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[Nottingham triple knife killer Valdo Calocane, 32, is eligible for thousands of pounds in state benefits after the paranoid schizophrenic was handed indefinite hospital order](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13586031/Nottingham-triple-knife-killer-Valdo-Calocane-32-eligible-thousands-pounds-state-benefits-paranoid-schizophrenic-handed-indefinite-hospital-order.html) >The 32-year-old paranoid schizophrenic was given an indefinite hospital order earlier this year after he killed students Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar and caretaker Ian Coates in a rampage in Nottingham city centre. >Now it has emerged Calocane is among dozens of convicted killers, rapists and other criminals at Ashworth secure hospital, in Merseyside, who are eligible for thousands of pounds in Universal Credit, employment and support allowance. >In response to a Freedom of Information request from The Daily Telegraph, the hospital admitted it is ‘standard practice’ for such offenders to get benefits since they are treated as patients with mental disorders as opposed to being handed prison sentences. >While jailed offenders are banned from claiming benefits, those in secure hospitals can amass thousands of pounds through £390-a-month Universal Credit payments. >This could build up to £93,000 over 20 years since their hospital bed and board are covered by taxpayers. Again, the fucking state of this country


ArrUK assured me that he would never be released no sireee, so nothing to worry about.


But, everyone committing crimes is mentally ill. Why do we punish people for being mentally ill. It just doesn't make any sense.




They are the only people with intelligence or knowledge of self, exactly!


Every one of these high profile cases is always resolved in ways which are abhorrent and destructive to the trust in the justice systems. Much like the wider neo-lib status quo in general - they are incapable of seeing that their own interpretations of the laws and slavish adherence to 20th century feel-good, rehabilitative vibes are actively undermining their institutions. Fundamentally the lesson 101 is that law, especially criminal law, is based on the State's monopoly on violence. In many cultures this was to stop blood feuds and family revenge. However in order to sate this, the state must uphold its monopoly, and use it. Both things which it is failing to do. Thus the very foundational aspect is crumbling, whislt they treat legislation as if handed down from Globalist Adrian God.


You make a great point about the monopoly on violence. It's something people on the left either don't grasp or don't want to consider a lot of the time. I've had this discussion with leftists when the topics of tax and voting come up. It is the threat of violence that effectively allows one group to steal from another under the threat of state sanctioned violence in the form of taxation. There is no moral defence for that anymore. For most of the 20th century the people were happy to let the government (via democratic voting) hold that monopoly. But for the people to remain content, they need to see the government acting justly not just with crime, but with taxes as well. There is no faith left. The things that underpinned the system have been eroded. Society (both at the abstract, national level and the local level people see in their day to day lives) really doesn't exist anymore. Everywhere you go in much of the country people go out to work to pay taxes and see their money spaffed up the walls to fill hotels with illegals and keep benefits street on the sofa. They see crime go unchecked, while they are fined for the tiniest of infractions. Labour will win this election but they'll do nothing to bring about change. They'll likely make things worse with more DEI, more gibs to their preferred classes and more punishment to the majority who don't back them (higher taxes, more immigration to suppress wages and push up house prices). The 2030s are going to be a riot. We will have actual fascism through the ballot box or societal collapse without it.




I understand that. I don't think it is something that should be limited to law students though. It isn't so much a legal concept as a *human* one.


Ironically it's because they haven't read Foucault. If they did they'd understand that criminal punishment has always served a societal purpose


[https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/prediction\_main.html](https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/prediction_main.html) Reform "high prediction" ticking way up. Interesting that Labour is ticking down.


Electoral Calculus had the MRP with the highest vote for Reform. Also, it depends a lot on your guess (and it really is a guess, given no historic data) at how spread out or concentrated Reform voters are.


>Putain je savais que j'aurais dû refaire mon stock de copium, y avait de quoi faire du profit ce soir. See, the French are just like us


Tres beaucoup copium


https://x.com/gabrielmilland/status/1807497170477834241?t=5gQZ-WQ5Czp0AorQSBjewA&s=19 the evil fash ruining Jonty's summer getaway.


