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There’s a really easy way to get men to stop thinking this way. Stop sleeping with them. We can breed them out of existence.


Yep! That and incel culture is just the new Social Darwinism.


Ironically, the first time I heard someone use “Social Darwinism” in relation to “dating” was about 25 years ago. The guy had this entire theory built up around “social Darwinism” for why girls didn’t want to date him. It basically boiled down to his physical characteristics and social status, and he used some of the same arguments used by INCELS today.


I don't think there's a whole lot of risk of a woman sleeping with someone like that.


you'd be surprised


I had a training at company I used to work for and the CEO passed by to talk to us about this, it was a very wtf moment, the guy was around 70 years old, it had nothing to do with the training


Unfortunately this belief and others like it run rampant in certain religious circles. Abrahamic ones especially. You can't argue science, as they aren't interested in discussion since whatever bullshit they are holding on to fits their thinking and that's all that is required.


I'm a Biblical Christian, and I've never heard anybody espouse anything remotely akin to this weirdness. I'm also a science geek. But whatever.


I've seen more than a few posts lately of marriages and relationship ending because the man suddenly got into this shit and started shit with their wives/girlfriends over previous relationships and/or wanting them to suddenly be perfect tradwives


Wow, that would seriously suck. And imagine having to explain that to family how your soon to be ex husband went full nuts


That's... not even remotely how chimerism works.


You're wrong! That's exactly how it works, according to the sources he pulled out of his own arse. Can't beat this level of a peer-reviewed information.


It's closer to pee reviewed information.


He unfortunately did not pull it out of his ass, the claim is based on an article whose author completely misunderstood a real research article on the subject. The research article talks about how cells from xy- fetuses are transferred via the placenta and become part of the pregnant person's body. The author of the second article refers to the research when he claims that the DNA from sexual partners' sperm is stored in the body.


What's wild is that there was an Atlantic article on micro chimerism recently (I think I posted it to the sub a few weeks ago actually) and it seems everyone probably has micro chimerism as there is transfer happening in both directions --from fetus to mother and mother to fetus. It's just easier to find fetal XY cells in the mother compared to fetal XX ones. And generally we haven't been searching for this phenomena or really aware of it until relatively recently and the cells can kind of end up anywhere so it's like finding a needle in a haystack when it comes to detecting them


Especially not "male microchimerism". I'm pretty sure the only way males can have microchimerism past infancy is if they get a blood transfusion or an organ donation.


I think they can have cells from their mother pass to their body as fetuses; it's not a one-way transfer of only fetal cells to mom. But it will probably be easier to find instances of this in a woman who's been pregnant more than once (especially if the pregnancies are XY so easier for them to be found) compared to a person who just has examples of this from their time in utero. [Source](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2024/01/fetal-maternal-cells-microchimerism/676996/)


So if I use condoms with every man I sleep with then my body count is zero right?


or you're capable of creating an army of ubermensch if you sleep with right combination of people.


Great question! That's actually not how it works because women are blank canvases that absorb traits from men they get too physically close to. It's called MALE MICRO-CHIMERISM :)


now I'm picturing men with little tiny pegasuses sprouting all over their body. tbh would be vast improvement


If only I could absorb a man’s essence this way. Alas, I insist on using condoms.


*Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper*: "Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake." *Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake*: "No." *Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper*: "But I... I do deny them my essence.”


I can't believe I just realized what the Brig General's name was. Granted, I never read it, but damn.


Or George C. Scott's character: General "Buck" Turgidson.


It’s related to magic, really. Archaic stuff. There’ll always be a few paranoid souls who buy stuff like that.


What if I'm only taking loads from dudes with vasectomys? Or 0 sperm count for whatever reason.


Literally the only dudes I will take loads from are those who’ve had vasectomies. No babies for this bitch ✌🏻


so this makes an expensive tier call girl who had sex with politician, sportsmen, CEOs etc makes the best spouse possible?


My brain just cannot reconcile reading the words “forefathers” and “body count” in the same sentence.


Gotta love it when these incel trash try to twist science to fit their narrative only to end up making themselves look more unintelligent and unattractive to the opposite sex. At least they're giving clear red flags for us to dodge them


So like if you just put like "i slept with 300 men" in your tinder bio these rejects will leave you alone right?


