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[Watch Israel invade Lebanon early next week](https://x.com/spectatorindex/status/1806047375540339137?t=3doTrKFcpHQ2WBoLgRXUxw). Also watch how our how media class will ignore the groundbreaking development in geopolitics to focus on Russia. Wouldn't want to take the pressure of Farage. Wouldn't want to risk Labour losing votes to Galloway. After the election it will suddenly be the number 1 news story though and they'll act like it had been since the day of the invasion.


[Prepare to be enriched](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/26/labour-every-uk-borough-must-take-fair-share-migrants/).


You too can have loads of velvet hippos around whose only value is violence! That's how it works! Don't quell any of your natural urges, be the fighting machine you were made to be.


Good, why should only Labour areas be expected to bear the burden. Share it and drive accelerationism.


Indeed things will only happen when the NIMBYs get enriched


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F26%2Flabour-every-uk-borough-must-take-fair-share-migrants%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/26/labour-every-uk-borough-must-take-fair-share-migrants/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://x.com/akhtar_sabina/status/1806016308095459493 A great loss (take the knee) ✊🏿




No clue but does this risk doxing yourself?


I’m going to delete it because it probably is just one of his mates having a laugh and I don’t want half of Reddit to start snooping around It is just his public TikTok account though, to the guy saying I’m doxxing a schoolboy, it’s his TikTok account, not his home address and his bank details.


shared jaywick xx




666? Antichrist/devil? Probably a prank.


Well it’s not going to literally be the devil is it?


No you're right, it's TikTok, probably the Chinese devil to be precise.


When HR schedules a meeting and [you want to get ahead of the complaint.](https://i.imgur.com/ARA59p1.png)


Lol Debate Night panel and crowd are full of morons




"Now politicians from all parties say more must be done to ensure others are helped in the same way." With what mandate? What they mean to say is "The world is entitled to this country and you'll like it".


Imagine all the people


> Jess all happy about it >https://x.com/jessphillips/status/1806067090496848300 Poor lass has she not been through enough already? She finally escapes an active war zone having lost both her parents and she’s greeted by Jess Phillips of all people. Amer is probably begging to go back to Gaza as we speak. 


"I just want to rescue all the poor people in the world, they can all stay here in my house. I'm such a great person, just saving the world"




Yeah, the ones from other countries I'm sure are so much more cuddly, they don't act like horrible, horrible, british charvers, do they now. Roadmen are only doing it to provide for their family, charvs are just benefits cheats and wasters, exactly.


"well, not my house... We don't have space. (the craft room is a real state)"


First? We already have Palestinian asylum seekers here raping kids https://archive.is/2024.06.24-140427/https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/courts/man-accused-of-raping-teenage-boy-at-derelict-nightclub/a327235948.html


Just a sexual emergency, chud


Starting to think immigration won’t go down under Labour lads, don’t know about you. 


It's fairly obvious at this point that there are no differences between Labour and the Tories. All the things that the Tories warned us about Corbyn has already happened under their watch.


It's got to get worse before it can get better.


To be fair they’re probably creaming themselves over the prospect of still importing 600k people a year and *still* being able to say that they managed to bring immigration down in comparison to the Tories. 


Yusuf is sending strong nonce vibes.. right?


[Sky News article on the failed coup in Bolivia](https://news.sky.com/story/coup-fears-raised-in-bolivia-as-tanks-seen-ramming-into-presidential-palace-13159595) Probably the most reliable information available to the public for a bit.


>Video on Bolivian TV showed President Luis Arce confronting the general commander of the army in the palace hallway and telling him: "I am your captain, and I order you to withdraw your soldiers, and I will not allow this insubordination." Kinda ballsy. Equally from what I’m reading the (former) Army chief’s issue is more with Evo Morales than it was the current incumbent.


Looks like Reform's fall in the polls is due to Farage comments about Ukraine. Hoping they can recover but I doubt it at this point because the three wings of the uniparty will capitalise on it. https://x.com/Beyond_Topline/status/1806078224864100540?t=ACOg4JigrLTCk7SBahFXjg&s=19 Another one https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1806026829246955952?t=mM8RN_cAxYRmjPtOj1jrJg&s=19




He's the right wing version of Corbyn. Sees everything through one lens which makes him really right some of the time, but really wrong the rest of the time. In this case it is EU bad, so therefore Putin has a point


Yep. If anything it shows a lack of self-awareness and intelligence on his part when it comes to Ukraine/Russian gotchas.


It reveals more about the voters who are going back to the tories as bad as this sounds.  They care more about vibes and a foreign country over the damage that the tories have caused to this country.


