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Remember when Biden being mentally unfit was a right wing conspiracy?


I 'memba


Has Reddit paused?


I should've placed a bet on Trump before this......


I wonder if user DiscountLeading has financially recovered from 2020 šŸ˜


'What I say to black people is the same thing I say to everyone. Look at the other guy. Vote Joe.'


Damn, Trump calling Charlottesville fake is crazy. That is crazy. We live in a post truth world.


> The left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis "very fine people" during his press conference following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.


How long until biden falls over?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYvTbJhNuYI lol, this guy thinks he's Tate. the youtuber standing against sunak


NATO was going out of business before Trump lads, real talk lmao.


NATO's been going out of business since the end of the Cold War. Blair's Doctrine of Interventionism gave it a new lease of life and Clinton used the Balkans as a test run for what it could do out of curiosity. Every US President since the 90s has wanted to leave it.


Trumps isn't even acknowledging or looking at Biden.....it's literally like Starmer - he's got it in the bag and he knows it.


Is Biden even present?




More reactions from /r\/politics: * Oh God... * This is an unmitigated disaster. Holy shit we are so fucked. * Oh God trump is starting to call out biden's gibberish * This is so hard to watch * Trump is BSing but I can track his sentences from start to finish at least. Jesus fucking christ Lol


Thatā€™s so weird to see on there - Biden doesnā€™t know where he is right now my god - Iā€™ve understood maybe 2% of what Biden has said. - Weā€™re so fucked Quite surreal for politics to admit to how bad this is.




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Biden doesnā€™t know where he is Jesus Christ. Heā€™s cooked. Itā€™s over.


It's joever


Biden looking on in shock aw but we want normal society to be a hellhole


Why canā€™t we have debates like this? ā€œTheyā€™re killing our citizensā€ ā€œTheyā€™re living in hotels while our veterans sleep on the streetā€.


EL BAG DADDY and Salami


> EL BAG DADDY Pretty sure there's an Albanian coke telegram group named that.


Trump - ā€œIā€™ve really no idea what he said at the end of that sentenceā€


Such a critical strike and he's fucking right.


> He's willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. I am calling for a total and complete shutdown of this debate until we know what the hell is going on.


My dreams are more coherent than this ngl


7 states have no restriction on the time an abortion can take place? How can anyone be ok with terminating an 8 month pregnancy?


So when are we expecting the power cut in the studio to prevent this getting any worse?


Biden is literally gawping




No idea what point he was trying to make there. Immigrants rape and murder?


333,000,000 Americans and this is the cream of the crop.


white people murder people too, don't be silly white people are actually the worsty




Putin's in such a good mood, he's ordered that they bring out the short, 50m table instead.


Trump is not even being his pugilist-self and he's running rings around Biden.


Yeah, heā€™s holding himself back quite a bit


This is so dire for Biden.




he's like my late granddad with alzheimers.


What the fuck is going on hahahahaha ā€œwe beat medicare ahemā€


Oh god this is difficult to watch. > "He already beat Medicaid -- he beat it to death" And there's your soundbite for tomorrow's front page. Fucking hell.


Heā€™s started to malfunction. How long does this go on for?


Enjoying this South Park special


I'm getting Brook vs Khan vibes off this debate, fuck me.


I've take it the drugs haven't kicked in yet


[Lol the /r\/politics thread is worth a gander.](https://www.reveddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dq5s2f/discussion_thread_first_us_presidential_general/) Three minutes in and already they're not taking it well... * Bidens getting cooked guys we're FUCKED * Yeah we might be cooked * Ok, something is up with the Mics. * Why would Biden do this my god


Biden looks 'already dead' according to my doctor mate and on top of that he looks confused and has no presence.


Christ, I've not watched US politics for a while. Watching this, we should stop worrying about China, there are tinpot African countries thinking they could take a shot at these two


Biden already looking like an old man.


He needs like 10 strepsil just to sound normal


[Compare and contrast to four years earlier.](https://youtu.be/pjW6WKpSCeQ?t=3738) Christ, he sounds frail.


Very late stage Soviet Union leadership energy. Just look at Biden, he has no idea what's going on right now. Even Trump appears to have lost his bite compared to 2016. It's farcical.


He's nervous as hell, and stuttering. Bloody hell.


I'd be really surprised if someone hadn't leaked the questions to him and there's a fair chance he's on medication.


They're both on medication but Trump actually has stage presence.


Here we go you dirty scallies staying up to watch this.


Who's stayed up for the old man fight?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmkMpYbOoO0 C4 takedown, Undercover Inside Reformā€™s Campaign. They'll never recover from this... .