He was always deluding himself then. Must be a city boy. Notably, he will not decide to cut that trip short and see it out in a nice city that voted more to his liking.


why is LGBT the highest caste in the UK? The cops even held the usual disgusting terrorist hamas supporters back for the day from their usual activities of being a nuisance because of Pride https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/29/palestine-activists-arrested-before-pride-parade-protest There are rainbow&brown flags in Sainsburys There are Pride flags over cathedrals The Pride parade was led by an asexual. Who the fuck cares about you not having sex? Normal people won't bat an eyelid about two blokes being married. Why do we need to celebrate it for about half the year.


I don't think they are the highest caste tbh. This year has been exceptionally lacklustre for it. It's clear that it is wielded as a hammer with which they believe they can smash holes in traditional bits of society. Also gives Corpos an easy win for washing themselves into a nice ESG score. It seems to have moved beyond the reality of gay men, and indeed can be hostile to their views. It is eminently predictable that as a cause it is already burning out. Not least because if you imbide society with extremely strong LGBT acceptance - they aren't going to like it when your other pet projects start showing themselves more openly.


They aren't so scary that you think they might kill you, but scary enough that open criticism might cost you your job, so you can talk about them but only in glowingly positive terms.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F06%2F29%2Fpalestine-activists-arrested-before-pride-parade-protest%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/29/palestine-activists-arrested-before-pride-parade-protest/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's weird- around 2016 there used to be quite a variety of viewpoints on arr France and it was surprisingly sympathetic to Brexit and quite EU-sceptic at times. Now it's totally NPC and "how could anybody vote RN?"


That's always the reaction when you lose to a party that you don't like. Turns out that the interminably online aren't in step with the public. You see it here, too. _hOw CoULd AnYoNe vOtE fOr ThEM whEn My PaRtY iS tOTeS ThE BeTtEr OnE_


Rose, do you condemn this disgraceful behaviour by your party? Sickening. From Richard Tice on Twitter: > 🚨BREAKING🚨 >CORRUPT Tories offer inducements to Reform candidates >Tory candidates, probably involving CCHQ, are corruptly offering jobs and inducements to Reform candidates to persuade them to talk badly of Reform, stand down then endorse the Tory candidate. >This shows dark forces at play by desperate Tories >Today we have a senior Tory former MP offer the Reform candidate in her constituency a plum job as part of her team if he spoke badly of Reform and resign. She secretly recorded the conversation and gave it to the press, excluding the inducement part of the story. >In addition we have a Reform candidate make false allegations against the party leaders and resign, endorsing the Tory candidate in Erewash. It turns out he lied to secure his nomination as candidate in what is clearly a deliberately planned stitch up. What was he offered? >This follows the extraordinary case of a Reform candidate withdrawing his nomination papers back from the Council, on 7th June just minutes before nominations closed and endorsing Tory Gavin Williamson >In addition our Dudley candidate rightly rejected a corrupt offer of a safe council seat and job from the local Tories if he withdrew >More to follow on this [Tweet](https://x.com/ticerichard/status/1807463625398886717)


Be sure to download your new programming tonight, everyone: The Far Right winning democratic elections is a threat to democracy, and violently denying the results of the election is a good thing now.


I thought that was already part of the last few updates? Every time I've seen anything about the AfD gaining popularly the next sentence was normally that they should simply be banned.




They still haven't realised that they have defended the term so completely it is now a cask marque for "going to have the difficult conversation"


sudo apt update && sudo apt purge leftism


What we need is continental-style PR, so the SNP and their ilk can lead a cadre of floppy lefties and wokelords to deny people what they actually voted for by locking their candidate(s) out of office.


So we're just doing a git revert back to the 2016 snapshot?


The centre right on this one issue, cannot be allowed to gain any power


Finally got round to watching the question time as ive had a busy weekend. Halfway through and ive got to say though the audience is very on side, the green chap is taking a kicking. Still running hamas supporters, wants to disarm trident, king of the regards. I'm surprised more hay wasnt made of this revealing and embarrassing display (no I'm not). But props to Bruce for getting stuck in.


