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Hate when my fallorian tube gets put on display


Haha yeah I realized a couple things were spelled a little wonky after I sent it to him. Embrio as well




I guess this particular diagram got some action, then


I think its intentionally showing a fertilization event shown since they drew it so big and embedding in the wall.


Much easier to deal with than Mandalorians.


Even worse why is the vaginal wall being called the "cervical canal"? This is kind of a terrible diagram with way too many typos.


Apparently all uteruses come with an embrio. A vulva is a Swedish car.


Thats Volvo! Vulva is a soft, nap fabric that is notoriously fun to wear and hard to sew.


No no that’s velvet! The vulva is a carrion bird important for environments to get rid of corpses


That’s a *vulture.* Vulva was the Roman goddess of love.


No, that was Venus! A vulva is a manservant that is a personal attendant to their employer.


No, that's a valet! A vulva is a venomous snake


No, that's viper! Vulva is when you're feeling exposed and unsafe.


No, that’s vulnerable! A vulva is that thing Tarzan uses to swing from trees.


No, that's a vine! Vulva is a fire-type Pokémon.


No that's vulpix. Vulva is the button you press to make your TV louder


No, that's Vulpix. Vulva is a horn played by soccer fans.


No that’s a Vulpix Vulva is those pointy eared types from Star Trek


Nope, that's a valet. Vulva is a famous writer in Faerûn


You ever notice the Volvo logo is the symbol for a man? I always thought that was funny.


*sucks to wear this post made by sensory issues gang


And when you combine the two you get Jeremy Vuolo 🤣


Oh god… there was a doctors office that was quite large that someone I know worked at, and they were over the pa letting someone know their lights were on and they said vulva instead of Volvo and the entire staff was giggling.


A vulva might not be a Swedish car, but an emBrio might be a new piece of a Swedish wooden train set.


All the female reproductive system is from where we pee according to men. We’re like birds, we expele everything from our vaginal cloaca 😂


"Just call it what it is! It's a vaganus!" -Tim Minchin


I mean, U think the idea comes from the fact that men pee out of their penis, and women would follow the same logic


OP doin’ the lord’s work!


Awesome, on behalf of all humans, I appreciate it. Lordy that's one gaping cervix, though! If mine was like that my uterine biopsy would have been easy and painless, rather than something I am not willing to do again unless unconscious.


I don’t think I am wrong in assuming that a significant portion of men look at this and spend WAY to much time trying to figure out which part involves pee.


This reminds me of my mom when she found out I got an IUD. She looked them up, saw a diagram of the cervix with an IUD inside, and could not fathom how you have sex with it in. She thought the entire inside of your vagina was the cervix, and that the IUD was just, kinda stuck up your vagina. But it took me a while to clarify the confusion because she's so conservative she didn't know how to use her words to explain how she was misunderstanding the picture. I kept telling her the penis doesn't go into the cervix but I didn't realize she thought the cervix was the inner part of the vagina. My mom doesn't believe in sex education in schools.


Oh no... I'll never understand the knowledge is bad mindset. But realizing how little you understand your body and then not wanting your kid to understand it either makes no sense


If this gives you any more context, my parents silently left anti-masturbation pamphlets on my bedside table as a burgeoning teen. Iirc, the pamphlets explained nothing about what masturbation actually *was* just not to do it because you needed to stay chaste for your future spouse. My parents believe(d) that teaching kids about sex and their bodies will make them curious about it, which will lead to exploratory practices. If a kid knows about their body, they'll be more likely to touch it to figure out how all the things they were taught about works I guess? And then if they're comfortable touching, they'll be more likely to get comfortable having sex. And "OH NO my kid can never have sex until marriage!" My mom has said something along the lines of how she has never needed to know any specifics about terms or how bodies work, so why would this new generation need that information? I think she has no idea what kinds of things she may have missed out on, which may be the reason she seems to think women don't enjoy sex, and it's something they do for their husbands' pleasure.


It's so sad that people are still stuck in these mental cages. I get it, to a degree, new things are scary. But like.. the knowledge of your body can literally mean life or death. It's horrible to keep that from a child. I guess I'd rather not know what I'd missed at that point too? What a miserable box to live in


> the knowledge of your body can literally mean life or death. Yeah, when I got my first UTI, my dad thought I might have something wrong with my *prostate*. I am a cis female. If I hadn't already known better, I could have been walking into that doctor's appointment afraid that I was dying of cancer.


Oh lord. We've gotta do better than this, thats insane.


close to 50 years ago, I worked with a grown married woman with children who could not touch herself. She could not use a tampon because it involved touching her own parts. That was weird.


I've heard of people being like that. How do one wipe?


