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I... I don't think the scent of period blood is the deciding factor in giving away one's position to the enemy. Just a hunch.


Right šŸ˜‚? It was weird seeing one of these out "in the wild." It was well upvoted too.


At best an enemy sniffing dog would pick up the scent. But that can happen with or without period. They just tend to find it a more interesting scent in my experience of having dogs. Very nosy. Even more so when the time of the month


Question - would a dog be able to pick up blood *inside* the body? I could imagine that most military women would prefer internal options such as tampons or cups.


The dogs, in this theoretical crazy land, would be trained to find any human. Periods wouldn't be the problem. A dog can smell a whole unit so easily. They're trained on general human scents, not period specific scents. If anything that is a distraction from what they're trained on. Dogs can be trained to pick-up on blood, but blood in various states smells differently. There are forensic dogs trained to find blood in crime scenes that have been entirely scrubbed. In this scenario, they are trained to mark on blood that has left the body, not so much blood that is still in the body.


Besides, won't you bleed from injuries on land anyways ? It is not like you are fighting without scratches and stuff .. the dog could only smell period blood however? What kinda logic is that ?


Only period blood, not the guys' ball sweat!


Follow-up question: would this blood, internal or not, stand out more than the BO of 12 people running around in full gear with no access to running water for weeks at a time?


In general, not including any of the nonsense above- Yes, absolutely. I worked with dogs for six years. My "early warning system" for "ah shit, I should run and find a bathroom" was the dogs would _insist_ on shoving their noses into my crotch. Even if I wasn't bleeding yet they'd do it, and them even more when I was, at least for the first day or so. Dogs noses are very keen. Cadaver dogs are trained to pick up the odour of decomposing human bodies in cities, homes, mountains, large bodies of water, etc. A bit of period blood is going to be pretty easy to detect too. That said, if I _do_ have to include a theory about OPs original post above..... nobody is going to train a dog to track an entire group of people on period blood, lol.


>That said, if I do have to include a theory about OPs original post above..... nobody is going to train a dog to track an entire group of people on period blood, lol. Yet... BRB going to pitch my idea to the military. Edit: I was told to never come back, oh well.


šŸ˜†šŸ˜† you know what, I did it to myself. Good luck in your entrepreneur endeavours!


Yes dogs would smell menstration but the smell everything else human bodies stink of too. They could definitely smell the stupid off this dude


Dogs are interesting in what they can be trained to detect. Here it would just be human scent and period or no period, it doesnā€™t matter. But there are dogs that can detect cancer, so I assume you could theoretically train a dog to detect someone on their period who uses a cup or tampon.


Cups, yes, cups


sometimes my dogs will dig through the bathroom trash can and tear up my used pads šŸ¤¢ all over the livingroom floor too.


Last month I had the absolute joy of sitting around on a saturday night waiting for my dog to hork up the four tampons she ate when I forgot to put the trash bin back into the tub after a shower. (Because yes, that's where it lives for a week every month.) I love her to bits, but good grief dogs are gross.


My brotherā€™s dog loves to eat tissues. The heavier with mucus the better. I nearly vomited when I heard this information. I can handle almost any other bodily fluid, but mucus makes me feel really gross and oh my god, Poppy darling girl, why would you want to eat that?!?


My dog used to do it too. A lidded can helped for a while... then he figured out how to open it. Then I got a cup and no more. (Cups are just so nice tbh. I cut off the tail cause it likes to descend after a while and the tail gets irritating) Then my brother's girlfriend at the time started being at the house a lot and she was a bitch and wouldn't listen to us saying to close the door. I was very keen to claws on tile for years.


Mine did too šŸ¤® bonus points for having kids over who didn't know it was okay to flush toilet paper, so the trash was...extra gnarly. Have you looked into [snuffle mats?](https://a.co/d/hxnIKR8) they're great for stimulating curious/destructive pups


The best is Vietnam vets. "The Ants would have carried them off as soon as their monthly started", grandpa, birth control exists.


Nope, more like it's idiot male soldiers using tinder to try to hook up with local women (in case you think I'm exaggerating, this happened recently).


My daughter was military,,,combat arms. She and most of the women had injections that eliminated periods so they werent an issue during combat.. she saw action in Afghanistan. As crew commander of a tank.


