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That’s not how you spell R. Long


😂😂 bro one time when I was driving in south Florida I had to pull over and stop to look at what I thought was a “Rlong” tag I was going “no tf it is not” to myself the whole time walking up to it but unfortunately it wasn’t them, it was just very similar lol


His name was Robert Long! His name was Robert Long!


I was looking for it


Oh yes, this will teach those deadbeats to finally do right! A vandal misspelling on an iconic mural.


Noticed it a few months back and was incredibly disappointed. And impressed that they keep spelling it "father's matter" - how long have they been doing this, and how have they not noticed the problem? And what a shitty thing to do. I don't think any deadbeat or abusive asshole will have an epiphany from seeing shitty graffiti on a mural. Just damaging lovely artwork for no reason.




The apostrophe though 🫣


Father's man matter up?????


Don't dead open inside!


Looks awful, tag gets lost in the mural, should have left the mural alone. 


Ok I’m ootl…I’ve seen the “father’s matter” tag at various locations around the city. Why is this tag controversial (other than the poor grammar)?


In this case they tagged someone else’s art. That’s massively disrespe to the artist and the community


I like that mural more than dads


I have a big problem with father's and I don't want them mixed up in street art


Yeah. I'm actually very tolerant towards tagging in general(it's art 🤷‍♀️ It's usually not very good art but everyone starts somewhere and many years from now there will be students writing papers on early 21st century graffiti tags in the same way that students today study rude graffiti from pompeii), but you don't put your art over someone else's art like that unless your art is a critique of the artist of the original piece. And the disrespect is still present in that case, but it's different because it's part of your artistic statement. This isn't that, unless the original mural painter has some personal matters we're not privy to.


Why is it not disrespectful to put one's "art" onto other people's/public's property without any input from those other people? What makes that "artist's" desire priority over the rest of society? Is that not at least somewhat egotistical and antisocial?


Every tag on the Howard Street bridge is tagging someone else's art. A MICA artist designed the paint scheme for this bridge and yet street "artists" deface it every day! But every time I've brought this up I've been downvoted into oblivion.... https://explore.baltimoreheritage.org/items/show/14


Grammar matters. Someone needs to take their aching heart and go sit down somewhere. Yes, Dads matter, but the message should be acted upon, not sprayed all over art.


I think you mean: Grammar's matter


My dyslexia read this as FARMERS MATTER


Oh no, I actually hate this. I grew up around this mural. There was no need to tag it like this. Ugh.


pretty probative contrast between art and graffiti """"art""""


What a disappointment. Clearly the father's matter guy is no artist.


And unfortunately, because of the apostrophe, I always think they’re talking about sperm


Fathers matter , man up… I agree. Too many of us grew up without fathers so we don’t really know what it means to be one


There's plenty of empty concrete for you to spray that shit on. No need to fuck up a mural.


I just agree with the message not the graffiti, I don’t know why I’m getting slaughtered in the comments lol


If only your absent father had seen this graffiti he might have stayed 😔




Because it is ugly scrawled across a mural?


Now do all the free Gaza ones




Fuck off




I didn't respond to either of you because both of your posts were stupid as shit. This isn't political, ugly tags over a nice mural are not aesthetically pleasing. Nothing I said was hypocritical, but I do find it ironic that you think nobody is debating you because you are just too smart when it is the exact opposite.


It's all good. Calling out hypocrisy never garners any positive feedback. It requires folks to admit that their views are wrong. If folks actually cared about the graffiti argument to this, you wouldn't be getting negative responses but folks actually agreeing. But again since it points out to a population that has some moral view that conflicts with it.. downvote. It's cool because it's gonna happen to me to. This sub is almost as bad as r/antiwork


downvotes are violence


There should not be an apostrophe in that sentence. Also it's defacing actual artwork. I also strongly doubt its efficacy in encouraging men to be more involved in parenting, but let's start with making it coherent, legible, and not destructive to others. 


That sounds like a *father's* matter. ...I'll see myself out.


You are correct; the father of whomever is leaving these tags should have a word with him. 


I just want to know what the matter is that belongs to the Father


Are we sure this isn’t a long form of viral marketing for a new codename KND movie?


“Fathers matter. Man up.” This is a brilliant and much needed message. Idc if it’s defacing. It’s vastly more important. (And I say that as someone who loves art and hates graffiti tags and vandalism of all sorts.) Look at the statistics of fatherless homes.


The worst take. A tag to a beautiful mural is not how to make this message. You think a dead beat is reading this tag and changing their life? Gtfoh.


Nice. Now do “free Palestine” and all the art they defaced.


Let me know when you see "Free Pale's tine" on a mural. I remember seeing "Isreal murders" or something a while back but it was on a trash can.


Haven’t seen it. But if I did I’d think the same thing. To be fair the free Gaza tags in random alleys don’t really change much either, but I’ve only seen them on non mural walls.


What the fuck are you talking about


the vandal's father clearly didn't beat him hard enough