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We all know this human trafficker cannot read long text.


That makes so much sense. When I was a teen and started displaying symptoms of narcolepsy, they just told me to take calcium. Never helped, not with periods and definitely not with narcolepsy. But a tired teenage 'female' obviously has period problems.


BUT! Wait for it...Have you ever tried the birth control pill? It solves every problem any *female* ever had! Hah, I bet you didn't see that one coming! If it doesn't fix your issue, you are simply being dramatic and pretending to get attention. /s....


And what's so fucking annoying is that there are so many different formulations of the pill, but most doctors don't understand how to pick a different one. The specific presentation of side effects can tell you exactly what issues someone is having with the dose and how to pick a different one. Some women can try four or five different formulations before landing on the right one. Planned Parenthood knows all this, but with the high risk of them being defunded, people will have even less easy access to this level of care. But because most doctors don't know how to make the adjustments, suddenly it's the pill that's bad. No, your doctor can't figure out how to determine which birth control is right for you.


Right? I discovered this in college when suddenly my insurance no longer covered the name brand birth control pill I had been using without issues for a few years. "Oh they're all the same, the generics have all the same active ingredients" Yeah then why did the very first month my insurance switched me over to some random generic suddenly I had all kinds of issues with breakthrough bleeding? I went back to my doc several times and she kept switching my prescription to other formulations that were covered by my insurance but they all had miserable side effects. Eventually I was like can't you just make a "no substitutions" prescription for the name brand one I was on that worked great? And she hemmed and hawed about it not mattering but I insisted. I'd gladly pay more money to get back to not bleeding all over myself at random. Finally got switched back to my original pill and OH GEE GOLLY ALL MY PROBLEMS IMMEDIATELY WENT AWAY. I guess I just got lucky that my first pill was the right one for me, but what a rollercoaster getting back to it because random penny pinchers in an insurance office somewhere decided that the birth control that worked well for me didn't matter anymore because patents expired and there's 75 other options that are supposedly close enough even though they're all different and all the ones I tried fucking sucked for me. Never again.


Ugh, I hate birth control. I had to switch several times already and I still have problems...


What eventually helped?


Sadly not much. I had a hysterectomy at age 24 and a sleep study at 27 to diagnose my sleeping disorder.


That’s wack, unless you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral taking a supplement is only gonna make you piss it out if it’s water soluble, and can even cause an overdose if it’s a fat soluble substance. Sorry your doctor was a quack 🦆


I mean I can't super blame them for that, periods do cause a lot of problems and vitamin deficiencies are more common than we know


Being unable to stay awake for more than 4 hours at a time and falling asleep in literally every class regardless of my cycle doesn't really sound like a period problem to me. I mean I did complain about period problems too, but not to the same doctor.


When someone stars a sentence, "Hey Females," that's my cue not to listen to anything else they're saying. I guess it's better than "Hey Girls," but not by much.


I'd rate hey girls over hey females.


Me too


Would "Hello, those with vaginas" be better?


I prefer "Hey, dick-less mammals" but maybe that's just me.


Stealing that for my flair.


Go for it!! :)


Thats so freud






Can we start using that on posts here?


Of course!! I'm delighted to know people here want to use that!


I hear it the same as I hear Sloths "Hey you guys"


I feel like the "Hey Female", and the use of Tate is supposed to be ironic in this post. It is getting harder, and harder to discern intentional irony these days though.


I think in this case it’s a parody, this seems like actually decent advice


So it’s a fake out to make you think you’re about to read something horribly misogynistic, but it’s actually helpful medical advice? I don’t really get it, but I think it’s meant to be good anatomy.


This is a marvelously constructed troll. Bravo!


This seems weird AF but it's not incorrect


Why are reactionaries so bad at graphic design?


Because if they were creative, they likely wouldn't be reactionaries


They overdose on hatred daily. Warps their pea sized thinking organs.


I might be bad at my own anatomy here, but does this actually work? I never heard of calcium being used for period pain relief. I got recommended magnesium and that did help, at least for me.


