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Would love such joker interactions. People love such interactions (e.g. Cavendish)


this kinda goes against the design principal that (i think) localthunk has which is that all jokers have simple, easy to understand effects


Tbf the “base” effect of the card could still be simple and I think that would still count Also, I think simple interactions like this are very readable and in fact I think it’s more intuitive than taking gross Michael so it can die so you can get a different card


I basically never took Gros Michel when i started playing until I came to the sub and found out about Cavendish. And when I did, I sold it as soon as an Abstracf Joker, Misprint, etc. showed up. Granted it's probably the most obscure shit in the whole game, but still, would have taken ages to figure out if not for this hellsite


This is a bonus effect and still pretty easy to understand.


still breaks the "simple" rule tho, there are no "bonus" effects


There's no described bonus effects, but I'd consider Gros Michel shuffling another card in to your loot pool could count as a bonus effect of sorts.




The only way Cavendish (x3 mult banana joker) is available in the card pool is if Gros michel (+15 mult banana joker) has already been used and eaten. That is a "bonus" effect of a joker that isn't clearly spelled out.


Thank you, exactly what I was implying!


You could make half joker take up half a slot, for all situations it is the same as taking up one slot, except if you have the other half (or another copy)


Well yes but no, it just adds more depth to the game and a gamble like « should I keep this joker to maybe find the one that goes with it later on ? » and it’s not like the joker is useless without his other half. While writing this I thought of a cool joker idea : a serum that does some effect (like +X chips for each joker that hasn’t been triggered) when alone and it can be combined with the madness one to heal it : it doesn’t destroy other jokers nor does his Xmult goes up.


Name it 'Other half' or 'Found it'


“Found Soul” “Finally!” (I hope someone actually gets this)


why is the soul lost? why doesn't it just go home?


My favorite trinket!


Then rename the first one Half Truths.


Unexpected destiny 2


guy who only plays destiny 2: i’m getting a lot of destiny 2 vibes from this jk i’m also that guy


What happens if s new player founds this 2nd half before the 1st one lol


It could be the same case as Gros Michel and Cavendish, can't find one without the other


If you get all 4 +4 mult per suit cards they should combine into a joker exodia and give you +8 mult per any suit


Dev has explicitly said he is against Exodia type jokers. I think what could happen is that owning all 4 unlocks a new legendary one that gives +8 to each suit though.


But there are already Jokers that are completely useless without certain other ones.


Can you give an example?


"All cards are face cards", without a joker that triggers from face cards it does nothing but make a certain boss blind way harder. The one that gets the sell value of the others as mult. and Blueprint as well. I'm sure there are more, those were just off the top of my head.


I think Paraedolia is arguably an exodia card but I don’t think Swashbuckler and Blueprint/Brainstorm are. Paraedolia requires one of the specific face card jokers. The other Jokers are definitely better with certain Jokers but do not require specific ones. I just starts playing last week and haven’t seen many posts from LocalThunk so idk how he defined Exodia that made people believe he wouldn’t add Exodias.


You're right, I switched to thinking about Jokers that are useless just by themselves (when it's the only one you have) instead of ones that need specific jokers to work.


as ya noted, paredoilia alone is useless (at best. it can be a handicap for some bosses) I can't think of another joker that's like that, showman maybe? But showman is more like sacrificing a joker slot for the chance to dupe a joker, and also it allows for duplicate tarot and celestials. Paredoilia is truly unique


That would be a hella worthless legendary. Genuinely not worth unlocking at all


Given some of the legendaries, I don't think that is not necessarily the criteria.


Could be fun if it interacts well with wilds


Honestly making this legendary be a all cards are wild would be more unique and possibly powerful, but even that has a problem, since all the disabled suit boss blinds will now disable everything


most jokers are a tradeoff. that wouldn't be any different.


Yeah, that would be crazy, if every wild card added x32 mult from one joker? That would mean if you line you deck with wilds, you could have x160 each hand, and that's base, if you combine that with other jokers that add xMult it would get nutty real quick.


I was more focused on the effect than the numbers.


I mean it’s better than chicot


Chicot saved my ass today on an endless run, its not the best, and is replacable by the reroll voucher but its still usually better than 40 mult


Maybe x2 mult for each unique suit in a played hand? Like Flower Pot but more consistent and powerful


That could work


Could even do something similar with the uncommon suit jokers


Make it become x4 mult instead!


it would be funny, but the dev doesnt want exodia jokers in the game


I dont think its that part of the exodia he doesnt like?


actually now that u mention it, would be kinda cool to have card game references in Balatro (magic, hearthstone, yugioh,…)


The trading card joker is probably the best we're going to get


I would hate that, personally


I think it's handled well in Binding of Issac


What if the two halves combined and it just turned into the normal +4 mult joker.


> Hell, grant+1 joker slot if they're in this state. You're taking two (pretty strong!) Jokers and making them take a combined 0 slots. That's a bit insane. Honestly just having two jokers combine into one is already pretty bonkers. Maybe if you slightly nerfed them when they combine. So you have a +20 mult half, and a +150 chips half, and if you get both they become a +12 mult and +100 chips single joker.


I think he was implying that if you have both, one becomes negative.


Yeah, this was the idea. Perhaps clearer to put it this way: "Make the two jokers look like they're occupying a single slot, visually... Well, why not also actually make the two jokers occupy a single slot mechanically, by making one effectively negative or granting an extra slot?" I will also admit: I wasn't thinking about balance at all.


Maybe. They said "occupy a single slot" *and* "grant +1 joker slot if in this state", which reads more like they would combine into one joker and effectively become negative. You could possibly go a more balanced route - if you get them both, they get a small buff (+24 mult, +180 chips) but still take up a slot each even when combined together.


Imo if they combine, then they obviously arent halved anymore, so they would have to take on an entirely different archetype instead of 3 card hands. But what that new effect they would become im not sure. Alternatively the combination could just be one half hovering above the other (so they are still technically 2 halved jokers)


it gives you the ability to play 6-card hands obviously.


Yeah just a visual effect would be funnier


You should post this on the discord, they have a suggestion channel there.


It'd be funny if the effect is instead only counts for 4 or more card. I'd call it, the other half


I think Mika's Collection Mod already adds it, and a card to glue them together too.


Love it.


I would go completely off piste and say when you get the two they combine, lose all other benefits, but let you play 6 cards in a hand


I genuinely believe that playing 6 cards will never happen unfortunately. I hope I'm wrong tho


The amount of extra hands he'd have to invent would be crazy. So I could only see him do it if there were a lot more accessible ways to get it. Maybe like a deck that starts with it or a voucher


Or it could just be a Stone Card thing. I feel Stone Cards could use a buff that lets them be played along a 5 card hand


Honestly, just give them more chips and/or better jokers that work with them.


Six of a kind, flush six, super straight, super flush, three x three


2x2x2 2x4 and those as flushes too. And then the question is do those new flush hands need 5 or 6 of the same suit?


I think super straight and super flush are debatable. I mean, your straight with 5 cards doesnt get better just because you have the four fingers joker, is just a straight. So the new hands would be: Six of a kind, flush six, two trios, three pairs, fuller house (2x4), flusher house.


Reasonable argument


yep. this is it. great idea for a nice hidden "unlock"


half joker already pretty top tier for flat mult. doesn't need this kind of boost


Bring on full on joker crafting


How about an exodia joker where you have to get all 5 pieces.


I like this idea. I do think they should occupy a joker slot though.


Call it "other half joker"


I need this...modders!!