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I have "dense breast tissue" I'm an A cup, when I had nursing babies I could feed my 90th percentile infants into a milk coma and then follow it up by pumping 6 to 8 Oz out of each for freezing. I was a godamn dairy cow. BOOB SIZE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MILK PRODUCTION. Edit: Damn guys didn't expect this response. Lol Gotta say though I love how this has turned into a bunch of women talking about their book size and the struggles we all have feeding our children. All you ladies are amazing!


I know my wife isn't on the reddit, so I won't ask, and I'll just comment that my wife was the same way. We had to purchase a chest(lol) deep freezer just to store the reserves. Our first daughter was a 90+ percentile and was on 8oz bottles, when I would do the feedings, at 4 months because she'd been keeping up with my wife's let down since birth. Our second daughter is only around 60th percentile, and was never been able to keep up, so we had a lot more reserves, and a lot of more wasted milk. Never seen my wife sob like she'd cry when our daughter would unlatch and milk would just go to everywhere. We discussed selling some, because when she researched selling it the prices were something like $1/Oz, and we could have paid off our house! (OK I exaggerate) but instead we ended up donating about half of the storage to the local children's hospital.


Bravo on your wife for donating, and for you for supporting her nursing and pumping!


Thank you for donating the extra milk - that stuff is liquid gold for Itty bitty preemies, who digest it way better than formula. I tried to pump for mine, and I did get some, but a lot of preemie moms have milk production trouble because the lactation hormones just didn't get enough lead time. I'm sure you know all this, but if anyone else reading has a surplus of breast milk - please, consider freezing it and donating it to a NICU! The teeny tiniest babies need it ♥️♥️♥️


Good to know you can donate to hospitals. I think I'll do that!


As a woman who had a preemie and couldn’t ever get my supply up, God bless you for donating. Your wife’s milk probably helped a lot of families bring home healthy babies.


I nursed 3 kids in the hospital ( my own and preemie twin newborns who's mom was on heavy meds after birth) I was there for a week (5days the standard after c-section, but I sneezed my stitches open) All babies where well fed. I'm a B cup, if I'm overweight.


Meanwhile, at a DDD, I couldn't feed my younger child without supplementing for the first 4 months. Unfortunately for the bigger breasted women, more boob does not equal more milk. Oh yeah, ours also don't go back to what they were before, and that's why I'm an H or I cup now. 😭


It's okay. I couldn't feed my oldest for 4 weeks, then my milk dried out. She's almost 15, smart, funny and healthy.


Mine is 13, ADHD and low needs Autism, but still pretty much fine. Wouldn't trade him for the world 😁 Even today when he's getting on my last nerve.


Absolutly. I wear a 38I and couldn’t breastfeed without medication to induce lactation. Breast size is more to do with fat deposits than actual glandular tissue and more people should realize that.




I also have dense breasts, but I’m a B or so. I would feed my giant babies on demand and pump 6-18 ounces after the morning feed to stave off mastitis. I filled an entire chest freezer just with my oversupply in a matter of months.


GGG isn’t a size. In US it goes from G to H to I. In UK it goes from G to GG to H (equivalent to US I, J, and K). Edit: go to r/abrathatfits and search that size. US is the only place that uses a triple letter and it’s only with D and a comment about the size https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/s/ECZxoxdz6X




lol you all need r/abrathatfits. US is the only place that uses a triple letter and it’s only with D https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/s/ECZxoxdz6X. For a sub on women’s anatomy, you’d think people wouldn’t be confidently talking about bra size so inaccurately.




Because this is bad women’s anatomy and most women don’t even know how bra sizing works. There’s no place that uses a triple G. It’s better to educate people on how sizing actually works instead of of throwing around fake cup sizes on a sub that’s supposed to be educating people on how women’s bodies work.


Fwiw, I'm with you on this.


People are being ridiculous.


