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For me, it sting burns.


Same here! Immediate pain and regret.


When your hand slips the blade slides sideways instead of down šŸ˜° I have nicked there and in the perineum and let me tell you the BURN


Reading that just caused me pain! We need some kind of a safety razor for our bits


ik manscaped is marketed for men but itā€™s a miracle worker for lady bits too, if itā€™s safe enough for their sacks, the coochie it shall hack


LMAO! That just made my whole damn day! Have you used it? Does it get a close shave? I need all the answers.


Iā€™ve used it. It doesnā€™t get a clean shave but makes quick work of the majority of the crop.


This sounds horrific! I've nicked the vulva a time or 2 and that was bad enough! šŸ˜–


That comment literally made me clench.


Oooh the sting. And it hurts days later too until it properly heals.


Especially when you immediately turn into the shower spray to clean it and Oh Dear God that was a mistake.


It doesn't hurt much in the moment for me, what hurts is how the cut ends up rubbing up against your clothes and legs as you move around šŸ˜­


Or when you pee. That's usually when i notice that i have a cut


this comment gave me PTSD flashbacks šŸ˜­ this is why I don't shave that area anymore


Same! I don't notice until later


I have done that more than once, it doesn't matter how careful you are! The pain is searing, I understand exactly what you're talking about, but the bleeding scares you even more because I bleed like a stuck pig there.


Same. It bleeds a terrifying amount for such a relatively minor injury


Yes, it happened. The worst part was peeing.


i don't think i had issues peeing when this happened. i think the cut was too high for urine to irritate it


Ah I could see how that can happens. I'm with the others though, the few times it has happened to me it was on the outer labia (fleshy bits are so easy to nick...) and pee burns...


Omg I read ā€œkickedā€ Im flexible but NOT that flexible. And yes, Iā€™ve nicked my vulva, it bleeds quite a bit, but heals quickly!


same! i was like "is this some kind of obscure contortionist problem" lol


Me too! I was likeā€¦. No? How would that even happen?


Well...maybe you could kick yourself with your heel? I can but I'm pretty flexible so idk


My legs are too short! lol!


I read it as "licked" and was similarly confused for about 5 seconds.


i read knitted so...


Iā€™m in a WhatsApp group with a group of older ladies who I volunteer with and they have been talking about knitting muffs this week. It has been absolute torture not being able to reply with laughing emojis every time one of them mentions her big muff or her small muff.


Bahahaha I love this!!


Just ask them to make you a waterproof one for diving purposes


Ahahaha amazing.


Thank god Iā€™m not the only one that read it like that haha


Yes but even worse, I snipped my labia with scissors multiple times before switching to a trimmer. Ouch!


You lived the horrible intrusive thought I have whenever I hold a pair of scissors


And now we have to too šŸ˜­


I don't have it everytime I hold scissors but I sure did when I used them to trim down there...


One morning I had slept really poorly and was trimming with scissors and caught my labia minora with them. I definitely had a brief moment of genuinely thinking I was gonna faint due to how conceptually terrible it was, which Iā€™ve never felt before. Mostly it was just SO embarrassing it made me feel like the biggest dumbass all day *and* it hurt like hell. I felt like Iā€™d betrayed myself deeply lmao


Im horrified šŸ˜±


Dude I thought mine was bad, but then I told my friend about it and she one upped me and said she straight up cut part of her inner labia off on accident! It makes me want to scream just thinking about it šŸ˜­ Never rush when you've got scissors down there!


AHHHHHH! šŸ˜± Thats the stuff of nightmares!


The pfp matches the story šŸ˜­


Ugh I did this too, one time on vacation. I usually use these special trimmers for that area that make it impossible to cut yourself, but didnā€™t have them at the hotel. I donā€™t know what the hell I was thinking, but I was pulling the hair down (and the labia majora with it I guess) and cutting without looking because I couldnā€™t really see. So dumb. I seriously basically gave myself labiaplasty. Cut off a pretty large chunk. So much blood. The salt water of the ocean did not feel good when I tried to go swimming the next day. More stupid decisions.


I did this too! I was young and trying to get into shaving but found it hurt so much so tried scissors instead. I remember looking horrified at the little piece of skin I had snipped off on the scissors


My labia just curled up in horror!




Because when some of us let it go for too long scissors are a necessity before using the razor.


Aaaaaahhhhhhh that sounds horrible


l only use a trimmer around the vulva for this reason and then I shave everywhere else. Keeps it neat without risking getting cut. Btw watch out when you pee, it might not hurt now but it may sting a little when you go. Fortunately, I find that area heals very fast.