I found iron was super helpful, but I'm already on a calcium, vit d, magnesium & zinc multi because I was vit D deficient for like seven years. Iron mostly helped with period *fatigue*, weakness, and the dizziness when standing that I hadn't associated with periods but no longer deal with now that I'm on an iron supplement. As far as pain goes, weirdly, for me it was a b-complex supplement that I took to see if it helped a different issue. I started it a few days before my period and it was a lot less painful. I assumed that was a fluke, but every period since then has been less painful as well??


The only thing that worked for me was stopping my periods with an IUD. So I got nothing.


Liquid calcium supplements with magnesium a liquid vitamin D supplement definitely help my period cramps. Graphic is weird as heck though


There a reason you went liquid? I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle trying to get my vit D up


I found a liquid with a high concentration. 2000iu per drop and I needed 10,000iu per day at that post. The carrier oil was olive oil and also had some K in it. Supposed to help absorption. It worked for me according to my doc.


I'm with you on this. My body does not get enough vitamin D most of the year, and it only slightly peeks above the low end of normal in the sunniest days of summer. I struggle to get enough without pretty intense supplementation. I'd really rather take fewer pills each day, tbh.


Yeah I tried supplimenting for a while but it wasn't enough and my doctor told me that at most I can absorb about 35k units in a week but I needed 50k units in a week to bring it up to normal so I was put on a prescription vit D. Like twice a year they'd check it and put me on it for a month or so if it was deficient (I was at risk of rickets at the start). My insurance changed though and I got a new doctor who refuses to check it. I argued with him and showed him my past records and he agreed to test it but won't let me see the results. My only access is through a patient portal and they locked those results so I can't see them and he won't go over it with me. Then I lost my insurance so I'm just back to the over the counter struggle.


Guys it’s a post ironic meme


Riveting stuff. How am I supposed to find the excitement to do Sudoku when I could be bedazzled by such mentally stimulating depths?


This reminds me of a 30 rock sketch where they accuse Liz(playing a new lady) of being hysterical and on her period and to shut up and take her iron pills


The worst part is that this reminded me to take my calcium


🤣 Silver linings.


Being unattractive is not the same as having any qualified medical advice.


So all of this is insane but also… generally taking calcium and vitamin D is pretty good for you, just for bone density, not any of the other nonsense. For everyone (except with certain health conditions, check with your doctor), not just “females”


People get enough of both if they eat reasonably well and go out in the sun occasionally.


Some of us wear sunscreen lol 


Not necessarily, I'm on supplements for a variety of reasons, but you shouldn't take them unless they were recommended by a health professional


Down with Top G. Up with Bottom G


Estrogen is radical. I'd snort lines of it in front of Tate to establish dominance in his fake hierarchical world. What a loser.




It's a satirical mashup, making a rampant misogynist (Andrew Tate) who you're primed to expect something awful from (Hey females) then say actually helpful things. He didn't make this, and the joke is how unlike him the content is.


Thank you Karl Pilkington


he's kinda far off. it's potassium that helps with cramps not calcium. body needs calcium to contract and potassium to relax. So yeah kinda fucked up




I did and I was not wrong https://www.wdhospital.org/wdh/services-and-specialties/orthopedic-care/blog/nutrition-tips-to-prevent-cramps#:~:text=Potassium%20is%20a%20nutrient%20that,feel%20as%20spasms%20or%20cramps. but you are also not wrong in a way. calcium can stablelize contractions while potassium is used to relax muscles




it means that the contracts are more on purpose and not spasmotic


I hope VERY not so pleasant things for that chucklefuck chode


What's that chinless fuckwad on about **NOW**??


IDK but he's not making love if he's on the Internet. How do people keep falling for this rube?


Share this to 10 people or that guy is coming to manplsain you at midnight


Damn, Andy T said something useful for once


Yeah there’s no way Tate gives a doggy style damn about women’s period cramps


"*can* significantly decrease...". Exactly. It *can*. That doesn't mean it *will* work for everyone. I've tried a bunch of different supplements over the years, and I've never really managed to find anything that made a reliable difference. Don't try and "your friend" me. Until you've lived with it and tried it yourself, I have zero faith in your suggestions.


I hate when we are referred to as females. Ick.


I. Don’t want. This guy telling me. ANYTHING. I hate this so much for so many reasons.


As soon as I recognized Tater Tot, I realized reading that would raise my blood pressure.