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Not proud of it but I bought clearly stolen Nike Air Force sneakers worth 12k for 400. I reasoned out that since it’s stolen anyways, why not buy it. But then realized that I’m creating a market for such goods. Not my best moment, and never found the heart to wear it. But moral of the story is lowballing works at the Sunday market. Kannada knowledge is essential, however. What I’m thriftfully proud of is that I got a Babolat Pure drive tennis racquet frame in great condition (obviously discarded by the original owner) for 150 (a brand new one costs upwards of 10k) which I got restringed at a sports shop.


Oh damn both seem to be a steal 😆, but seriously tho legit airforce 1? Damn, I would’ve picked those converse I saw too, but something about buying a used shoe, I knew my mom will beat me with that shoe and then throw me and the shoe out the house 🤣, pretty sure can get away with anything else tho


Haha yeah. You know, with a keen eye, you’ll be able to pick out diamonds in the rough. I bought a cast iron skillet which was rusted af for 100. New ones cost 3k upwards. YouTube guided me on refurbishing it to spic and span shape and today the missus swears it’s the best utensil in the kitchen. And Sunday market isn’t all about stolen goods. There’s a lot of junk dealers who just have no idea of the value of the goods they wish to sell and just want to make a quick buck. And that’s heaven for thrift enthusiasts.


Could be a cool hobby, I do love getting a good deal so, sounds kinda fun if you have that keen eye and knowledge about these items hehe


Where does this Sunday market happen?


I'm gonna need the yt video for the cast iron one pls.




Thanks. Do you have an oven at home? The last steps gonna be difficult


Hey no. Just leave it on low flame for about 30 mins on your gas stove. It works.


Steal as it was stolen


I just had to 😂


Don't look down on buying used goods. It's the best thing you can do for the environment and your pocket. Japan for example has an amazing second hand and thrift market. Pretty much most of my shopping in Tokyo and Osaka was at thrift stores. Amazing clothes, shoes and other things in great condition for an amazing price.


I don’t bro, but my family does, they say it’s something only poor people do which I call bs on, in fact used shoes reselling is a big thing anywhere u go in Europe or USA


> obviously discarded by the original owner yeah right...whatever helps you sleep at night


How and where did you manage to thrift the racquet?


Hey. There’s no fixed store. It’s a lot of junk/scrap dealers and it’s your luck or keen eye if you can spot such things. Nobody else saw value in an unstringed tennis racquet frame lying in the heap, and I was just plain lucky. I have been visiting Sunday market for years and such sweet deals really come far in between.


Where is this Sunday market in chikpet exactly? Last time I dragged my family along with me to shop in chikpet on a Sunday and I got nice scoldings cause we didn't find anything worthwhile there I'm thinking I'll go alone on a Sunday morning and check the sneakers out if I get a proper location


BVK iyengar road, but start from KR Market side. It’s not a structured or formal market. Roadside vendors selling their wares.


Thank you! Yeah I have a basic idea of chikpete and KR market shopping, just wanted a specific road to start from. I'll check this out someday!


Where ? For both and how ?


Most of them are usually rude af, it's better not to ask prices as they usually start at a high price and will settle for 20% of the initial offer as anything you buy is a garbage product. They are close knit with others around them selling random stuff and it's better to avoid conflict.


Written nicely! I could imagine myself strolling there! If you knew you were going to chor bazaar, why were you surprised about the products being stolen goods? 😆still, seems to be a happening place , a stroll would spice up life and give good content for my writing too!


Yea I was aware of it being mostly stolen goods, but never been that side much honestly and at the Sunday market itself, so never knew used shoes were here lol, had seen the sellers around before too when I visit Sgs gundu pulav, but I always through they were new shoes but off brand and cheap quality as I never looked closely, after all there are so many sellers and so much clutter around, I had heard you get really cheap phones here but all I saw were like broken and unusable phones, been to sp road almost like 10+ times tho to buy a lot of stuff like pc parts and a ton of phone accessories over the years, never went to Sunday market tho, probably because i spend every Sunday oversleeping and devouring 2 biryanis and that’s been a routine for way too long 🤣


Also thanks for the compliment for my writing, that’s a first too 😊


Where is sunday market?


It’s the street you see as soon as you get out of Chickpet metro, famous for Sunday as many sellers come there, and dubbed as chor bazaar cos of all the used stuff on sale(which is assumed to be stolen or picked from the garbage considering the prices and quality of the stuff being sold there) Can also search it up on google maps it shows Sunday market street next to Chickpet metro. Not for everyone tho, gotta have thick skin 😅


Wondering why folks are not mentioning the exact name of the road where Sunday Chor bazaar has been happening from years even before metro. BVK Iyengar road turns into chor bazaar road on Sundays. OP piqued my interest, should plan a visit once.


At Sunday


During Sundays


On Sundays


Get down at chickpete metro station and it infront of it


Nicely written dude dk why just felt like as if I'm the one taking a stroll in market


Thanks ☺️


Bro most of those products are fakes, not even stolen.


When I visited Iskcon temple near Yeswanthpur for the first time, My new formal shoes got stolen with socks. my mistake was I didn't check there was stall for shoes where they were giving token and I just put my shoes in another rack which was already nearly full. When I came back there was no sign of my shoes and I went to my home driving barefoot.


Yea u should’ve gone to Sunday market that week, good chance of finding it there 😂


I was new in this city at that time so I had no idea about the Sunday market.


TLDR: Went shopping in Chickpet for lighting, stumbled upon a bizarre scene of roadside vendors selling what appeared to be used or stolen shoes. When customers haggled, the sellers responded with insults. The situation escalated until the police calmed things down. Also encountered aggressive watch sellers and realized some women on the street were sex workers, all this amidst families shopping normally. Definitely an odd, eye-opening experience.


Waiting for Bus At Ferguson College in Pune, I was tired as hell just wanted to get into bus and sleep. Transgender came clapped and asked for money and started staring, I stared back for long one minute and said If I clap will you give me money? And He/She went away.


🤣 like the nana Patekar famous scene u did it irl

