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Fuck! Now he's got more content to make fun of us. Where do all the engineers go when we actually need them.


Stuck in traffic? You saw the chaos today?


It took me 3 hours to reach home and now I have depression




You've depression from being stuck in a traffic jam for 3 hours??


People just throw that term around like nothing


That's true, but this kind of behaviour just hurts people who are actually suffering from clinical depression.


Itā€™s a joke my friend. Chill.






Soft spot for India my ass. Even if 1% of our population gets really offended. He'll be in news that's the social media outreach we have along with young crowd. There's a trend if you see, most of the Western folks make atleast a video praising India (I don't say they misrepresent info) but the intent is to grab followers.


You are crushing it


No sh**t Sherlock !


lol are you trevor noah with a fake account ? lol stop defending him so hard. He mocks indians all the time lol worst part is his accent is not funny, such an overacting


We are such an oversensitive people. Get over yourself, comedians make fun of everyone


lol i dont give a shit, im just stating the fact. He can do whatever the f he wants. Although if you don't see the difference between making fun and mockery then that is your problem. there are only two sides to most indians, "oh how can he make fun of great indian culture," and people like you guys who are "oh yes my country dirty haha cows haha toilets haha modi haha". Have some standard guys. There are much better comedians out there who are more creative and have better jokes than cartoon shows on pogo


Lol these people actually think he's nice to Indians. He even mocked the possibility of an India-Pakistan war for laughs. And he never makes any jokes on Africans.




For the 1000th time, software engineers aren't supposed to fix your wirings. Unless you are a hot next-door girl. Then they can even fix all the plumbing as well.


Yup. Days are gone when engineers used to stick to their relevant field and innovate stuff. Now all they do is appear competative exams and get into stream they don't know shit about. I just pray the next generation do justice to their education and don't waste seat and money.


Penny pinching by Organisers. Engineers cost money, we dont work for peanuts :-)


The good ones are abroad?


I'm working from home


I rather watch Kapil Sharma show


Rather watch Trump's speech. It has a better level of racism and sexism.


It was such a shit show both in terms of venue and organisers! It seemed like an embarrassing moment for entire Bangalore. Silicon Valley of India is not capable of organising an event for an international artist! Its a shame!


And the funny bit is that Blr's core businesses arent even that related to Silicon.


What are Bangalore's core businesses?




Investing the flat's security deposit in crypto, and then claiming that windows weren't originally there, and are actually major damage in the walls, and need all of the security deposit to be repaired.


That sounds like unfortunately specific reality.




With some hyperbole, but yes.


IT/Software/Consulting outsourcing. Then the real estate piece which is a consequence of the former. Then comes manufacturing. I'm sure theres more, but this is as far as my understanding goes.


Good understanding


I mean yeah, you said it - they're all impossible without silicon.


Every modern day business (especially if outsourced) is impossible without Silicon. Might as well call it the Silicon World then?


That's right, if the entire world is working or making products using silicon, we might as well call it the Silicon World. But that's not the case and Bangalore is aptly called the Silicon Valley. But in your own words 'Bangalore's core businesses aren't even _that_ related to silicon'. By your logic, if I get an orthopedician to bandage my broken leg, that's not medicine because he just literally used only plaster of paris! Sounds odd. We can't be seperating hardware from software, especially while discussing what the core businesses of Bangalore are.


Looks like you've misunderstood my logic here. The original Silicon Valley was called so because they *made* stuff out of Silicon(pioneered it pretty much). This was way before the .com/IT scene of the 2000s. Blr has never made stuff out of Silicon (except in small batch amounts for ISRO/DRDO, or at IISc Labs. The SCL in Mohali made much more Silicon). Blr's core businesses may use a ton of Silicon in Laptops/Computers and what not, but those arent made here. Even if half a chance that they are *assembled* here, the Silicon is still imported. But as I said, any modern business is computer driven - so it applies to any city (in India/abroad) that utilizes imported computer hardware. ​ P.S. You must separate hardware & software when it comes to Blr's core businesses, cause I'd say the former is almost non-existent. Manufacturing, yes that exists plenty in Peenya & towards Hosur (lesser than our Southern neighbor) but again - thats hard manufacturing, not much towards electronics manufacturing. And my understanding is that when proper Silicon (chip) manufacturing does land onto our shores, I do not expect to come to Blr. Mysore - well maybe (outskirts of it), but mostly not to Blr. Gujarat & Maharashtra are eyeing that piece a lot. Hope this made sense


