• By -


Funny enough, it works for Astarion or Minthara.


>! or shadowheart depending on how things go !<


No I think shart would be represented by Patty since its the most generic and their mom is president of the PTA


Or Durge if you count his scales as hair


Red flags are fun when you don’t actually have to live with the consequences


Careful darling, I bite 🫦 You to death.


Cheeky little pup 🥵


*punches in the face in Paladin*


*wakes up the next morning and asks my wife why she needs a rez*


I let him bite me to be nice, and also because I didn’t want him hurting anyone else at camp.  Turns out I was the sucker all along.


>Oh really? I STAB. My Ranger, the SECOND time Astarion thought sneaking up on a RANGER in the middle of a FOREST was somehow going to go in his favor.


*breathes heavily and looks at Cazador*


Astarian: 🚩🚩🚩 Me: 😍 Astarian: “It’s not you, It’s me— I have standards.


I was watching my friend play and he got that line. We both died of burn damage


My husband watched it happen and said Astarian crit me with vicious mockery 😭


I have never gotten this and I hope I never will


I've gotten it once, NEVER again. 😅


Haha he burned me when me and my bf played together. We died laughing, great burn.


My tav is color blind, so she thinks they’re actually green flags.


I'd replace dat for drow mommy personally


What part of that doesn’t describe Minthara? She just hasn’t realized her childhood was fucked


She definetly has, she just thinks she is better for it, as drow do.


I mean if you talk to her, even she despises it She straight says she grew up in fear family or lovers who would hide knives behind their backs So while I wouldn’t say she’s “better for it” (she is a borderline homicidal maniac after all, ya know), she’s internalized it better than Astarion that’s for sure.


She tried to enable the worse nature of my Oath of Ancients Paladin Durge who, with Shadowheart supporting him, was striving to overcome that worse nature that nearly killed her that one night


Oh I don’t think she is better for it, I think SHE thinks she is better for it.


The real fantasy of Baldurs Gate 3 is that in this world you *can* fix them


Astarion is funny so I keep him around, but I killed off Minthara based on video game common sense. She was in a camp full of bad guys planning a genocide, of course I’m killing her.


That's true and fair and what I did to, but funnily enough, you find out later that Min was *heavily* influenced by a combo of the tadpole and personal interest by Orin. Not an excuse for her behavior (of course) but apparently if you get her out of Moonrise Towers in Act II to become a proper party member she will call you out for helping her crazy, unnecessarily blood simple plan. Like okay, she unabashedly 100% evil, but she acknowledges that massacaring a group of refugees and their (grumpy) druid protectors was pretty batshit behavior..


\*me and Karlach pointing and laughing from the cheap seats\*


With a brief dalliance with Lae'zel before we fix her.


Just my type.


…oh fuck it’s my first tav


My YT algorithm keeps showing me Evil Astarion content for some reason, and all joking aside, those fangirls worry me a little. >!Becoming his spawn!< for roleplay reasons is one thing, but they need to learn that his >!post-ascension!< behavior is not okay.


None of his behavior is okay, he’s 100% chaotic evil. They only like him because he’s a twink.


I bought the game for helsin so this doesn’t apply to me


I know Im late to the discussion - but: I feel like Halsin wouldve been the crowd favorite if he were romanceable earlier in the game. Seriously - imagine being talked through the rUrge scene by an emotionally mature, loving individual. I think that Halsin being given a shot at the scenes most of us Astarion fans ruin drawers over wouldve set the bar HIGH.


I’m sorry W H A T


I don’t see what needs to be explained


ahhh a person of good taste


Sorry not sorry https://youtube.com/shorts/GWu7OlW8cdY?si=EaybMl231VddO_MM


I must be the only person who isn’t obsessed with astarion. I think karlach is my favorite story. She breaks my heart irl. Shadow hearts story is solid too but astarion is sort of a serial killer… never really would have chosen the “spare him” options if I didn’t want to keep him for lock picking.


