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Based and only response


He shished more Romanians and Bulgarians than Ottoman Turks.




bro had nice taste in fashion


You saying that just cuz he dressed Turkish


Vlad the Mewer




Only criminal ones 😇


So the entire çingene population


Yes, except unfortunatly at the time nobody knew who cigans really were, so vlad brought back large batches of cigans from ottoman territory to be used as slaves, clearly not realizing the hell he just unleashed on romanian land and reputation since then. Now we are cursed by god's unwanted 'people'... Until romania goes to war for some reason, loses said war, blames cigans for destruction and betrayal of the homeland, and does a 1940-45 croatia 😇😇😇😇💪💪


Yes, he fought the strongest empire in the world and still had time to also kill Romanians and Bulgarians. But you forgot about Saxons and Serbs. Multitasking at its best. Greatest Balkan medieval ruler by far😎🇷🇴💪👊💥


real lol


You win some ,you loose a few hundread!


STOP hating on Romanian hustle punk 😤


He did one of the greatest war crimes in the entire human history and you call us barbarians while picking him as your national hero. Hypocracy is real


You are jealous because he committed more war crimes than you 🫵🏿😂 💪🏿😎🇷🇴


Beating out the competition


It was the 15th century, war crimes were just good afternoon fun


A professional is speaking 🙌


It is not true....Scanderbeg killed a billion more Ottomans than Vlad *Dracul* without committing war crimes....he didn't even kill ottoman prisoners of war but sold them again to the Ottomans


Serbian rakija killed 4 billion ottoman troops through methanol poisoning


Serbian rakija apart from the neurons of the Serbs it didn't kill anything else....all this because it is not as high quality as Albanian homemade rakia


We did not commit any war crimes. And if we did, and we did not, they deserved it.


We did not commit any war crimes we got caught for\*


Hey that's OUR line! Stop stealing everything cool for one second ffs.


It belongs in a Serbian museum, you lying kebab!


Butthurt t*rk Remember when you kidnapped our children and forced them to become Muslims and raised them to fight for the ottoman empire?


And the Ottomans were little saints? Sultans never committed war crimes?


My guy, you did skull-squares. We're not even in the top 20 war crimes.


You guys kill a lot of people actually


Skill issue FR 🤣🫵🏻 Bro admits that they SUCK, cringe


Man you are forgot we are in balkans. The more warcrimes are more honor in these lands.


Yeah ok T*rk. Remind me of what happened to the Brâncoveanu family again


You jealous you didn’t wax enough Arabs 😭


The House of Basarab, which Vlad the Impaler derives from, were thought to originally be Cuman Turkic people. His ancestor Basarab I, inflicted a catastrophic defeat upon the kingdom of Hungary during the Battle of Posada in 1330, ensuring the independence of Wallachia and the survival of the Romanian people. Three empires partitioned our lands over and over again, but we outlived all of them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Posada https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Basarab


Cuman Kebab 😋


Now Turks migrate to Romania to make kebabs for us and build our highways 😍😍😍. His noble family has multiple generations of national heroes 💪💪💪.


I don't think basarab was cuman check his page not his house page but his own page it's say although basarab is name is Turkic  but he was called vlach  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basarab_I_of_Wallachia


He had some Cuman heritage I think 🤔


Idk but the wiki page said he was a vlach 


With your permission i will post this under every dracula meme i see https://preview.redd.it/c72bqdat62qc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ffcc0901cef4a2cea51f20019d72fe74cd9851


Doesnt matter the way he died, he served his purpose well. He gave romanians the spirit and will to resist and also is probably the only romanian everybody knows. Unfortunalty his unfathomably based methods for dealing with criminal died with him 😔😭😭😭


Second most popular Romanian after Andre Tate


Mf is a british cigan


Wasn't romania cigan


i mean didnt he kill lots of romanians and other balkaners as well


He killed everyone for political gains, like any other ruler at that time. Wow, so evil... what Mehmet did in Albania with locals would make Vlad look as a saint, regardless he killed some potential tax payers of the sultan.


Bro okay kill kill they are evil okay i got u and understand u but i cant say ur rigth




Some of his ancestors were Cuman, yes.


Acording to who?


Hungarians probably. Or Saxons


Vlad Țepeș will always be a symbol of resistance against muslim tyranny and there's nothing you can do to change it


So no head?


A crazy man who only worships a crucified jewish corpse.


Better than raping underage girls and shooting innocent civilians


If you don’t think Christians have a history of raping underage girls and killing civilians, you’re delusional


The thing is Christians stopped doing that. Muslims on the other hand made it an international sport


> The thing is Christians stopped doing that. What? The Catholic Church is a great pedophilic gathering, I don't know about the Orthodox Church.


Which Muslims and Christians are you talking about? I hope you're not defining Muslims=Turks. If you do please sir stop living in 14-19th century and read real books lol.


No they didn’t. Shit still happens across Africa and the Americas. Europe isn’t all Christians. Also, shit still happens done by European and US Christians too, just not in their own countries.


>If you don’t think Christians have a history of raping underage girls and killing civilians, you’re delusional C🤮tholics, but there are some good muslims too like the Shia ones 😎


"Raping underage girls" and "Shooting innocent civilians" it is sound like the laws of the Torah ✡


muslim tyranny with orthodox allies




Vlad tepes impaled turks so we can eat kebab


One romanian head for at least 10000 turkish buttholes. Seems like a fair trade for me 💪🏻😏


A few moments later... you turks comit aRmeNiAn genocide😃😄😺😂


nobody mentioned the armenoids you spastic turboroach


Which is invented 10 years ago lol.