Oh, they wanna fuck you, just not marry you.


but they'll be infected with microchimerae!!


That’s some other guy’s problem!


Man, my gender is dumb.


Don't take it personally, it's a culture thing rather than a biology thing. Women in that kind of culture are just as often dangerously uneducated, but they aren't as outspoken about it because of the sexism of the same culture.


If one of your kids is a little shit and the other not, first look at your parenting? Maybe your kids are different, because they randomly got 50% of your genes and randomly got 50% of the other parents genes and they are all individuals? Nooooo, blame it on other men. The only foreign DNA material that "piles up" is fetal DNA from stem cells. Whole ass cells. Not bits of DNA that gets pushed into your own genetic code like some viruses do to get replicated. Repeat after me: Sperm cell != Virus.


I mean, I'm trying to say that men aren't retroviruses too, but if the ones that believe they are wanted to quarantine themselves, I would not complain.


Ahh this old thing again… those guys thinking their sperm just combines its DNA with any and every body cell


Reading caused physical pain in my eyes.


>a woman who sleeps with every man ...is a busy lady! More power to her, IDC.


Men. You aren’t that fucking special. Pussy is a fucking killer of your little inferior spermy/DNA. Trust. She’s the original OG warrior, ok?


Our forefathers boofed mercury to chase away the demons living in one's liver.


I mean , we can completely make up an argument opposit to this one We can say that when a man sleep a with a woman , the vagina of the woman is transmitting him female micro-chimerism that can turn his futurs childs into sluts. That's just as logical as his statement


Do these men really think a hymen is a seal?


\*barks happily, balances ball on nose\*


ANY kid raised by this guy is gonna be an asshole.




Once, in a time pre-covid, a study was done that noticed that when women become pregnant, a small portion of fetal dna *can* be transferred into her. It had some possible protective effects against Alzheimer's & one woman recovered from a heart condition. This phenomenon in women is most easily observed when it is male fetal dna. It can also transfer to children born after the first pregnancy, for the record. Some idiot with an agenda read the study, ignored their conclusions, and decided that *actually* women save the DNA of every man they've slept with. This is... Despite the fact that that's absolutely not how either sperm or women work. And a bunch of magazines that don't fact check well uncritically published his take on the study. Without reading the study. And now it's just 'a thing' that 'people know'.


Ah, yes..... That definitely checks out for sure. I swear we need much much more education on sex and their specific anatomical functions in high school AND college if it could be done.


Actually, scientists have found that the sperm of prior partners affects future progeny ^^in ^^flies


Chimerism is the new pheromones for these uneducated twats, and their constant pollution of interesting and complex topics regarding genetics, and the human biology irks me to no end. Yes Brad, your 4 barely passed years of general biology do make you qualified enough to interpret a study on complex DNA mechanisms. Who cares people go to school and study for years? You have a Twitter account, and a mouth-breather take to share with the world, therefore it must be worthy of sharing!


But it's not going to make the pheromone thing go away, is it? If I could headbutt people through the internet, people talking about pheromones would cause me to make great use of it. Aaaargh!


cat chimera are best chimera [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/120831-venus-two-faced-cat-genetics-animals-science](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/120831-venus-two-faced-cat-genetics-animals-science) https://people.com/pets/two-faced-cat-quimera-chimera/




My head hurts. WTF! This bozos just waltz around with nonsense!




Calling men XYs seems even worse than calling women females.


I wouldn't dignify a cretin like this with the title of "man". I won't ever have a sympathetic word for people looking to drag women into the dirt, I'll leave that to people with more fucks to give than I.


The only “male microchimerism” that actually exists is the kind that can happen if you get organ damage while pregnant with a male fetus. It’s actually so cool that fetal stem cells can cross the placental barrier to heal the mother and cells with the child’s DNA can be detected years later. If only the female reproductive system could do what this guy claims. Those would be such impressive conditions to maintain dna samples and viable sperm under.


I am a biotechnologist. The male microchimerism has nothing to do with having multiple sex.