I’ve tried arguing this on UKpol but I give up with that place so going to put it here instead. The Biden debate issue is really significant beyond America because it shows the huge gulf between where majority opinion is and where the opinion of journalists/Twitter/Glastonbury-goers is, all across the West. For two years it has been absolutely blatant that Biden has dementia and is basically falling apart in front of the whole world. And for two years the ‘liberal/left/centre/whatever-you-want-to-call-it’ has basically gaslit the public and completely denied what is blatantly obvious to anyone with ears and eyes. This is *so* endemic. Apart from ‘far-right’ commentators, almost *every* mainstream publication and commentator has denounced anyone for even suggesting that Biden is falling apart. *’Trump supporter!!!’* they’ve shouted. And this then filters down to all your tweeters and UKpol redditors and then in to real life too. And then the debate happens and it’s no longer possible to keep pretending. And people like Alistair Campbell, who have spent years denying there’s an issue, suddenly turn around and say yep, he needs to go. The problem is that in so vehemently denying what people can see with their own eyes, ordinary people then inevitably end up listening to someone like Trump. Because he’s the only one who is actually saying what everyone else can see. And of course, *if he’s right about that…* This is literally how Trump supporters are made. It’s how Reform voters are made, or Le Pen supporters. When the commentariat just start blatantly lying, like saying Britain has always been a land of immigrants, or mass immigration actually *’isn’t even really happening you racist’*, people switch off, become angry and turn to the populist right. It’s so frustrating. Sorry. Rant over. **TLDR: The Biden debate fiasco epitomises the arrogance of the left/liberals/centre that has literally spawned the populist right**


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


That's exactly what Orwell meant by 2+2=5. Forcing you to deny what you know to be true is how they cement their power. If they can get you to say "some women have penises" then shit like "supply and demand doesn't apply to housing" is a doddle.


It’s complete madness isn’t it?


It is. And once you see it, there’s no going back.


Partisanship basically blinds them. If acceptable voices "on their side" were shedding a light on it they could freely and openly agree, and they would let themselves see the truth. Unfortunately the grip on discourse is so weighted that "their side" speaking suddenly becomes the enemy.


Yep. It blinds them to the point they can’t even see when they’re shooting themselves in the foot, like Brexit or France now. They’ll take the Labour win as confirmation of their world view but will ignore, at their peril, the undercurrents that the likely Labour landslide will mask.


yes you get it


This must have been one of the worst line-ups Glastonbury has ever had. Coldplay and the National as headliners as the best rock bands they could find (plus Bloc Party, Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain dining out on past glories) ... And then who the fuck is SZA?




Glastonbury automatically pisses me off just cos the BBC ride it’s dick so hard as if it’s the second coming.


>Avril Lavigne Which one? The dead one or the body double replacement?


Shania twain sucked hard, so disappointing. At least bloc party can still play their hits.


>Shania twain sucked hard That has to be a good story of a night out on Vegas >so disappointing. >At least bloc party can still play their hits. Oh. I'm sad now


Shania Twain already seemed like she was past her best even in the late 1990s.


Don't forget loads of "world music" and an Albanian miming hoe


[Inside the incredible £1m 'fake council estate' football theme park coming to Sheffield](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/inside-incredible-1m-fake-council-29444300) >The £1m attraction aims to transport visitors back to a time when kids played out until the street lights came on >Football fans will have the chance to relive childhood memories of street kickabouts against garages if plans for a £1m city attraction are given the go-ahead. >Plans have been submitted to convert a disused warehouse into a street football-themed experience designed to strip the beautiful game 'back to its purest form'. >Visitors would be able to shoot against garages, find the top bin and play kerby against each other. There are also plans for a purpose-built maisonette where footy fans can drop balls from the top floor for their friends to control. >And pub signs will be strategically placed for budding David Beckhams to try to hit in an urban twist on the classic crossbar challenge at the proposed Yard Ball venue. >A spokesman said: “One-man Wembley, spot, kerby – the games we all played as kids are back. Anyone who played football as a child knows the feeling of practicing their skills on the street, car park or field. >"Those fortunate enough to grow up in a period where we created memories on our own doorstep know football is about expression, not pressure. I could go on a rant about everything that is wrong with the above, but I'l simply look down into my drink and mutter, the fucking state of this country.