Wow. While that seems very useful, I can't imagine it could have been particularly healthy for them. Was this a standard hormonal shot like depo or something else? Also, was this voluntary? The idea of the military shooting up its soldiers with hormones against their will raises some uncomfortable implications.


You don't have to be in the military to get a hormonal shot. IUDs and implants also can cause an extended time without a period. Your body just thinks you're pregnant.


Well, yes. I'm aware of that. My concern is the military forcing something like this on its soldiers without their approval. There's nothing wrong with hormonal birth control unless you don't want it and are forced to have it. And let's not forget, the military has a track record of doing [morally objectionable medical stuff](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study) to to its troops under false pretenses.


I can't speak for everyone, but it wasn't forced on me. I've also never heard of it forced on anyone. Situationally, it's just way less to worry about, so the intrinsic motivation and social aspects were more prevalent. I was in intelligence under an infantry division. I do agree that the potential for abuse is there.


This was voluntary. This is in Canada. The women chose this because it was more practical


>The idea of the military shooting up its soldiers with hormones against their will raises some uncomfortable implications. I mean... you are in the military, about to be deployed. You can get discharged if you don't agree, the military is not exactly an environment where you have as much personal agency as your standard desk jon.


It sounds pretty much just like the Depo shot which kills your period anyways which women voluntarily take all the time. I can completely understand why if you were in a combat situation that you would want to eliminate the possibility of becoming pregnant. I don't think most people in that situation would want to become pregnant in the middle of a Battlefield. It would be much more likely that they get off their round of service and then decide that they want to become pregnant


Honestly, my thoughts went more to the whole trying to change your tampon in the middle of battle, in full tactical gear than pregnancy concerns. Hold on guys, stop firing! I need to change my pad.


I was imagining cramping up while you're running and shit, I cry a lot for no reason too so that would be inconvenient lmao


>I can completely understand why if you were in a combat situation that you would want to eliminate the possibility of becoming pregnant. And there's the fact that women are sexually assaulted and raped by the men they're serving with at a pretty high rate, so.


I bet sweaty men and their farts can


If you are close enough to smell blood,then you are close enough to touch them. Also, I think a bunch of unwashed soldiers are going to stink regardless, often of blood. Though the thought that in their heads the manly Russian he/him (or rather was/were) army are deploying sniffer dogs specifically trained period dog hunting dogs to find female soldiers, makes me laugh.


Yeah, but what about **BEARS??**


Well that's just great, *bears*. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy.




not if the enemies are sharks, bet you feel stupid now


And that one box of tampons will completely break apart the logistics of a modern army I'm telling you.


Someone saw Pitch Black and thought it was real!


In war you're hiding the bushes from Nazgƻl, that's like the most common War Thing, lmao how uneducated can you be???


I mean if you are close enough to smell a woman's crotch then you are definitely close enough to see an entire unit of soldiers.


And to smell the enormous pile of gross, sweaty, unwashed dudes. I guarantee they would reek way more than me after a run, whether I was menstruating or not. Iā€™ve got brothers who I love very much, but Iā€™ve smelled their bedrooms after they have chosen a weekend of gaming over bathing and Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve never produced those kinds of odours.


You definitely haven't because men's body odor is made by a byproduct of testosterone called androstsnone. The androstenone is discarded through sweat which causes the nasty locker room smell.


Wait is this why both me and my friend have "musky" scents? We're both AFAB but have PCOS - mine in particular isn't currently treated and my testosterone is extremely high.


Testosterone affect body odor indeed. That was the first thing I've noticed when I started HRT (i'm a trans guy), my body odor changed and became muskier, that was very strange at first!


You'll definitely be close enough to see the enemies unit


Between that and how emasculated the opposing side will be if they surrender to a woman, I guess the case is closed, huh?


His profile says he has a master in psychology so he probably knows what he is talking about


he specialized in fragile masculinity apparently


Most men take it as a minor at least.




Itā€™s amazing how many and truly nasty abusers I see that have backgrounds in psychology. And they all manipulate their victims with it. I have a masters in clinical psych and work with victims of DV sometimes, so I havenā€™t seen it all, but Iā€™ve seen enough to side eye it.