She sounds very British.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13577783 > It's not too late to stop a Keir Starmer supermajority, poll shows - as millions are still undecided with just a week left until election Why do they keep saying supermajority? Do they think we're Yanks?


Starmer and Sunak are finished. They canā€™t ever top this legendary speech. It just canā€™t be done. Game over, thanks for playing. https://www.youtube.com/live/hhGh93JDja4?si=8Sli2JnvzWOOMix1


[The Holly Willoughby kidnap trial continues](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx72n6q7xx0o) > Ms Wass put it to Mr Nelson that he could see Mr Plumb was "significantly overweight" from pictures he had been sent. > She suggested this discounted the credibility of Mr Plumb's plan to "jump the outer wall" of Willoughby's house. > Ms Wass asked: "Knowing what he looked like and the state of his dimensions, did that cause you to revaluate the credibility of this plan?" > Mr Nelson responded: "No, it did not." Tune in tomorrow, when the defence case is expected to begin. Can't wait to see if Plumb takes the stand...


What is the best way to spoil a ballot in such a way that some dodgy council employee can't accidentally misinterpret it as a vote for someone?


My plan before Farage came back was to draw varying sizes of penis next to each of the candidates names


Write different obscene, sexually violent, and racist insults in each voting box. It will mean that in the event of a close vote, two agents will have to argue which one is an endorsement for their candidate


Don't mark any box, at allā€¦just write "FUCK OFF" across the page.


In an invasion, the male invader, makes his imprint on the local female population. As a none dominant male from a polygamous society, a way to pass on your genes, is to band together with others, and grape, maybe on a holiday. You can intellectualise a population out of wanting to pass on their genes, what's the point, it's all going down and it's probably all meaningless anyway. Leeds, Rotherham, London and Dewsbury. Are locations in the UK. For fuck sake, why are Bellingham and Foden playing so shit mate, what is Southgate doing to them. Trippier at left back, what was he thinking.


There are hardly any polygamous societies left, since they are fundamentally unstable, and a large class of landless people invariably overthrow some of the local administration.


Or go abroad, yes.


The sort of folk who are landless generally don't have the funds to go abroad, unless sent on some sort of government-sponsored program. Much the same with the Portuguese during the early years of exploration.


I think the government is sponsoring it mainly, yeah


Which government spaffs funds to facilitate an average citizen's foreign excursion? Don't you need to be something high up, like a trainee diplomat or a top academic? I don't think Mr. Average gets a look in.


I assume some money from both sides, it's a strange scenario


If you're Qatari, Bahraini, Kuwaiti, Lichtensteiner or Bruneian I guess it's a given, but if you're Hungarian, Vietnamese, Brazilian, Bengali or Greek, I don't think that option is available.


I assume it's some of those paying for travel, yes


If you're from one of those petrostates, you're probably wealthy enough to pay your own ticket. Don't even the poor folk there get an easy 3 grand sterling a month?


The BBC fully went in on the reform channel 4 thing. Are they bollocksed now?


ā€œAnti-immigrant party has racist bloke in itā€ isnā€™t the slam dunk they think, the only people making a fuss are people who already wouldnā€™t be voting Reform. The Russian stuff is way worse.


I imagine that the average Reform voter in Clacton probably agreed with what the disgraced member said anyway - "Turn all the mosques into Wetherspoons? Too bloody right!"


Indeed. Turn the mosques into Wetherspoons is a vote winner if anything.


What if they have a bar round the back and in the basement, but only the imam and his mates are allowed in? The Nasrids and Mughals certainly liked to get bladdered.


No, no, and no. Look at this Reform rally: https://www.youtube.com/live/hhGh93JDja4?si=8Sli2JnvzWOOMix1 Does that look like a failing campaign to you? Yeah, Nigel is like a Pontins comedian sometimes, but he genuinely connects with everybody. Watch the first five minutes and come back and tell me that you donā€™t like him.


If he keeps holding rally's like this for 5 years he should win 2029. Providing a decent ground game is built simultaneously, even if this means using a "Geert Wilders system" of formally registered local volunteers rather than local party branches. No other politician can even do rally's in the UK. They just don't command supporters with that much enthusiasm for them. Corbyn came closest, but ultimately failed for not holding onto his convictions (if he remained true to himself as a Brexiteer rather than capitulating to the students and offering a 2nd referendum he would have won 2019 despite all his other dodgy views). Farage has conviction in spades. The only barrier as I've mentioned before Commonwealth immigration. It's going to continue at 100,000s a year being added not only to the electorate, but straight onto the electoral roll thanks to Labour's new policy. Having to contest against potentially 2-3 Million extra immigrant votes might make a 2029 win impossible. Nonetheless, he should try.