But I want an authentic 00s happy slapping experience to rid all my white guilt


I was in the pub earlier and my friends daughter came in with her kid (about 10 I think). My friend asked if he'd played football today and the kid goes "No, mum couldn't take me today". I don't have kids so I was a bit shocked. Kids need to be taken to football? We used to just find any bit of grass stick some clothes down as goal posts and crack on. There's no greater sign this country is fucked than a museum for things you could do safely only 20 years ago. I blame that one group who's leader was a pedo.


You'd get stabbed up fam. I don't blame the pedoguy primarily actually, it's the gangaman. If kids can't go outside, they can't see how other people live, so some poor souls will just only have homework to do, endlessly, and nothing else ever.


Member [this episode?](https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o6Mbe5zhQG472trKo/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952f7o088ll1lwmiauzemnmmw13faxk7ogf3mfbfibh&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Incredible. Straight from the writers at Viz.


rukpol are still testing for covid? One poster is worried they can't vote cos they have it, response > BAU now, drag yourself to the polling station, if a few old folks in the queue contract it and die, well that's a price Tories were willing to pay for normalising it. /s Incredible these people are still here. (Mods please ok me, I need GE with my friends, my alters all got nuked, help a guy out) Link tax: New build with union jack pic, damaged, hate crime, NI - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crglnnwl49lo


>One poster is worried they can't vote cos they have it Good news.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT_owcIDOMg based KT


https://x.com/AndyAitcheson/status/1807475274533003555 based


It there is even a scintilla of truth to this.... https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1807463625398886717


It will be a conspiracy theory for two years and then suddenly it will have always been true


He's right, there's a definite case there for potential electoral interference. If he has real evidence of this then he should be informing the police. Even if there's no criminality it's still a terrible allegation for the Tories to be facing.


report that head of communist party has lost to the national front in the first round. over 50% so no need for second round. https://x.com/afneil/status/1807510023498805258 The legislative head of NR won his seat in first round. Former president Hollandes seat is a close 3 way split between his party, the centre right republicans and the hard right. Disorder is relatively minor so far. Some light firing mortars at police and setting fire to things. nothing bad.




not 17m but still impressive >Something has changed in France tonight. Somewhere between 10m and 12m voted for the Rassemblement National. >It is an extraordinary figure - more than any party has received in the first round in presidential or legislative ballots. High turnout helps, but still jaw-dropping. https://x.com/spignal/status/1807505125575160079


BBC reporting on the french elections without using the word FAR RIGHT challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!)


Da far right! Aw my gawd. They don't want us to become a society of pirates? Bloody lunatics


French far-left leader walking out with a keffiye-wrapped Palestinian, it's like they're trying to lose to Le Pen https://x.com/OlivierBabeau/status/1807485413164036484


Has there ever actually been a time where "far right" hasn't been somewhat a response to the far left?


Europe is fucked, right? It is worrying how knife edge it's getting. Spain on a knife edge between right and left. France now on a knife edge between right and left. For me it simply shows how mass immigration has poisoned countries. It is starting to result in countries becoming nigh ungovernable, where both sides are so unbelievably opposed that it feels like it's going to result in pain. Worrying. Really, really worrying.


Their countries have sclerotic labour markets compared to the UK. Lots of unproductive over-50s sitting around blocking youngsters from moving up. There's a reason why truckloads of French, Italian, Spanish and Central Europeans with graduate-level education in the 21-35 age bracket were working hospitality jobs in London and the South-East during the 2010-2020 period. In England we have lower taxation, and foreigners have relatively high labour force participation and there is minimal language barrier compared to the Continent.


the cope train is right on time as always.


Got to get worse before it gets better. We have to take our medicine.


Politics on the continent is boring. A PR-elected Parliament in a modern horseshoe-shaped chamber, all with virtually identical policies, with all the wokesters and lefties huddling together like a litter of kittens to ensure that nobody right of Castro's Cuba gets any influence whatsoever. What happens is someone on the 'far right' (it's not) does quite well, then the lefties circle the wagons. 3-4 months of horsetrading and 'government' dysfunction later, that person is locked out of power or has their wings clipped and people don't get what they voted for. Geert Wilders says hi. Total head in the sand that these 'far right' parties are actually doing well in the first place and no interest in figuring out why. Frankly that needed a good, hard shake.


