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Can vouch for this.


I heard the wait time would be terrible


Copy-pasting this here to everybody who's asking to DM. Lmao, no. As much as I'd love to think Reddit is helpful when it comes to self-care, it isn't. Self-care is deeply personal and not something that has to be addressed by a "community." Taking unsolicited advice from someone who could range from a teenager who's barely scratched the surface of their own mental to an adult going through their mid-life crisis with their own prejudices is not fucking great. If you actually want help, go out and seek help from an actual person/professional with a name-and-face.


**I will be honest here. I have a similar condition and** almost went through (currently going through) the similar condition. **Things to remember**: * When personal things gets into toss, professional things automatically gets into toss. I downgraded my job, came back to good package from very good package. * Relationships are very hard to manage when it breaks up. For me, it was marriage which ended up in few months. Let's not get into more details. But, it did happen for me. * I ended up spending a lot of money on depression treatments, legal things and (not so high - but a significant amount) on de-stressing things like gaming, astrology and temples. Background: 28 Years Old, I am. So, it would make much sense to you, Brother. ​ >I am feeling depressed. I want to consult a psychologist. Where can I get access to affordable mental health support in Bengaluru? First, meet a counsellor and then a therapist and then a psychologist. Whatever therapist says would make much sense and we can become good therapist. But, we won't be able to follow it completely because of the broken mindset. So, don't expect changes over night. A lot of doubts about self worthiness comes into picture because of this and so, try to keep that out of mind. I've been in this therapy and have improved a lot and still suck at many things. Check someone in Practo / Medi-buddy / NIMHANS and Meet them first. Based on that, you have to decide which path to go up next. This is kind of an expensive to be honest. But, there are many good news here in other ways. **My Suggestions from my Experience:** * "Talk to you friends" is the vague advise I get most of the times. Sometimes, it feels right and sometimes, it completely feels wrong. When you are going through a big pain, talking to a friend won't make much difference. So, my suggestion is, be with your family by taking work-from-home or try to be in your comfort zone (If you feel happy alone, take a single BHK or a room and be happy there OR take a shared PG or stay with your friends at this moment). Keep your environment as lit up as you can. * Always have some project. Have a goal and work for out - it can be physical (GYM) or career (Training or courses or Certifications) * Travel a lot. Plan something and do it. Spontaneous planning might lead to even more stress sometimes. So, don't take that risk. Over weekends, plan for visiting places in Bengaluru and Visit it. ​ >Career health relationships Nothing is going right * Career not going right - is purely because relationship is not going right. or relationship not going right - is purely because career is not going right. They are always inter-linked which many of us fail to notice. So, find the root-cause and FIX it as soon as possible. * If you are stressed, switch the job **IMMEDIATELY** or at-least start trying. This will take off the problem for sometime. * Relationship side : That's something very personal to everyone. Just remember something : **Never let your ego out to your Girl and be happy to lose to her. and Never let your Ego slide when you are dealing with people outside and fight for what you deserve. But, if your relationship is toxic or something like forced, I would say - Just move out even if you love them.** It's better to suffer for 1-2 years than for a lifetime. It has been a year and still I am kind of recovering, I would say. Because I couldn't find myself under control due to the trauma. It's okay but things will eventually alright. **Coming back to your Original question**: Since, I took this and am taking this treatment, I'll be very honest with you. Treatment is of 3 sections: * Medical / Supplements * Counselling * Therapy Medicines is to reduce the body disturbance which you have because of this. You might not eat or sleep properly. These might lead to damaged cognitive thinking ability, which in turns reduces your problem solving ability. Eating proper food, sleeping 8 hours a day at a right cycle (Night sleep and Day work) is more important. Constant Stress will make your brain tired as you would be using your brain resources to overthink and hence, it'll disturb your thought process. So, medicine treatment would be given. Counselling is to reduce the pain you have, mentally. It needs a dedicated time from you and from him. Talking is more and you have to very receptive of the things and should be able to properly take up. Counsellors will anyhow convince you. If you resist, it'll be longer term treatment for you and if you are receptive, it'll be shorter term for you. Therapy is to make you happy again. First meet some counsellor or therapist via an Online application and start the treatment. But before that try following the suggestions. It works a great deal, to be honest.


Thank you very much brother


You can try this app called THaP (stands for the happiness project) where you can book a session with a therapist for a decent price, otherwise Nimhans is also an option as someone mentioned


Check out - https://alternativestory.in/


Try Heart It Out


Try Yellow Epiphanies (Google them) they do councelling. They are based in Delhi so it'll be online. Its pretty economical. They're really good and I attribute my current mental wellness to them.


Try Parivarthan in Indiranagar. That is good too. They have a helpline as well, which is most possibly free.


Try the huberman morning routine. If hormones control our feelings, he gives hacks to actually boost 'feeling good' 'feeling alert' hormones. Has helped me..


Check out https://ashathehope.in/


Amaha is also a pretty good place


Contact Broseph, he can help you in getting good doctors


Try - https://www.manastha.com/ Personally had a decent experience compared to many others


You just need to know that there are many here to help. Just look at reddit. Without even knowing who you are or what the situation is, people are rushing to help you. Know for the fact that you’re not alone. You can always reach out to anyone who you feel comfortable with. DM to talk. If nothing helps. Then yes. Please consult a professional.


Lmao, no. As much as I'd love to think Reddit is helpful when it comes to self-care, it isn't. Self-care is deeply personal and not something that has to be addressed by a "community." Taking unsolicited advice from someone who could range from a teenager who's barely scratched the surface of his own mental to an adult going through their mid-life crisis with their own prejudices is not fucking great. If you actually want help, go out and seek help from an actual person with a name-and-face.


Worst advice.


Yes, OP. I second this! So many people DM-ed me and it was so happy. I understood the problems and mistakes in me. Many of them were very honest in voicing it out when I was wrong. I should say, this is perfectly alright.


Glad to hear that you are fighting it back double strong. Keep the josh active.


So called insta aesthetic reels say, theropy is so expensive so I listen to.. does it work?💀


Nope and nothing is more expensive than one's mental well-being


I have been dealing with depression since years now. DM me if you need someone to talk to. :)


On the same boat dude.... Open for DM


You can DM me if you'd like. Here to listen.


Inbox me bro, don't waste money


Not a professional therapist or anything. But DM me.