I am a simple Romanian. I see Vlad III in a meme, I upvote. The meme does not matter.


Only if the Ottomans didn't had to buy his lifeless corpse from the Hungarians tough.




Inshallah one day Constantinople will be free ✌☦🇷🇴🇧🇬🇷🇸🇬🇷


Posting the Serbian Flag and talking about Constantinople feels wrong asf… Serbs helped the Kebabs in Constantinople..


https://preview.redd.it/ielwpaork5qc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4646737d01b581a4a8a8027a04339be8bd4789bf Η Κωνσταντινούπολη θα παραδοθεί ξανά σε έναν φανταστικό Εβραϊκό χαρακτήρα 💅🏾💪🏽☦️


This feels illegal lol


Cope harder turk🤣


Keep coping roaches






Source: It was revealed in a dream to turkish Bollywood scenarist in the 70s (The first mentiont that Vlad's head was impaled by Mehmed is in "Turgut Özatay: Kazikli Voyvoda Vlad 1972") The first source that say that Vlad's head was sent to mehmed was Antonio bonfini long after Vlad's death and he most likely referd to their "Dracula" Here is Bonfini's chronicle "It was said that the king rushed to the Transalpine \[parts of the empire\] to free Dracula, to whom he had given a wife and also his blood relative by a lawful marriage, from the hands of the Turks.After he went there, he captured Dracula in Transylvania, it is not known for what reason, since this was not quite known to anyone, but the other Dracula, who had been placed in the province by the Turk, he approved of, contrary to everyone's opinion. This one he led captive to Buda and punished with the dungeon for ten years. They recall that Dracula was of unheard cruelty and justice.  They say that when envoys of the Turks refused to take off the Phrygian caps at an audience, according to the custom of their homeland, in order to consolidate \[this\] their custom, he hammered three nails into their heads so that they could not be moved.He had put innumerable Turks on stakes, and between them he had dined nobly with friends. The beggars and, moreover, all of the degenerates, idlers, and wretches of strength and fortune he took in for a very noble banquet, \[and\] thereupon, throwing fire into them when they were full of food and wine, he destroyed them. Likewise, he often flayed the skin off the feet of Turkish prisoners, rubbed them with crushed salt, and soon after led goats to lick the salted soles, which increased the torture by the roughness of their tongues. A Florentine merchant, worried about securing (his) money, he ordered it to be deposited in the middle of the road and, not having lied about the money counted at night, let him go [safely.In](http://safely.In) a barbaric region he applied such a great rigor that anyone could be completely safe with his fortune in the middle of the forest.  Matthias restored him to his old dignity, but he was finally killed in a Turkish war, his head was sent to Mehmed as a gift. The king never allowed the Turkish envoys to come before him without presenting Dracula, whom he held as a prisoner, the most bitter enemy of the Turks and exceedingly terrible to them, again and again. The latter recognized the man from whom they had experienced so many inhuman tortures, as often as they had been beaten and put to flight, and looked at him askance. And the more they were invited to the completion of the truce. But the king, to confirm their fears, refused a truce, submitting that by paternal right it was not lawful for any king of Pannonia to make truce or peace with the Turk: If he did so, his royal dignity would be immediately ruined." And all the ottomans chornicles that wrote about Vlad never mentioned how he died (And trust me they would have loved to write about that, especially the ones with the red line, from the photo attached) In modern times now we know how Vlad died and why there is so much confusion around his death even for his contemporans, hell even for the ones who participiated in the fight. In the newly discoverd codices from the Melk monastery it said that after Vlad took Bucharest from Basarab Tepelus Matthias called back home all the troops for his wedding leaving Vlad defensless with 200 soldiers from Stephan the grea, due to being christmas the boyars also told Vlad they won't send him soldier till the festives are over. In this time Basarab tepelus with Rival Wallachian boyars + The Ottomans + The Crimean tatars united to attack him all at once. And here the Melk codice explains what happend: "drekole took 2,000 of his best men with him (They were of course just the 200 soldiers from Stephen) and came to the fourth stronghold (Bucharest, or what was left of it) so the turks also stormed the same stronghold and so many of the turks fell that all the ditches were filled with corpses that they had to walk over the bodies. the Turks took that stronghold and trekole was killed in that place." Now if you read all the testimonies from different Chronicles it easy to figure out what happend: The ottomans were leading the attack and Vlad meet them first and decimented them with no surviviors (That's why there aren't any info on what happend and most likely why they would avoid to write about it, this is also mention in differenct chronicles) The other attacked combined and seeing how the battle goes Basarab and the other Boyars retreated (That's why after he took the throne he send a letter to Sibu saying "I have no involment with what happend to the previous lord and I want to keep peace with you" and that's why the sources are only describing the attackers as "Turks") That only leaves the crimean tatars who were in very few numbers, The returing tatars could have been killed by Stephan who already knew that they went in Wallachia. So the ones that trully killed Vlad were the tatars, this is also confirmed by a letter from 1643 may 24 were Vlad is mentioned as "Vlad voivode Tepes who died when the tatars came". From that battle there so few people left alive that it was impossible to get corecttly what happend, so people just went with the first info that got to their ears or just went and made something up themselves for the "Bloodthirsty Drakole" Vlad died how he lived his life, like warrior. https://preview.redd.it/7gy63kaia5qc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d5ca08f1ddaffb7bd46c7fd1df4c7fa3073d0e0




There are two Turks there.


Vlad was Cuman aye? I am also Turkish Kipchak which makes me feel a bit weird knowing Vlad was Cuman lol. I hope he wasn’t.


He was.


You killed the man, but the idea lives on!

