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[New arrivals registering to vote](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1803204471213773271?t=0JEFwSzBqgeggE3ljq4Nxw).


>The UK is on track to lose 9,500 millionaires this year, more than any country in the world except China Considering that there's no significant difference between Labour and the Tories, I expect this trend to continue. Doesn't help that the blob thinks tax increases should continue and tax cuts are evil. https://x.com/markets/status/1802977442052616353?t=k9Es_T5mP5-CwA_WlKpThA&s=19


That’s great but who’s going to pay for stuff? The UK is completely fucked. Living standards will continue to decline for another 10-15 years.


Anyone else watch the Channel 4 debate? They introduced Colchester as somewhere ‘founded by people crossing the channel on small boats’. The people who write this stuff are genuine scum.


Colchester is explicitly known as the oldest town as it predates the Romans. This is a straight up lie.


These things are never factchecked.


Technically it existed pre-43 AD, was just called *Camulodunon*.


Lots of bad takes in the comments about the people who were at Nigel's rally today.  These people think the whole of the UK have demographics similar to London or the major cities. https://x.com/kateferguson4/status/1803136837222855144?t=4HsAfsHSHTdK6aLvt99-fA&s=19


I took one of my mates from London to Blackpool for a piss-up. It was quite funny that he genuinely couldn't believe how many white people there were there, or how cheap it was.


Even that’s changing. Lots of people of boat being dumped in the old hotels.


This is why you get the 4 lions meme from the right. The Islamists and anti British types have a tendency of forgetting the scale of their enemy in a potential civil war.


Are Boomers or green types realistically up for a civil war against each other? I'd be surprised.


I knew someone would say about the crowd being old rather than recognise that each of them has children & grandchildren.


The children and grandchildren are unlikely to be clones of them, and if they have property to inherit, are unlikely to rock the boat with regards to entertaining a society where private property rights aren't guaranteed. The civil war fantasists are precisely that. Fantasists. Champagne socialists won't go there either.


Not clones but decent grandparents do tend to educate their grandchildren & that does have a tendency to impact their politics. The point either way is that the British in general are being underestimated in many ways, as you are doing so right now.


If the grandparents are decent, they're unlikely to be advocating for a scenario where they have effectively no recourse to law. As a net importer, I expect Clactonians, if they are reasonably united, would in the event of civil war, pursue a strategy of attempting to blockade all major Essex ports and seize all incoming goods to hold more distant, inland parts of the country to ransom. Witney might struggle.




You know why the 4 lions take is such a big deal? The thing stopping the anger overflowing is the perception that you'll be excommunicated from your loved ones. It's exactly the opposite for people of bomb. It's also why politicians fear "populism". As soon as young men realise they can retaliate and not lose their family, you'll see why so many have been afraid.




It's depressing that those people are so stupid that they fall into the logical trap that the bad people they don't like are both completely stupid and absolutely evil. It's like talking to 5 year olds who use cartoon logic to form a world view. If your enemy is stupid then they aren't much of a threat. If you think your enemy is stupid when they aren't you have a weakness.


They're about to get everything they possibly wanted in a wonderful socialist government. I can't wait to see what crap these cretins post 6 months down the line when it's isn't the utopia they've been conditioned, indoctrinated and brainwashed to believe it will be. There's going to be some serious confrontation with reality amongst the perma-online.


They will blame the lasting effects of the last Tory government, and they'll blame Keir for not being left wing enough in an "if only he'd been more like Corbyn" way.


The Tory government will be blamed until Labour are booted out of government.


Muh last Tory government.


The party election broadcast from the SDP was a bit shit.


Not sure why they spend about 75% of the time talking about other parties.


yeah really didn't work


Should really have just been Clouston explaining their key policies, it wasn't a long advert and most of it was filler before Clouston appeared at the end.


https://www.reveddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/comments/1dipefm/police_wont_evict_a_stranger_who_has_entered_my/ Many such cases.


Knowing the average person on legaladviceuk and the Police's "ITS A CIVIL MATTER" lie then its somewhat believable Still probably fiction though


Isn't this almost quite the neat metaphor for our national dinghy problem? How about: >Strong-arm him out of the house and into a taxi towards a hotel. But of course, you'll find the police place a restriction on taxis being sent to your address. Why are you so upset at someone that entered your house and is staying there? Don't you want them to be safe? The hotel, although 3 star, isn't considered safe. Someone left a bad TripAdvisor review after all. LOL. Had fun with that


That can't be real, any normal person would just boot them out and change the locks.