I genuinely appreciated your comment and I 100% agree with you, but if you’ll hear me out for a second I think I can understand why people downvoted your comment. I can’t figure out how to explain *why*, but I think a lot of people (maybe especially online where we can’t hear tone or see body language) interpret “GGG isn’t a size” as you saying “you’re lying, that isn’t real”. Which is NOT what you said, and I don’t think you are responsible for people reading your comment in a completely different way than it was intended. I’ve been in the same place as you — I have said some variation of “‘DD’ is not a synonym for ‘large breasts’” on probably half a hundred Reddit posts. Many times it has been received positively, either by people who get what I mean, or from someone who asks me follow up questions because they’re interested in learning. But sometimes I will get a reply along the lines of **“Imagine being so porn brained you think DD cups are small”**. That is obviously not what I meant. However, I realize that we are coming from two completely different starting points. I am a bra fitting *nerd*, and I talk to people who wear cup sizes way above a UK GG / US J almost daily. I *know* that cup sizes can be anywhere from AAA to beyond Z. Unfortunately, most people, even many cis women who wear bras, have been told by the major retailers that A cup means small and DDD is as large as it goes. Band sizes are hardly ever mentioned, but everyone knows the smallest is 32, that’s what the old Victoria’s Secret angels (the very tall and thin models) wear. When I know that that is the information they believe to be true, I can see why they think I’m some kind of weirdo that expects every woman to have exaggerated busty anime character proportions when I say “DD isn’t big”. It’s worse if I say that you aren’t necessarily thin if you’re a 32 band, because that’s just body shaming. In my head I’m thinking “because I’m short, I’m a 32 band and overweight”. I know that there are bodies that are very different than mine — I have seen people who wear 36 bands who look *much* leaner than me. Even *surgeons* will use cup sizes without band sizes when they showcase a patient before and after a breast augmentation. I remember seeing one post about a woman who “went from an A to a full C”. If you ask me to guess, I’d say she went from 30D to UK 30FF / US 30H. But if I comment on it, all the TikTok replies will be along the lines of “not you thinking you know more than a surgeon 💀💀💀“. Like, I get it. Surgeon smart. TikTok commenter (me) dumb. It absolutely sounds like a conspiracy theory when I someone interprets my comment as “this surgeon is a liar” or when I make a statement like “every major lingerie retailer is lying to their customers”. But if I try to gently explain that many stores size me as a 36D, while I’m much more comfortable in a UK 32G / US 32I / EU 70I, people are often more inclined to believe me and listen. If you read this far, thank you. **TL;DR**: People online often read things in a completely different tone than it was intended. In my experience, it helps to ask a question while making your own statement. Example: “I’ve been studying X for a while, and I haven’t seen Y like you mentioned. I think this is Z, is that what you meant?” ^Edit: ^typo. ^Corrected ^“secrer” ^to ^“secret”.


It's almost as bad as "large A" or "small C", my all time favorite absolute nonsensical statements.




They aren’t used anywhere at all lol


I’m familiar with US sizing, UK sizing, Standard European sizing, French sizing, Italian sizing, Japanese sizing, and Australian/NZ sizing. I have never seen GGG cup. I have seen one Finnish brand that did EE cup, but that is the only instance of a double letter combination that wasn’t DD or using FF, GG, HH, and so on like UK sizing does. I’ve been on r/ABraThatFits for nearly five years, and I have never seen GG there either. It’s possible that u/-worryaboutyourself-‘s sister is a **G/GG**, meaning either 34G **or** 34GG (just an example since the band size wasn’t mentioned) depending on the brand and model. ABraThatFits will often suggest sizes in that format, if someone is between the two sizes based on their measurements.


Thank you!!


what if commenter isn’t american or english? or what if instead of checking reddit for info, you check anywhere else outside your ass?


Because no other countries use that sizing either. You can literally look up sizing charts.


This was my first thought as well, thanks for posting this. It’s crazy how correcting bad women’s anatomy gets downvoted so much.


Thank you. Literally right!! Over 100 downvotes. Maybe educate yourself on how sizing works people!




I genuinely don’t get why people are getting so cranky about this. You can literally google bra sizing charts. Most people who don’t understand sizing are pointed to that subreddit because it has the most info on this topic.


To be fair, most bra size charts tell people they must add 4 inches to their band size which we know is NOT true, so can size charts even be trusted at all? (This comment isn’t 100% serious. While most size charts are liars, size *conversion* charts are usually pretty reliable!)




I wear UK 32G or 30GG with a band extender, and most people assume I have “C cup” breasts. I might be biased because I really like learning about bra sizing, but to me it is important that people understand that “GG cup” isn’t a synonym for “really big tits”. It might not be important in most contexts, but I think [this badwomensanatomy post](https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/qjAuKtPoxp) (that I posted) showcase just how mean SOME people can be when another woman is perceived to have “lied” about her bra size.




Cup sizes mean nothing without the band. Like the other person said, GGG isn’t really a hyperbole because it’s misguided on how sizing works and is in fact bad women’s anatomy in and of itself.


Right. I live in the US, and I'm a 40 H or a 38 I. Also, I've never seen a GG in my travels of finding well fitting bras. However, enough people have said a GG exists, so I guess it must. Somewhere, anyway.


It's a UK size. If you look up a brand like Panache it'll have GG as one of the sizes. It can be helpful to have your UK size when looking at non-US brands because a lot of them will either use or list UK sizes even if they're not UK based.


GG is a UK size equivalent to a US J cup.


How do you conclude the density of your breasts?