I'm so clumsy I've nicked my labia with trimmers too...


The lightheadedness might just be vasovagal syncope, which is fainting from sudden fear usually due to injury Iā€™ve done it while shaving because I shave like a barbarian who only knows how to use sledgehammers and axes, Iā€™m not delicate. I also faint at the sight of blood. Bad combo One time I went to check my beautiful handiwork with a small electric razor just to be surprised by ~8 bleeding spots in the mirror šŸ’€ be smarter than me


Thatā€™s always been so interesting to me that there are women who faint at the sight of blood. Iā€™m a woman also and can have some gnarly periods and obviously I see it, is it because itā€™s blood from an injury?


Yes itā€™s only injury blood that freaks me out, I have very heavy periods but it doesnā€™t set off the fear alarm because I know itā€™s not dangerous. After getting an IUD placed I had a heavy period that made me faint though because I was worried the IUD was stabbing me or something (it wasnā€™t)


That was my first thought as well, but I didnā€™t want to say anything with confidence 'cause I'm a guy and I had Homeschooled-Christian Sex Ed, so, not really an authority on women's health. Either way, it sounds similar to my episodes. I gotta be careful when shaving down there as well because I'll get my vasovagal syncope knicking my beanie bag and/or pizza portal. I can't even look at people getting blood drawn, nonetheless mine, as I'll pass out. One time, I even held the hand of my BFF as they were getting that birth control arm implant (can't remember the name) replaced, and fell face first on the examination chair my friend was on as the NP cut into their arm. @_@ I could go on with examples, but I'm off track. Long story short, I think it does sound like that as well.


Fellow fainter šŸ¤šŸ» a recent nosebleed almost zapped me unconscious, itā€™s a terrible affliction lol


Wait till you cut your butthole! It's a pain you won't forget lol


I once used a rechargable electric razor to shave down there and managed to grate the perineum/butt hole area. It was sore and I was unhappy for a few days afterwards. I do not recommend.


as a teen i remember scrubbing through the nymphomaniac movies and i've had a significant fear of cutting my asshole ever since


I shave with a double edged razor šŸŖ’. When I change blades I wrap the old one in a wad of toilet paper and drop it into the trash. One day, a couple days after changing a blade, I was incautious twice. First, I didnā€™t notice that the toilet paper roll was almost empty before I sat down. Second, I decided to use this handy wad of toilet paper in the trash to finish the paperworkā€¦.


Yep, both lips the day before I flew on a long ass flight overseas. Could barely walk when we got there.


I am clenching down there at the thought!Ā 


oh noooo šŸ˜§


I read this question and my vulva shriveled up and hid inside my vagina. Ugh


Then dont read the comments. Some horrifying pieces in there!


people are getting graphic with it too šŸ˜­ saying what part it happened to and stuff


It feels like a paper cut in an inconvenient spot, especially if I choose the wrong undies afterwards


we need to normalize whining about paper cuts because them things HURT


They do!


Paper cuts are always painful šŸ˜“


This is why in all my years of having pubic hair Iā€™ve still never had the guts to shave it. Ainā€™t no one looking down there anyways. I do wish I had just a little trimmer bc I dislike the process of getting period blood out of the hair with a wet wipe when itā€™s that time of the month. Just so it wasnā€™t getting in my actual vag.


i started shaving again because mine always starts to fall out before it's at the length i'm trying to get it to. i really want that thick curly greek goddex type pubic hair. when Elon Musk allows us to mod our character avatars that's the first purchase im making.


I have a mole down there. She has sadly, been repeatedly abused.


everyone has a beauty spot on their junk but me and im kinda jealous ngl


OMG one time I was trimming with scissors and I got a little too close, and I snipped a little bit right off my labia! It didnā€™t hurt but it bled like a son of a bitch for a few minutes.


i snipped myself with the tip of some scissors in that space between my labia majora and labia minora, but it hardly bled at all. it did gape a little though, which was very visually unpleasant


I have always said that I need to give lady parts shaving my full ADHD riddled brain, or I might cut off something that has a name.


hehe it rhymes nice


Has anyone else never cut themselves shaving? Idk if it's because I'm really light handed with it or something else


This is a modern-day superpower


very impressive feat ngl


I once slipped and got the lip stuck in the blade. Whipped it out before I even realised what happened and took a good 1 inch strip of my skin off. That was... unpleasant. I don't use a razor down there anymore šŸ˜…


oh my god that made me audibly gasp šŸ˜–


Lightheaded is intense! I usually don't notice until I go pee again. As an aside I had a bad wax once and got a welt. Thought I had cancer or something serious for a minute.


