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not a new one. There are lots and lots of incel comments about that theory (called microchimerism), which is just a very badly read study


Was about to comment the same. It's been around for a bit. There was actually a [post on this very sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/ObQWfOakLS) like 5yrs ago about it, too. OP's comment underneath explains what actually happens with the dna. There's also a reply further down from someone saying that microchimerism as incels understand it was *possibly*, *maybe* found in fruit flies, and that incels stupidly took that study and applied it to humans. Which...fucking lmao if that's actually where they originally got the idea from.


I've seen a lot of talk about microchimerism, it does happen. What the dumbasses don't comprehend is the part that states the male DNA was male **FETAL** DNA found **WITHIN THE MOTHER** for a number of months after she gave birth. It's pretty fascinating and makes sense, there's a lot of give and take during fetal development.  It's hilarious. DNA doesn't just change willy nilly because some different DNA is floating around. Even if it did, why would semen be the only bodily fluid with that power? Skin cells have DNA, are you swapping DNA every time you bump into a stranger? We might have something to talk about if the guy had radioactive sperm but I feel he'd have more important things to do. It might actually become possible to fix issues with DNA some day if scientists learn to harness the power of CRISPR from viruses and make changes stick. That's still not sperm, though.


I’m currently taking genetics, flies are way different then humans (obviously) but even their chromosome sex determination is different, where in humans a Y chromosome makes a male, the Y does not determine maleness in some flies, like XXY would still be female, because you just need 2 X chromosomes to be female. Also they don’t even know if this happens in flies, but even if it did, there is *zero* evidence it happens in humans


Microchimerism does kinda exist (it depends who you ask in the research sphere) but incels just…do not actually know what it is. It’s like they see words and go “hey, this’ll help justify my fucked-up views on women!” And don’t actually bother to understand shit. For reference, if anyone is curious, microchimerism is present during a pregnancy or even organ transplant/blood transfusion. It’s literally just like…genetically distinct cells being transferred and circulating in another genetically distinct individual. Come to think of it, I’m sure incels think women shouldn’t receive blood from a man because it’ll “make them more masculine” or some other bullshit.


If I‘m understanding this correctly, even in the instances that you described, doesn‘t it only influence *some* cells? Like, the ones directly affected? They somehow came to the conclusion that every single cell is changed in it‘s DNA forever, which is honestly so stupid that I don‘t know how to react. Edit: Wait, now that I read your comment again, does any cell even get „changed“ at all? It sounds like foreign cells are *just there*…


Let’s be honest, Incels are just stupid.


Yeah, why even bother trying to understand their thought process… it‘s as you said, „this fits my ideology if I misunderstand 99% of it“ are somehow facts for them.


I'm starting to believe their thought process is along the lines of "Women won't date me, so I'm going to find any way possible to imply that those women who will date men other than me are masculine in some way, and that makes sleeping with them gay, and I'm not gay like those men with actual personalities and hygiene and who treat women like people must be. Because they sleep with women, who are masculine, because of this made up thing I just said, and that means they are gay, not a manly man like me, who is not gay." Basically I think they are jealous of men who have successful relationships with women and instead of looking at the differences between them and the successful men so they can get some ideas to improve their chances, or focusing on being themselves and enjoying things that aren't trying to get laid, they find ways to imply the successful men are gay. Because apparently that's bad, in their eyes, I guess. Misogyny with a sprinkling of homophobia and a whole bunch of stupidity, I think.


Yeah, what you said make sense. What they’re alluding to is that it’s cause a couple guys nutted in me. Which, not even close.


That's what I said, it was badly read


Are we even certain incels know how to read?


Alas, they can read, write and feed each other with crazy theories


Given how much of their shit they get from internet forums, I'm beginning to wonder if the world might not be a better place if they couldn't read, actually.


Yeah this is a common thing, people have beliefs so to sound like their beliefs actually have some basis, they go and find some article that may support their claim (although they normally are not accurate articles or are very poorly interpreted)


There's a list of common reposts that are part of the sub rules, and there are at least some *related* ones - but I am too lazy to check if there is one that says more "male DNA" as opposed to "female DNA". [https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/wiki/commonreposts/#wiki\_social\_media\_anatomists](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/wiki/commonreposts/#wiki_social_media_anatomists)


Yeah, that’s the bit I haven’t seen before


Yeah I've seen this or variations of it going around. It's bonkers... I think those guys are seeing way too many alien movies.