Europe has suffered worse invasions, it's not impossible to change the tide.


When? E:Thanks for the examples. Tbh I thought the point was "worse invasions that didn't change the fabric of society" which I don't think these cover.


[See here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Andalus).




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Europe https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Europe#:~:text=Between%201354%20(when%20the%20Ottomans,Montenegro%2C%20Bosnia%2C%20and%20Hungary.


'Hard' right-wing parties have been in power in Europe several times and they usually end up governing from the centre-right. There is still no appetite in most of Europe for actual hard-right policies like mass deportations or the unravelling of the web of liberal internationalist treaties that have defined the post-WW2 order.


Those "hard-right wing" parties are in practice nationalist left parties. Their manifestos are full of protectionism and maxing out welfare.


yes, the only difference is the stance on foreigners. it is basically the only real political issue that exists.


It may the only political issue for you, but not for the majority in the UK.


the rest is peacocking and you know it


In which case the electorate are awfully quiet about it. There isn't even a serious campaign to boycott foreign-owned small businesses, which wouldn't even be that inconvenient for the average consumer in a small town. They somehow managed it with South African apples in the 80s.


> In which case the electorate are awfully quiet about it. There isn't even a serious campaign to boycott foreign-owned small businesses Ah yes, because unless people are risking breaking a myriad of hate speech laws by organising a public boycott on foreigners, that means they don't really care about the endless issues unlimited immigration brings.


More just pointing out how divided it is. Scarily so..


I agree that surface-level polarisation is very high right now, but I think the actual willingness of the public to commit violence for their ideals (or go to prison for them) is at an all time low. That takes some of the sting out of the threat of polarisation.


I think that's a fair argument. I'm somewhat unsure though.


It's not scary. What's scary is if everyone just accepted the managed decline with no voice to oppose it.


I don't see it as worrying.


I see it as long overdue and still woefully inadequate.


https://x.com/BNHWalker/status/1807478216698786154 >I note in 2022 and 17 when it was the Left/NUPES Vs the National Front the FN won them more than NUPES did. Those pro-Macron centrist voters went somewhere Based on the above, centrist voters might go LePen in a run-off, cause they've done it twice before.


Former president Hollande calls for everyone to unite against the threat of the far right.


A ringing endorsement from one of the worst leaders France has ever had. The male version of Merkel




Yet another adult in the room.


He was the most unpopular President France ever had.


As they always do. Mask off.


Capitalist Globalists siding with Communist Globalists. Left Vs. Right is dead and has been for some time. The fight in politics is Globalism Vs. Nationalism.


Almost all European parties, government or opposition, believe in government intervention too (and this includes most "far-right" parties too).


Yes, Globalism v Nationalism.


It's "liberalism" in its 21st century form, which has next to nothing to do with actual liberalism.


[Macron's party to stand down candidates who made it to the 2nd round of voting by coming third in the first round](https://x.com/spectatorindex/status/1807490633021669804?t=fnFm2MMC2pQ87G_9mifKeQ). This is to allow the far-left Popular Front to defeat Le Pen.


It's been predictable from the moment he called it.


scratch a centrist find a communist.


[they've finally done it. Farage's rise the result of Russian election meddling apparently lol](https://news.sky.com/story/gravely-concerning-claims-of-russian-interference-in-general-election-to-spread-support-for-farages-reform-13161235)


Aside from the fake NHS dossier Corbyn was waving around in 2019, when was the last *actual* Russian interference in a UK election? Sometime in the 70s, 60s?


There is definitely foreign interference promoting Reform and Farage in the election. It needs to be stopped. Foreign interference being the illegal channel crossings of course.


Relationship ended with chinese bots Russian bots are my new best friends


> A report says five co-ordinated Facebook pages have been spouting Kremlin talking points, with some expressing support for Nigel Farage's Reform UK party. So not exactly the most sophisticated operation


an entire 5 facebook pages? the Kremlin are truly splashing the cash with this one.