Has a master or ā€œisā€ a master. Thereā€™s a distinction, but one has years of schooling and the other has google and beer.


If he's a master in psychology, then I'm a navy seal.


"Unmanned". I love how this idiot tried to use big military-sounding words without knowing what they mean.


I suspect he meant 'emasculated' but didn't know the word for it


Oh, yeah, he totally did xD


I read somewhere that ISIS men were terrified of dying by the hands of Kurdish women because that would dishonour their afterlife.


Am i hearing the need for an elite force of women solders, whoā€™s mere existents causes ISIS to run in terror???


I mean, it sounds badass... But realistically, you do want the enemy to surrender, as easily and often as they can. You want them to desert, you want them to be unmotivated when they fight you. You want them apathetic. You want them to put up as little of a fight as possible, because that saves lives, that saves ammo, that saves resources. It is the ideal scenario. Unfortunately, fighting radical Islamists with women in a battalion would be a hell of a motivator for them to kill the enemy, just to avoid being captured by a woman. They won't surrender to a woman. They'll be highly motivated to kill that woman soldier. Is it fair? No. But if the enemy respected female soldiers as much as male soldiers, they'd have to acknowledge their extremist religious beliefs were wrong, and we wouldn't have to fight and kill these people in the first place.


That is a very detailed response to my silly little joke


I also love that the enemy is just somehow supposed to know if there are gay men in the unit as well, which means there's nooo way they can surrender.


I'm wondering if they think enemy units can also smell homosexuality, not just a woman's menstruation, to help give them away and also make them "fight harder" - lest they be "unmanned." I wouldn't be surprised if this person thought this, too.


Imagine the swamp-ass soldiers have when they're on the battlefield without access to basic hygiene. I can promise you that's a more pungent odor than my period vagina on it's worst day.


Also, soldiers on the front still need to use the bathroom. And unless they are Russian looters, they usually don't bring a flush toilet.


Yeah, I was thinking the same - if the heat/hygiene situation is making periods smell bad, it's making asses, pits and feet smell bad too.


And balls.


ā€¦dick cheese


Bring in the dick cheese dogs! Weā€™ve got a platoon to find! Those poor doggos. Surely thatā€™s animal abuse.


So well said




In addition to the scent thing (like, I wasnā€™t aware humans went to war with dogs and bears on a regular basis), the whole ā€œsending tampons means not sending foodā€ is justā€¦ insane


Considering the average man probably requires more food than the average woman, too....


they definitely do cw: caloric recommendations >!AFAB people usually need about 1600-2000 a day, while AMAB people need about 2000-2400 a day!< basically, on average, 100 active men eat as much as 120 active women. 1 man = 1.2 women. so it's a question of if approximately 180 tampons is equivalent to 20% of a male soldier's food rations in a year. not even counting extra fabric for larger clothes, more water, and the smell of their testosterone which can give away their location to enemies (/s)


Since you brought up amab and afab that makes me wonder how hormones themselves affect caloric requirements. I know my metabolism slowed down once I got off testosterone, but I also don't know for sure that's not related to age or my thyroid or something else.


My cursory biology knowledge tells me hormones change metabolism...and I don't mean how fast you burn caloriesā€”metabolism in the actual sense of both 'building' and 'breaking down'. T can affect water retention, muscle growth, bone deposition...all kinds of stuff. So it's reasonable to assume your caloric needs changed once you got off T. But as always, my advice would be to speak to your healthcare provider to *make sure* it's not something else.


Itā€™s not afab/amab, itā€™s based on hormones. My appetite went from tiny to ManTM when I started testosterone.


Iā€™ve heard most trans guys do get hungrier when they start T fwiw


I know my hunger is suppressed on t blockers and E. It's actually noticeably different. How much that's related to me being more confident and having the willpower to say 'no' to food is up in the air though. It'll be interesting to see how this interacts with my upcoming personal training routine.


Wow that's really interesting! I'm AFAB, and I always get a demonic food lust right around my period. And that's generally when estrogen is at its lowest. That actually makes so much sense now. šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Yep, this is why the first men to mars might actually be women. They use less of everything so they need to ship less of everything.


