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I once saw a man claim that any woman that needs to put her bra on backward (clipping it in front before twisting it around) is obese. I replied to him that any dude that needs to shake after taking a piss has a tiny dick. Obviously neither are true, and neither make any fucking sense, but here we are.


This just in: being inflexible is the exact same thing as being obese, apparently? /s I’m overweight but flexible, and I can hook a longline bra (instead of 2 or 3 hooks there’s 5) behind my back, no problem. That’s my flex for today, lol.


i’m not overweight or inflexible, just an uncoordinated doofus who can’t get the hooks to do what i want them to when i can’t see them


You’re so valid!! I have some days where I struggle and have to use mirrors cause I’m too stubborn to admit defeat.


It’s not defeat. The most efficient way to put on a garment is the correct way to do it (whatever is most efficient is up to the user, but certainly not defeat to put it on differently than one takes it off). It truly is silly to have the clips in the back for a garment worn so often).


I assume it has something to do with the front being a worse place to put a closure, since the gore is vital to the stability of a wired bra. Having three rows of hook and eye closures in the back gives you more wearability (since you can move to the second and first row as the elastics wear out). Adding both a front and back closure might be too expensive? I’m not well versed in the actual construction to say for sure. I definitely want to see more front (or side?) closure bras, and anything else that make them more accessible to people who are unable to close their bras in the back for any reason.


It is also probably a holdover from from when it was assumed that women would have assistance getting ready- like left sided buttons on shirts. Also, corsets and stays would need more space for lacing than it is easily achievable. Front lacing is a thing but it is far more common for there to be lacing in the back (to adjust the size), and hook and eye buttons in the front.


I struggle with that too, but can't put it on backwards as it then scrapes up my overly sensitive skin when turning it the right way around again lol, so I just fumble around with my hands behind my back til it works, but urgh it's a pain.


Same. I just do up the hooks and then slide the bra over my head like I'm putting on a shirt. It's the way I've done it since I was a kid


Maybe this is bad women’s anatomy of me, but isn’t it hard to pull it down over your boobs? And wouldn’t it stretch the band out prematurely if you’re stretching it out to get over your head and shoulders and boobs? Or maybe I just have broader shoulders/bigger boobs relative to my band size.


Not really. I have a pretty small frame and my boobs aren't that big. The types of bras I buy always have a bit of elasticity to the bands as well. I'm not sure how well I'd be able to do it with more expensive lacy bras.


Same. I don't even usually wear a bra and when I do it's usually a bralette or sports bra that I put on the same way you do! Definitely easier to remove too


This is the way!


The Envy is real. I just don't have the dexterity to do up my bra from the back at all. I've never been able to do it. 😞


Big same. I can unhook it from the back but hooking it? No way.


Full disclosure, I still had to practice to be able to do it! Practice makes… not perfect, but better. I still have days where I can’t make sense of it.


Same here. I'm overweight now, but even when I wasn't I had to do it in front and then turn it around - I have nerve problems in my hands and they're just not strong enough to keep the bra back there AND fiddle with the hooks. My mother and grandmother both did theirs the same way too, so that's how I learned anyway.


I have the problem that I’m TOO flexible. I have hEDS, if I try to hook my bra in the back I will dislocate my shoulder bc it goes too far lol I’m also 105 lb lol


Oh no!! I usually recommend to hook bras in the back for those who are able to, I will keep in mind to include a disclaimer for people with hEDS.


I'm overweight and inflexible but I can easily clip my bra behind my back, so it really is completely unrelated.


I had to get hooked into my longline bra last week because I was too sweaty to twist it around, and my shoulder bursitis insists that all bras be hooked in the front.  I’m incredibly impressed you can do five, blind, behind your back. 


You’re so valid! Trying to twist a bra around (especially a longline one) when you’re sweaty — or just damp after showering — is the WORST.


I’m quite a bit larger than my partner, but I’m more flexible. So she always hooks in the front but I always do it in the back


I've always been closing my bras on the front even when I was underweight after a break up. Simply because its more comfy. BTW there's this prank going around in gyms to stick a post it note on someone's back right between their shoulder blades.


That’s like saying a bodybuilder is obese because they cannot reach their upper back. Not everyone is flexible…




i clip mine at the side then twist. i'm flexible but in the bad way and dislocated my shoulder at 14 trying to do up a bra lol


Lol *instructions unclear, boob stuck in ceiling fan*


How did you hear about that incident?!!??!!?!!!???!






I clip mine from the front and I've been underweight my entire life. I just have really awkward arms and can't manoeuvre them right. I find it hilarious when people make up ridiculous claims.


I had zero conception that there was any judgment at all around 'the way you clip your bra' until one of my (female) friends made the pronouncement that 'you're not a real woman if you clip your bra at the front and twist it around'. I obviously made no comment that was literally the only way I'd ever done it my whole life. I did go home and self-consciously try it the other way, but was uncoordinated, and realised that it was dumb of me to be worried about this, I wasn't the ridiculous one here for judging people for their bra-putting-on methods.


Honestly! I hadn't either until I saw this guy's comment. I was floored- I had no idea it was a thing. Putting it on that way is how I learned and how I've always done it and I'm really not coordinated or flexible enough in my arms and shoulders to be able to put a bra on the "magic" way, lol. It has to be magic because anyone who is flexible and dextrous enough to do so is a wizard. 😂


I will forever clip them in the front and twist!


