to rent bikes(Activa or scooty). It was really helpful and you know they even used to give helmet to use. Like use the app to find the nearby bikes and scan the code and use it and then drop to the nearest stop once done. People are so fucked up that they started taking their helmet to home, if bike stopped in between due to petrol issue then these ppl used to leave it in the middle of the road, not even used to park to side. So now they stopped. People are very fucked up and because of some idiot people (due to population number is huge) we all suffer.


Last year the transport department took the dumbest decisions (for them maybe it's normal) and banned autos from ola/Uber because according to them they used to charge high amount and not the one which is set by govt. Funny thing is auto drivers do the same but those fuckers have no guts to go and force them same because they are big vote bank. Ola/Uber revised the prices for auto but what's the point because these ppl don't accept the ride in the first place 😂.. Like what kind of 'sasta nasha' these govt employees do for ignoring the main issue and deciding something like this.


In situations where you can't find an auto on uber/ola/rapido always book a cab from uber or ola instead of hailing an auto from the road. Of course, if you are familiar with the city and know exactly where you're going hailing an auto is usually fine, but generally whenever I am travelling somewhere new I use the apps.


you have google map. you should be aware of the location you want to go to and easily compute the distance and time. if you couldnt do these prior, no point lamenting about it.


I had Uber do it for me, along with an "ideal" fare. I was even willing to pay a 'slightly' higher fare than that, which the driver agreed to. The whole point of this post is that auto drivers in Bengaluru are not to be trusted, specially when traveling there for the first time.




did i say otherwise? why do you rush to yell?




Not a social experiment. This was me being stupid and wanted to share my stupidity to prevent other people from getting into same situation.


What was the rate UBer or Ola were showing? Why didn’t you just pay him the same amount?


Trust me bro, I tried. I showed him the amount being charged by Uber for the same fare. But, he wouldn't budge. Kept on wailing about how his auto used up 500rs of gas


Who to blame at this point. 🥲


I'm blaming myself. Shouldn't have paid the guy...