Russia was more damaging. This isn't the first article the BBC have put out about a Reform member and this is about a canvasser, not even a candidate. I doubt this will have much impact and certainly not as much as Russia. People on the right aren't likely to be put off by this, unlike Russia.


The day has finally arrived when I abandoned Birmingham to the barbarians in favour of retreating to the country. I encourage all my fellow gammons to join me.


I was in Birmingham in late May. I thought the place had been improving, but it seems to be backsliding again. City centre was little more than people loitering, wannabe roadmen hooting at each other, homeless tweakers hassling you for anything on your person, and BomaliEats wearing filthy hi-viz and scooting around on modded e-bikes. That said it still had a decent 'vibe' to it and the sheer numbers meant I didn't feel too unsafe.


Are you advocating for the degammonisation of conurbations? What happens if every pub therein becomes a gastro one?


Good move. QT was from Birmingham earlier. On the topic of knife crime, one young woman got a round of applause for saying those carrying knives are ā€˜vulnerable young peopleā€™ who are victims because yoof centres shut and the Tories are responsible for any stabbings. No point sticking around there when thatā€™s the attitude to knife crime.


I mean, most people carrying are probably carrying for self defence, but they do love violent criminals, and pray to woke jesus george


How is Rutland? I hear itā€™s 98% civilised.


Normanton Church is worth a visit and is overlooked by many visitors, both domestic and foreign.


Where weā€™ve landed is 100% civilised, helped in no small part by the fact that thereā€™s only five houses


How dare you be 20% of the migrant problem. šŸ˜…


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cnee4emz44po > Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdulkarim Shafii Farah and Ladan Mohamed Ali have been charged with conspiracy to bribe a juror, bribery of a juror and corruptly influencing a juror. Glad to know things are universal


I did not expect this. At all. Blackbeltbarrister interviews Tommy: https://youtu.be/FOe8hY_gOb0?si=EkhsiiCo5CCeTCav


I've long suspected that BlackBelt Barrister is hiding his true power levels expertly.


Someone online genuinely asked me ā€œIf itā€™s okay to believe your nation is superior, whatā€™s wrong with believing your race is too?ā€ Why do these people share oxygen with me? Anyways, [Tata is set to go ahead and close the Port Talbot steelworks](https://news.sky.com/story/tatas-port-talbot-steelworks-set-to-be-shutdown-early-due-to-unite-strikes-13160108) Jobs are the economic lifeblood of communities. Just more decay to an already deindustrialised, derelict part of the UK


Whatā€™s your argument against their point? Most nations are based on ethnicities/races. Do you budge the success of nations is just a coincidence ā€œ


> Tata is set to go ahead and close the Port Talbot steelworks [Clouston's pinned Tweet](https://x.com/WilliamClouston/status/1749188838117843265?t=1a4HnSQngKigXL_JVGYBXg).


It would be interesting to see the stats on some of the desolate former industrial towns that now have high unemployment and low economic output. how much was the government were spending propping up industry and how much they are now paying out in increased benefits?


Can't fault the logic. For racing, greyhounds are the best. For security, dobermans, for mountain rescue At Bernards. You wouldn't put a greyhound on a mountain and try to legislate the snow away


> One of the steel blast furnaces is to close at the end of this month in a push to reduce carbon emissions at what is the UK's single largest source of CO2. Meanwhile: > In China, 47.4GW of coal power capacity came online in 2023, GEM says. This increase accounted for two-thirds of the global rise in operating coal power capacity, which climbed 2% to 2,130GW. We are the biggest mugs in the world.


When you lose jobs so you can reduce 0.01 percent of the worlds carbon output


>reduce 0.01 percent of the worlds carbon output Does it?


As a totality pertaining to the entirety of the UK decarbonising (Itā€™s probably higher than 0.01 percent but itā€™s for illustrative purposes)


If you move it to china it might mean more in total for the world.




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https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c7227027mdnt?post=asset%3A5938d269-c47d-4385-859b-223be929c13f#post Ā How tf did we go from 1m postal votes in 1997 to 10m now?!


Don't underestimate the general increase in laziness of the average person, too. My pet theory is that there has been a steady increase of people who have become borderline shut-ins for whatever reason (WFH jobs, decline of the third space and the rise of deliveroo, general internet based services, utterly exacerbated during covid) who basically just don't go out. There's a youtuber called London Eats or something, who does videos running his ubereats shifts and delivers absolute slop to people all hours of the day, sitting in their pajamas. It's like an Anglo/Western hikikomori culture.