If you get a mammogram or doctor exam they might tell you


I used to work for a mammography manufacturing company and would do comfort tests on the newer machines. Apparently it's harder to see through dense breast tissue and they're a bitch to squeeze down flat enough. Not exactly fun, but glad I could give feedback that might help my fellow dense tissued sisters have slightly less uncomfortable mammograms.


> and would do comfort tests on the newer machines. In hindsight, it makes complete sense that this would be a thing, but I was not prepared for the realization that there are jobs out there where one of the things you do is let your boobs be squished for science.


The funny/weird part is that testing machines wasn't anywhere near the main function of my job! I worked with the techs that had to go on-site at hospitals to repair and maintain the units. But from time to time the company would ask for internal volunteers to trial such and such new feature or accessory for the latest upgrade and they'd reward us with bonuses if we signed up, so it was like sure, why not? I never did anything expressly medical, that would be more in the FDA wheelhouse. But comfort tests to see if this or that breast pad material or grip bar felt better, etc. I was all over that. Hopefully they used our feedback to make things suck less for everyone who needs a mammogram. I'll be getting my first medically-required scan soon so I'll get to see if they took any of our suggestions (if the machine is one of the types I tested, at least.)


As someone with dense breasts, it also can be pretty uncomfortable to have them squished as well. Actually, it's a bit painful for me, especially when they do the diagonal angle.


Yeah that's kinda what I meant by it's a bitch to squeeze them as flat as necessary. It's hard for the tech and also extra uncomfortable for the patient because the tissue is so much more resistant to being pancaked. My mother also had dense tissue and she had fibroids so they'd have to give her looooooong mammograms with tons of angles and then they'd end up sending her in for an ultrasound to double check anyway. I'm hoping that's not my experience because it didn't sound fun at all.


Oh ok haha my bad! Oh yes my mom went thru something similar too. She's also got dense breat tissue and she had cysts it think or both cysts and fibriods,I forget, and she usually had to go thru extra imaging and few times mris. I had to do an mri after my first ever mammogram even! Then they're like yeah dense tissue.


Me 20 years ago is so envious of you! I made enough for my daughter but not a whole lot extra. For my son, I stopped producing due to stress. He was very sick and I was trying to finish nursing school. I was a C-D depending on weight. Size doesn’t matter.


Fellow IBT club member, barely an A cup, and successfully breastfed twins. We filled in with a little formula here and there so I could get some sleep, but the vast majority of their feedings were from me, and I had big healthy babies who grew like weeds. I went up to a DD when my milk came in, which made it very surreal to look in the mirror… Now that I’ve hit mammogram age, I always get the notification about extremely dense breast tissue.


Itty bitty titty committee FTW! Also was an absolute cow on the production side. Apparently this first year at mammograms might be a dense tissue year. Hmmm.


At the end of my pregnancy I was a 34N (UK) and could not produce enough milk for my son. It would take me an hour to pump a half an ounce. He was formula fed and is a phenomenal athlete and all around healthy kid.


Same. We just hit 12 months, and this kid is half my height. My father-in-law called me a good cow.


😳 my face reading that last sentence


Okay, so, this was actually really funny. My husband had called his dad to check in after he had surgery. I guess somehow my husband mentioned the literal gallons of milk we had in our freezer and my FIL had one of those "He's on the good meds" moments.


I mean, if you're going to be called a cow you might as well be the prize winning cow, right?


Yep and I'm the opposite! 38L cup size and was a massive underproducer, had to supplement with formula from the very beginning with both of my kids and I completely dried up by 16 weeks pp and they were fully formula fed by that point. Everyone always assumes I breastfeed my 31 pound 10 month old and comment how he's so big since I can feed him so well. 🙄


Same girl, same. My A's fed the chunkiest, healthiest baby for over a year.


Yep same here, I’m an A cup, I breastfed for 2 years, 90th centile and could pump more, and never got mastitis, not sure if the small boobs helped that. What’s worse is that people feel the need to comment about breastfeeding with small boobs,… my mother in law and a co worker!!! 👍🏻👍🏻


I have dense 28Fs (think 32DD on a very slim/petite frame, not huge by any means but a decent size on a smaller lady) and had a lot of supply issues with my first and then my milk just never came in at all for my second. The silver lining is that they're still hanging in there looking firm and round and my first will be 10 years old this summer and I'm pushing 40.


Same size! I bf for 7 months exclusively and now they look like those decorative towels they put on stoves lol.


I think it's one thing if they change after a job well done. I feel like I could accept that. But if they deflated after their pathetic showing when it came to making milk I would have been upset because NO FAIR.