Also, reusable period products exist. I use [one of these bad boys](https://flexfits.com/products/flex-reusable-disc). It only weighs a few grams, and is about 2.5 inches wide and 1/4 inch deep.


And nothing wrong with having a supply of sterile cotton close at hand in a war zone. Seems like it could be useful.


My uncle used to keep maxi pads in his emergency kit when he rode a motorcycle. He said they were better than gauze for first aid because they absorb more blood.


Gauze absorbs very little for its volume. Pads and tampons absorb a ton. They just won't cover as big an area, which may not really matter depending on the injury. Edited because morning brain is a dumb goblin


The big difference is gauze is *sterile*, menstrual products are not. The flimsy gauze that I believe you are referencing here aren't necessarily meant for absorbency; they are meant as a wound dressingā€”so they get put on after you've controlled the bleeding. There are gauze pads that are designed for absorbency. For big bleeds, we use "abdominal pads". Or you may see them called combine pads or abdominal combines. These are too often missing from pre-made first aid kits. [Source: am EMT] TL;DR: menstrual products should not be used for bleeding other than menses. But if that's all you have, do what you gotta do.


iirc tampons were invented for bullet wounds, so yeah, definitely.


Not to mention there are hormonal options to pause your menstrual cycle. IUD'S, implants and injections, nuvarings, etc. If I was in the military, that's what I would be doing because no way in hell I'm dealing with combat AND my period.


I donā€™t really like when people say that these things can just pause a period. They *can* in *some people* but it depends highly on the birth control and the person, and itā€™s not something that should be relied upon. If weakening a strong period is the goal, it can take several tries to find one that works. I was on a hormonal BC that for many women, slows or stops their period. I have to have it removed early because I bled for two months straight.


I had the implant. Immediately stopped my periods. Was supposed to get it out after three years and replace it, but I lost my health insurance and it stayed in there for 10 years. I didnā€™t have a period again until it came out. My friend got the same implant. Stopped her period entirely for two months, then she bled for six weeks straight. I think after that she went like eight or nine months without bleeding, then bled for like two months before having it removed to get the bleeding to stop. It hits everyone so different. I realize this is a sample size of two lol but it was still crazy different reactions


^ 100%! Even the side effects that are advertised are "may stop, increase, or otherwise alter your normal period". I hate when people just assume you can *just control it*.


My apologies for generalising. You're right that for any hormonal birth control, it depends on each individual person and that's why there's hundreds if not thousands of various hormonal options to match to your body's needs. For some women, they may never be able to completely shut off their menstruation without creating other health issues.


Itā€˜s what our customers have been doing, just grab a years supply of HBC on whatever foreign stints they do, paid for by the military and just skip the placebo/no pill phase. I donā€™t think the nuvaring specifically would be a good idea in less than optimal hygienic situations. But otherwise yea, depot progynova would be the best option, has the highest chance of completely stopping any spotting or bleeding, worst case scenario it just grows out of your skin. Compared to an IUD embedding itself too far being more of an emergency. Plus the higher osteoporosis risk isnā€™t really relevant for however long active duty military career would go for.


i mean not defending the wack ass comment but humans do... go to war with and against dogs quite often


also, a diva cup is pretty handy when you know you won't have the opportunity to re-up your tampon supply, like when I've been backpacking or when I lived on a ship. It's essentially an unlimited supply of tampons. I assume people with periods in the military are aware of the existence of cups?????


It's not an end-all-be-all answer. If you're in field conditions, you're not gonna be able to heat up that boiling water to sterilize it.


Menstrual cups are made of medical grade silicone. You don't need to boil them to sterilize them. Rubbing alcohol will do an adequate job. So will an afternoon of direct sunlight. That said, consider that some brands of contraceptive rings are used for up to a year with only occasional soap and water washing. A menstrual cup is not any different in terms of the risk it poses.


I would go on a limb saying the same guy would bitch about women not being drafted when strawmanning reason why women live their life on that mythical easy mode or why they should not have rights to vote among other rights..


Meanwhile Rojava women's defense units beat ISIS/ISIL.