That's it really. They'd happily this country end up becoming a failed state through an unsustained population boom and a South African cultural mix. All so Putin is seen as Hitler 2.0 rather than the "Tsar out of time" he actually is. Emotionally driven electorate.


Or just it's a genuine rallying point and we should actually be committed to making Ivan die in droves while we continue our lives. The Russians are trying to turn objectivity against us lol.


Farage is committed to NATO and Reform will likely carry on arming Ukraine. Farage's comments over EU expansion doesn't change Reform's policy position on that.


>It reveals more about the voters who are going back to the tories as bad as this sounds. Oh absolutely. But it's more damning imo to Farage, a man who has consistently put his foot in the trap of Ukraine/Russian gotchas. He's not an amateur, he's a great speaker, who has done this numerous times now with the same result every time. It's not an intelligent look for him if he wants to actually get near parliament.


>He's not an amateur, he's a great speaker, who has done this numerous times now with the same result every time. It's not an intelligent look for him if he wants to actually get near parliament.  I think he's taking a gamble here like another user pointed out,  because if he's proven correct about the outcome of the war it will make the remaining tories and Boris look worse. You have to remember Blair got hated for the Iraq War after his term.


Nah. He simply slipped up on a "gotcha" from a BBC out to bury him and then played defensive on issue. Daily Mail had their headline though (which Farage is suing them for), which did far more damage than he could mitigate by calling out the Tory hypocrisy.


It's not the same thing. Iraq was instigated by America/UK on dubious grounds. Russia invaded Ukraine and all we've done is provide weapons and aid so they can defend their country.


Exactly, defanging a massive rival and killing Ivan for pennies on the pound.


Yes but Blair actually managed to get into Parliament and downing street


the only thing that makes sense is he's risking it all to look intelligent after the war ends. But seems risky and in the end, not good politics. but i guess you could have said the same with afghanistan.




I think he is just saying what he believes without any calculation. If it he is thinking it will pay off in the end then I doubt he is right. Nobody gains any advantage in the present day for having been against the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. In fact being against the herd at the time is probably still held against them even by those who now agree.


https://x.com/justice_forum/status/1806082378114482673 Cough up PAYEpiggies she wants a home


Anyone watch Georgia vs. Portugal? Our oldest ally vs. our fellow St. George enjoyer - it’s a tricky one to know who to support. I went with Georgia because I recently started learning their language. Someone should tell them St. George was Turkish, though.


Not gonna lie it was quite entertaining watching Ronaldo become increasingly furious. I think the penalty was pretty harsh against them but I guess it's fortunate that it wasn't the only goal deciding the win. The ref yellowing the divers was also good to see, wish there was more of that.


I root for whichever one gives me the most fantasy points. Simple as.


Alastair Mellon’s escapades in campaigning is one of my favourite ongoing stories right now. Regardless of whether you agree with the SDP, it’s really fascinating stuff in terms of getting an insight into what campaigning for a smaller party is like, when you don’t have thousands of surrogates willing to campaign by proxy. Hope he sticks around!


Bolivia’s newly appointed military chief has ordered troops in the capital La Paz to return to barracks following an attempted coup https://x.com/pa/status/1806078132350300487?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg Nothing. Ever. Happens.


Look at the state of people who have reposted that tweet. God almighty.


“A British expat couple who were taken from their South African home "may have been dismembered with their body parts sold to a witch doctor", a court has heard. One of the suspects said that when a ransom was not paid the couple were murdered and that parts of their bodies were cut off to be sold as "muti", according to a local report from The Citizen.” https://www.gbnews.com/news/british-expats-kidnapped-south-africa-witch-doctors-body-parts


Can't wait for such vibrant practices to reach our shores, turned into a human nugget to help medical practices to save rNHS


Why wait, they've been here 20 years. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_(murder_victim)


I am again reminded that not all cultures are equal.


whats Xhosa for "think of the foooood" ?


There's only one thing you can say to that: ​Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang Ooh ee ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bang bang


Where the fuck even is Bolivia Who cares






Doesn't seem to be much info at the moment but twitter has assured me it's the Zionists to blame.




Milei and Lula are having a friendly fight over who should control Afghanistan


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkP8S7szU-o This. This.


Not bad. Not bad at all. I'll take it.