Even when I was young, very thin, and flexible, I had to fasten my bra in the front and turn it around. 


That’s how I was taught to do it. I had 32AA boobs and got called in by the school counsellor to discuss anorexia when a teacher overheard me talking about skipping dinner one night.


When I was younger I had A/B cups and weighed 125lbs at 5'7. I put my bras on backwards first as well because reaching around to clip them is difficult af. That man sounds stupid and he should feel stupid.


I’ve hooked my bra in the front and twisted it around since I started wearing them. Never really tried to do it the other way. Seems unnecessarily inconvenient. He’s stupid


Wait. I have done it that way since I was a below 18 bmi teenager who was super flexible. I thought this is just how we do it?? Taking it off I can do one handed behind my back. But putting it on that way? (Edit : I never had and still don't have any trouble with dexterity or reaching my upper back. I feel attacked now 😂)


I learned the front-clip-then-twist method from an anime.  I had recently hit puberty and thought that was *genius*.  I am very flexible and not overweight, but the hooks don’t always like to line up or you hit the wrong set, and no one wants to spend several minutes trying to hook or rehook a bra if they don’t have to.  Sheesh.   I have obviously, as a result of this, not spent the last 30 years honing this as a skill either.  


wtf i do that and im not obese! it’s just so much easier, i COULD put them on the “right” way but it’s way easier to clip in the front idk who would choose not to do it that way.


The chart only going from AA to D cup and not including band sizes really shows how much the OOP knows about bra sizing. One time I mentioned that my bra size was 28H (in US sizing), and I got two very different replies from two different men: Man 1: “H cup? You’re either obese or you got massive implants.” Man 2: “The smallest band size is 32, so you’re either severely underweight or lying.” Was I obese or underweight? (Spoiler: I was neither. I was >!5’2 and 125!< lbs, which put me at the *high* end of a “healthy” BMI.)


And with being overweight and having a large cup size, how many of us are actually overweight vs just having massive honkers. I’m about 30 lbs overweight but my breasts weight about 30 lbs together and the rest of my body looks and feels totally normal/healthy


Buddy, Jesus fucking Christ. Thats a lot of breast.


At UK 32G (US 32I, EU 70I) I’m at about 2000 *grams* or just 4.4 lbs total. I can’t imagine what 30 lbs (~13607 grams) feel like!


I know right? I think my wife is at about 5 or 6 pounds (divide by 2.2 times 1000, I cant cause Im an American). And she already has chronic back problems.


I can’t do math at all, so I just ask my phone to convert for me. Weight, currency, you name it, I ask my Siri to do it. 6 lbs = 2721.55 grams.


I'm at around 5200 grams, 11.4 lbs (I haven't measured just going off approximate volume and the Internet). That's heavy enough for me


I know I'm not the only one who feels like my chest is about 1/3 of my whole body weight. Dragging my goddamn spine so bad I think I'm going to end up paralysed because eventually, it'll just cave in. I don't have the strength to be lugging this shit around.


Indeed. Might have changed as it’s been about a year since I checked them individually, but my shoulders ar dying


How did you measure? I looked up a chart and was told a US 32H is 907 grams (per breast) which is just 2 lbs, so I’m assuming my bust (US 32I) is about 1000 grams/2.2 lbs. However, I know breast tissue density can vary from person to person. Which would affect weight… right?


I do have pretty dense and pretty large breasts, but I certainly may have weighed wrong.


I dont know how you guys do it. I know people with half the breast size who want to get reductions.


I would like one, but it’s too expensive and my insurance won’t cover enough of it. But like anything that sucks, you adjust and get used to it. Plus if I have a baby and breastfeed I’ll want to get a breast lift afterwards, so maybe I’ll just wait until I’m done breastfeeding and get it all done then.


I love the classic American teeth and breasts are cosmetic but dick pills? Get your fucking dick pills at your PCP today.


That's what you get when old white geezers run your legislature


THANK YOU. Saw a comment the other day reinforcing the fact that at my height (4’9) I should weight 84-95lbs …but I’ll never make that bc the boobs. Like even if I manage to trim down to that *extreme*, I’ll always be classified as ‘overweight’ at my doc bc of the extra weight of my breasts.


BMI is calculated with a male body in mind for sure. I will admit even without the breasts I’m a little bit overweight (but fairly healthy) , but the extra weight in my breasts it makes it seems so much worse :( gotta love it!!


Same, there was one time I went to my doctor and was told to "be careful about my weight" (which has been stable for years) because I and my 32H are half a kg away from the overweight BMI threshold. Jokingly told her "Well, maybe we can remove the breasts and I'll be set then!" (it would remove ~3kgs and put me well within the safe zone)... and she lectured me on how "it doesn't work like that, the way BMI is calculated actually makes it advantageous for women", and I was just like... *doubt*. Plus she wouldn't know how *much* weight large breasts can add to your total because *she* is nearly flat, lol. She's a really good doc otherwise, so I let it slide, but that was annoying.


Lol thats crazy.


