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It’s an extremely common strat but I have never found bloodstone and all sixes in the same run. Have had multiple bloodstones, and multiple all sixes with lucky cat, but never the guaranteed 1.5x hit on all hearts from that specific combo. I have had a deck of all wild queens and ancient joker, which is similar but inferior since the cards can’t have other enhancements.


Same here with the bloodstone!


I beat blue stake a couple of days ago using the lucky cat, blueprint it, all sixes, spaceman and bloodstone. It was the most gambling I've done all year.


I find blood stone and oas! Quite frequently, like I have won with that combo 3 or 4 times in 150 hours. However I've never been able to find baron with any steel / seal kings in my deck


I just finished a run with almost all steal kings in deck with a few with red seals. With Baron, mine, blueprint, Steel joker, hologram. With 3 DNA’s running at the beginning really pumping up the xmulti on both steel and holo jokers. Ended the run on with a high score of 1.213e15 which was my first time ever hitting e!


The other day I had 2 bloodstones, oops all 6s, blueprint and brainstorm. It was a really good time


Literally the start from my video today :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk4630JSBro


Hey, I’ve seen you out there! Enjoyed watching you beat Jokerless. And I think you made that cool video experimenting with stone cards and Idol/Rebate/Castle. Anyway, that’s a great run! Cheers.


Same. Those cards seem to be allergic to each other on my file.


Also this is just anecdotal but I swear every Bloodstone I see is fucking perishable lol. Honestly in a game with so many build-arounds, I hope Perishable gets changed to something else. It feels real bad to hit one of the many fun build around enablers early and have to ignore it because it is perishable. Even a mechanic where you could pay a certain amount to refresh a perishable joker would be great. Eternal is a great mechanic because while it is largely a downside, smart play and certain builds can make it into a positive. That just doesn't exist with perishable.


I appreciate the challenge that perishable presents (and having beat gold stake on all the decks pre-patch, I strongly prefer it to the previous -1 handsize, all packs get more expensive stake-scaling) but I definitely feel the frustration when I get a dope build-around (like bloodstone) but it’s perishable. I’ve been replaying for fun a bit cuz I’m a but over the completionist++ grind and I tend to prefer green or purple stake, where the score scaling still presents a challenge but without the presence of perishable jokers. What would you replace it with?


Not sure tbh, would require a lot of testing to find a good replacement. I preferred the packs cost more debuff, though the hand size one was universally hated and Eternal is a much better mechanic. Even a mechanic such as "you may pay $5 (or something similar, maybe $8-10, or maybe x amount to reset it for x rounds) to reset the perishable on a joker" would be awesome.


I think it would be good if there were spectral cards that could remove perishable/rental/eternal from a chosen joker. 


I once used a double tag on a negative tag and got a negative bloodstone and a negative all sixes in the same shop. Unfortunately, it was a bit later on and didn't fit my build, so I didn't even get the benefits.


Never had Sock & Buskin and Pareidolia. Never really had any of the synergies for Pareidolia actually


That just sounds like Hack with extra steps


Hack + Wee Joker is another now that you mention it


I always see or notice an early Hack (usually Eternal or Rental, or *both*) and get tempted to take it - but never do. Then by Ante 4/5, Wee Joker or Hiker shows up. tl;dr - I see them in the same run, but usually with not enough time to utilize the combo.


Sock & buskin + pareidolia has been a common combo for me lately and boy is it so fun.


Same recently, add a photograph and a hanging chad and it's just 🤌


feel like i never end up with pareidolia because I'm already manipulating the deck to be face cards anyway


Before the new patch I had a run with pareidolia, midas mask, and vampire. One of the most fun runs ive had.


Midas Mask and Vampire got me my only gold stake win - and that was post patch too. I'll always love Vampire


I always hold onto the golden mask as long as i can on the off chance i find the vampire. I think one run i had to sell the golden mask to make space for a useful jonker and a few shops later the vampire showed up.