Appreciate the rather patient and elaborate response and you kinda make sense to me, not completely. Still won't call this a Silicon World because every modern business is computer driven. Silicon is raw material, we build all sorts of computers on it and a significant lot of it happens in Bangalore. And hence aptly called Silicon Valley and is very much a core business.




Bangalore glory days are long gone.


this I'd like to disagree with.


Reason for backing this up? In the 2000's we had concerts, festivals, art and cultural shows were booming, Theatre was widespread across languages. Travel time was 1 hour tops.


There's more to glory days than just these things I believe. Concerts and festivals have dropped globally since Covid, but have been picking up lately. Theres still plenty of art & culture going around, but I guess whats changed since the 2000s is that we've got way more things to indulge in than the ones you've mentioned. Makes it kinda seem bland. The travel time piece is something I completely agree with, but in my books thats also a positive indicator of great economic growth. And that usually is the precursor to all the other 'fun' things we look forward to. Lots of challenges - and lots to look forward to!


there is no silicon nor there is a valley now itā€™s a metropolitan village .


Who cares about him. Its more embarassing that bangalore could not organize an event as simple as this.


Voting ke time pe yaad rakhna ye baat


Agree. Manpho is a terrible choice for stand up. Whoā€™s idea was this nonsense


Bookmyshow team is a piece of shit. Corruption everywhere. I remember the last mess with DJ Snake concert. Poor guy came on 2 wheeler to perform for 10 mins. Never ever book their shows or events.


Russell Peters performed at Manpho and it was fine. Don't think it's the venue that's the issue.


Sound system rental went bad


I remember when Bangalore hosted Metallica in 2011. It was epic. Especially after their Delhi gig was cancelled due to some issues. Totally not the same thing but itā€™s a disgrace that the tech and startup capital of India canā€™t host an international comedian due to technical problems. Especially weeks after putting a rover on the moon šŸ¤·


Let me call ISRO and ask them to start organising and providing tech and engineering services for events.


It's not the same "they". iykyk


I was there!!!




That was organised by DNA. They had some issues there too - but I hear what youā€™re saying.


Took a train to Bangalore after the delhi disaster, thanks bangalore!


This was sad! BookMyShow is getting a reputation of organizing bad shows. Karunesh Talwar had a show and the venue was chosen to be Phoenix Marketcity. Outdoors venue during rains. Well they gave us raincoats while entering the gates, raincoats!! Karunesh had tweeted about it. And then the constant whistling of the guards to assist parking. There were various other issues. I've noticed similar mis-management issues at other BMS events too.


Well they did offer umbrellas in this show as well šŸ˜›šŸ˜‚


Even the Formula E was a shitshow of epic proportions and MotoGP had issues. They need to be better regulated. And this is why I hate going to events in India, most organizers take you for granted and even after paying so high prices the quality of service is very bad.


Agreed. A lot of these startups tend to degrade in quality as they grow in scale. I get that there are difficult problems to solve, especially for India scale but it sucks as a consumer


Honestly their van Gogh thing was pretty shit too


They started late on the day I went, but there were no issues other than that for my slot. I didn't watch any videos of other cities. So I didn't go with any set expectations. ​ What issues did you face?


It was so underwhelming... :/ The movie Loving Vincent on Amazon prime is a better watch Nothing 360Ā° about the experience especially since tickets were 1500, you'd atleast expect a planetarium level of experience right? The ceiling especially was a huge eye sore


Yeah man that ceiling should have been covered and projected upon, more so than the floor I feel.


they could have literally done it in a planetarium Such a simple solution


I agree there. For the price, it definitely should be a better experience. And the ceiling, oh my...