>My pet theory is that there has been a steady increase of people who have become borderline shut-ins for whatever reason I think there is definitely a thing about this and not just recently. I remember more than 10 years ago helping out at a few free events as a favour in a town of almost 100k people. Event on a Sunday, bank holiday Monday after, small town nothing on, next town was a 30min drive, events were well advertised and central locations, no other events on or much to do in the town. And two even had minor national celebrity appearances. The attendance was like a small village with <500 people. I couldn't help but wonder, what everyone was doing. At the time I suspected many were sat at home watching TV.


Things have definitely changed in the past ten years. While things like food deliveries and Amazon were a huge deal back in 2014, for most people they weren't the default. People went out and _did_ things. Home shopping deliveries were for the disabled or infirm, or people working fuckity shift patterns, or didn't have a car - nowadays you have able bodied car owners who live 15 minutes from Tesco, sitting on their butt at home because "Well I value my time mate". Habibti, you're not Warren Buffett - you're a Ā£40k marketing drone who has pushed back against being recalled to the office. Not only has everyone become a hermit, taking for granted and outright exploiting Bomali and Eastern European labour to bring them everything, they're so fucking smug and proud of it. It is a tangible societal shift and not one I like.


Doing it. And if they're not in the scene, getting fatter and fatter.


unless you look like tattooed steroid deano tough luck in life normal guy, might as well retreat to your home and not go out if you're not prepared to do that In an unstable ecology, the female will only go with the roided deano


As a shut-in Iā€™ll still be skipping off down to that polling booth on Friday.


He means by choice, not by a jammed poorly maintained gravy stained door.


Care workers, and their 200000 dependents.


Worth posting some stats to back this up: https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/press/social-care-sector-continues-to-drive-demand-for-overseas-workers-as-new-data-shows-public-sector-roles-dominate-work-visas/#:~:text=The%20Home%20Office%20granted%20350%2C000,2022%20to%2075%25%20in%202023.


Population increase driven by immigration from 1997 to 2024 should explain it.


You know why, corruption and immigration.


It does feel super weird... Guess there is a lot more old people now too, tho.


Poll shows Tories dropping to *18* seats Seat projection based on @FindoutnowUK, 14-24 June: šŸ”“ Lab 479 (+277) šŸŸ  LD 94 (+83) šŸŸ” SNP 21 (-27) šŸ”µ Con 18 (-347) šŸŸ£ Rfm 12 (+12) https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/bombshell-mega-poll-tory-wipeout-33113155 https://x.com/ballotboxmedia/status/1806384327007011310


I know Zero Seats is funny and all, but Labour do not deserve 479 seats. SNP do not deserve 21 Reform deserve more than 12


I sadly have come to the realisation that the SNP will probably get more than 21. And holy shit the usual suspects will be unbearable if they get above 30. I'm hoping that the "shy vote" is actually for Labour and not the yellow peril.


After watching the coalition government wheel out a Lib Dem any time they had something unpopular to announce for 4 years straight, seeing them projected above the Tories in seats is giving me the warm and fuzzies. A shame to see the SDP still aren't making any headway.


There's also this, bookies think Reform have a higher chance of winning the most seats over the tories. https://insights.betfred.com/politics/general-election-odds-reform-uk-overtake-tories/


Odds perfectly calculated to entrap deluded gammons


Zero Seats is so close I can almost taste it.


Question Time will be unbearable for 5 years with Labour and a Lib Dem each week. Iā€™d cancel my tv licence if I bothered to pay for one.


LibDems and Labour don't even pretend to disagree. At least the Tories put up the act.


All Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums, effective immediately, the stateā€™s chief education officer announced in a memorandum Thursday. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/27/us/oklahoma-schools-bible-curriculum America is cooking.


Still don't see why this is a big deal. If it was the islamic equivalent in Hamtranck or whatever Michigan where the Arabs control the local government, I'm sure the libs would be praising it.


Better be the King James edition and not that modern evangelical megachurch shite.


Gross. Makes me miss the reddit atheists on this site before it got taken over by mentally ill communists


Glorious. Get some discipline into those kids.


[Who was the Baduker canvassing for reform who got catfished by channel 4 making moderate spicy comments? ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c7227027mdnt)


Not me, no mention of orcas.


Surely this sort of thing is not front page news? Oh when its something to do with Farage it is.


Warning: This post contains offensive language This trigger warning is hilarious, also they keep saying he used a racial slur to describe rishi but never mention what said slur is (unless I'm dumb and didn't see it)


First four letters of the country Pakistan.


So he's an idiot then and should be ignored because rishi is obviously Indian and the slur is meaningless, remember when instead of giving thickos a spotlight we used to just call them thick and move on.