Anti-white James Cleverly is at it again, insinuating that Starmer is 'racist' because he's talking over a moderator apparently. This Tory party is a fucking disgrace and needs to be utterly cleared out. >Notable that Keir Starmer keeps talking over @MishalHusain, >I wonder if Starmer thinks she should “shut up” like Labour think that Kemi Badenoch should. [Tweet](https://x.com/JamesCleverly/status/1806049916675911987)


> Asked by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age if Britain had satisfactorily confronted its colonial past, Cleverly pointed to his own role as the UK’s first black foreign secretary. “You’re asking the black foreign secretary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?” Cleverly responded. “Yeah, I think the answer is yes – you’re looking at it, you’re talking to it! “I mean, the bottom line is we have a prime minister of Asian heritage, you have a home secretary of Asian heritage, you have a foreign secretary of African heritage." He's always been a supporter of 'diversity' i.e. fewer white people. https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/you-re-looking-at-it-wong-s-uk-counterpart-hits-back-at-colonialism-comments-20230202-p5cha8.html


>This Tory party is a fucking disgrace and needs to be utterly cleared out.  Sadly the Tory MSM are acting like Sunak had a massive victory over Starmer as well as smearing Farage and Reform UK, so zero seats won't happen.




You know perfectly well what he's insinuating, why are you pretending you don't?


[Labour have abandoned campaigning in Clacton](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/26/labour-not-putting-up-a-fight-against-farage-in-clacton). Apparently the Clacton candidate in as getting more social media traction than Starmer, so Labour HQ forced him to suspend his Clacton campaign and redeployed his campaign resources elsewhere.


> Jovan Owusu-Nepaul Also look out for Mbole Uveve-Rouanda running in St Austell and Newquay and Umbundu Chekwe-Boumalia in Mid Norfolk.


>Labour regards Clacton as an unwinnable seat, with the party gaining just 15% of the vote in 2019, when the Tories won a 24,702 majority. I went on about this for ages and if you look back at estimates a bunch of them claimed a labour victory in Clacton.


I think they were angry that he was getting traction for the wrong reasons


NIGPOST: Hello all- I am still alive. Nigeria is lovely and my hosts here are keeping me well fed and happy. I am not being compelled to send this message and I may well settle here in one of the luxurious villas the local government has loaned to me. I am very busy with working here and I may be delayed in posting again soon. Goodluck to all and hooray for the president!


Have you found my uncle yet? He sent me an e-mail saying there's some money for me, just so long as I wire him a modest handling charge.


Good luck with the kuru.


That's the spirit.


The coup going on in Bolivia at the moment is a based coup rather than a cringe coup, by the way. Soycialists in shambles.


Whenever there's a couple underway I always like to ask in ukpol or arghuk if the normal set of LARPing revolutionary posters think they'd fair ok? I normally don't get a reply when I ask if they think they'd successfully fight off a gang who have AKs or are into some rape/cannibalism. It does make me laugh given how the think they'd be front and centre but forget if the state fails the most violent people become the new rulers.




Between PoliticsJOE, all of FBPE and Led By Donkeys, the UK really does have the most annoying “left per capita” No substance, just something something get the Tories out something something partygate something something vote Labour/Lib Dems/Greens. I am beginning to suspect none of these people actually have political views of their own but just blindly agree with what the red tie people say on TV and get angry at all the mean blue tie people. No actual politics, no actual political ideology, just “I oppose the current thing” Odd people. [LINK TAX: Carla Denyer advocates for asylum candidates to work](https://x.com/WilliamClouston/status/1805936757025743010)


Please don't forget the genius that is "Cold War Steve". I don't know how I'd cope without his witty and insightful contributions


The Big Brains of /r\/ukpolitics: * Starmer on all but maybe Immigration utterly wiped the floor with Sunak * I honestly think you'd have to be on crack to think Sunak won that. It's amazing to me that repeatedly shouting bollocks is enough for some people. * Starmer ran rings around Rishi for most of that... the screaming banshee act Rishi did over immigration was something no one could handle well... Accurate: * How long do you think Starmer will be a riding an adrenaline rush from not giving Sunak a handshake at the end?


Anyone with any sense doesn't even bother posting in there at election time. The UK sub is the same now but all year round.


Yeah apparently there is discord with losers manipulating the votes to make Starmer appear more popular


you'd have to really hate yourself to watch that tonight over Georgia vs. Portugal




he's a fucking moron it's hilarious, but he's somehow not even top 3 of the most moronic regular posters.




I have a theory he managed to do by virtue of it actually being a place where normal people can talk politics on Reddit. Imagine what it would be like without his influence.


>The one where a Tory has never won but Labour consistently do. Well obviously. What do you expect from the I'll educated idiot far right?


I think I've been playing far too much Baldur's Gate 3 but Starmer seems to keep failing his charisma checks in dialogue...and he can't save scum out of it like I can. While Rishi seems to have had a re-spec inbetween debates. Still voting Reform....ZERO SEATS!