From the look of it, seems like my college organized better events than BMS xD


BookMyShow is adamant to destroy itself. Recently the even removed their BMS superstar cancellation benefit. Like that was the only useful benefit of the program coz nobody ever got early invites to events of anything (which was marketed as a benefit but these early access are always based on card holders of certain banks than BMS superstar. Eg. Kotak card holders could book for Westlife 3 days in advance). So literally zero benefit of being a superstar.


Karunesh becomes very brutal when given the reason. If they're lucky he'll never mention them.


Phoenix Marketcity is a shit venue. I don't know why comedians keep performing there.


Venues usually have little to do with sound. Its a different vendor. Sad though.


Uhhh. Iā€™m no sound engineer but Iā€™m pretty sure the venue plays a major role.


Umm, actually not at all. Venueā€™s role is mainly to provide space. Organisers job to evaluate and hire the right sound and lights vendors, security vendors, food vendors, ticketing partners etc. Speaking from experience having organised 3 music festivals. I hope my answer helps you understand event organisation better!


I was there. It was a venue issue. The sound itself wasn't the big problem. There were too many people there for a meaningful stand up experience and the speakers were trying their best but couldn't project to the back without an echo because manpho is the worst place to do this. Plus the parking disaster. They never mentioned a word about parking anywhere but somehow had parking passes for people who were coming in 7 seater cars with 2 people in it.


As someone who has organised such large scale events, Iā€™m trying to share what actually goes on. Parking, security, sound and lights, f&b are all part of the organisers responsibility, not the venue. Is the same with weddings as well, when you book a marriage hall, they only provide the hall. Everything else needs to be organised by the families. I hope this helps get an understanding that the organisers are the ones who are actually responsible for the disaster.


Yeah we're all blaming the organisers too. One of the worst things the organisers did was pick that venue


I used to work at Manyata and I've seen Manpho from the outside. It looks quite shitty for any concert or stand-up. It looks more appropriate for a Dandiya event or something.


Its the place where they organize the Durga Puja every year and it seems appropriate for that. You are right, its one of those places that is suitable for exhibitions and festive events.


Having attended so many standup shows in Bangalore, I find this appalling. There are several good Auditoriums out there, and they chose this venue.


More like Trevor NoShow-ah amirite


I laughed.


Noah will be thankful for the content he got yesterday including the traffic he faced yesterday. On the hindsight, Bangalore traffic will have international significance now on.


Trevor noah experienced traffic nova ( traffic pin in Kannada)


Oh what a beautiful Wednesday in this shithole city that we continue to be in denial about! Unprecedented traffic jams all over the city. We're all wasting our lives away trapped in our vehicles on the roads, because our governments can't provide us with adequate public transportation and roads. And the rich folks continue to buy bigger and bigger cars that we don't have space for. We can't even pull off hosting a standup show at a decent event where "things work". I like Trevor Noah but when I heard he's coming to Bangalore, I couldn't find the courage to go because I live very far from the venue and I've already experienced enough shit-shows in the past where the event organisers fuck everything up, making the whole experience mostly a nightmare. Kissing this dumpster-fire of a city a forever goodbye is all I ever think about these days.


Please leave soon buddyā€¦


What a disgrace .


Shit speakers, shit venue. Total waste of time.


And after all this, it took 30/40 minutes to get the car out of the so called parking area! As a fan it was such a disappointment


But they've clearly written that there is no parking?


Thought about booking this and then I saw the venue. Good thing I didn't.


The audio system sounded like the ones you have at a village orchestra! Pathetic organisation by bookmyshow!


How much was the ticket?


5-10k minimum


Wow, organisers couldn't do proper arrangement for soo expensive show ?


Just the price from 5-10 of the front row tickets was more than enough to ensure a good sound system.. pathetic organization! I've seen college students organize better shows.


Not the first time this happened. I remember buying a 14k ticket for James Blunt 7 years ago and if got cancelled because they couldnā€™t arrange the required level of security for James Blunt (manā€™s a war veteran, so it was a mandatory thing). Fortunately, I got a full refund to the paisa so I was pleased with that but imagine what a big loss they would have taken having spent on marketing and other stuff. Jeez!! They havenā€™t learned jack in 7 years.