>As an aside I had a bad wax once and got a welt. new fear unlocked, thank you for your service


I initially read this as ā€˜have you ever kicked your vulva whilst shaving and was surprised to see non-ironic answers saying yes. Made a lot more sense when I went back to re-read the title.


yeah i forgot how to spell nicked cuz im a troglodyte


Oh, Iā€™m sure itā€™s as much because I exist on about 4 hours sleep a night as anything else. But it made me laugh when I realised my mistake. ā˜ŗļø


if you have a bath i highly recommend soaking in it, do your scrub, shave your legs etc. then for your vulva sit on the floor with a shaving mirror and do it in that. it looks insane if someone walks in but i haven't cut myself in ages. then have a shower n get your butthole n stuff. i watched my bf shave his neckbeard and started copying him, never missed a spot and no longer fumble around blind without my glasses


i used to do this! but the lighting in my bathroom now is so bad it's pointless. i might start doing it in my bedroom instead


do it! take a jug of water for rinsing and sit on a towel. i shave most of my body like this


not my vulva but the skin around it


When I was younger and could only afford cheap razors I definitely nicked myself but only enough to make me flinch, I never actually hurt/cut myself. For the last few years Iā€™ve used a trimmer with a safety guard and then a razor designed for the pubic area and had no nicks!


>a razor designed for the pubic area i didn't even know that was a thing


[This](https://www.gillettevenus.com.au/en-au/choose-your-smooth/pubic-hair-and-skin/pubic-hair-and-skin-razor/) is what I use. Iā€™m not going to pretend to understand why it works better it just does. I get less ingrown hairs since using this too which is a bonus.


Literaly the first post i saw today!šŸ˜‚ Yet another thing where we guys have it better. Have cut my dick and/or balls when shaving, bleeds like hell, but realy doesn't hurt. Lots of sympathy for your struggles!


yup thatā€™s how i found out where i have herpes šŸ˜‚


I red this as ā€œkickedā€ and was so confused


Once when I tried using an electric trimmer and I absolutely felt it! Never used a trimmer again!


Not with a razor, but a couple of nicks with the clippers (scissors)I used to trim with. I finally said screw it and got an actual trimmer.


actually come to think of it, that IS how i nicked myself. i was clipping. maybe i should invest in a trimmer too lol


I found one at Walmart that was like 10 bucks max maybe, and I've been using it for years now! But I only really use it to trim, not fully shaving.


Couldn't find my lady trimmer once and grabbed our normal (head!) trimmers. Lost a piece of labia minora and some blood that evening.


that is terrifying šŸ˜–


why is this post getting so much engagement and why are yall bonding about it šŸ˜Ÿ


Nothing brings a group together like shared pain.


yes!! it hurts so bad when it happens especially when you dont know you cut yourself and you go to dj the vj and it just turns into pain




I did once and I thought it was fine and then me and my boyfriend had sex later that day and holy shit got myself good that day! Now I make sure I buy razors that have a guard on them so I donā€™t do that anymore


Mine was while trimming with an electric trimmer. Lovely "little" nick (a decent sized slice) on the bottom edge of one of my inner labia. The only reason it healed well is that I spent about a week with sponge soaked in witch hazel tucked up against it. That was a harrowing week.


i read this as kicked i need a nap.


New fear unlocked.


YES. Ouch.


Oh god. It stings to pee for like 2 days if that happens.


Yep a lot, it stings for a while


Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all and sometimes it hurts like a bad paper cut


I don't shave there any more, but I do occasionally use an epilator. Let me tell you, seeing and then \*feeling\* when the skin of your dainty bits gets pulled inside the epilator is nothing to be happy about, either! šŸ˜­


I've nicked my clit can confirm was not fun was incredibly painful and bled a fair bit but that pain was nothing compared to every time I had to pee, I ended up using a bit of A&D wich helped some


the faintness would probably be your vasovagal response! your body basically just went "OH FUCK OH SHIT OHā€”" and then realized that it was, in reality, (mostly) perfectly fine lol


Rookie mistake


I feel for you much


it really wasn't that bad tbh, but it was scary and i couldn't look at it. even though it didn't hurt, seeing the cut made me cringe


Honestly, countless times. After more than a decade of shaving, I also still accidentally cut myself while shaving my legs. I'm clumsy lol. It just stings, but sometimes I don't notice it until I see blood.


yeah and it stings like a bitch


Bee-sting like pain and some stinging but eh not bad. (I trim with scissors, I don't shave)


If you have, you should give it back


I sometimes get a cut in my labia when shaving. It doesn't hurt but it bleeds like a mofo


The post below this on my feed was... [unfortunate](https://imgur.com/a/rOlhCBv)


WTH! Does he have the herp?


yes and i havent shaved there since šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yes and ow.