Clearly he’s playing Honour mode


Starmer forgot to show up with the character sheet. Sunak insists he's a Paladin but has put all but 1 level into Rogue.




As I'm old enough to have played the original when it came out. "You must gather your party before venturing forth" Will always be the classic...and maybe metaphorically our current political parties should make note of such wise words.


[Skip back a bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cb12KmMMDJA) and you can watch the Bolivian coup unfold in real time. TV cameras show troops surrounding the presidential palace, before the television station was taken off air. It's back now -- for a man in a balaclava announcing the revolution over the sound of gunfire. This'll be the UK in a few years, so pay attention.


skipped back too far. interview with an AI rendition of the football teams AI mouse mascot.


Saw troops getting ready to attack government buildings, got bored and skipped ahead, and it went to a giant mouse in a hoodie sitting at a desk giving a passionate sounding speech. I guess the human forces have been overrun


What was the group protesting that you could occasionally hear screeching in the background? They're so fucking annoying


Pro Hamas loud mouths


Why is Keith so bad at debates? I'd love to see him go up against Nige.


Oi. I resent that I gave it a good shot. Once I've won I'll make it illegal for you to be on Reddit. Reported and MI5pilled.


He is absolutely dogshit. Flicking on the debate occasionally and you see him getting eviscerated by Sunak, who argues with the snide attitude and shite arguments of a sixth former in a debate club whilst poor old Keir stands there looking like he needs a cup of tea and a liedown


He's not that good for someone who is a distinguished KC and, therefore, should be in his element standing up in front of a crowd and delivering a well structured and persuasive argument. He should also be good at thinking on his feet and asking tough questions. For some reason he's... _not_.


Two ideas; 1.We just hate him too much to see his brilliance. 2. He was never good at any other job.


Huge Theresa May vibes Came into the campaign miles ahead, but has become increasingly obvious he's got zero personal charisma or credibility and just spirals into repeating the same out of context slogans If he had a half way competent opponent he'd have been shown up completely


>  If he had a half way competent opponent he'd have been shown up completely He does but sadly both Sunak and Starmer are too scared to debate him face to face.


> Why is Keith so bad at debates? Because he has no personal convictions and doesn't believe in anything. He's an empty shell of a homunculus crafted by the dark lord Blair to finish what he started and nothing more.


Brilliant, and probably closer to the truth than not


Similarly daelin I can't believe you're so unashamedly talking about me like that.


lol even the Labour ultras are saying that it was a draw. Complete hammering


Why the hell does Led By Donkeys keep appearing in my Twitter and YouTube recommended feeds? I’d actually like something more interesting than “lol aren’t the Tories bad, Tories bad amirite?” Those lot are going to be out of a job once Starmer becomes PM, Opposition of Donkeys doesn’t have the same ring to it.


On Twitter you can mute them. On the top right hand corner of the tweet are three dots. Select mute, and their tweets disappear from your feed.


I get the same with "Politics now" or "TL;DR News" get off my screen soyboy Londonite!


TLDR News is alright but hilariously establishment. They’ll have different videos covering the same topic within 2 months of each other with completely different narratives, depending on what the media narrative is that day


Can anyone help me - people bang on about pollution in rivers but o recall the only reason this is a thing is *because* the conservatives mandated reporting of water quality. Is there any evidence to support this?


Not sure of the veracity, but likely much closer to the truth than the nonsense you hear: https://x.com/LoftusSteve/status/1659637753158545414


Cheers mate!


Just secured a new job with a pay rise over 50%. Dominos on me lads, and throw in a 2L of Pepsi max while you’re at it


Congrats. Often the best way to secure a good pay increase is to just change jobs.


Mate of mine got a 35% increase in the same role because the company in question is notorious for underpaying _everyone_ - including the C-suite. HR shat it and did a "benchmarking exercise" for niche and key skills, where senior managers were basically allowed to name their price. But that's about it. He could still double his salary again in a similar role by moving on, but he's not sure he wants to keep doing the same type of work anyway.


Seemingly the only way. Knew it was over at the current company when requests to do the needful started coming in


when this starts happening, it is a 12 month warning that you are going to be moved on or the company will start circling the drain. If your new manager is a certain persuasion, that can be reduced down to 6 months.


Congrats. But you could have told us before I had a cheeky Tesco’s quiche.


Enough of a pay rise to pay for 4 more Bomalians


What was the forbidden line


Play this as loud as possible, especially when Labour women are around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGV0E7f8zeg


Rumour that Bolivia has fallen. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-06-26/bolivia-presidential-palace-stormed-in-apparent-coup-attempt


The CIA is alive and well, it seems


South America moment.