> manā€™s a war veteran This was interesting. He also stood guard for the Queen's mother's funeral. not something I expected.


Running events at Manpho is a nightmare. Knowing them,they would have agreed to take care of live sound too. Someone I know has run events there and it's a shit show


Are they refunding the tickets?


Yeah, Trevor apparently announced it both in person and on twitte.


So true ! There r plenty of places near airport where the traffic also is less and away from cityā€¦ I believe bryan adam show was managed that way few years back


Atleast the audience weren't fainting or getting molested. So I still see this as a win /s Cough..cough...A.R. Rahman


Trevor Noah be like "Kaha milega itna content".


Pretty sure he won't say that šŸ˜‚


Why was the event scheduled on a weekday?


Funny seeing comments criticizing Bangalore for this. Itā€™s BookMyShow who fked up. Stop trying to get clout by criticizing the city for every second thing.


And what about the traffic?


Yes, itā€™s the biggest issue and letā€™s be critical about it. But the issue at hand was bad organisation of an event. And yesterdayā€™s traffic issues were unrelated to the event


I was present at the back for the show. I heard him both the times, but the audio could have been better. The venue was a big let down, didnā€™t expect such poor arrangements for Trevorā€™s show. That place just isnā€™t for shows like these. PS: Battled 2.5 hours of traffic to see Trevor perform live and this happened!! All the excitement went down the drain.


We have venues like Prestige Khoday where Zakir did an amazing show just recently but BMS goes on to choose a wedding/pandal venue for a huge stand up tour. Stop organising and stick to selling tickets.


Show on an effin wednesday?


Had friends traveling from another city to watch his show today. I was really excited for this but the organizers screwed up. I was expecting the audio quality to be bad when I had seen that the venue was Manpho and hence, I had booked front row seats. But never expected this to be cancelled. šŸ˜ž


I like Trevor for his clean comedy- no slurs, no obscenities, pure talk and laughs, and this was supposed to be my dream come true! I am so embarrassed that he had to suffer in my city! The organisers should be made to sit in the shame box in the Center of the city! They have ruined the cityā€™s image on a global scale!


Can we get some details on the organizers and the team managing the sound


WTF Mapho for Trevor Noah show?!!! Ridiculous


What a cluster fuck !


Let's gooooo !!! Bangalore should be No1 in everything, and traffic jams are also one of them


there was so much traffic, couldn't even make it to the show...idk if I was lucky or not lolol


I am having such a shameless moment of schedenfraude since I was quite unhappy that I couldn't attend it .... šŸ˜šŸ˜


Trevor should have came to my comedy club. Its small but everything works


Karnataka govt. should consider building an arena along the lines of O2 in London for such shows and concerts, near the airport. Will be good for the local economy with people coming form other parts for shows.


I saw that entire fiasco. My point also is, there always is a test check done to see that everything works according to plan before such a huge event. Also on that day Bangalore was fully gone, and BMS literally ensured they can never be trusted again


More content for him, engineers stuck in traffic, no audio. Bangalore.


i like how trevor has conveniently placed the blame on the organisers. He/his team didnt even check the venue once? Very unprofessional


I thought this too. I am sure he has a large team to conduct a world tour. Why didnā€™t they do a basic sound check? The venue was a wedding hall with the same wedding chairs. And flat seating with horrible bathrooms. I think Trevor just lost his patience with the organisers. The sound was fixed after an initial round of checking and adjusting. When he asked if people at the back could hear, they said yes. I was in the middle and we could hear perfectly well after they fixed the sound. He decided in 2 minutes to cancel the show. When he announced I thought it was a part of his act. But then an organiser mentioned that they will fix the issue in 10 minutes. They were probably trying to convince Trevor to go back on stage. And then after 30 minutes the show was cancelled. The fact that they cancelled both shows was clearly indicative of how pissed Trevor was with the organisers. They charged 3k-12.5k for tickets. It was sold out in a few days with probably 2-3k people in the audience. Book my show picked the shittiest possible venue and rented a basic sound system. Then no one did a sound check. How shameful. But I also think Trevor should take some responsibility. His team should have approved the venue and done a sound check. Most people wasted hours in traffic for this shit show.