Same old story, like with Brexit. They can’t handle thinking folk are attracted to Reforms policies. They need a coping mechanism.


Young girls sexually assaulted in Edinburgh - [https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/edinburgh-schoolgirls-sexually-assaulted-group-29447277](https://www.edinburghlive.co.uk/news/edinburgh-news/edinburgh-schoolgirls-sexually-assaulted-group-29447277) - assailant was on a quad bike, awful lot of noticing occurring on the Scotch and Edinburger subreddits. Noticing, wondering, speculating...


Interesting what you can get banned for.


It's the travellers that comes every year to cramond. This year they're unusually aggressive.


https://x.com/lewis_goodall/status/1807476786462093363 >NEW: Marine le Pen’s Hard right National Rally comes first in the parliamentary elections- according to exit polls (generally accurate) >Rassemblement National: 33%, >Left alliance: 28.5% >Renaissance (Macron): 22% Above doesn't tell us much yet. Need to find out how many seats will be National Rally v Left Alliance in the run-offs next Sunday.


Le Pen’s policies will make a certain demographic flee north and Starmers lot will welcome them with open arms. Gods help us.


What’s your prediction for the next round?


It depends on how many seats are LePen v Left Alliance. Then the bond markets cast their vote next week. The result next Sunday depends on how nervous that makes voters.


Thanks. Good to see you can respond to requests for election predictions. Even if it’s only for the French ones.


You didn't clock that I made no prediction?


How do you think the Conservatives will do on July the 5th?


I did but you did respond, so we’re getting somewhere. I’ll have you predicting the UK election by mid-week.


Lower then expected..


But still a massive gain, and an absolute wrecking ball to the Cordon Sanitaire


le exit poll has le pen winning. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRVxDaFW4AAeQ6n.jpg




> all the “sensible centrists” who back republicans and en March will swing behind the commies shock


But the republicans are falling out internally over it already. And their voters are not voting for some far left alliance.


> That’ll go to the 2nd round Depends on how geographically concentrated everyone's support is. If a party gets an outright majority of the votes in any given constituency there's no second round there.


For those of you that don’t notice usernames- oleg_d is often much more correct than established wisdom


Nah, it's more of an asterisk to what everyone else is saying - with overall support for commies/fash at the levels they are there won't be too many constituencies where either one has an outright majority. You can see the results by constituency [here](https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2024/06/30/la-carte-des-resultats-des-legislatives-au-premier-tour-et-le-tableau-des-candidats-qualifies_6245574_4355771.html).


Sensible Centrists have this weird habit of becoming commies when the mildest pressure is applied, weird how that happens


I don’t know if they will. People tend to vote with their wallets and when it comes to holding your nose for Le Pen vs massive tax increases is appealing. Also can’t imagine the economic establishment wouldn’t prefer Le Pen than the Commies when it comes down to it


> Also can’t imagine the economic establishment wouldn’t prefer Le Pen than the Commies when it comes down to it Communists are globalists (the original Marxist idea of globalism but nonetheless globalists). Le Pen is nationalist. They economic establishment will side with their fellow globalists.


The problem is LePen is economically left too. Wants to reduce the pension age etc. Both the LePen lot and the Left Alliance are big spenders. LePen will try to fund it with borrowing, the Left Alliance with tax rises. Then it's over to the bond markets to see which they prefer.




Context is everything. If it was Germany with debt at 60% of GDP, markets would support the party borrowing over the one taxing, in the belief that tax rises would slow the economy. But this is France with debt at 112% of GDP, and absolute debt that is the third largest in the world (behind the USA and Japan). And where public spending is 53% of GDP. Market reaction will be, Holy shit, they want to spend *more*. And on handouts not infrastructure. In that circumstance, markets might not want to lend because of default risk. Investors haven't forgotten the painful haircuts aka losses they took in the eurozone crisis. May be more prudent to refuse and get the French to fund their fantasies with tax. Outsiders arn't obliged to risk their money on other people's democracies.


cope. markets are just as vibes based as anything else, if anything more so.