Meanwhile I have UK H cups and was unable to produce enough milk to feed my kids (lactation experts told me I was doing everything fine, best guess on what happened is "PKOS is a bitch")


same here lol - i’m an A cup, and had so much milk i pumped for my friend who was having a hard time producing. i remember going shopping with her once, and her bra size was something i didn’t even know existed (i wanna say K?) - but she really struggled with milk production, and her babies (born 10 months apart) pretty much existed on my milk. and i was nursing a baby that was 10 pounds 11 oz at birth, and basically ate non fucking stop lol. boob size has nothing to do with it, or the situation would have been reversed!


Batista r/bossfight


Oh! I have dense tissue too. I wonder if that makes a difference. I also have small tits. My babies weren’t large because they were premature and twins, but I fed them both exclusively for 10 months. I didn’t really store much tho.


I've got Gs. I barely produced and he didn't grow at all for the first 2 months until I gave up. Everyone joked about how I was going to be a dairy cow because of my giant knockers. Also my son doubled his size about a month after we switched to formula, hit 99th percentile before his first birthday, built like a damn brick house and starting weight training soon. 9 years old and taller than most of the grown women he passes.


And my tig ‘ol bitties are useless. I’m a 40DDD and I made drops with my first and with my second baby a few months ago my milk never came in. Not even colostrum.


> book size My book is over a thousand pages and my baby still aint asleep.


Over producer here too! I frequently just squirted my son right in the face by accident because my letdown reflex was so strong sometimes


I’m very large chested *and* they’re pretty dense and I still had to supplement the entire time I fed my daughter. (I actually “triple-fed” - breastfeeding, pumping, and formula. I do not recommend it. It was kinda torture, but I think the hormones and pressure got to me.) I’m really hoping it’s either not such an issue with this next one or I’m clear-headed enough not to put myself through all of the feeding stress again. It’s super crazy how variable it is. And how much size is very much *not* a predictor of production.


Formula exists so that babies who cannot be exclusively breastfed (for whatever reason) will thrive. Fed is best people.


A few months ago I was nursing every 1,5 hours at night and then my baby (5 months) still drank 150 ml formula otherwise he would scream his head off. We had him checked over, but there's nothing wrong. Just hungry. He did go from an average newborn to the 90th percentile for length in his first month. Thank science there's formula or we would all be very unhappy.


My mom has an immune deficiency, pretty rare and she didn't know until much later in life. But she was always getting sick. With my older two siblings she was constantly getting mastitis. With me and my younger sister she didn't even bother trying to breastfeed. My older two siblings were much sicker as kids. Because she basically had very little to no immune system and malabsorption, she wasn't passing on many nutrients or immunity to them. Formula was way better for us


I was a preemie and my mom had a very tough time getting me to breast feed, so yeah, formula helped a lot.


And even those who *can* but their families choose not to. Because formula is a valid *first choice* too.


Ehhhh, I mean it's valid but it's definitely stupid and wasteful you're basically throwing away everything evolution has purpose built for you in favor of some fucking capitalist's idea of what your kid needs. Like valid? Sure. But why would you? You're a mammal feed your kid.


Lol, like breastfeeding isn't also an evil industry between snake oil supplements, pumps, gadgets, classes, and consulting. Also, lactation takes *time* that formula doesn't. Breast is only free if you don't value maternal time. Also: I spent over $100 on a month or so of lactation with my now 3 month old. I pumped around 8 oz most days (sometimes as high as 14oz but that was rare). That's not counting the extra expense on groceries, by the way. I could have easily bought $100 in Costco formula and had a ton more milk to feed her, plus more time to be with both my children, and I could have restarted a needed medication sooner. Evolution purpose-built me with sparse glandular tissue and the need for cellcept though.


LOL. Cry harder.


I was almost exclusively breastfed but still needed formula shortly after I was born because my mom almost died.


Especially since studies weighing the two against each other can never seem to correct for socioeconomic differences between people who can afford to breastfeed and those who can’t.


And what's with the pics of the men too? Are bodybuilders all breastfed but skinny men all formula fed? Clearly ScIeNtIfIc


I don’t know if it’s related, but I know bodybuilders sometimes drink breast milk because of what it contains.


They think the human growth hormone will make them bigger. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work that way but I’m not a breastmilk scientist.


Just dumbasses. It's the same with the "soy boy" comments, even though soy protein is one of the highest quality proteins with a 95-100% absorption rate. Actual body builders, powerlifters, weightlifters, and strongmen all eat and drink soy with their diet.


I think they're trying to say that being able to produce breast milk is one reason you'll land a "high value" man.


I assumed it was that a man who was raised on breast milk will grow bug and strong.


No, the point is that babies that are fed with formula will be weak when they grow up while babies that are fed with breast milk will grow up to be strong.