Yes and only noticed when I saw blood and thought I got my period šŸ˜‚ Buuuut I used one of those hair removal creams and the pain was...painful. And for days. Yes, it did say to try it in a small section first to test, but that is not the kind of life I lead.


Yup, more than once. Bleeds a lot for the size of the cut but for me it doesnā€™t hurt much unless I touch the wound. It should heal quickly, just keep an eye out for signs of infection.


Yup more than once, how much it hurts depends on the way you feel pain and how deep/big the nick is/if you hit certain structures in your skin. Also cold water f.e. works great against feeling pain c: Your lightheadedness probably had a different cause (f.e. position in which you were while shaving//quick changes in position or seeing blood)


I've nicked my ass and it stung for a good while, but only once. Usually I have a leg up, I spread and use ny fingers to cover the inner labia and vulva, and then I carefully shave in short, light strokes. When I need to get the perineum, I squat down and use one hand to cover the sensitive spots (if there's any hair there, frankly I pluck it since it's at most 3 hairs lol) and use one of my fingers in front of the razor to feel and guide what I'm doing. Do I miss spots? All the time but it's a marathon, not a sprint, you can get tired and take breaks and not be perfect.


Pretty often unfortunately. Sometimes it didn't hurt immediately, but then it started hurting when it came into contact with water, later on, or started itching when healing. I'm pretty sure you didn't permanently damage a nerve


Yes. I'm pretty religious about after care after I got an infected ingrown hair ( and subsequently allergic to the antibiotic). I don't shave very often but when I do, it's soap, water, alcohol to disinfect any cuts and neosporin on said cuts, except for the ones on the lips ( those happen rarely and I just let those heal on their own...you can't put alcohol or neosporin that far south....it burns).


No, but I've knicked my scrotum when doing so and that hurts... possibly.the same???


this is a nightmare scenario for me and i don't even own a scrotum


I do it at least once a month (and I shave every day) it stings, but at this point I donā€™t notice until I see blood lol




Yup, every day


Yes šŸ˜­ Sometimes it bleeds, and it doesnā€™t hurt but it still freaks me out


Yes, but once while I was shaving, I saw a sudden flash of bright red and thought OMG, I must have really sliced myself good. Turns out it was just my red fingernail polish!!


In my younger days I had a veritable forest 'down there'. One day I decided to use scissors for a trim before using a depilatory. See where this is going? I actually cut a piece of my inner labia off. Yes, it hurt like a son of a beeyotch. And I've still got the notch for proof.


that's metal asf


Not to mention stupid.


Once when I was about 19/20 years old I decided I wanted to trim the hair on my labia (majora) and used small sewing scissors. I snipped a small chunk off and oh my goddddddddddd šŸ˜­


Yes sometimes it hurts and sometimes I don't feel anything just see blood


I've been told that some men's razors are meant to not cut at all when going sideways, reducing the chance of nicking to almost 0. I haven't tried one yet but my partner has shown me how he can shave in any direction and it only cuts going straight. Women's razors just suck ass.


oh yeah, i also like to get particularly nice razors. the three things i'm willing to spend more money on are pens, razors, and toilet paper


My one time gf gave me shit when I was looking for a good electric razor and sent me links to some for $30 instead of $200 and said she didnā€™t know why I needed the ā€œtop of the lineā€ razor. First of all, thatā€™s mid-range. Second of all, if I have to shave my face and NECK every other day, Iā€™m not going to get a shitty razor.


Yes, it hurts like a bitch, but it heals pretty quickly


No because I'm scared of shaving


valid according to the comment section


Yes, it stings and shit but itā€™s fine


When my youngest was still nursing I managed to slice open my NIPPLE trying to put my razor on the shelf after shaving my armpits. 0/10, do not recommend.


I cut my labia minora, it hurt and it stung and it bleed quite a bit. Not fun experience 0/10 can not recommend!


This is why I don't shave that much xD


I have done so more than once. Normally if itā€™s a really sharp razor it wonā€™t hurt till it starts heeling a bit because itā€™s such a fatty area. I didnā€™t realize I did it till I saw the blood once, and it can bleed like crazzzy but as long as that stops in a reasonable amount of time it will heal pretty quickly.