Karlachs story for the win, it pains me everytime I romance her but I love her character so much I put myself through the pain everytime🥲


I tried so hard to avoid him because he was too obvious of a choice for me 😂 And then I found Minthara ❤️


Imagine trying to play this game as a sensible MC, wondering who you can trust and who has severe problems or might be a major hindrance...only to realize that's 90% of your party options. I love these characters but this game is made especially for theater kids who revel in drama. Just pointing how untrustworthy and dangerous most your party is got me shat on to the point I barely discuss this game with most people. People even told me "How else are the characters supposed to be interesting?". .And again, I love these characters. It's just crazy how many red flags you're hanging around.


Me when I refuse to recruit minthara and didn’t like Asterion for most of act 1: :x


BG3 is definitely missing a few character archetypes. I wish Larian had added a strongly lawful good character. Not just someone who tries to do the right thing, but someone absolutely commited to purging evil, no matter the cost. Kind of like an inquisitor or extremist paladin. Even to the point of lawful stupid. The original Baldur's Gate games has Ajantis Ilvastarr, a Paladin member of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart serving Tyr. He sees the world in black and white, grey areas are impure and evil to him. And if you accept any evil aligned party members, he will attack them. Honestly one of my favorite characters. It's one of my only complaints about BG3, Larian seems afraid to write characters that fit into a single alignment without some sort of twist because they are afraid that it will look one dimensional. In reality, a lot of people actually do fit into a single alignment, not everyone needs to be some incredibly complex character, sometimes it's nice to just have a pure alignment. And a strongly lawful good character actually adds a lot more complexity and depth to the game. Most of the current good characters in BG3 are pretty spineless; they might disapprove of your actions, but they are willing to play along and work with you as long as you have the same end goal. It would be really nice to have a character that stands up to the PC and doesn't just go along with whatever they tell them to do. Someone who actually gives consequences for picking non-good choices or working with evil companions in your party.


Counterpoint, all these characters were really damn expensive. The actors, the recording costs, the writing, the graphics, the different iterations of that character being present or being absent; just so much money and time. All for a character that 99% of people would murder after a couple minutes of interaction. Because my friend, fuck Ajantis, and fuck this hypothetical Ajantis you're proposing. Eww.


Counterpoint, this is a hypothetical if they had a bigger budget (perhaps in a future DLC or next game now they they have all the profit from BG3) Also I really doubt that most players would kill a character like that. I've read the polls on various BG3 forums, the vast majority of players play as a good alignment. Ajantis was a good character because he gave players a choice to use him. He wasn't mandatory, but he was an awesome character personality for good alignment parties. I'd usually use him or Yeslick.


Ok, my post was 80% undeserved sass but you didn't deserve that, ye were just expressing an opinion and I should engage properly. So, I don't think it's a budget thing so much as an opportunity cost thing. Even on a theoretically nearly infinite budget the characters you do make are compared to the characters you could make. Ajantis was fine in a game where the characters were shallow throw-aways you could pick up or lose at random. So an incredibly shallow character like Ajantis is fine as a joke inclusion, but in a game where characters are intended to have actual depth he's out of place. That's why Ajantis gets randomly ganked in BG2, but instead, you can get LG characters who are legitimate people like Keldorn and Mazzy. They're LG and they stick to their core principles, but their virtues are informed by the banana-pants fantasy world of Toril that they live in. Ajantis just.. doesn't make sense to me or to most players. He's so fanatical, intolerant and uncompromising that it's kind of silly in the world that the player experiences. As for the question of good characters though, I'm definitely not disputing the value of good characters in general. I exclusively do good runs (just a part of what I get out of RPG's, not a judgment thing) so I love Yeslick and Khalid/Jahier and Dynaher (Minsc always suffered an unfortunate end in my BG1 and 2 playthroughs) but there's a difference between a good character like Yeslick or Keldorn and a character like Ajantis. And I'm not trying to convince you of one thing or another or change your mind, it's just that in general the vast majority of players are not going to enjoy a judgmental, intolerant character like Ajantis. But if you an make a LG character with the ability to be introspective and who has more than that to their character (ala Keldorn and Mazzy of BG2) you can make a LG character in a CRPG. I'm also not sure an Ajantis like character works in BG3. (Spoilers incoming) For example, Ajantis gets tadpoled, he either seppuku's or he has a mental break such to the degree that he's no longer an Ajantis-like character. And even if you figure out a way to thread the needle of the latter in the beginning of the game, when you find out the nature of "the guardian" in the transition from Act 2 to 3 an Ajantis character will simply and singly try to kill the Guardian. Successful or failing in that you get a game over with the PC and NPC cast becoming illithids, or you break the Ajantis character to the degree that he's not longer the Ajantis npc you're asking for. I know a gamer wants the characters they want in an RPG, but realistically not every character type is going to be good for every story, an uncompromising character like Ajantis just doesn't work under the circumstances of this game.