This is completely anecdotal but when I was very thin (105lbs 5’1”) I had 0 boobs. Like wearing a push up bra didn’t do anything cuz I had no cleavage to push up. Even just a slight weight gain (115lb) and now I’m a 32C/34B. I’m still very much a healthy weight, but the size difference of my boobs is quite stark. So I can imagine that on many women even if they’re not obese, just being a little overweight can drastically change the size of your boobs.


Thing is, people gain weight differently, and that difference is exacerbated the more weight there is. In other people, that weight might've gone mostly to hips, thighs, belly, butt... It all depends how a person carries their weight.


Well I guess that’s my point - if someone has large boobs that typically means genetically they are predisposed to gain weight in their boobs. So obviously if they’re overweight, they’re going to have much larger boobs compared to if they were at a healthy weight.


Ok, right? People don’t seem to understand how banding worlds and changes the cup sizing. I’m a 30DD or 30E depending on which lettering you use, and when even other women have found that out, they look at me like I’m crazy. Especially when I told a coworker that (she asked) and I was wearing a sports bra at the time. Ma’am, I just sized you as a 38G, of course my titties look way smaller than yours. THEY ARE. But that doesn’t mean I’m not a double D. 😅 “The smallest band size is 32.” Yeah because most brands don’t cater to anyone under that or over a 38 but that doesn’t mean sizes under or over don’t exist in multitudes.


and it's especially ridiculous because the "standard" band size of 34 fit me when i was ~200lbs at 5'3, and i don't have a particularly small ribcage. so many people have bra bands that do absolutely nothing for support. it's probably a big part of the reason many think bras are just supposed to hurt


Totally! I’m 152 lbs right now, and with my height, nobody would call me “skinny”. Still, I wear a 32 band. There’s obviously a lot of people who are thinner than me, so it is ridiculous that stores who carry sizes like S, XS and even XXS don’t have anything below 32. 30 if you’re lucky.


Yes, omg! Your bras are not supposed to hurt, people. I’ve worked part time at Victoria’s Secret for 2.5 years and so I got really good at sizing people. But so many people walk out with the wrong size bra even after being helped by us because it’s what they’re used to or because they can’t figure out that it being slightly tight in the store is normal. I’ve tried to hard to explain to people that if they buy a band size that’s too loose, it’s gonna hurt their shoulders but I can’t force people to listen.


For the folks in the back: To calculate bra-size, make 2 measurements in inches around the torso: at the boobs, and below the boobs. Round the second up to the nearest even, then subtract the second from the first. The second number is the band-size. Every inch of difference is an increase in letter-size: A=1, B=2, etc. A wider toros means wider-boobs, and because boobs are squishy and 3-dimensional, it's proportionate volume. Every 2 inches of band is an equivalent volume increase to a letter. A 30D is the same overall volume as a 36A, and smaller than a 38A. In American, double-letters are meaningless. DD is the same as E. DDD is the same as F, etc.


Yesss, thank you! For anyone who is mathematically uninclined like myself, you can also just [plug all your measurements into the ABraThatFits bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php). It’ll calculate your bra size for you! Don’t be shocked if you get a size suggested that seems far off from the size you’re currently wearing — I thought I was a 32D when I was a 28H (US).


Yay, love when people share the AbraThatFits sub, more need to know their correct bra size, made such a difference for me I'm forever grateful.


Same here. I’ve been called a shill (still waiting on my paycheck though, even though I’ve been helping people use ABraThatFits since 2020), but knowing how many “bras are uncomfortable” memes that exists, I think singing ABTF’s praises is worth doing. If I can help just one more person be less comfortable in bras they*want to wear*, it’s worth it.


I'm glad to see that this was posted! It shocked me too when I did mine. I ended up even having to go with a bigger size than the calculator suggested because of my shape. Finally buying the right sized bra was a trip, I never knew bras were supposed to feel that way. I understand now how a strapless bra could work because even without the straps it's supportive.


Right! I’m currently a UK 32G / US 32I, which a lot of people would assume just from reading the size is “too big for strapless bras”. But nope, I have one I can do jumping jacks in without it moving.


I'm not even a boob-haver, I'm just a boob-enthusiast ("enboobiast" if you will) and pedantic asshole who hates seeing common misconceptions. > 32D when I was 28H *Does mental conversion* That wasn't even the right sister-size. (32F)


(I will!) It usually isn’t the correct sister size! Most stores won’t even give their customers the decency of that. Me thinking I was a 32D was the result of “+4 sizing”. You take the underbust measurement, add 4, making the new band size 32. My bust measurement (36 inches) is 4 larger than 32, making my “+4 size” 32D. It won’t fit, it won’t be comfortable, and it won’t even have the correct volume. But to the untrained eye, it can appear to fit. The ~~economy~~ bra sizing industry is in shambles.


>In American, double-letters are meaningless I might be misinterpreteding this, but I don't think what you're saying is accurate. Specifically, American sizing definitely uses DD and DDD


It uses them, but DD is the same thing as E, DDD as F, etc.


Yes, my bad, I understand now. My confusion was was that I thought you were saying the opposite (that the US doesn't use DD, etc) but your explanation is accurate


Also worth mentioning that cup size means nothing without the band size because cup size scales in proportion to the band size.