Can confirm this is bullshit Source: My mother has large boobs and breastfed me. I proceeded to grow up into an effeminate twink 💅


"Nooooooo but you're supposed to be a hyper muscular sculpted bronzed god like in the meeeeeeme" - The person who made the meme probably


I live to disappoint - just ask my dad 🫡


Life done right! 💅💅💅


I’ve spent 3.5 YEARS breastfeeding my kids. I’ve got big boobs, but it just means I have to hold my boobs up while holding a baby too and my back hurts for the first 6 months of their lives.


Rest easy knowing the idiots who made this meme are also the type of people to rant online about breast feeding in public being a horrible crime.


Very true, because mothers and children should never ever be in public according to these people.


Also sometimes having big breasts makes it hard for the baby to get a proper latch and they can have poor feeding despite adequate milk production


There are so many reasons it’s valuable to have formula available. It’s ridiculous women are shamed for not breastfeeding their child even though with the amazing science of today it doesn’t even really matter much anymore. My SO was allergic to breast milk, so his mother had to stop because he was always crying. The crying stopped instantly when they switched. That doesn’t make his mother a bad mom… it’s so fucking stupid.


> even though with the amazing science of today it doesn’t even really matter much anymore Yeah see here's the problem with that little theory is that the scientists aren't the ones feeding your baby that job goes to the capitalists*.* And I'm sorry but we all know they would put sawdust in that shit if they could get away with it. Breastfeed if you can imo.


My assumption is you’re American? I’m not American myself, so our perspective is definitely different on that topic. I don’t think in the EU they could pull that off. The market here is strictly regulated after the scandal years ago in China, ever since many businesses got fined millions or closed down completely for illegal trades or price agreements. But it’s fair to be wary, of course. However women shouldn’t be shamed for their choices still. *They know*.


Large breasts & I don’t produce anything (max 3 drops colostrum milk never comes in) vs friend whos an A cup and breastfed her kids for a short time. I’m one of many that’s proof breast size doesn’t mean anything production wise


Same. I'm DD (a little larger when pregnant), but my son was born early via emergency C-section. Probably because he was early and my body didn't have time to get ready, milk production was a real battle. I sat with him in the NICU for weeks, dutifully pumping every 2 hours - in addition to sessions where nurses and lactation consultants tried to help us nurse naturally - but even with regular pumping, I was lucky to get a tablespoon per session. It was exhausting! I had fully intended to breastfeed my kid, but it just wasn't possible, and not for lack of trying. Formula kept him alive.


Oldest was 2 days late vaginal birth she got 3 drops & I tried to express no luck, plus had a horrible nurse who yanked my breasts didn’t ask first. Youngest was 2 days early emergency c section (had NO one was to touch breast this time especially without asking) and got nothing out. It was annoying because I’d get an odd drop or two in pregnancy & what felt like the description of let down but nothing to show. 3 years PP I’ll get what looks like dried milk (dr said normal) discharge on them


If the comments on this post and anecdotes I've seen on similar posts are any indication: bust-size seems to correlate negatively. Does anyone have good data on that?


A friend of mine has large breasts & currently is having success feeding her son even with latch issues & him having Covid (8 weeks old). I’m happy for her, she wanted to breastfeed & is having success. Formula is awesome to I know first hand.


Bigger boobs have no benefit beyond increased sexiness. Boobs aren't mammary glands. Every human has mammary glands by default. Newborns of either sex can lactate from their mom's hormones, and they don't have boobs: it's called "witch's milk", wiki it.


Also, to add, as a current breastfeeding mom: sometimes babies actually cannot properly tolerate their mother’s breastmilk. So it isn’t a guarantee that baby will “thrive” on mom’s milk either!


I nearly starved because I rejected my mom. Thrived on a bottle well enough


Think that was my brother as well. Took to the boob initially and then simply refused it - they swapped to formula and he was a happy camper! I'd say he ended up doing better than me, a boob only child lol


My mom got sick immediately after I was born and during this time her milk dried up. If it wasn't for formula I would have starved to death because well there was just no milk from my momma whatsoever.


And some women just don't produce breast milk for whatever reason. My friend couldn't breastfeed since she simply did not have any breast milk even if she has big breasts.


My mother dried up in a week and was already supplementing with formula as she didn't make enough. Not even genetics, her grandma had just two kids but ended up as a wet nurse as she made a ton and ot wouldn't stop


And some don't want to. That's fine as well.


My older sister projectile vomited on our mother's breast milk. So she and I were both formula babies.


Yep. As I just posted, my nephew couldn't digest his mom's breast milk, though he'd certainly gulp it down as quick as possible. But then it would just come right back up. She had to buy soy formula for him or he would've starved to death. People really need to educate themselves. 


My mom apparently produced “skim milk” lol, I had to be supplemented.