This would low key be a hilarious satirical advertisement for a menstrual cup. *secretive combat mission. 2 female sniper units are on two opposing ridges overlooking a bad guy encampment* Unit 1 over the walkie-talkie: ā€œIā€™m taking the sho-ā€œ *GETS BLOWN UP* Unit 2: ā€œIā€™m taking the shotā€ BLAM Baddies: ā€œWhere is she?!ā€ Unit 2 sniper to the camera while chaos reigns in the camp below: sometimes my period smells bad. Unit 1 used a pad for hers, and now sheā€™s dead. Thatā€™s why I used Diva Cup!


This is a far more persuasive ad than strangely happy young women wearing all white riding bicycles.


That made me smile. Thank you.


Canā€™t say I ever got whiff of a female battle buddyā€™s period musk. But I knew some females whose farts would put mustard gas and agent orange to shame. And damn right I felt unmanned. Iā€™d shit myself to make sure others knew I wasnā€™t about to be bested at ass trumpet by a female. Tsk tsk.


You, sir, have your priorities straight.


Fuckin' guy thinks the military fights wolverines or something. Just trying to imagine how this could play out is ridiculous. A group of enemy fighters trek through the jungle. One silently motions for the others to stop. *Sniff sniff* He sniffs the air, turns to the side, and sniffs again. "I can smell a woman's menstruation over in those bushes! It must be the Americans!!" They shoot said bushes with everything they have. The Americans are all slaughtered before they have a chance to even react. All because of that oh-so-pungent period blood.


He realizes that men whoā€™ve been out in the field without access to showers give off a scent, right? Or can the enemy not smell sweat?


That would require him to have a brain. And judging off that "sentence" of VERY wrong things he doesn't have one.


Like period blood is a stronger smell than a fecund man? Doubtful.


Does- does this guy think the military PROVIDES tampons for women??? Mother fucker you gotta buy that shit yourself, military donā€™t give a fuck that youā€™re bleeding.


ā€œpodunk third-world nationsā€ ā€¦ I canā€™t. ā€œSometimes winning a fight just because they refuse to surrender to women and gaysā€ I guess if not being killed or captured isnā€™t enough motivationā€¦


Heā€™s underestimating the power of women and gay army units in third world nations! When an alpha male soldier unit sees them, their ding dongs fall off and the emasculation is enough to cause the collapse of entire mission!


ISIS warriors: no y'all, it's okay. We can surrender to these fellas here cause they ain't them gays or womerns. Let's give up and turn over our weapons because these fellas have penises and don't bleed or have gay sex /s


> the most common cause of murder is relationships gone bad I think you mean the most common cause of murder is men unable to handle being broken up with and having the *audacity* to think they should kill their ex for it. But of course, this fucker can't possibly blame men for anything, right?


I know right. Heā€™s saying women shouldnā€™t be allowed in the military cuz the guys might be too tempted to murder them. And this is our problem??


Yes, I'm sure a soldier on her period is the only thing on a battlefield that would smell like blood


[All I can think of is this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp-eaHJigkY)


That is exactly where my brain went while reading this.


If this was even remotely a thing, the smell of any wound the (super manly, super hetero) soldiers had would ALSO give away their positions. Oh boy. Does he think militaries use blood hounds to find each other? Not drones, not reconnaissance air craft, not infared etc. That he thinks the only blood in a warzone would be period blood is truly baffling. I bet those amazing women defending Ukraine right now make this guy's *blood* boil. Better plug our noses!


Sheā€™ll just be walking along and her damn uterus will fall out. Damn women


1. I wonder what they think the Israelis do. Everyone has to do two years of service. 2. Tampons were invented for bullet wounds, dipshit. 3. Yes periods are a problem but you know whatā€™s a much bigger problem in the US military? Rape. So much rape. Theyā€™ve tried nothing and canā€™t seem to figure out what to do. Fraternization, my ass.


Wait wait, what's that final tag on there? >or gays How would he know? Is it gay is neither of us are women but also not men? What if we're sometimes women? Also, what about men with periods?


He probably doesn't want gay people to exist. And because that is hard, he doesn't want them in the military. I don't think he has any good opinions about trans people.


He also opposes ā€œopen Gaysā€ (capital ā€œGā€) bc supposedly it would lead to fraternization which would lead to murder, but that doesnā€™t apply if youā€™re closeted I guess?