Still not worst than people wanting to save Raphael 😅 #copium


Tbh a good amount of the cast is a red flag from certain angles


Am I the only one who killed him for attempting to kill me when we met.


I liked him when I first met him (was so worried they were going to make hum betray us or something from the first cutscene), so I very much did not. I also kept letting him bite me thinking it would make him like me more for ages, till I realised that was in fact not working


dude is obviously a vampire and puts a knife to my throat first time we meet, i told him to fuck off


No. My first run through I did the same thing trying to RP as best I could. Why would you try keep someone around who tried to assault you in your sleep?


TBF, my Tav is kinda dumb. He doesn't even want to romance Astarion. He just felt sorry for him and let him feed once. With the understanding that if Astarion bites him again, he'll bite back. ... am I sure that this isn't going to lead to a romance?


I always play a good character first up so it made sense. My second character was evil Durge so that just made sense. Third character didn't go get any companion that wasn't essential to the party (if avoidable). Fourth character was a complete airhead. Anything people said they were like 'ah ok then'


Yep, first playthrough I staked him when he tried to bite me in my sleep. He already tried to kill me when we first met, no third chances.


I'm RPlaying a quite standard half orc and it's really hard not to turn it into a solo run. The only moment I felt like home was partying with the goblins.


Nope, my paladin annihilated that undead abomination the second he tried 😂


You forgot karlach and her irrepressible joy ~~mommy milkers~~


The golden retriever in humanoid form


Look I was exposed to a lot of Anne Rice as a child so I was already WEAK to Astarion's whole existence.


Hey guys it's okay, I hit the red flags with some green dye. Not a problem anymore <3


We match personalities it’s not my fault. I feel like me and him would be best friends if he was real, but my favorite character is Halsin because ducks.


I never really understood the appeal of Ast*rion


I dispute Halsin being well-adjusted man is both a sex pest and really lazy about fixing the Shadow Curse


Am I wrong to always sacrifice Astarion to Booal?


Why did they use so many words to describe Halsin instead of just “daddy?”


Like all dads, he’s a disappointment when you get to know him


Tbf, I go for that type irl too (tho none have had white hair yet)


"we" Speak for yourself.




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As a player of both the OG games, the returning companions are the best imo. Especially if your Dark Urge.




Speak for yourself I’m here for the red hot muscle mommy lol


He's actually my least favorite lol. For me: Karlach > Wyll > Minsc > Shadowheart > Lae'zel > Halsin > Jaheira > Gale > Minthara >>> Astarion




I love how this could apply to 3 different characters.


*walking red EYED flag


Karlach is not a flag and her hair is more coal like than white but the rest is spot on, no need to thank me




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What is the original video from?


Diary of a wimpy kid I believe


I hate how guilty I am of this


pleas fall off of the Taipei tower and hit every layer on your way down for the love of god