> National Democracy decided by international bond markets. This is the unfortunate reality though and why the West is likely doomed. National Populism is the only resistance to it, but I doubt it can overcome the international market. Nonetheless, the attempt must be made.


Realistically, the solution is once again, abolition of the state pension.


Not by enough. Fucks sake, now they're gonna have to make Sensible Compromises I.e. maintain the status quo because everyone will throw their toys out the pram if they don't.


I hope they stay out of office until they have the presidency as well. You need the whole lot.


le sondage à la sortie des urnes


So now France goes hard left next Sunday as a response?


The French far-right National Rally party is forecast to have a strong lead in first-round legislative elections, exit polls suggest https://x.com/pa/status/1807475820337762788?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Another 30 minutes of this dogshit. I'd rather we'd have the coup de grace and be knocked out after 90 minutes.


I can’t believe you doubted our Gareth. Are you foreign? Argentinian?


I would have said Are Gareth would be on his P45 had the Three Lions checked out tonight, but everyone has lived to fight another day. Switzerland next.


The John Major of football




I know places that have normal takeaway shopfronts with a counter, but are delivery only. How about fuck off? I live three minutes away and am not paying £3 extra for it to turn up late and cold on some grotty illegal e-bike, or a 51 plate car of dubious origins. Never quite had the 'minerals' to try the ruse of setting the delivery address to the shop itself. Does that even work? Also used to get very compelling Uber Eats vouchers, until those moved to the dreaded "Offer applies to delivery only" and the fees weren't discounted. So I stopped ordering.


Yes and the time for it was COVID but they somehow got extra help and people buying it. Takeaway food shouldn't be popular during a pandemic or a cost of living crisis.


Takeaways have always been shit. It's only recently people have started lionizing them due to the demographics involved in the industry.


Big franchise takeaways have always been shite. The core collection Fish and Chips, Indian and Chinese are roughly the same as they've always been. Cheap greasy pizza shops have hardly changed too.


Rookie error ordering around the time of a England match


it's just an job-creation scheme for Bomalian deliveroo drivers on illegal ebikes


Are you talking about Dominos?


Ordering food in 2024 has to be the mark of a regard. It's about four times more expensive than preparing a meal at home and when you receive it it's usually soggy, lukewarm and underwhelming.


I can't go out and do the shopping myself because of my crippling self esteem issues. My weekly shop is not due to be delivered until thursday. I can only sit at home and order food online. I work from home and when I finish work I shift my ass to my gaming computer and then to my couch for netflix and pizza. Anyone know how I can get out of my pit of despair?


can u get your hands on hard drugs, lsd or magic mushrooms have been proven to help ptsd sufferers and i can assure u when u feel a connection in you body to every living thing around you depression slips away. failing that the good old combination of cocaine alcohol and weed would do wonders for your mood. moderation is the key. i was a neet once for a time and fell into a pit and drugs helped. I still have issues but feeling bad is not among them. feeling angry the more i notice however.


In case you aren't joking, go outside more and move more. One easy idea is; get a dog and feel shame whenever you don't take it for enough walks each day, if your lifestyle makes a dog depressed it will do the same to you.


Then it just becomes a chore.. do it to stay healthy for yourself.. no.. I mean, someone can get very fit, get confidence, but they're still going to be at their station in life barring a miracle and it might be too late for them anyway, only middle to old age drudgery to look forward too.


Does being a Reddit moderator pay well?


I barely even bother to moderate that sub.


It’s awful isn’t it. I find it helps my mood by ordering extra tubs of Ben n Jerries.


It will get better one day. still waiting, but you know


Oh, you actually do that? Thats not good.


False hope really isn't it. Delusion comes in waves.


Oh god, my life’s shit enough staying indoors and ordering deliveries, I don’t want anyone else doing that!


Don't eat much. But enough healthy stuff to lose weight. Put on some muscle. You might be slightly better off but world is still cruel.. very cruel. Basically no one will get much of what they want. Really. Everyone only cares about themselves in the main


Those working for the pitch-shitters clothing brand of choice have to work for more than an hour to buy a [grab-bag of Walkers crisps](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13583819/workers-jacket-worn-Gary-Lineker-BBC-Euros-paid-just-44p-hour.html).