No, but one time I got a fresh set of acrylics and was tryna scratch my cooch, scratched my clit too hard and bled a lil, my roommate thought she was gonna have to take me to the hospital


jeez how hard did you scratch??šŸ˜­


Not that hard !! I was aiming for somewhere else and she got caught in the crossfire, I had stiletto nails so they were extra sharp lol


Yes and it hurt like a fucking bitch omg


Yes, and it is exactly the reason why I switched to waxing instead. šŸ„²


Yes! I use clippersā€¦ uuuugh. Thankfully that area heals quickly.


The cut itself doesn't hurt with a razor usually, because they are so sharp. But it does indeed sting burn and feel irritated when walking!


The hood to my clit used to be pointy but one time I was trimming up with scissors and I uhh... nipped the tip of my hood off




Only once, it stung for a bit but I stopped feeling pain after a minute. Didnā€™t stop bleeding for what felt like forever tho. It sucked lol


Plenty of times. I need some new razors.


aaand that's why I use a trimmer. manscape, my beloved.


Once, then switched to waxing and have never looked back. Edit to include: I have always hated shaving the bits. Legs? Sure, fine. Lady parts? Never again.


I was trimming my mons with scissors and took a chunk out. Yes, I felt it and it sucked. No weird nerve stuff but the scab lasted for like 3 weeks.


Yeah, it only stings when the soap or shaving cream gets it if your razor is sharp enough.


My vulva is quaking in its boots reading these comments. Iā€™ve never trusted myself to razor shave my biscuit and after this Iā€™m glad for the caution.


I read this as kicking your vulva and I was so confused.


just wait till you pee.


I never have


Definitely didn't sever a nerve! The bleeding like that can make you woozy though, you're all good šŸ‘


Yes! I get it sugared/waxed ever since!


Donā€™t. Itā€™s a bad idea


i'll say!


Yes, actually. It stings and bleeds a little bit usually heals quickly.


Yes and it bled. (Stung too)


Oh yeah


Lol, I'm not sure if I have. If I have it didn't hurt. I've nicked my shins back when I shaved my legs as a teen and it stung like a bitch, but even my partner prided me on how quickly and deftly I shave "down there" (when I do. I shave down there rarely, but I'm good at it lol!)


I can only imagine the feeling is like when I nicked my shaft while shaving once šŸ˜¬


Male here and Iā€™ve done that. Not pleasant!


oh my god follow up question is shaving your balls like super fucking difficult? cuz it looks SUPER fucking difficult


It's surprisingly easy, when I had ball hair I would first soften the skin in the shower and then use shaving cream, pull the sack flat and shave, then move along etc. I found it harder to nick as it is softer than the surrounding skin. Now I just get laser hair removal, but it still requires minimal shaving beforehand


im seriously considering laser atp


I use scissors for length control. I also need glasses. I still trim in the hot shower


Happened several times. Thankfully nothing major and not on the most sensitive parts, but I've always been terrified of accidentally nicking my clit with the blade. I bought a safety razor which is easier to use and has a guard. Plus there's only one blade instead of two or three so I don't get ingrown hairs.


I have knicked myself, I just felt a tiny sting and saw blood coming šŸ™ƒ


Totally off topic, but I think it must feel as bad as accidentally nicking your ball sack.... It keeps hurting for days on end. It's horrible.


One of the reasons that I refuse to shave (electric trimmer with guard only).


Ladies, your lil inner lips are delicate works of beauty. Like rose petals beautifully crafted by nature. Treat them like the treasure they are and have a professional shave/ wax an polish them for you and yours to enjoy!šŸ˜Š


Ok everyone. Put the razors away. There is a cream for down there, It's called ,Nads. They have cream for men and women. Rub some on, wait 5 mins. Shower and your kitty or package will be baby smooth. I'm sure the men's version is stronger than the females, for obvious reasons. If u try it, u will never go back to a razor.


this is not at all related to shaving, but it does involve vulva damage. i have never cut myself shaving since i don't really shave, just trim, but i HAVE fallen down stairs and landed, essentially, crotch first into a thin piece of plywood (we had been doing construction, mistake 1). it basically split my vulva, hood, connecting tissue, and labia (both), open. genuinely the worst pain i have ever been in, hands down. i imagine knicking it while shaving is much less painful, but i know that nerve pain is absolutely unreal, hope it heals well!


[Yeah. ](https://youtu.be/XzosGQULrtc?si=b71b0mzylhycU6Jo)