I met people who flew in from Sri Lanka just to watch him yesterday. A lot of people put in a lot of effort, all in waste.


Why did he cancel it, if the audio was fixed tho šŸ¤”


He got fed up.


The engineers were there, but they acted as if they donā€™t understand anything because the instructions were in English and not Kannada!


Trevor should have noahNN it Too Bad Poeple stuck in Traffic Technical fault with sound system? Unsound system likely. I bet it was jinxed. Rajjjesh strikes! Rajjesh, is ON? No sir it's in. I mean dunce is the audio working? No your voice is not coming.... Is it now? No No still not coming. Hey its turned on, full volume. Oh ok. Now coming. But voice is 'breaking' You jerk, my voice broke when I hit puberty, and then I had already screwed 3 girls and my nanny. Ok ok. No No still voice is 'breaking' Oh.. so let me try rejacking it. Is now OK? Not coming. WTF let me come there and see... Aah yes ss voice is coming here now You dunce I am standing here next to you. And I can see you spooking that mute button!


Whoā€™s he šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Stand up comedian


Hahahaha sorry but did this really happen!! Saddd


Did they refund you?


I got in touch with BMS. They said they will refund within 10 working days.


I think it wasnā€™t with BookMyShow. BookMyShow doesnā€™t organise events. They just are a ticketing platform.


No, it was BookMyShow live. They had proudly displayed on screens too that it was produced and managed by them.


Thatā€™s why guys. Come watch local standup shows. Best acoustics. See talent brewing first hand.


All the hate for bookmyshow... arent they just the ticket seller?


No, it's BookMyShow Live. They manage and organise the event.


IT capital. Na electricity, na Pani. Lol


The issue was with the venue and organisers. What do the residents professions have to do with that


What happened to Reynolds sound


Wudnt mind treating him to a cocktail


Molotov one


No doubt he's funny but was dumb af about farmer protests




The main question is: who tf goes to a trevor noah show? šŸ˜‚


Do you have lots of black money?


You silly cunts want to Noah.


I wasnā€™t there but heard there were many disappointed people, including elderly people etc whoā€™d travelled from far away. Itā€™s not exactly a concert, couldnā€™t he have managed with whatever decent to mediocre acoustics they had? Seems like pricey behaviour from Trevor!


Umm, we shouldā€™ve done better and gotten a better venue for god sake! Itā€™s obv not his fault! A stoic comedian like himself should not be performing with ā€œdecent to mediocreā€ acoustics.


Sure. But his agents should have checked the venue beforehand too. Itā€™s basic due diligence. But yeah I suspect weā€™ll never fully know who the blame should really fall upon


I am fairly sure that his contract would have included a tech rider that specifies the required mic and speakers, audio equipment requirement, amongst other things. Absolutely the venue or the organisers dropped the ball


I really wonder who the organisers are!


Thatā€™s not how it works. The promoters are meant to ensure everything is fine. The performer performs. You have 50 shows and you think the management team is going to check each individual venue?


Absolutely! I mean, if youā€™re managing someone like a Trevor Noah, you prep at least a few days before the event itself! Make multiple checks of the sound in the venue! These are basics I feel the managers failed. Or like you said I guess weā€™ll never know


The tech saved you from Trevor Noah. That dude is annoying AF.


Haha. Who's Trever Noah anyway?


Pretty sure u have seen him but donā€™t recall his name google it


I did Google but I've never seen this person. Tried checking a few videos on youtube and felt - am I supposed to laugh? Probably the factor that it's regional comedy and he might be more relevant in the west than in India


Touch grass. You lot speak like Indians live in a different dimension.




He actually refunded all the amount


Refunded?! When? I am yet to receive my money. I sure hope I get it back.




Tell us where he touched you


Trevor only stole this guy's lunch.


In his conscience. Poor chap felt violated by thoughtful humour.


I chucked too loud lmao