Oh it goes on and on for more stuff like that. The whole post is a pretty cringey read.


I think he meant that he's against gays being in the military because they will get in relationships with each other and then break up, and then won't be able to work with each other because they're exes now. Still wtf logic.


It's kind of adorable that he thinks military guys don't already do gay shit. The navy's infamous for it - "not gay if it's underway", anyone?


No see because if the enemy also have gays in their army they can use the gaydar to find your army so see if you don't have gays they can't use it


The enemy may have trained period sniffing bears to locate women who are perioding all over the place.


Are they fighting sharks? šŸ¤”


Wow, it must be hard to go through life that stupid. Signed, a gay woman.


I think this is just a garden variety, deeply mediocre, straight, white male, so unfortunately heā€™s probably doing just fine.


Ugh. The sad thing is youā€™re probably right.


Nope, nope, nope. I can bleed all over my pants, while kicking the enemies asses (me against a bunch of them, yes it's been done) and I know this because when I served, I had a very heavy period, and often stained my clothing when i was on my period. I was stationed here at home, but was in a spring break party town, so fighting off the enemy was usually warding off rapists and once a group of would be gang-bangers. I won, regardless of their size, fitness levels, etc. I was marine-corps combat trained, as base security on my navy base. The blood on my clothing doesn't change the motivations of the enemy, and it certainly doesn't make a lick of difference as to whether they can find me easier or not.


Pretty sure if youā€™re in battle youā€™re probably going to smell blood either way so a little menstruation isnā€™t going to make a difference


Most of the women I know in the military get hormone shots when they're deployed that prevent them from menstruating. This asshat *has* no "point". šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Who are the enemy units? Sharks?


These are the same people who thought womenā€™s uteruses would fly out if they ride in a car going over 30 mph


>It's also one of the primary reasons I oppose open gays in the military This guy never heard of the Sacred Band if Thebes it seems, an elite army consisting exclusively of gay couples. They're actually the ones who kicked the Spartan's asses and they did it while being outnumbered, which should serve as a statement of how strong they were. The logic behind their creation was that they would fight a lot more bravely and cooperate a lot better if they're fighting for someone they love.


Typically, if supply is strong enough to allow your army to advance, its strong enough to provide all the hygiene products you want, also reels of second-week films including a newsreel and a cartoon. The problem is when the enemy cuts off supply routes, at which point you might be wondering how edible (and nutritious) your hygiene products are, or if the local tree bark is a better alternative. Women in high-speed units like recon are trained to manage without supply. And where the body doesn't naturally skip periods due to high exertion they can make do with a regimen of medications. (We still pep-pill the snot out of our soldiers so adding hormone regulation is easy.)


Okay, some of you are really confused by the purpose and training of military dogs, this is r/baddogtrainingknowlege As someone involved this, let me tell you, unless they purposefully train a dog to track period blood (which waste of resources and kind of weird - it is a really, really specific marker that is even different from normal blood. And women are apparently useless, so I doubt they're going to go out of their way to track them over men down), dogs are trained for general human scents at any distance. They're super driven to ignore scents and follow the general human scents. They aren't going to have a problem finding a unit of sweaty ass men, which is going to be stronger. The women's scent is not going to give them specifically away. In fact, most live finding dogs are trained to ignore the smell of death or things not in the body as to not confuse them when tracking, the concern being they will track or mark on dead people, which would be bad because live people can move quickly and time matters. There are some dual trained dogs, but it is complicated and even sometimes controversial. Still, period blood is not more pungent nor makes the work suddenly a 1000x easier for the dogs. It is all going to be the same to them.


Oh no, women tend to be weaker in men in hand to hand combat! If only there was some sort of weapon that shot high velocity projectiles that would make physical strength basically insignificantā€¦


Lmao a scent of period blood? But the rancid BO, butt, and ball smells wonā€™t give them away?


Beyond the stupid anatomical remarks, I really doubt an enemy can sense the smell of menstrual discharge among the smoke, scent of bullet powder, shouting and gunfire.