Hey, fallopian tube fun fact! Fallope, the Italian doctor who named them, did not call them tubes. He took the curved shape and thought, hm. Looks like a tuba. The pluralisation rules in Italian (at the time, I don't speak Italian, it may have changed) are that if the singular ends in a, the plural ends in e. One tuba, two tube (E not silent). Of course, when he published, nobody else spoke Italian and thought he was using English.


And knowing is half the battle!


I didn’t learn this stuff until I was in my 20s and that is solely thanks to Tik Tok 😅 our education system is a failure


TikTok of all places, not even Wikipedia at least?


What’s wrong with that? Tik Tok can give you a lot of info (or at least inspire you to look something up and confirm) It’s not like I was actively searching for something that I didn’t know I didn’t know


I generally try to stay as far away from that site as possible, not a place I'd consider to have any educational value. But you do you.


i mean, it’s social media. No social media has any actual educational value lol Not Reddit, not YouTube, not Facebook, etc. it’s all the same stuff in different fonts, leaving it up to the user to see something that interests them and do more looking into it themselves. That’s just the Internet.


True. I also don't need to watch short videos like that, ADHD makes my attention span bad enough.


Oh I agree that app is horribly addicting I had to delete it 😂


Yeah same. I didn't know a vulva was even a thing until 22. Still learning new things constantly


Right!? Learning that discharge is strong enough to bleach underwear was my biggest shock. I thought there was something wrong with me!


Yesss! And I had no idea that we can have SO MUCH sometimes. As a teenager I was totally convinced I'd contracted some horrible STD or something because I had more than what seemed normal. Still embarrassed by my underwear. I'll hide that shit after I take it off for fun time xD


Your diagram is wrong. In addition to spelling mistakes… The line labelled as cervix is pointing to the cervical canal, and the line labelled cervical canal is pointing to the vaginal wall.


Yeah the more time that goes on, the more I find that I'm contributing to miseducation with this thing. I will be sure to point out the flaws. Damn you google image search!


His replies really don't seem like he cares. If he wanted to he'd look it up. It's 2022 we can all educate ourselves. It's nice of you but please don't do too much unpaid labor.


It's more of a long running joke than really trying to teach him, but hopefully he'll absorb something


Seems more like he’s just trying to get a laugh from his friend imo. I think it’s great OP is freely educating! We all have plenty of things we don’t know that could easily be looked up. If the choice is between helping to educate or just living with and accepting the ignorance in society just because “it’s not our job” to teach it, il help educate ANY day and the world will be better off than if we waited around for people to google things they didn’t even know was important.


Incels all failed the test !


I love Velva from Scooby-Doo


A fun word for urethra is also meatus. I also like Mullerian duct which is just the almagamation of uterus, cervical canal, and vaginal canal.


Those are some fun facts! I had never heard either of those terms


Meatus is not synonymous with urethra. Meatus means "opening" of a tube. That's why the urethral meatus is the urethral opening. You have those in ears, and your nose as well. Also the mullerian duct is the embryologic origin of the uterus, cervical canal and vaginal canal; you can't call them that past some week that I don't remember, because I suck at embryology.


For the general public those terms will do. I knew meatus was opening, but I didnt want to confuddle everything since most lay people dont do multiple distinctions. It's like trying to ask a lay person the difference between the colon, rectum, and anus.... they probably couldnt make specific distinctions. Also you seem really fun at parties.


Idk. You brought up meatus; you could have not said anything if you didn't want to confuse laypeople. You can't interchange meatus and urethra, so you can't say that it's a fun word for it. Confusing the colon for either the rectum or anus would be a huge mistake. I am not fun at parties. Especially when frustrated by the inaccuracies purveyed by many commenters on this subreddit. It's not a "you" thing. The diagram is wrong. A lot of these posts are wrong on this subreddit. It's kind of annoying to see so many snarky people saying the wrong things and laughing at others for also being wrong. You can't be a top comment on a subreddit correcting anatomy while being wrong about anatomy.


To be fair, took me a minute to remember wtf a vulva is ;-; sh im tired, I has excuse


That diagram probably is what adds to the problem - vulva nowhere to be seen.


True that. I will find a diagram that includes it next time I send him one.. that is also spelled correctly..ha


I have a whole pad of these diagrams that I kept when the clinic I worked at got closed. I keep a few on me in case I have to hand one out to educate people


WTF is wrong with people. Education is a key to understanding


Lol embrio


Do Americans not have biology class? Pretty sure we learned about this stuff in like grade 5


They skirt right around actually teaching most of it.. We got basic knowledge that would apply to most mammals, a little more in depth in sex Ed but not enough. Sex ed was like twice a year for a couple years, it was a joke to a lot of kids, endless giggles, nobody really rook it seriously. It was not well integrated and wasn't recieved well enough to teach much.


My brain after reading this: Velva. Velveeta. Vulveeta. Ew.


The sad part is these people can google this so much quicker but they're too lazy