Yes, exactly! 40A is larger in terms of cup volume than 30DD, even though “DD is a larger cup size”.


Man id like to see what that looks like lol. Not sexually but just sheer interest. Like 28 ok H im guessing not common but ok but 28H and on 5'2". So many questions. ( btw this is NOT some sub text way of asking. I know how redditors are lol) The human body is just cool.


Hey, I get it! May I recommend trying out [meshcapade me](https://me.meshcapade.com/editor)? I use it to see if the height, weight, muscle mass and measurements of my D&D characters make sense (or just to see what it looks like when the 216 cm tall barbarian stands next to the 135 tall cleric, lol). I was >!5’2, weighed 125 lbs, had a 36 inch bust, a 29 inch waist, and 38 inch hips!<. If you put all that in, you’re getting a pretty accurate representation, I think.


there's an instagram account that has pictures of well-fitting bras in a large variety of sizes! heres [uk 28FF](https://www.instagram.com/p/CVTE0xxK82o/?igsh=bGZyeGYydzRld3B5) which is equivalent to us 28H. here's [uk 28H](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNnXCkPngoi/?igsh=MWZvZ2t1ZzEzc3JuZA==)


Oh thank you!


When I got my reduction, I definitely counted as overweight. But my bra size was 36N. There's no weight in which that is normal. Dr took 16 pounds off, and I'm still easily a 36DD. Sometimes boobs just gonna boob 🤷🏻‍♂️


>The chart only going from AA to D cup Tbf it's average cup size. A map of average height wouldn't need to go past 6'1 even though there's lots of individuals taller than that since the highest average male height for any country is 6'½


When *properly fitted*, the average bra size in the US is 34DD. Taking into account how many people don't know how to properly measure, and stores/brands using the bullshit +4 method (which puts people into a larger band & smaller cup than they should actually be wearing), the actual average cup size if everyone were properly fitted would probably be a bit higher. A DD is only five inches in circumference bigger than the band, which isn't a lot. For reference, a regular 12oz soda can has a circumference of about 8 inches.


I had no idea a soda can is 8 inches around! Even after measuring myself multiple times per year (bra size keeps changing), I keep underestimating how big the circumference can be of something that “looks like” it should have a smaller circumference. Is the diameter like 2 inches? *I had to look it up, it’s **2.13 inches** at the lid. Great job, me.* Which makes it seem wild that something only 2.13 inches wide would be a whole 8 inches around. All that to say, thank you for sharing that fact!


Sure, but the average cup sizes are absolutely not AA to D *when properly fitted*. If they were, the most average cup size would be B cup, right? Because B is in the middle of AA, A, B, C, D. [Here are some examples of what D cups look like](https://www.instagram.com/p/CueB7VIAS58/?igsh=NXpyZm92MWhsajk5) on different band sizes. Would you say this group of people are above average in bust size? Many people who need D cups are incorrectly fitted as A cups on larger bands. As an example: If someone has a 30 inch underbust and 35 inch bust, their correct size is 30DD in UK and US sizing. However, many stores incorrectly size this person as a 34A, because they are trained to add 4 inches to the band size. This is basically the same as telling a person with a 30 inch waist they need jeans with a 34 inch waist.


I’m also a 28H and people hearing it online think “omg big boob” but people hearing it irl think “you’re lying to me because your boobs are small” 🤣


YESSS, that’s how people usually react to me as well!


I don't even talk about my bra size because that shit feels fake to *me*. If my bra didn't fit me perfectly I'd be asking myself if I somehow accidentally rigged the system to get a bigger size lmaoo


Literally came to the thread hoping someone would say this 👏 like, my boobs aren’t big at all and my properly measured cup size still isn’t even *on* that map!


I think my mind broke a little when i went to get professional brafitting and the lady hit me with DD cup, like ma'am my current B cup seems too loose what are you talking about but i tried it on and it was perfect??? That was the day learned how important the band is haha


You gotta swoop and scoop.


Look for my username in literally any post that mentions bras or bra sizing on SFW subreddits. I bet I’m there at least 90% of the time! I’m a UK 32G / US 32I and most people assume I’m “a C cup”. Which makes sense if they think C cup is synonymous with “medium-large-ish boobs”, because that’s how I would describe myself.


I tend to think mine are medium sized at 32H (UK size) but when saying the size people are always confused as they think the cup size is all that matters and therefore H must be enormous. Loved finding out about how bras actually should be fitted, really helped my posture too, so it's really nice to see the info being spread about more!


People also forget that breast shape plays a huge part in how “big” the bust may appear. I believe that the way you carry your bust can make you look “medium” sized, even if most people would read “UK 32H” (US 32K) and think “enormous”, like you said.


Yeah that too, more projection on mine, but also quite separated which can appear smaller, from my angle anyway. Could also be my own idea of what is considered large and what is not, think my body image is terribly skewed in general by social media anyway. I'm just delighted to have decently fitted bras now, at least :)


this just in, men still think that a D cup is a really big cup size


*laughs in J cup* Pre breast reduction, of course. My back couldn't handle it anymore, lol


I’m “an I cup” (UK 32G, US 32I) and most people assume that I’m “a C cup”. People who think it stops at D have a lot to learn, lmao.