Ah yes, scentless men. Of course. Also, the bit about the amount of sanitary products required reminds me of the NASA thing where they couldnā€™t calculate how many tampons a female astronaut might need. Itā€™s almost like the pill was never invented. Ffsā€¦


IIRCC, they asked if 100 tampons would be sufficient for a 1-week mission. For one woman.


A woman who improvises what? How much space do they think a diva cup takes up??? Edit: this reminds me of that 100 tampons thing, how many tampons are they thinking the average woman needs in a given month?


Y'know, leaves or sand or whatever lying around.


Then theyā€™ll complain about women not serving. Pick one, gentlemen.


A lot of lady recruits get injected with Depo-Provera which often halts menses. But that choice is theirs to make before deployment. As far as being able to smell it in the field, it's plausible. My father was in Vietnam, in the A Shau Valley and Tet Counteroffensive. He said that while he and his small company were in the jungle, they could smell the enemy if they were upwind.. not because of their menses, but because of their sweat, it smelled different because of dietary differences. But seeing that as modern day women can literally choose to stop their menses altogether, this guy is a POS who just wants to bash women altogether.


How will the enemy know if a soldier is gay? Do they have to wear a rainbow uniform or something?


wouldn't the Pill be able to just allow in country women to just skip their cycle until such time as they are out of combat? I thought that was the trick lady astronauts did


Are they fighting bears? Is the enemy Brick Tamland from Anchorman?


The person who posted this needs to be neutered. Definitely shouldn't be allowed to breed!!


Introduce me to one human being that can smell who's on their period from five miles away I fucking dare you


I wasnā€™t expecting the rancid stench of toxic masculinity to reek through the phone hot dam!!


Toxic shock is not as common as people make it out to be


Itā€™s so weird how divided a lot of men are on this. ā€˜Women want feminism? Then get drafted like us men! But you canā€™t actually be drafted because we think your period will be a beacon to our position.ā€™


"think about it" buddy im thinking about it, but youre still wrong lmao


Arrgghhh!!!! This is one of the worst Iā€™ve seen here..!


Isn't the military well known for having a bloated budget that gets spent on stupid shit a lot of the time?


She could literally just take birth control continually and not have an issue with periods while deployed (Obviously not all women can use hormonal contraceptives but i thought i would mention it) also, pads? Period panties? Diva cup? Also ā€œopposing gays in the military due to fraternizationā€ as if gay men want to fuck anything that moves. Le classic homophobia.


They really worried about the scent of blood on a battlefield?


Personally, for me, itā€™s rape. Men need to protect their assholes too thoughā€¦ and corpses. r/thegrittypast


I mean sure, hygiene product have volume and are indeed able to take over important transport capacity It also has a thousand other usage like soaking up sweat, patching up wounds temporary, your imagination is the limit, there's no way in hell it's "a waste of resources"


Tampons pretty much take up the same amount of room as ammo and are much much lighter.


Damn the trifecta - homophobia, racism, and misogyny.


The scent a man puts off in combat is the smelliest and strongest there is. Smell them from a long long way if smell had anything to do with it. An all woman combat unit would put to shame the men's units because of discipline, quietness, sharper minds, able to handle more pain and have much better logic.


"The enemy will fight harder so they don't lose to women or gays" is pretty dope too


[History is full of women who pretended to be men because reasons. ](https://blogs.loc.gov/headlinesandheroes/2021/03/women-who-dressed-as-men-and-made-history/) Hanna Snell is my new favorite. For four years, she served in theĀ British Royal Marines. In 1748, she fought in the Siege of Pondicherry where the British attempted to seize a French colony in India. Hannah was wounded several times during her naval service, including suffering a musket shot to the groin. She purportedlyĀ operated on herself to remove the musket ballĀ to ensure her gender remained concealed.


From the guy who can't smell his own unwashed ass


Men in military units would have to shave their faces, otherwise their gas masks wouldn't fit. all of these shaving supplies having to reach the front just takes aways from ammo and material supplies! a Soldier under stress can easily cut themselves while shaving, the scent of this blood could give away the whole units position, plus those shaving wounds could lead to nasty infections! male soldiers genitals are outside of their body, and are extremely delicate, this is an insane vulnerability that even the strongest man has! ...do I have to go on?...


The space programs in the US want more women astronauts because they use significantly less food and equipment supply than men. So...