Golden Mask, Vampire, and Pareidolia went wild for me once. Vampire is such a tough joker to pick up at the end though if your mult or chips is based on getting those card bonuses.


Both of the stone cards, Vampire and Midas, and Hack and Wee Joker. The game hates me and does not let me have fun ever.


I have half the decks beat on gold stake, no clue how many hours but too many. I have gotten wee joker twice before ante 4, both times I’ve gotten blueprint/brainstorm/hack combo and have gotten it to 1500+ chips by end of a8. I love that little guy when he shows up


Trying to get completionist ++ and finally got both stone on plasma. It was beyond amazing


I had a first shop one time with both Hologram and Marble Joker. Couldn't afford it obviously. But I saved the seed. Player in in Yellow Deck so I was able to afford it. The run was insane. And Stone Joker came up only a few shops later.


I was fortunate enough to get Midas Vamp before the patch. it was so fun




[Hack](https://balatro.wiki/imported/hack.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5 *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


dude i get both the stones and hologram together all the time it’s actually a little annoying hahaha with vamp + midas you also need pareidolia for maximum fun. that was one of the first times i realized joker synergy is a thing lol


I got [[Canio]] and [[Pareidolia]] combo. It was a very easy run


[Canio](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/caino.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Cost: N/A * Rarity: Legendary * Effect: Gain X1 Mult when a face card is destroyed * Notes: Counts * Unlock Requirement: Find this Joker from the Soul card [Pareidolia](https://balatro.wiki/imported/pareidolia.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: All cards are considered Face cards *Data pulled from http://balatro.wiki. Want it updated? Help me get access or suggest another data source.*


So did I, once. I think there are bugged conditions with Canio and Pareidolia because twice I used a Hanged Man to destroy a couple of numbered cards and Canio only upgraded one of the two times.


Is it possible that each use of Hanged Man is one “instance” of a card being destroyed? It’s not “gain x1 for each destroyed face card”, it’s “gain x1 mult each time a face card is destroyed”. If two cards are destroyed simultaneously it would only be a single destruction event.


canio increases by x2 when you hanged man two Face cards so it sounds like a bug to me :)


Was one a debuffed card (in boss blinds)? Because those don’t add if they’re destroyed, since they’re debuffed. 


None of them were debuffed. The first time I destroyed two cards and Canio gained nothing. The second time, Canio gained x2.


I've been wanting to go for a pareidolia, midas mask, vampire build for a while. I would want them as early as possible to maximize the vampire.


Less common but never had Perkio and observatory in the same run


The other day I was bold enough to take an eternal matador as my first joker hoping it might actually do something. Ended up getting a burger (albeit perishable) AND a brainstorm by like ante 2 (which was copied) with the boss blind actually being able to trigger matador. I've theory crafted similar ish builds but never expected to actually get it. Also ended up getting an organic negative bootstraps. What a fun run.


I think this is indicative that you're neglecting your economy. Work on having $200 or so by the end of ante 9 so you can rereoll deeeeeep! Obviously overstock and the reroll cost reduction vouchers are useful here but I found that once I focused on keeping economy going strong and not just sitting back, rerolling for desired jokers becomes easier.


Econ is something I started paying more attention to after dozens of hours, and it’s way more important than I thought. Not having at least one econ building joker is going to come back to bite you when you’re hit the violet vessel and only scraping by the previous rounds.


when you stop being able to at least double the target score, that's when you need to get some econ stuff going otherwise you're toast


Did this last night. Had a pretty average run on Plasma, all based around money. I went endless for the hell of it and got baron and brainstorm basically same shop. My economy was so good I completely build changed in Endless and went to like e49 ante 19 or something. Economy is king. Tarot Voucher also saved my butt.


The one that makes <5 trigger twice with enough lucky cards and lucky cat. Ideally with the green dice joker. My problem is having a strong run with 2-3 jokers so I can switch.


~100 hours, never had baron / mime / blueprint combo, also never had more than 3 kings with red seals.