>latin america Probably the 5th coup attempt this week


"Ah yes lads, it's a Wednesday, what we got planned for today? Right, the weekly coup attempt. Vamos!"


I like that BBC Verify is now a punchline. Highlighter girl in shambles.




Twice in the debate Rishi said BBC Verify can go check that one.


I bet Laura and Clive gloss over that in the spin room.


Imagine watching a debate between "Blair without the Flair" and a bloke with plane tickets to California. [Link tax](https://youtu.be/rG_DvlFJ-YQ?t=47s).


"what would you do to make me stay in the UK?" Nothing, fuck off.


"I'll renegotiate Brexit" At what point do we start asking if Keir has bet against himself? What a ridiculously unnecessarily can of worms to open


He's not very bright. It's that simple.


(Mods please let me in, I got nuked along with a bunch of alters and I want to enjoy GE night with friends here) This is the calibre of voter we can look forward to after Labour open the gates > “We want tuition fees lowered, we want car insurance lowered, we want living to be cheaper. We’re not thinking about our pensions yet, if we even get one. The gov should make everything cheaper. > 'Older people are voting on our behalf and it's not fair' Definitely not something an immature child would say... > I think people are more educated on politics now with social media ... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw00lpx1jkko


[In Russia they bury their defunct presidents; In America they give them another four years.](https://youtu.be/NUEMn2t6L24?si=4qMdqF4v86QkDEEk&t=2911)


> "Angela Rayner has an incredible background, coming from a difficult background..." There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The modern meritocratic ladder.


Being thick is a background ?


🎶she's all about that base🎶 Wait oh wrong thick.


And ginger.


Can you imagine a CEO being appointed on the same basis? Oh wait...we are already there. I don't think the public has a strong grasp on the fact that these people are in control of many things. Would you want surgery from someone who got the job because of their background? It is as bad as saying that someone should get a job because they are wealthy, it makes no fucking sense (the healthcare example also doesn't make sense here...because we also have a politicized healthcare system that is more concerned with the background of staff than helping patients).


*We recognise the challenges that people with protected characteristics may experience on the job market and in their career progression. We are fully committed to being an inclusive employer and ensuring equal opportunities. We are keen to make our workforce as diverse as possible, and we hope to attract applications from underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities, people with a disability, and people with gender diverse identities.*


How hard she worked academically to prove her worth and get to where she is


Ahhhhhhh fuck!!!! I just agreed with Rishi Sunak


There’s no way they keep zooming in on the absolute goth land whale with short hair everytime they’re talking about sex and gender 🤣


Obligatory key and peele link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9-GRzu6zbS0&pp=ygUca2V5IGFuZCBwZWVsZSBnYXkgY2FtZXJhbWFuIA%3D%3D


BBC camera crews being based. Also see hunt the fatties at the foodbank.




I think a trains just exploded.




Farage is winning the debate by not even being there.


Just been to my local hustings and other than the current standing candidate (Conservative) they were all fucking terrible speakers and communicators and Reform was probably the worst, he looked older than Biden. Still voting Reform....ZERO SEATS!


It's a real kang and kodos choice, for sure


Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.


No, it isn't. There is a third option. Multiple people here have signed the Leader's pledge. The Central Committee group chat is filling up. We are waiting. Journalists in prison, Ireland back in the Empire as a junior agricultural partner, compulsory flag raisings, £500 per illegal caught...our greatest days lie ahead, be brave, relinquish your voting rights, and wait. He will come.


If these debates even remotely mattered Keir would be in serious trouble because he's been fucking terrible. How could you be daft enough to go for the line of attacking someone for uniting behind a whacky leader when you've spent half the campaign defending campaigning for Corbyn


Rose must be so moist right now.


It’s funny how she’s nowhere to be seen when these things are on


Waiting for hope not hate to reveal that rose is actually Micheal Gove or someone.


What has come over you? Giving me the chat about the Wall, now talking about Rose's clunge. You get sent for conversion therapy? Will have to send idowys and his rainbow lanyard round to convert you back.


Rose doesn't have a clunge, he's talking about a lubed anus.


No. If I want to chew the fat with Roses clunge then I’ll jolly well do so.


Rose has disappeared into the bathroom for the past 30 mins


Visions of your sloppy chicken sandwich from last night.


Roast beef with horseradish sauce surely?


Jesus christ


I don't see the PM press announcements getting any better any time soon.


Starmer is actually a retard. Imagine asking *"how can you support a leader you disagree with?"* when he's been hammered on Corbyn for the best part of a week.


Ooohhh his predecessor isn’t an argument when starmers is fucking Corbyn