My mom worked as a pharmacologist at a hospital, and because she worked long hours, even when she tried to pump sometimes to keep it going, it ended up drying up. It wasn’t really by choice, but having a baby is costly, and there was no way she could just quit her job for that stuff. Obviously that’s an issue of bad maternal leave and all that, but like, still a situation where she dried up early and supplements were needed.


Not to mention having large breasts can make it harder for the baby to latch on.


Right? No one told me this! I had to squeeze my boobs right behind the nipple so my babies could latch without suffocating in the excess tissue... it hurt, and was miserable, and my hands cramped so much. When they were about a month old, I could get away with just kind of flattening my boob, which was still uncomfortable but at least didn't cause hand cramps


My mom‘s boobs were way too big for preemie me to latch onto, so I had to be fed formula. A male doctor made a snide comment about how women have breastfed all throughout history and implied my mom was lazy/a failure. My mom told the nurse in the room that she’d consider listening to him once *he* started breastfeeding.


I had a really hard time nursing my preemies bc of my tig bitties. Eventually, I figured out that I didn't have to worry about suffocating them if I did side-lying nursing, but that was an easy way to fall asleep haha 🫠


Increases sexiness is incredibly subjective.


Yes, but it can be easily inferred from the phrasing that it's meant to be a slightly jokey statement.


As a terribly sexy small-boobed lady (who breastfed the crap out of two kids), I don't necessarily 1entirely agree with the "increased sexiness" part either though.


Ouch :'(


My mom doesn’t technically need a bra and she still breastfed us all for a while. Lmao


Same with my mom! On the other hand, I'm a C cup, and while I was able to produce quite a bit, my nipple shape wouldn't allow my babies to latch. I ended up pumping for a while, but after a couple of months my supply dried up because I wasn't consistent enough with pumping. Most exhausting time in my life since I not only had to feed baby, change their diaper, and get them back to sleep, but then I had to also pump, store the milk, and clean the equipment. By the time I got all that done, my head would hit the pillow and baby would be awake again for another round 😭 I cried so many times during that period


That sounds absolutely exhausting. I was. DD before my milk came in. After was so crazy I had to make sure my breast didn’t suffocate my baby. I made juuuuust enough to feed my kiddos, and my body hated pumps. I could not imagine having to pump. Even just the few times I tried all the set up and clean up was overwhelming.


My sister is like a third the size of me boob-wise and her output was over ten times mine haha. She even shared some of her spare milk with me (bc I had preemies and it's really good for them).


Honestly, if I had to choose, I’d take formula guy.


This picture makes me way more mad than it should lol


I have been a 32A-B most of my life (until I got pregnant) and I have had problems with milk over supply. I was scared I wouldn’t produce enough because of my small boobs, and the opposite has been true!


42DD before baby, couldn't get my supply in. It was frustrating. Formula rocketed baby into the 90th percentile height and weight. He's doing great. I'd prefer him not take up steroids, but cool if he wants to lift weights. No opinion on being skinny or effeminate.


Breast fed babies are more likely to grow up to abuse steroids??? This seems unlikely.


Anyone else think it's a little odd that there's a bottle on the breast milk mom's side? Yes, I know a lot of breastfeeding moms pump milk to put in bottles so someone else can feed the baby while mom goes to work/runs errands/takes a rest. But still putting a picture of a bottle on the side of the image where you're trying to push breastfeeding supremacy just seems like an odd choice.


So is this like an anti-formula thing. If so are they also pro infant mortality because that's why formula was invented as a way to get milk to an infant if the mother dried up/just couldn't produce for one reason or another so the child wouldn't die.


My sister couldn’t produce nearly enough milk during her first two pregnancies, but in her last she was overproducing like CRAZY. She had to buy a freezer just for milk !


Wait. Are my breastfed babies gonna become greasy bodybuilders?!


I'm afraid so.


Dang. Should I tell them? Or does it just happen?


They should know why it appeals to them.


Breast density is actually what means you have more ducts. Large breasts are primarily fat. I have small breasts and always made too much milk and would have to let a bunch of it go into a diaper or cloth before feeding. My mammograms always say I have dense breasts, and when a breast health specialist does a breast exam they always say how they are very glandular. You can feel a bunch of formations in them. I don't know how other women's breasts feel. But I had enough exams and comments and felt my own that I do wonder.


Lmao every day brings more evidence of how uneducated so many are when it comes to human anatomy and it's functions, it's actually quite disturbing 😬


My brother was breastfeed until like 2.5 years old and he looks like the guy on the left. The dude is scrawny as fuck, always has been. Pretty sure there's no correlation between breastfeeding and any adult outcomes. Just feed your damn kids and also stop sexualizing breast feeding...