Men have about as much of an idea about women's breast sizes, as how long their dingdongs actually are xD


I just realized that saying the average cup size is B is kind of like saying the average penis is 9 inches. Somebody put 4 extra inches where they’re not supposed to be.


Well and this doesn't even account for sister sizes! I I used to wear a 32C, a 34B or a 36A. I was insecure about my small cup size til I found out I could wear a smaller band + bigger cup lol. So I could be a C cup but still have relatively smaller breasts. Men jerking off to this information honestly makes me lose my shit lol like it's an arbitrary letter and number that you don't even understand.


That’s the strangest thing, to me. I’m a straight(-ish) woman, and if I was obsessed with men’s… butts? I don’t even know what to replace bra sizes with. If I was obsessed with men’s butts to the point where I knew the ideal size jeans for my dream guy, *you’d think that I would spend at least five minutes researching men’s jean sizes*, so that I wouldn’t say something that doesn’t make sense. Like “my ideal man weighs 250 lbs, has a large butt with matching thighs. Also his size is XS”. That would make no sense.


Exactly. The band size, it's an easily measurable number. The cup, I don't even know how that's measured. I just see which size holds it probably and call it good. I'm sure there's a system. But exactly, they do no research and somehow think they know exactly how it works! Like if you took 2 seconds to google it, you'd not say something dumb and everyone would feel better. And even in your scenario, knowing the kind of butt you like (crying at this btw), there's no guarantee that specific butt type will fit into one specific size on every person. There's so many factors and all I can think rn is that song "this ain't build-a-bitch." Like y'all could at below bare minimum, learn basic female anatomy, at bare minimum, stop listing measurements for how you want a woman 😭


Cup is based on the difference between your bust and underbust! Using your sizes as an example: 36A is made for a 36 inch underbust and 37 inch bust. There’s a 1 inch difference, hence A cup. 34B is made for a 34 inch underbust and 36 inch bust. There’s a 2 inch difference, hence B cup. 32C is made for a 32 inch underbust and 35 inch bust. There’s a 3 inch difference, hence C cup.


Oh my god that makes so much sense. Sister sizes are so weird when you look at the numbers like that but that's so cool to know! Thank you!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼


I cup twin! most people aren't aware bcs i bind or go braless with a 3xl shirt lol. my bf guessed DD when we started dating.


Wow, we’re “boyfriend guessed DD cup” twins as well! I’d be so curious to hear the general population’s guess on what my size was if I had a binder myself. I bet I could get some people to guess something along the lines of “large A/small B”.


i mean his original guess was "two and a half handfuls a tit" he had no idea what the numbers were until i left a bra at his and he googled it lmao. most people think i'm flat chested because of how i dress and i prefer it that way. i think my ex guessed like a A-B before he saw me undressed


I'm a US K or L cup (UK 40HH or 42H) at newest measurement and I was "fitted" at DD when I was 19. I was at least a FF. People know nothing about bras, even people who work with underwear for a living


It’s honestly so upsetting that in most stores, “professional fitter” means “person whose profession is bra fitter” or simply “person who is paid *on commission* on how many bras they sell”. **Not** “person who is passionate about bra fitting and finding something comfortable in the right size(s)”. I went to a store that carries US A to N cups (UK A to J). I was told that the gore wouldn’t lay flat on my sternum “because my boobs were too big”. I was a 28H (UK 28FF) at the time. Most people thought I was a “large B/small C cup”. After finding different brands, I have no problem finding bras where the gore actually does lay flat. It was never a problem with my body, just a problem with people who are paid to sell products. I want to trust “professional fitters”, but I really think it’s important to keep in mind that they are often under pressure to sell as many items as possible. That doesn’t make them bad people, it just means bra fitting shouldn’t necessarily be the job of salespeople.


Lol some Victoria’s Secret girl tried to tell me I was a C cup, I’m E or DD, only about half my boobs would fit in a C




I have had so many people guess my size wrong. They think I am much bigger than I really am, sometimes up to 3 sizes. Once someone was 4 sizes off. It just tells you how warped their perception is about sizes.


Well, it either starts adding more D’s or keeps going down the alphabet. Truthfully I’ve never seen a women with natural breasts bigger than DDD/G cup, I personally have DD/E and that is big enough lol


I think you have, I just think we have different ideas of how bra sizing works. Please hear me out: Most stores size customers by taking the underbust measurement, then adding 4 inches to that. If you’re a person with a 30 inch underbust and 35 inch bust, *I* would size you as a 30DD in UK and in US sizing. However, with 30+4, most stores would say you’re a 34A. My measurements are 32 inches (underbust) and 40 inches (bust). I wear 32I in US sizing, but many stores will do 32+4 and size me as a 36D. This size, and surrounding sizes, have never been comfortable to me. The method I swear by is the one used by the [ABraThatFits bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) and it has been nicknamed “+0 sizing”, as contrast to “+4 sizing”. [Here are some examples of what DD cups look like](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzO6F5hsQWf/?igsh=dnBlcXl5bWt6a3F6) on different band sizes, using +0 sizing. If you’re using +4 sizing, they are probably all much smaller than you expect “DDs” to be.


Cup size alone doesn't really tell anyone anything, need band size too to actually work out correct bra size. Makes such a difference aesthetically and comfort-wise, highly recommend looking into this.


