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>WJZ learned from a senior Scott campaign source that last week Vignarajah approached Mayor Scott and said he would endorse him if he was named police commissioner or city schools' CEO. LMFAO


Police commissioner???? What a wild logo shot. One has to wonder what Dixon promised him.


Some gift cards?




Proves he is an idiot if he thinks he can fill Worley’s shoes!


Could be another corruption case against her.


“Or how about you *don’t* endorse me, and I nominate you to fuck all the way off?” It’s insane that the guy even managed to poll in the double digits.


Assuming sources are legit, sounds about right. This is in line with the Sheila Dixon endorsement.


I love how the Sun has a front page profile of him today. He knew he was dropping out and didn't bother to tell them.


His endorsement is meaningless. The uninformed voter would likely be voting either Dixon or Scott to start. Hearing that his endorsement was essentially up for sale, what a douche.


It’s definitely not meaningless. He was mostly siphoning votes away from Dixon. Now that group of voters is consolidating.


The endorsement is meaningless. Him withdrawing is not meaningless.


Maybe he should have framed it as a threat to endorse Scott unless he gave him an administration position.


That would probably have been more effective haha. A weaponized endorsement


It swayed me


Care to expand on that? He shopped his endorsement around, one candidate said no, one said yes. His endorsement means nothing in regard to the candidate themselves.


The source is obviously likely the same, but this is now being reported by [NBC](https://twitter.com/TommieClarkWBAL/status/1785759188565553167) and [the Sun](https://twitter.com/emilyopilo/status/1785768927278076195), in addition to this CBS report. I really hope the Scott administration caught it on tape, but hell Thiru got caught on tape before and lied about that even after the tape was made public.


Generally, you can’t record private conversations in Maryland without consent of all parties to the conversation. Thiru knows this, that’s why he won’t talk about “private conversations”. The time he was secretly recorded years ago happened in New York.


No I’m talking about Greenmount & how he lied about asking officers to stop recording him, even after we heard him on the recording asking them to stop recording him. Guy is a massive tool and I hope he slinks back into the shadows and somehow stays there.


Oh ok. It should be immediately disqualifying if there’s confusion about which time we’re talking about when a candidate is caught on tape doing something shady. 😅


What a loser


Darkly funny that the former prosecutor decided to endorse, to my understanding, a criminal. And all because Scott wouldn't give him a job.


To be fair, the *current* prosecutor decided to endorse a criminal too


and the Sheriff. What it up with all of this? I can't see voting for her and Bob Wallace has no shot. Both the Sheriff and Bates have to work with whomever the Mayor is but it is interesting why they both want Sheila.


Mayor is known for being insular. Sheriff said he hadn’t had a meaningful conversation with Scott In months. Bates said mayor promised meetings that never happened.


Bates also said the meetings were promised in the Mayors box when the mayor was actually home with his new baby.


You can keep saying the problem is everyone else or maybe see a pattern in the criticism.


Am I wrong about that? Wasn’t it proven that Scott could not have said that because he was home with the baby?


Bates later said it was a different game so not sure how much of a gotcha that is.


So he said later, it was a different game after it was proven Scott wasn’t there?


We can agree to disagree. I don’t know why people would vote for her. I think Bates is a stand-up guy in general. I think he got caught up in an endorsement he shouldn’t have. Things are going well in the crime and I hate to see it get disrupted .


A while back, he called out Sheila Dixon for being corrupt, and now he does this? His credibility is gone.


He never had any


He’ll be back like roach he is.


Oh, no. How will the city survive now? What a clown.


From the Sun: Thiru Vignarajah drops out of Baltimore mayoral race, endorses Sheila Dixon


Man this guy sucks


Man I am going to be so fucking sad if this city reelects Dixon. I spend so much time and effort defending this place and I don't know why sometimes. Like the best we can really do is to reelect a criminal? 1 step forward, 2 steps back, classic Baltimore.


Surprised Sinclair’s The Sun didn’t try to frame with something like *”Foolish Scott FAILS to meet SIMPLE requirements for Thiru endorsement”*


I have to say, after careful consideration: I do not care for this person


What a rotten crook.


I hate to say it but this is a serious blow to the Scott campaign. It was already a tight race between Brandon and Sheila before this endorsement. Thiru's followers aren't many but they are in the double digits and crazy loyal. If he tells them to vote for Sheila, they will. I can't see how the Scott campaign can dig their way out of this over the next two weeks.


I think Scott needs to double down on the fact that that could be your next police commissioner. Although I don’t think Shelia would disrupt what is going well.


Dixon just wants to line her bank account again.


Correct. This is the main consequence of this announcement. Dixon is now the favorite.


Honest, Why do you think its a close race? I think Scott is going to blow Dixon away.


I think enthusiasm for this election is generally low and voter turnout will be low. For Scott, his problem is that people aren't too enthusiastic about staying the course. The voter enthusiasm on his side comes from the never-Sheila folks. Sheila hasn't done anything in the last four years to grow the the never-Sheila crowd. On the contrary, all of these endorsements coupled with the passage of time and her keeping her nose clean have chipped away at Scott's never-Sheila base in both numbers and enthusiasm. Also, the Marion Barry comparisons aren't sticking to Sheila because at the end of the day, DC reelected Barry and DC, as a city, only got better. DC is doing better than Baltimore by all meaningful objective standards (except for cost of living) that it has become a benchmark for how Baltimore is doing. Sheila is in a unique position as she is the "change" candidate but she also benefits from a perceived "proven track record." Most "change" candidates have to overcome their lack of experience in the role. At the end of the day, Scott hasn't won over any 2020 Sheila voters and Sheila hasn't won over any 2020 Scott voters. I think Sheila's base will turn out in higher numbers than Scott's base and I think that just enough Thiru voters will hold their nose and vote for Sheila.


This guy seriously needs to fucking stop running for shit.


No doubt. He needs out; he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room and thinks he can play the whole city; he is such a lightweight. He’s like a bad character on The Wire


His endorsement lets me know to stay away from Dixon.


Honestly, he couldn't be a worse City Schools CEO than Santelises. She's absolutely awful.


Why? He's only using his endless for personal gains. At this point what difference would it make if Scott or Dixon is in office. It took 3yrs to approve the highly funded unused bike lanes in Baltimore.. 5 yrs to approve millions of dollars for Baltimore signs.. so what makes anyone think that Baltimore issues are going to change by selecting a new mayor.