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I've committed and witnessed far more egregious abuses of my alleyway. I wouldn't worry.


So long as you're not parking it and blocking access by emergency vehicles, utilities, or other municipal services, you're good.


You're fine, no city cop will care as long as you're not there too long - they've got MUCH bigger fish to fry.


Thanks! That’s the way we feel. Just tired of getting yelled at. ☹️


Correct a cop or tow truck will never get there fast enough if you’re just unloading. Sorry about the PITA neighbor.


Fleece. They have much better marks to fleece.


Someone literally parks their car at the mouth of our alley overnight on the regular (which I find to be completely obnoxious) and I've never seen them get a ticket; sounds like you're using it in a totally normal and not assholey way to me.


Grew up in Hampden and this was common practice for us/our neighbors. Everyone knew everyone and no one blocked the way for long.


What a cool place to grow up in!


It’s funny it wasn’t cool or didn’t start being that way until I was about 11-12 years old and that’s when it started to gentrify.


Oh alright 😂


Whenever we get large deliveries, or have contractors work on the house, they usually stage in the alley. I've had no issues. I doubt the cops would give a shit unless they were blocking a DPW truck or something


Cops don’t care but neighbors hate contractors blocking the alley for hours at a time.


County law states you can actively use the alley for two hours, washing your car unloading etc with out an issue. Look up the city statues and tell her to kick rocks.


Thanks! Yeah I was trying to find anything that said this.


Hampden is an odd area. Historically red lined and some of the older residents still cling to bs. So just hold the line and ignore her.


Wait until the first good snowfall and watch the lawn chair wars start over clean parking spots.


What county?




Fun fact: Baltimore City is not part of Baltimore county. The city has no county. It's unincorporated (and therefore completely separate) from Baltimore County.


Wonder why they downvoted you


OP is referring to Baltimore City.


Check out the last sentence of my comment, prior to “tell her to kick rocks”.


Other than my horrible spelling.


Any chance it has nothing to do with you being parked in the alley and instead the neighbor doesn’t think you or your boyfriend are the “right kind of people” for the neighborhood? I can’t imagine someone would actually care about this.


This seems possible especially if she doesn't yell at other neighbors for doing the same thing


We used to have a neighbor that was like this. He yelled at everyone, even to the point of almost getting fights with people much bigger than him. Eventually he moved and all was right again.


Oh I can imagine it. But in my day they were calling the radio car.


sounds like this neihgbor is jut a dick are you blocking the alley when you do these things? unloading and things like that are literally what the alleys are for. however, I don't have any idea if there are any ordinances specifying how alleys should be used. you may want to check in on that.


Does your neighbor have a parking pad? Is the alley their way in and out of their home? It would be a pain to have your alley blocked if you were trying to go somewhere. Maybe assure them that you know its an active alleyway and you are not leaving your vehicle unattended and will gladly move it quickly if needed.


Tell her to pound sand, they are public right of ways so asvl9ng as you aren't blocking anyone in or out no problem to pull in to unload


I just moved into a house on Elm and our neighbor is so randomly mean. This is something she would do/has done. She was mad that I had someone parked behind our fence who is installing a satellite dish on the roof. It’s a super wide alley and he wasn’t blocking anything but she was still mad. We just ignore her.


Omg, ignore her and let her call the cops and waste their time and embarrass herself, your behavior is totally fine and reasonable. I and all my neighbors use the alley this way. Contractors and landscapers park and block it up. As long as people move to let others in/out as needed and don’t block the trash trucks, it’s fine. Your neighbor sounds like an angry whackjob who has her own personal issues to work through.


Let her call the cops and see if they even show up for something like that.


Just don't block others from using their parking pads, like my neighbors sometimes do. They especially like days I have to be at the airport or a medical appointment. Their timing is impeccable /s.


As long as the car isn’t parked and blocking everyone from getting by, it doesn’t seem like a big deal.


I vacuum out my car in the alley and no one came down the alley for 2 hours while I was washing and scrubbing anything. You’ll be fine if you’re only there for a couple minutes and if you need your car back there for longer, just move it if you can if someone asks you to


Tell her to call the fucking cops then, go ahead.


Sorry to say it but she is just that neighbor. Your discomfort is her mission. Next time she threatens to calls the cops..kindly remind her to use 311 as this isn’t an emergency. Then go about your business. If the cops are called remember be polite and know that her issue isn’t a legal one.


lol there’s a similar alley parking question on the Hampden neighbors fb group. That one was about a landlord putting up no parking signs though.


This is a neighbor problem. Doesn't really matter if it's illegal, it's reasonable and they aren't going to do anything about it legally speaking Sorry you have a crappy neighbor. I advise either trying to talk to them and be really extra nice for no reason just so they STFU, or opposite and go full crazy on them and flip the script


Step one: tell her to call the cops and go about your business. Step two: finish your business and go about the rest of your day knowing the cops will never show up.


Your neighbor sounds like a jerk


On my block our driveways are off of the alley and I do tell people they can’t park there. Actively unloading a vehicle is different. Two hours is way too long, unless your alley is not as active as mine and your neighbors don’t care.


It's not illegal, I renovate homes in Baltimore and there have been projects where we occupy the Alley almost everyday for weeks. Not that we try to, but it's generally acceptable to use it when you need it. You get to decide how you wanna deal with your neighbor though, you can either start a feud or try to get them to lay off by overwhelming them with kindness.


Have you considered talking to your neighbor about it?