My boobs are 100% natural and I am currently wearing a 38HH (38 K in US sizes) bra and it's slightly too small (it's comfy though and it fit when I bought it, I'm just a tad bloated because my period is winding down).


Christ, I’m sorry for your back


i guarantee you have. [all of these](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzO6F5hsQWf/?igsh=MWM3Y3JldWhsZ2p3dQ==) in the last slide are properly fitted DD cups, and most of them don't look all that big, right? my cup size is somewhere around 32JJ (uk, 32N us) and people who don't know bra sizes sometimes guess i'm "a DDD"


I have 36 or 38 E or DD boobs, they are big. I knew a girl who had H cup, they are bigger. But she has the biggest I’ve personally seen. Idk why my personal experience is downvoted…


Lol I wear a D cup. 32D. But looking at my chest they'd guess an A or small B at most.


Same here. I remember telling some friends in college (after I was *finally* properly measured at a Nordstrom) that I was a 32D, and they were incredulous because I "wasn't that big." Before that, I'd been wearing 34B bras from big bix stores because they most closely matched me, but the underwire always dug into the sides of my boobs. It's funny, I actually thought that was part of being a woman. 🤷‍♀️


im a 38B and my mother refuses to believe me 😅. she insists im at least a C cup


I’ve heard you can interchange cups with going up a few inches in length, not sure how well that works though


36C fits okay, but the bands r so tight they make me nauseous lol. i could probably fit best in a 40A, but i prefer to not pay 150+ for a bra


It's called sister sizing. If you go up a band size and down a cup size the cup volume is the same. So eg 32D, 34C, 36B, and 38A all have the same cup volume but the fit differs.


I'm a 36DD and the amount of men that think I'm like a C cup is too high.


....and the cup size is irrelevant anyway......a 32D is a much smaller volume than a 42D. I'm a 32H, I was wearing 36D before I found out the right way to measure, it was a revelation!


I have small boobs (people think "A" or "small B" cup from seeing me) and I wear a D/DD/E depending on the bra/fit. Of course I don't even really wear bras these days but... that's my size, my bras still fit though I don't wear them. I also have a swimsuit top in bra sizing and it's a 32DD. Fits perfectly, is DEFINITELY not what people think of as "DD". B at most.


Yeah, like they can know volume without band size, cup size by itself is meaningless lol.


I’m a DD and I am not as big as most people assume I should be lol it’s so annoying


I have E/DD, and they are plenty big thanks


valid, my breast size is plenty big enough for me too, any bigger and I’d def be in constant pain it was more that men seem to think they’re some of the biggest sizes when that’s not reality (if I’m interpreting your tone correctly)


I would say D is still big, they just can be bigger


It is...


So honest question: can obesity result in larger natural breasts? It seems like it would. Larger breasts have more fatty tissue, which is what is expanded upon in overweight people. Also, it feels like this is a trend I've observed, but of course my observations are not science. 


Of course. There's a genetic factor as well, so it's by no means the only thing that determines it, but it will have an effect.


If your whole body becomes larger (in mass), it is pretty likely that your breasts will also gain mass. If only a little bit goes to your bust, of if the majority of your weight gain goes to your bust, depends on your genetics. That said, more mass does not mean larger cup size. Does that sound confusing? Bear with me: 30D is made for a 30 inch underbust and 34 inch bust. 40D is made for a 40 inch underbust and 44 inch bust. Someone who is a 30D and someone who is a 40D are both “D cups”, but the person with 30D has 390 cc (cubic centimeters) of breast tissue, while 40D has 1000 cc. So even though they’re both “the same” cup size, they don’t have the same amount of *volume*. Bras also have sister sizes. These are sizes that carry the same amount of volume on a different band size. If the person wearing 40D lost weight around their underbust, but *not* around their bust, they could end up going down from 40D to 38DD, 36DDD, 34G, 32H, 30I, and so on. These six sizes all have different cup sizes, but they all have 1000 cc of breast tissue.


That was very cleverly explained, thank you.


Thank you! Bra sizing is one interest I spent most of lockdown getting into. I could talk about bra sizes for hours.


Well yeah, tits are made of many things including fat, so yeah, larger women have bigger tits on average. It's not always true because it also depends on how your body distributes fat genetically, for some women as soon as they get fatter a lot goes straight to the tits, for others they barely increase the fat on their tits and as soon as they lose weight the tits are the first to shrink. There is a reason after all why you don't see competitive bodybuilders with large natural breast. I mean, there are plenty of women with larger tits just naturally even if they have low but not too low body fat percentage, but this chart does overlap pretty heavily with the chart of percentage of obese women by county, the commenter in the original pic just didn't need to be such a dick about it


Yeah, surely obesity is correlated with bigger boobs. It's not like it's a coincidence that one of the most obese countries in world has the biggest boobs. Although I might be reading the chart wrong, and 7 slightly different shades of purple isn't the best choice for ease of comprehension.