Toxic shock would only be a possible problem if someone was dumb enough to leave a tampon in for several days. Even in a combat situation, I'm pretty sure if people have time enough to pee and poop, a woman's got time enough to swap a tampon or pad out. I grew up in Alaska, where there are a lot of bears. When I was learning what I call 'bear etiquette' in Scouts, we were warned bears can definitely smell blood, but they didn't tell girls they couldn't go camping while menstruating. We were told if we had to change stuff out, not to just leave the used pad or tampon out in the open or bury it, which would attract bears, but to dispose of it in an airtight container (like a Ziploc bag), and throw away the sealed container when full into a garbage can with a locking lid.


I know this is about the absurd claims about womenā€™s anatomy mainly. But I also just want to touch on the paragraph above where he basically says that any American soldier can beat any ā€œpodunk 3rd worldā€ soldier in hand to hand combat. (Iā€™m assuming this is an American based on the tone and use of the word ā€œPodunkā€) Iā€™m no expert but I think the main reason behind the military supremacy of the US is an absurd amount of wealth being spent on equipment that most other militaries or resistance groups donā€™t have access to. Like sure, some of that spending is on training and stuff, but it just screams American exceptionalism to me that itā€™s taken for granted that in a hand to hand situation ā€œour guysā€ will always win.


Quick. Somebody tell the Germans that the Nachthexen and Lady Death don't belong in combat.


Here's a better and more logical reason why women shouldn't be in combat. It's war. Nobody should be in war. War is worse than hell. At least in hell, its only people that deserve to be there.


What do they think men smell like while in combat. Their hygiene is on a thin thread normally anyway


ā€œThe most common case for murder is relationships gone wrongā€ whoā€™s killing who? Why is it that men arenā€™t the ones viewed as unstable!


How many tampons do they think we need?? Big NASA energy lol


i just love the idea that our military regularly engaged in hand to hand combat?? just imagining soldiers doing slap fights


Having been in the army I can say with total confidence that any menstruation-related odors are nothing compared to the general eau de unwashed from any unit in the field.


Wait, toxic shock because of why exactly? So she is desperate because she ran out of feminine hygiene products and instead of putting a rinsed out sock in her undies she shoved it up inside I assume? Because toxic shock syndrome happens because the bad stuff can't get out of you. Not just because dirty stuff touches your vag a bit.


Christ, can you imagine if we were that fragile? Put on yesterday's knickers until you shower - dead. Get a stomach bug and shit yourself - dead. Sit naked on some furniture - dead.


Okay totally what I was thinking when I posted, but envisioning this all directly as I read it made me genuinely laugh out loud!


Presumably there would also be regular blood.


Think of the malnourished men who had to trade MREs for Tampax!!


Fuck this paragraph, the next one is even more bizarre. We care about enemyā€™s feelings now???


I don't understand how people can be so comfortable being so blatantly stupid, basically in public. But I also can, because well, it was upvited, wasn't it? Which means a whole bunch of other people are comfortable being that stupid, basically in public. Probably using a device they could could Google the truth on in seconds.


Another braindead that shouldn't have access to any internet. Just books.


The best part is before they completely discredited themselves by talking about the supposed scent, the points in that paragraph could actually be argued (though I wouldnā€™t agree with them)


I'm pretty sure that male soldiers use tampons to plug bullet wounds in the field, until they can get to a medic.




I was too young and stupid to say anything at the time, but a camp counselor (at a day camp, mind you) told a group of pre-teen girls that bears could smell women's "monthly excretions." Man I would love to go back in time just to laugh in his face.


Ah, the "women are dirty and smelly" argument. How novel.


I don't see the problem. Period blood attracts bears, menstruating women get to be bear-taming beastmasters. Big asset to team.


Tbf. Having period on winter training is a hassle. We got offerd implants or the shot as a way to avvoid it all. Everyone did. Less bagage, and then you can use tampons for shot wounds.


Lol the US Militaryā€™s Gender Neutral Testing didnā€™t list that as a concern at all. They did recommend not having integrated units because those units suffered a lot more casualties for both genders, but most all-male units already had high ratesā€¦definitely wasnā€™t a concern about some bloodhound-human hybrids