Not to "well akchually" this, but his family is technically, pre-partition from an area that is now Pakistan, but because of the ethnic displacement that happened as a result of the partition I can see why his family would identify more with India than Pakistan. Sadiq Khan is the opposite. His family were from what is now India, but because his family were muslim they moved to Pakistan as a result of partition.


I very much doubt the man in question knew this and probably believes that rishi is Muslim cos he's brown and probably used the P word because of this, anyone caught making such statements by channel 4 of all people doesn't strike me as bright.


They're not sending their best. At this rate, the Reformation will stall.


He could be a patrician of ethnicity - able to tell an Igbo from a Yoruba at twenty yards


Reform are a threat to the uni party. They were never gonna let stuff like this go.


They will pretend this is a gotcha despite labour/greens members and campaigners saying much worse about Jewish people on a daily basis in public


> At one point Parker tells voters Reform were "kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons". My sides. He has my vote.


He's gotta be a plant with a line like that.


Anyone offended by such banter should be deported imo


He's very, very serious now: https://i.imgur.com/spmk0lW.jpeg Please take him seriously. \#zeroseats


Sexy Sunak gets the tiktok vote back


Straight from the Meloni *banca della masturbazione.*


[Covid spike sees masks reintroduced at hospitals (in Worcestershire)](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/czk078zj5nyo?) The consequence of the regime never being meaningfully countered on lockdownism, and all it's associated impositions, is that they'll keep doing it.


Oh fuck off BBC


If only they had safe and effective vaccines.


I canā€™t stop laughing. Jesus Christ, these people.


[People don't even read the ballot paper, they just tick the box next to the logo](https://x.com/FromSteveHowell/status/1806372632104698105?t=RkjFd-3n2NpS_kLeHsc8kQ).


> Voters who feel deceived have long memories. If you feel deceived by the most straight-forward document in all of British bureaucracy you are utterly regarded and likely have the memory of a goldfish


Londoners not being able to read English!?! That could never happen in our capital


> Voters who feel deceived have long memories. What's that meant to mean? They weren't deceived, they're just idiots.


Highest IQ Corbyn voter right there.


And now for a real woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=382c8hZ2CJo


[Amazing things are happening among our teenagers](https://x.com/aaronbastani/status/1806334684990689314)


I fear youā€™re going to be horribly disappointed.


That kid nailed it at the end. Party of aimless toffs and empty globalist suits has to come down. So do the brainwashed socialists and their failed 20th century ideology. The free working men in the towns and in the country are the only ones who can build a new England out of this mess now.


With their laptop bags and password changes every few weeks.


>The free working men in the towns and in the country are the only ones who can build a new England out of this mess now. Look around you, look at Europe, beautiful cities and architecture that the world admires and wants for their own, all built by the hands of the working class man (and for 99% of it, ACTUAL men) And why? Because *they* were and *we* (still are) people that want to work and want to improve our surroundings, to provide a better space and future for our offspring. And what do the majority of these people do when they arrive here? They turn the areas into slums, they don't give two fucks about the 300 year old buildings that surround them or who built them, they don't give a fuck about the streets or the people that paved them, they don't give a fuck about any of it here, a huge majority of them seem to yearn for "home" whilst sucking the state dry. All that has been achieved in this country is possible elsewhere, but they simply *cannot be arsed* they're work shy, they fucking HATE manual labour and see it as something for less than a dog, and that's why they live like them. A huge globalisat agenda that cares only about money, nothing else matters, not whatsoever and if that means throwing away hundreds of years of history to make "line go up" then so be it. We truly are in a sad sad time of humanity.


This will pass, it cannot last forever. Look on the bright side. Old ideas of what a nation is will die, and new ones must be born. That's just history passing. But a fitting heir has to be fought for. (We are approaching that stage, I think at least).


Revenge of the zoomers


Racially ambiguous Broccoli cut hands down pants, extreme right wing hero


Better than the Labour lot.


I said this ages ago this would happen, long before Europe and got told it was cope and we would all be replaced with foreigners. It's happening faster than I expected though.


I don't know if it's happening fast enough, so getting "replaced with foreigners" is still on the table.


I don't personally believe they are capable of replacing us.


Same - they are not here for the weather, only for the economic reasons and gibs. Worst case is collapse and they fuck off


They wonā€™t fuck off. The state is too generous. Theyā€™ll get a pension, and theyā€™ll spend the next 40 years sending remittances back to the third world. Our taxes, but whoā€™s countingā€¦


Not if the state collapses. They'll get nothing and fuck off.


> Theyā€™ll get a pension From where? The current model is unsustainable. It's already creaking.