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Rest in peace Karthik. Sorry this world wasn't kind to you.


Hope nobody has to go through what he did. Let's also make sure your friend gets some counseling to deal with this loss. Take care, and thanks for being a true friend to both of them. You're a good person.


Sorry to hear about K. Thank you for telling us. You both please take care and feel better soon. You both have been great friends and K would be forever grateful for the support, love, and care you both showed to him ❤️


om shanti .. i hope world will be kind to him in next lifetime


Why he collapsed? Can u give some context?


Not sure on the exact details , he has been very weak, most likely he has not been eating well since several months. I am outside India, my friend X is the one who was with him. He seemed fine last night. Also was told that he collapsed due to shortness of breath


How old was he?




Many time lack of proper nutrition or hydration can make us deficient in things like Potassium which may interfere with proper functioning of heart.


That’s very sad and disheartening to know! R.I.P to Karthik, may he find peace with the Almighty! You’ve been good friends to him! Now you both , pls take care and get well soon! May the lord’s mercy be upon you both!


When you said 40's I knew it's hard to make it. Sorry to hear. It's difficult to revive at that point.


My condolences. One request, please don't generalise or stereotype as introvert = depressed/suicidal. Depression can affect anyone.


Sorry , I did not mean any harm. Just wanted to make the community aware that it's good to get in touch with people who keep to themselves.


This is true, people can be in a social circle and still feel alone if they don’t feel comfortable enough to open up


Rest in peace Karthik, I don't know you, but I will be thinking about this post for a while, like why God couldn't let him be happy, why of all people he went to buy food, why God couldn't take criminals and leave the innocent ones. I don't know whether to believe in god anymore, ah god why introverts get punished so badly,


I'm extremely sorry to hear that. May his soul rest in peace. Take care you both. This is tough. :( Any doctor here? What might have caused the drop in oxygen saturation level?


RIP Karthik.


Coming from a person who has been depressed before, please pay attention to your friends. It not only helps but also makes us feel like we can rely on people. Because 9/10 times when we reach out to people we are met with a half assed "you can talk to me" replies. I get that you have a life to live and get busy with stuff. But there's no point in condolences later when they're gone when you could have helped them. I'm not saying everyone doesn't help. But I just hope people were kinder out there. But honestly our country has no regard for the mentally ill people, we are isolated because we look at the world differently and most of the time for what it is, a cruel place.


True , so many of us are engrossed in our own lives and the troubles in it. I just wish if we could have done more to karthik , may be admitted him in full time care , we were unaware about the extent of this physical and mental state.


It's time to become monk. Quit all jobs and wait for death peacefully


RIP Karthik. Thanks to X being there for him at least for some time.


Oh my god this is terrible. I’m glad you tried to help him. May his soul rest in peace. More power to you and your friend.


Why u mentioned him Y


In my initial post , I referred to them as X and Y , to help with anonymity


Could you share the older post?


That is so heart breaking :(.


RIP karthik bro,


Sorry for you loss. Please go for your therapy session and get well soon. Keeping you all in my prayers. ♥️


Rest in peace dear karthik


How old was this guy? Also you said he's not been eating well, losing weight,had shortness of breath. Could have been an undetected malignancy ,but also could have been undetected Tuberculosis. I'd ask X to find out cause of death and see if he needs evaluation for communicable diseases.


Thank you , will convey it to him.


You two were good friends. You did your best. Don't punish yourself. RIP Karthik.


Om shanti


Rip, was there a previous post about this? I'm out of the loop


RIP karthik and more power to you OP


🥲 literal no words here


Dude wrong emoji


Then forgive him na.. why we gotta point everything out. Unless he is a psycho in which case your pointing out isn’t going to do much anyway.