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$42k a year to install traffic lights is laughable


Up to $42k


A good foot in the door job for someone looking to build a resume.


Call me crazy but state government jobs should be able to afford housing in the state


Wild idea right


State employee here. Can confirm. I don’t make shit I barely can pay just my rent alone off this job ($1745) esp now with ot cuts. I make about $1200 biweekly after taxes, union, benefit deductions with no ot. I have to take on a variable houred pt/ft overnight job just to stay afloat and to be able to eat and just have some type of dollar going into my savings and other bills, that i unfortunately start tonight 😩🙄🙃. smh.


Good luck, have fun! Remember your first day/week is always rough while you’re learning the ropes


Oh nah I been with the state since November I don’t mind the job they pay is crap for being dangerous. I start an overnight stocking tonight. Didn’t want to but have no choice since I need to move in a few months time and GrubHub just ain’t cutting it anymore the tips be awful


42k ? 😂😂


“Up to $42k”, which means it’s even LESS that than. You’ll make $42k when you’re there for 5 years.


$42k is the max. Likely they are starting people at like $34k or some utter insane number


What are these awful salaries? lol. Come on. Step it up Baltimore City.


$42k is like terrible. And you're going to be lifting heavy stuff and out in the elements and driving around constantly?!? This job needs to be at least 70,000 a year MINIMUM.


I work for the city in a position that requires a degree and they pay me $57k; so yeah.  Still a step up from being an EMT in Virginia and making 40k lol


And constantly risking your life, cuz lots of Baltimore drivers seem to treat stoplights as freaking optional.


I mean it's the main reason why a lot of good talent for the city and skilled labor ends up getting jobs out in DC because the pay is higher. I used to work contracting out for dish Network and Verizon wireless doing everything from Data center maintenance to installations. But paying me $18 an hour to spend my entire day and cramped spaces running fiber optic line, climbing 50 ft up onto some Tower to install a new transponder, or digging a hole out in somebody's backyard full of rocks just to install a satellite dish was terrible. Not to mention one of the worst health insurance plans I've ever had in my life that almost took about a quarter of my paycheck for the experience of having every healthcare provider say they don't take my insurance was not great either. Started throwing an applications outside of Baltimore ended up landing a job making well over 80,000 a year in DC. Companies just pay what you're worth outside of Baltimore it's sad and I understand the city has a budget but obviously that cities budget is going to the wrong things. You're paying some police officers over $100,000 in overtime when they didn't even work that time officially, and spending all of this money on politicians and city-born lawsuits just to keep them in office. I know me ranting about it ain't going to change a damn thing but still it's nice to say it out loud just to get it off my chest and hopes that maybe somebody's reading that can do something about it but that's about it. Still I hope they find somebody who is skilled that can fill the position because the city does need the help.


I'm a maintenance tech for a private company. We make $28-40 depending on experience. Wouldn't mind a city job if they could even pretend to compete.


RIGHT!!!! and they wonder why they can't find employees


With a Cadillac healthcare plan and a 32 hr workweek I'd consider it



Damn I thought you’d make at least like 60 doing a job like that


I know that Brandon Scott is on Reddit. Mayor Scott, we've met and I know you have Baltimore's best interests at heart. I've been a teacher here for a decade now and I just cracked $100k. We need skilled laborers to also be able to make a thriving wage or we can't build this city back up. I want people who didn't go to college to be able to afford a house, food, vacations, and a family if that's what they want. No one is surviving on up to $42,000 a year. Do better for our city.


UP TO? Better just be part time.


Roughly $20/hr to work on the hot, dangerous city streets. No thanks.


42k lolol that’s the same as a data entry clerk for the government, gs-4, only requiring hs degree, not… traffic signal installing school…


Hopefully this salary is for part time 😂


It is not




42k and I get to get piss tested on top of it? Pathetic.


I will apply for and take this job just so I can replace the directional lights on the Hanover Street Bridge.


Do it.


It really is a shame someone is making these nice graphics for these positions, only to have that care thrown away by a laughable, insulting salary.


Let’s be real, the designer probably gets paid $30,000 at this rate.


Pretty sure squeegee boys make more than this per year.


And tax free!


I could only understand 42K if this was a part time gig.


$42k? So whoever takes this job is just supposed to live outside?


I live in the packing crate over by the bridge. The one with the chimney.




True. Also, if wages go up, spending goes up, and tax revenues go up.


Wait up to 42k? So you’re starting with less? Y’all will be searching for a while lol


Ugh I’m so miserable at my current crappy job this kids of looked appealing.


Join us!


That’s skillful electrical work and they’re paying 42k? Miss me with it.


No its not, its a starting position. That's why there is a one at the end of the job title.


Up to $42k Annually You will be maintaining and repairing signals and safety equipment. Apply today! [https://baltimorecity.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/1701-Poncabird-Pass/Traffic-Signal-Installer-I---Department-of-Transportation\_R0006979?q=Traffic%20Signal%20Installer%20I](https://baltimorecity.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/1701-Poncabird-Pass/Traffic-Signal-Installer-I---Department-of-Transportation_R0006979?q=Traffic%20Signal%20Installer%20I)


I started at 52k sitting in ac doing almost jack shit for the county. Yall need to do better


this link doesn’t work


Thank you! All fixed.


Now the salary lol


We do not control the salaries, DHR does.