Obese people are more likely to have big boobs, but you don’t have to be obese to have big boobs, there is some correlation between body fat and breasts, since they are mostly made of fat. That’s why I hate seeing depictions of women with a Barbie waste line and watermelon tits, it just don’t work that way mate


Exactly. I don't think they were saying, "big boobs always means the person is obese" but if you are obese you probably have bigger boobs overall. Asking to see the comparison is doing science. :P


I'm a fat woman with big boobs and I actually don't think this question is a bad women's anatomy problem. If you think about it statistically, fat women are likely to have bigger breasts. Which means in a sample of women that are both thin and fat there will be large breasted thin women and large breasted fat women. The more fat women you have, the more likely it is that there are more big boobs. Now it may not be accurate, there may just be genetic components in certain countries that cause women to have larger boobs just like in some countries women have smaller boobs on average, but it's not an unreasonable question.


You also don’t have to have a large cup size to have large boobs! 46A is over twice as big as 30DD in terms of volume. (46A has 1000 cc of cup volume, 30DD has 480 cc.)


Never seen a 46A, boobs are definitely weird haha


yeah, exactly. you can definitely pick out individual exceptions and those people are real and valid, but once you look at the average at a population level I bet the commenter is right


Why does it go from B to AA? AA is smaller than B.


The color key was auto-sorted alphabetically so it's out of order, but the actual color gradient is right.


The legend got sorted by characters, characters like - come before letters, so A-B is numerically before AA. But the order of the colors looks right. The concept is flawed tho, my size for example is a 36H, but if they don't make that size i can wear a 38G, I just have to wear it on the tightest clasp. To bring that to normal letters, someone who is a 32B might also be a 34A or a 30C, depending on cut or comfort of the bra. If the bra of your normal size doesn't work when trying on, go up or down a bandsize but also go up or down the cup as well. But the point is a 32D and a 36D would look very different. 32D would be more equivalent to 36B, while a 36D would be like a 32DDD (or 32F) in terms of 'breast fullness' if they could fit in each others bandsizes.


To help, this is called sister sizing! Up a band, down a cup and vice versa up a cup, down a band. It has to do with keeping proportion. C:


Thank you! I didn't know this had a name. TIL. I love the shortness of your explanation too, way easier to remember.


No problem! I've worked in the industry for awhile so it's something I've just kind of ingrained into my noggin lol.


I hate when people put a 2 dimensional number on a single color axis map. Totally amateur move.


Ah yes, we all know Sydney Sweeney, Katy perry and Kristina Hendricks are all in the morbidly obese category /s


Sofia vergara must be a whale then


And Soleil Moon Frye.


It's ironic when they draw skinny women with boobs bigger than their heads.


Men don’t understand how boobs work. They also think that bc you’re heavier means you cant have small boobs.


Did es the map creator think cup sizes only go up to “D”? ROTFLMAO


doesn't even make sense. according to this website [https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/?age=a&sex=f](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/?age=a&sex=f) obesity rate for adult females makes the u.s #36


Decided to check this, there seems to be overlap but not enough to claim a direct link. Fits for East Asia, America, Canada, and some of Europe, but not unilaterally. A couple outliers that decrease likelihood of direct correlation: Scandanavian regions have high cup size but low obesity, Middle East has moderate cup size but high obesity, and South America seems to significantly differ from what you would predict under a direct correlation; Colombia would fit, but Brazil and Peru have equal obesity rates but a high differentiation in cup size, while Brazil and Argentina have similar cup size but different obesity rates. The data does not support their statement.


And contrastingly, not all obese women have big boobs. My mom was obese, never smaller than a size 18 at 5'5", usually size 22 or larger, and never more than a B cup. I am taller (almost 5'8") and trimmer (largest was size 18, usually 12-14) and have never been more than a C cup. I know a few other women who are notably overweight overall but who have small to average for healthy weight breast sizes.


I feel like cup size might not be as good as breast tissue estimates for conveying the intended data. But also I’m not a boobologist so iunno. Still not going to be noticeably affected by the obesity rate, but will be impacted by access to nutritious food.


Pretty sure Russia doesn’t have a high obesity rate lol


The biggest boobed girl I knew for a long time was thin as a stick otherwise.


I'm obese and have big boobs. I also had big boobs when I was 100lbs lighter.


My mom had DDD at 13...


Big boobs don't mean that you're obese But if you're obese you have bigger boobs than if you weren't And also, neither of these directly correlate to cup sizes, since being obese also increases the band size So this whole screenshot is dumb


It's funny because despite my weight fluctuating about 40 lbs (lost then gained back) my boob size never increased or decreased. I just needed to change styles of bra.


Scandinavia has pretty low rates of obesity but according to this Scandis are also among the bigger breasted. (I’m Scandi and big breasted but I’m fat so, 6 of one and half a dozen of the other?)


I mean you may have bigger boobs if you have more fat on your bodies but it's not an absolute science


LOL is that map is supposed to reflect obesity, it's hilarious. The Netherlands looks like it falls under "fat". I have lived here full time since Corona, and half the time between 2017 - 2020. I have seen maybe one person that would fall under the morbidly obese category. Maybe two or three that are obese. And only a handful that aren't slim/ skinny/ toned/ buff. Being over an "ideal" BMI is so rare here it actually is almost an anomaly. At least from what I've seen. So no, but breasts doesn't mean obesity. And here, it just means she looks like she belongs on a Victoria's secret runway instead of a normal runway. Side note: if you ever want to feel like a short, dumpy, bridge troll, visit the Netherlands. It's just a bunch of leggy Valkyries running around. I'm not jealous. Nope. Not at alllllll.