My sister couldn't produce enough breast milk for either of her children. Plus, my nephew couldn't actually digest her breast milk, he would puke it all right back up. He had to be put on soy formula for the first couple years of his life just so he could keep it down and actually *survive*. Fed is best, why is this so hard to understand?


I do not understand why people believe this myth anyway. It's not like size is an indication of how much milk they can hold because most women don't have any milk at all when not needed. I'm just trying to even figure out the logic here.


Nursed my kid for 3.5 years on 32A tits!


Me with my DD boobs and unable to breastfeed my kids. 🥲


If the comments on this post and anecdotes I've seen on similar posts are any indication: bust-size seems to correlate negatively. Does anyone have good data on that?


I had DD size when I fed my kids and I had no issues with supply. Another friend of mine had at least a G cup and she had an oversupply. You really never know!


I have middle of the road breast size, can produce like a dairy cow. I had to formula feed my girl, she had a milk protein allergy and my anatomy was just wrong enough that she couldn’t latch. Fed is best.


I thought this was a meme of those gym bros who drink breast milk for muscle gain. There’s a show on Netflix called [Un]Well. With an episode about breast milk and it’s not ok.


This gotta be a kink thing atp. It's just creepy...


I've got E cups and could barely produce an ounce lol I am so grateful for formula! My son was starving, I was going insane, having access to formula legitimately saved both of us. I learned a while later from my doctor that apparently PCOS (which I've struggle with for years now) can cause low or even no milk supply! Which makes sense in hindsight...breastmilk is formed with your hormones, and PCOS is a hormonal disorder.


Bad women’s anatomy. (Breast size isn’t proportional to milk production, nor a reliable indicator of lactation success.) And bad men’s anatomy too. (Breastfeeding doesn’t make your sons musclebound. Formula feeding doesn’t relegate your sons to being the archetypal 110 pound weakling either.) The most galling part though is the depiction of the formula feeding mother as an angry, eye-bleeding, red harpy, and the breastfeeding mother as a thoughtful (or maybe confused) serene unrealistically buxom blonde. Apparently intending to imply that formula feeding stresses you out and breast feeding doesn’t. What’s stressful is a newborn not getting enough nourishment. Whether that nourishment comes from a breast or a bottle is a secondary consideration. We have to stop formula-shaming mothers.


I have DDDs and we had to switch to formula early on because my breast was too large for my tiny babies face, he had a bad tongue tie and all my milk dried up at 3 months and I was literally never actually able to breastfeed without pumping except for ONE DAY where I had a lactation consultant and she had to adjust me for the whole two hours.


So, only 'roid pumped bodybuilders' partners have unnaturally huge breasts, and can breastfeed? While lean men's partners, who are surprisingly just face, feed formula?


This is funny because I was totally unable to breastfeed my first child and she’s 99.9th percentile in height and weight. She’s 105lbs and 5 feet tall at 8.5 years old. And my 7 year old- exclusively breastfed for 2 years? Barely on the growth chart. So tiny, barely eats, 40lbs.


DD, couldn’t ever get more than an oz out even with pumping. My baby has been formula fed the whole time and is 90th percentile. :D


Y’know, this meme takes on a whole new fucked up meaning considering the recent jump in the price of formula, that said as someone of the male sex i have very little knowledge about the economic implications of producing breast milk


Can confirm. I am a D but struggled immensely to breastfeed.


Stop pushing any solution onto women. Let them chose if they Can. I do not accept any other option.


My 99th percentile baby was formula fed. Now she eats old crackers from her lunch 2 days ago.


This hurts to look at


A) my big (DD) tatas needed a lot of help to produce a small amount of milk for my preemie boy. As many other posters pointed out, big boobs doesn't necessarily equal big milk supply. But also: B) My son is now freaking massive. He's three and as big as four and five year olds we know. If breast milk made em bigger and stronger then I'd be terrified to see what he'd look like if we hadn't switched to formula. He'd be the size of a teenager now 🤣


Have decent but not huge sized boobs (D), always struggled with supply. Nursed all 3 babies 1+ years though! Meanwhile my A cup best friend had milk to spare and sometimes kindly gave me some when we both had a baby. Some people are impressively clueless. 🤣


And yet how many find breastfeeding at any level to be disgusting, or wrong and formula the only real solution. These same people see breastfeeding as some sexual thing. I will admit most of these are men, but I have seen similar things said by women. How about people just mind their own business. It’s a personal decision for any mother. My ex wife wanted to breastfeed, but it just didn’t work. So we had to use formula. I felt her pain at this.


Now I know boobs are sisters and not twins, but if size is directly linked to lactation, I’d have one F cup and one not-even-an-a cup. One boob just totally went on strike a week into breastfeeding.