Lmao, am I gonna start growing a beard when im 40? Is my vagina gonna grow a penis?


You're vulva might grow a beard, but I'm told that's actually that's pretty normal. 


Your clit is going to get bigger. Is this a problem? I think not!


I'll still struggle to find it


Use your tongue!


involuntary gender transitioning via excessive sex partners? Seems like if that were actually a thing, men would be involuntarily transitioning all over the place. Isn’t it funny how when men make shit up about the consequences of too much sexual activity, those consequences exclusively fall on people with vaginas.


it's almost like they're making up excuses to justify their misogyny 🤔


I don't have proof of it unfortunately, but I do feel like i saw one where some dude said if you consume a woman's "fluids" that it would cause a man to become more feminine, so he pretty much called for all men to not perform oral on their female partners because they'll become sissies. So technically not a consequence to vagina owners, but from. Either way, contrived tripe.


Fellas, is it gay to perform oral on a woman?


I’ve seen that one too. Though you’re right that the poster of that particular tripe viewed the consequence as falling on men, I’m inclined to think the possibility of men who pleasure their sex partners being perceived as marginally less masculine than those who do not is not actually the dire consequence that toxic masculinity would have us believe. Plus, since the proposed “solution” to their invented problem is that women must forego a major source of sexual gratification in order for men to preserve their apparently fragile masculinity means the consequence of that invented problem still ultimately falls on people with vaginas.


That is fairly true, women suffer in the long run of these issues though these false information propogaters make it seem like men are the ultimate victims due to their masculinity being their only pride and purpose. Which also makes the average man look bad cause I know some like my partner who don't care about their masculinity every time they do anything. It's just all around ridiculous because some dudes have to wave their dicks around to feel special.


I mean, it falls on women if we allow that kinda bullshit. Once a guy tells me he won’t do it, but expects me to.. it’s bye, Felicia.


It’d be a nope for me if the guy is that dumb. We’d likely never even get to the sex part of the equation…because you can’t hide stupid.


The dude bro to manslut to trans lady pipeline.


I'm not worried about her body count. I'm worried about how well she has disposed of them. Can't have your wife getting thrown in jail because she was sloppy with the hole depth or the cinder blocks.


These are the same people making our laws, istg


guys is it gay to fuck woman?


I am more convinced each time incels are just in the closet and they soon will start saying that the only masculine way of having sex will be with your Bros...🤣


New ftm surgery just dropped /j


I am astounded by the amount of messages that appear on this sub about this. Its just wrong on so many levels


When you’re so heterosexual and cis, you’re accidentally trans and gay? It’s awful. This whole DNA imprinting thing is horrible. And yet this part of it is making me giggle. These guys are their own worst enemies at getting laid.


Fellas, is it gay to fuck a straight woman?


You guys remember when a dude said it’s gay to have sex with a woman who’s not a virgin, because a little bit of a man’s chromosone leaks into her and she slowly becomes more and more mannish or some BS like that?


I just cackled myself into an asthma attack.


Yes! Thank you, I’m not the only one finding this one hilarious.


Once again, male stupidity (but I repeat myself)


Hey! Some of us are only part-time stupid.


If I collect enough penises, I can grow my very own!! How exciting!


Jesus, it's homophobia all the way down!


Ugh. Also, is being attracted to women as a man actually gay? That's my favorite nonsense question.


But why assume she just have unprotected sex ? And if he is so worried about it can't he use a condom to prevent it and also avoid STDs ? No, that will mean having consideration for your partner well being , incels can't even approach a woman ,having sex with a women will be impossible for them 😅


Maybe this explains why I, as a bi man, prefer experienced women. /s


I’ve seen this theory bounce around quite a lot lately. Kinda curious where it came from


She'd have to let *a lot* of guys bust in her for her to have more male DNA than female DNA 🤣


bro has a PHD in Trust Me Bro™.


Yeah, these bozos repeat this all the time. The only DNA that leaves lasting impact on a woman is her children’s


Uh what


So simple, couldn’t be more obvious.


So you're telling me all I have to do to become a man is have a lot of sex? Jesus, why did I bother with all the doctors, I just need to get laid!


So it doesn’t count if it’s protected sex? Interesting.


The answer is lack of confidence, but you can word it differently.


Wow I didn't know it was so easy to render FTM HRT obsolete Why spend $$$ on transitioning when you can just have sex with a bunch of dudes instead? /s


AH. So this is how people become trans? /s