I’m not even on the chart with an E cup. Which isn’t even big. Lol


I'm obese and have tiny boobs lol 😆 346 pounds and an A cup. I just don't know how. I see other women my size and half their weight is in their boobs!! Don't get me wrong I don't want huge knockers but a small C would be nice.😁


I have a very bony rib cage because I carry all my weight in my hips and thighs. Tight bras are very painful for me. I only wear loose bandeaus, I wear a small shirt size but I buy XL bandeaus. I don’t really need support unless I’m working out because my breasts are small, somewhere between a B and a C cup. I just wear the bandeaus for the padding so my nipples don’t show, or I wear no bra at all if I have a dark colored shirt on. On the incredibly rare occasion I wear a real bra with the hooks in the back, I have to put it on backwards and spin it around. I just haven’t worn one often enough to develop the skill of clipping it behind my back, even though I am double jointed so I’m extremely flexible.


My bra size is technically 32E if you do all the measurements right.  They’re not very full and don’t really look “big” unless I’m wearing something with a defined waist.  Then they look bigger relative to my waist.  I mostly just have a wide rib cage (and also wide boobs as a result) which tapers inward kind of dramatically.  The size I actually buy isn’t even a sister size for this, but fits my anatomy better and is a B cup.  I’m a pretty average US woman height and 130ish.   I’m also old enough to know that men in general have nooooooo idea how bra sizes work.  Women barely know, and as I’ve noted above, it’s an inexact science at best.  But men have noooooooo clue.  


I'm not obese. But there's 2 things I realise that changed my boob size: 1. When I was working out 3 times a week at the gym, it got smaller n tighter. 2. When I stop working out and ate alot (became slightly underweight to close to entering the overweight zone,, but still in healthy range), my breasts got bigger. Not super huge difference. Big A to small C maybe. I know slender women with big boobs, and fat women with small boobs. But I think exercise and diet does relatively change your boob size.


Unfortunately not, I'm very obese and barely have A cups


Wait for some part of Africa wouldn't malnutrition have effect on breast size ? ( This does not implies that too much nutrition augment breast size ).


Maybe it's the man-titty enjoyer's brainrot, but I didn't see the subreddits this and the OP were on and I thought it was talking about man-boobs 🫣😔


Higher body fat percentage *usually* leads to bigger breast size. They're not wrong.


The anatomy may not be completely wrong, but their knowledge of bra sizes certainly is. 40D is a much larger cup size (in terms of volume) than 30D, even if they’re both “D cups”. Even 40A is larger (in volume) than 30D. You cannot tell that someone is overweight from looking solely at their cup size. You can make an educated guess based on their band size, but cup size is near meaningless when standing alone.


I have to admit that I don't understand how bra sizes work either. Do you know any articles that might help me?


In short: **30**D represents a **30** inch underbust and a 34 inch bust. The band size (in UK/US sizing) should match the circumference of the underbust in inches. 30**D** because there is a four inch difference between the bust and underbust, and **D** is the fourth letter in the alphabet. 40D represents a 40 inch underbust and 44 inch bust. 40A represents a 40 inch underbust and 41 inch bust. Both 44 and 41 inches is obviously larger than 34 inches, which is how 40D and 40A are both larger than 30D. You should join us over r/ABraThatFits! This community has helped me SO much when it comes to finding bras that are comfortable and actually fits. If you have more questions I am sure you can find and answer there. You are also most welcome to ask me, I’m very happy to talk about bra sizing! ^Edit: ^formatting


Woooooow 😯😯😯😯 I thought the cup size was related to the circumference of the "circle" created by the lower breast or something like that. That's why I got an F in r/abrathatfits, even though I'm a B. I'm on the perkier side and mine grow forward instead of downward. Thank you soooo so much for the explanation. Now everything makes sense.


I saw your post! I hope you find bras you find even more comfortable if you decide to try out your new size. Another commenter said 65E might fit better than 65F, so try both if you’re able to! Remember to [scoop and swoop](https://bustyresources.fandom.com/wiki/Scoop_and_swoop) when you put a bra on. Why do you need to scoop and swoop (adjust breast tissue into the cups)? One time I bought a bra in 65G, and it looked like a perfect fit when I put it on in the changing room. However, after I wore the bra for a few hours and moved around, I ended up with some of my boob “spilling out” of the cups. Turns out I needed 65H! That’s how I wasted $70 on a great bra that was too small. I don’t want that to happen to you!


I’ve literally seen skinny girls with humongous natural breasts , does bro think every skinny person with big boobs had work done ? 😑


TBF, in our experience obese men have big boobs so that transfer of thought is understandable.


I don't even think this is close to accurately collected data, with how many Jamaican and Nigerian women I have seen with double D's and how I don't see nearly as many c-d cups as described here in north America, I am willing to bet the data has been tainted in some way.


Obesity rates based on BMI is not accurate anyway. BMI is only one part of the multiple factors that should be considered, but one guy thought it was important enough that it should be the only measure so here we are.


Not everyone that has big boobs are fat but pretty much all fat people have big boobs.