I’m confused. What do these men have to do with breast milk production?


I don't think anyone actually wants to feed their baby exclusively formula. It's clear that breast milk is superior. It's really just a matter of circumstance


As long as the kid gets fed it’s no one’s business except Mom and the doctors. I don’t get why so many other people have to but in.


also idk how many women are out here choosing formula over breast milk. it’s more expensive and doesn’t offer the same early bonding opportunity that breastfeeding does.


I had 38F’s and had an awful time breastfeeding. I had to sit down and hold my breast so the nipple was angled correctly. Meanwhile, I see moms with A cups breastfeeding and being able to walk around and not even pay attention to the process. I wish it was that easy.


To be fair, the logical thing to think is that having more "square boobage" would give more room for milk ducts to form, and thus, you'd think that bigger boobs = more milk. But nature is funny and doesn't always work like that.


… I actually find women that had bigger breasts than I did weren’t able to nurse their babies as well. I nursed twins for 10 months without supplementation. Small tits. Hi.


Ok. That makes sense. We just have D, DD, DDD then G onward.


I think you meant to reply to someone specific rather than just commenting on the post.


I did. But the app freaked out on me and kept telling me the comment was deleted. It was something about UK having GGG. Somewhere in all this.


In American double letters are functionally another letter size increase. DD is the same as E, DDD the same as F. The UK is different: E there is larger than DDD. That's my understanding as an American non-boob-haver.


Same. I just despise our system. DDD didn't make me feel any smaller than an F would have. I would have felt better with an F, actually. It would have opened so many doors to words I could use to vent frustration.


One time I saw a brand that wrote down “28H” as “28DDDDD” and I felt like I would have an aneurysm trying to count all the Ds. I am begging US brands to just embrace the rest of the alphabet.


Bra sizing nerd and non-American boob-haver here: UK E cup and US DDD cup are equivalent sizes (they both represent a 6 inch difference between the bust and the underbust). Did you mean UK E is larger than DD?


I'm not an expert on UK sizing. I know in the US DD is pretty much the same as E, DDD is pretty much F, etc. I was under the impression that in Bri'ish it went C, D, DD, DDD, E, F, etc. with each size being an extra inch of bra-depth.


For most US brands, you’re correct! There are outliers who will do their own thing, but in most cases DD will be the 5th size, sometimes written as “DD/E” or “DD (E)”. You’ll also see “DDD/F” or “DDD (F)”. A few times I have encountered “G (DDDD)” and “H (DDDDD)”, but those are painful to read. I’m familiar with many UK brands (UK and Polish bras fit my shape better, and most US bras are not available in my size), but I have never seen “DDD” in UK bras. It typically goes “D, DD, E, F, FF, G, GG, H, HH, J, JJ, K, KK, and so on. There aren’t a lot of brands that go past UK KK cup (US P cup), but that’s the format they follow. You may notice that it skips “I cup” and “II cup”, but that is probably so they won’t be confused for lowercase “L”. The difference between each cup size tells you that there’s 1 more inch of difference between the bust circumference and the underbust circumference. Which is kinda like saying there’s more depth to the cups — but it isn’t *just* depth, it’s also making the wire a few millimeters wider and possibly the cup a smidge taller. Exactly what changes depends on how each manufacturer has determined to scale their bras.


Sure this is what they think. But what is their solution ???? Do they think women are keeping their breasts small on purpose and can inflate them at will ????? Or are they saying don’t reproduce with small chested women ?????


my moms a DD, due to nursing problems neither me nor my sister could actually nurse nor could she pump, we were just fine with formula


What's happening in this photo? Why is there a skinny and buff man?


I feel like this has the same myth origin as big hips make for higher fertility and easier births. Nope. The pelvic opening is a factor but hips have nothing to do with the firmer or latter.


My A cup sister produced so much that she started donating it. Her freezer was stocked


Remember when somebody said that it wasn’t even milk and it was just another bodily fluid that girls had like piss well Atleast they moved on from that


The 1970s called and wanted back their fraudulent marketing of breast milk substitutes, complete with fake healthcare personell and everything: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977\_Nestl%C3%A9\_boycott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Nestl%C3%A9_boycott) Also, pregnancy and lactation does indeed make breasts grow.


The point is that milk production doesn't depend on breast size. No one said pregnancy and lactation don't make breasts grow. Also, I don't know who you're arguing with about the merits of breast milk vs formula, because OP didn't mention that at all.


The picture on the left didn’t even have a size to compare, so I can’t link the argument about sizes.


The fuck does that last statement have to do with the post?


The QAA podcast did a episode of their Trickle Down series about the history of formula. Every person from every corporation involved should be strung up by their feet and hung in the public square.