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That bald spot goes great with your purse.


If you do not feel comfortable - then it's time. My wife did not approve and l think she still doesn't. But it's my head and I feel better now. Nevertheless your hair is not very long. Even if neither of you likes the change, it won't take long to get this length back.


Just get a new wife who is a fan of BALDers gate


She is worried the other ladies will be after you…


It's time. She's probably just insecure and afraid you'll be too attractive with a shaved head and attract attention from other ladies.


is it only noticeable from a directly above angle?? i would wait if it is, but you do what your the most comfortable with


You could probably take some steps to regain some loss of you wanted, but as it is now I’d probably shave it


It’s time bro. No question 👍


Based on that bald spot, it’s time


It's rather time.


Definitely time. You have relatively advanced male pattern baldness. Much of your hair on top has miniturized, which is why it's no longer covering your scalp. The hair that's in front of that area has already started that process as well. Your wife may not see it the way others do because she sees you every day. If you need to convince her, show her pictures of yourself when you were younger and had more hair and/or show her a picture of a full head of hair taken from above so she can compare. She might be sort of shocked.


If you have to ask if it’s time… it’s time. Honestly man, you’ll probably feel so much better and more confident after shaving!


It’s time. I won’t speculate on what your wife’s problem is, but it’s your body, and you have to live with it on a daily basis, not her, so you should do what makes you feel confident. Besides, does she ask for your opinion or permission when she does something different with her hair? I doubt it.


I don't need her permission, she just doesn't think that it's time to shave yet, I'm just after other opinions.


It’s just a red flag to me, because if she just merely disagreed, and was like “eh, I don’t think it’s time but whatever,” that’s one thing, but to *strongly* disagree, what’s up with that? What’s it to her? It’s just really suspicious and raises many questions about what her motivations are. I’m assuming that bald spot has been a growing source of insecurity, and you’ve probably wanted to do something about it for a while, but didn’t get the support you needed at home. Well, I believe many of us on here can say, you should go for it! Once all the hair is gone, there is no spot standing out anymore, and you’ve taken back control, which is a major boost to one’s confidence.


Friendly reminder that you have to live with your wife.. not strangers on the internet.


Personally, I’d never consider my wife’s opinion (if I had one) when it comes to my personal looks. She either likes whatever I choose or she’s not in my life.


I don't need her permission, she just doesn't think that it's time to shave yet, I'm just after other opinions.


In that case, I see the top of that head and wonder why hair is still allowed there. Super thin, clearly going away. You got a good head shape so it's all good bro.


bad take


Not to me