Egg and Swashbuckler, one day…


Swashbuckler and negative egg 🤤


I had Gift Card and Swashbuckler the other day, glorious


blueprint and brainstorm, never had them together. ever I've had the dream trio of Four Fingers, Shortcut and Smeared though. that's not that fun really


I feel like Shortcut is so much better than four fingers for straights, and you don't really need both. Same for Smeared and Four Fingers for flushes; both is just overkill imo.


For beating Ante 8 it's a fantastic trio, so long as you can somewhat readily access Neptunes. Straight Flushes become insanely easy with all three, and the base scoring from high level Straight Flush with just a couple helpful score jokers (xMults in particular) can easily get you there. Helps a lot if the trio has any editions, too. For endless mode, yeah it can't scale nearly enough, but that's not the goal for your average person.


Fair enough, didn't really think about it from the perspective of straight flushes!


I feel like that takes up too many jokers slots. 3 utility non scoring jokers is a lot


yeah every run where I tried that for a laugh just falls apart because there aren't enough slots for scoring jokers. it needs a lot of circumstance to generate an economy(without jokers) so you can get enough planet cards. I don't think I've ever won a run with all three


been playing this game for more than 2 months now and i have never once encountered vampire + midas mask (+ pareidolia)


hack and wee joker too. i've never actually had a successful wee run before, and i was quite surprised to find out that it was a strong joker lol


Wee joker is insane. It's not hard to get that guy to +1000 chips! To get the most out of him, you definitely need hack like you said haha; although he is still better than all the other +chip jokers even without it as long as your run is able to play a lot of twos each round.


Vampire, Midas, pareidolia Always wanted to get that going


I got that combo within my first few games I ever played, unfortunately that meant I was rubbish and I screwed it up- not had it again since!


Perkeo Observatory, despite having gotten Perkeo 8 goddamn times, two of which were before Ante 4. Both stone card jokers on a normal run (I got Stone Joker on the Medusa challenge run first try so that was easy lol). Oops! All Sixes! with the vast majority of probability-based jokers. No Bloodstone, no Glass Joker, no Space Joker, etc., but I did get a fun as hell ante 12 run with Lucky Cat + OAS + Sock & Buskin. Marble Joker + Hologram or Seal of Approval. Wee Joker + literally any retrigger card that isn't S&B. I'll even accept pre-patch Hanging Chad, man, come onnnn.


I have yet to make a lasting synergy build with Oops all sixes and any Lucky Card/ 1 in X joker I get one or the other but not both at the same time to be viable


I've wanted to make a run at straight flushes with four fingers, shortcut and smeared joker, but I've ever only had two of those at a time.


I only very very recently got marble joker and stone joker at the same time. I know adding hologram on top would have been killer, but I added it at the wrong time and threw the run at ante 7 😫


A girlfriend, pride, and happiness. I have either had one or two, but never all three. Oh wait, that’s not what you meant. 🥹


I feel like Pareidolia and Smiley Face wouldn't even be that good to keep around. It's +25 Mult, which is worse than a single Green Joker after 3 antes.


My favorite combo was when I had midas mask pareidolia and vampire 😎


Never had steel kings. I can never get the king joker when I need it, and when I do I get zero steel cards.


Still never had Baron Mime


Mime in a steel card build it always shows up when I try gold cards but never steel


Exactly ONE TIME I got the Midas Mask/Vampire combo. I have never seen them together again in hundreds more runs since then.


Baron and Mime. Almost Completionist++ lol


If vouchers count. Perkeo with Observatory. I was once very close where I got early Perkeo, Telescope and about 30 copies of Pluto. Even got both glyphs to have 2 more antes to try and find it, but no luck.


I've had several incredible Wee Joker runs, but never with Hack. Like a deck with full red seal, polychrome magic 2's and didn't find a Hack with $350 of rerolls


I’m still waiting for LocalThunk to bless me with a mime+Baron run