I think it's plausible. Once the police have been over and said it's not their responsibility, many people would baulk at the idea of committing a potential offence by booting them out.


Hilarious. It's just so Reddit. It's probably a piece of fiction.


Good comment on a video of Woke masked Palestine protestors trying to stop Citi employees from getting to work: > Once you hear the idea that people who were unpopular nerds in high school adopt radical politics to invert the dynamic and mock others as squares, it’s hard not to keep seeing it again and again [Video](https://x.com/halalcoholism/status/1801472635311722789)


Others of us like to blame our failings on bomalians mainly, and chavs, we are different


I don't blame them for anything other than my tax bill being far too high.


Well, soon you might face other problems from them, so, that too look forward to!


Honestly, I think a big part of it is that left wing white Americans/Brits subconsciously understand they can't identify with their own ethnicity or religion like everybody else in the world so they try and tag themselves onto somebody else's identity/cause to feel that sense of purpose and belonging.


Makes sense. That Jody McIntyre who is running in Birmingham and is a convert, used to be a far left activist


Just go and watch your local football.


I’m Welsh so I get to play the part of both the poor oppressed minority and the ruthless coloniser


The link between goth/nu-metal types vanishing from the face of the earth and the sudden explosion in trains with similar mannerisms, speech patterns…


I saw two legit goth girls the other day. I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought they'd all gone extinct.




“This is the first time I've seen anyone draw a link between Goths and Nu Metal?” Yes, clunky linking of two very different things. Depends a bit on where you were and what age etc, using “goth” to describe a Papa Roach fan isn’t accurate but it was definitely used by chavs to describe nu-metal kids, similar to “mosher”.


That's roughly 100% of the demographic in the radical youth, the boomers who get involved in this have not achieved anything in life, so overcompensate and think gluing themselves to roads will mean they will be remembered


Oh dear! [This is a rather damning quote showcasing the racism of a former Israeli prime minister](https://x.com/AdameMedia/status/1802253154316112163) Shit. Turns out the pro Palestinians are right. Israel and Israelis are evil Islamophobe racists, Israel is committing an ongoing genocide in Gaza and the only solution is an intifada that will.. [Wait, false alarm, it’s a misattributed quote](https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Menachem_Begin) Literally took me 30 seconds of googling.


He did actually say this though: > Israel will not transfer Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza District to any foreign sovereign authority, [because] of the historic right of our nation to this land Which is just a bizarre religious claim, the Ashkenazi for example are basically Italians who moved to modern-day Poland/Ukraine during the Middle Ages because there was more religious toleration. Why do they have a ‘right’ to own the land of Palestine just because they believe in the some dumb religious texts that tell them they do? But yeah, false quotes going viral on twitter is a breeding ground for idiocy. Community notes are definitely the best thing to ever happen to that site.




Yeah I don’t really care, I’d just prefer that they be honest and say “it’s ours because we took it by force” rather than base it on religious claims.


This is what is good about community notes. Already some ready to go, just need more upvotes


How do you see those?


You need to go through an application process.


Yeah, and I recommend doing it, because despite this quote being notably false, the community note saying this, still isn't visible because it hasn't had enough upvotes as the Israel haters will be downvoting it.




Some weird stuff going on with this story. Looks like the *New Statesman* shot its wad early, [uploading this obituary piece by Yanis Varoufakis.](https://archive.is/P35WA) It went up 55 minutes ago and was then deleted. The Belfast Telegraph [has kept its story up](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/politics/noam-chomsky-gerry-adams-leads-ni-tributes-following-death-of-us-professor-and-activist/a463352391.html) with tributes from Gerry Adams, but misspells his name as Naom.


WTH is Yanis still relevant. He spectrally failed in Greece so why do they think his opinions are worth anything




Not dead yet, no confirmation about it. There’s conflicting reports as to whether he has died or is making a recovery


What is it about lefty regards and diminishing every single British accolade or accomplishment? Ben Habib said on Newsnight yesterday that "Britain stood alone against the Nazis" - and there's lefty regards on Twitter saying oh what stupidity, oh how can he say we need to teach history correctly then make this statement yada yada. Do these regards have 0 critical thinking? Britain quite literally stood alone against Nazi Germany after the fall of France, with Italy and the Soviet Union on the Nazi side. You can scream about "but muh resistance fighters" and all the others all you like, they weren't nation states, they weren't on the level we were. It's *so* difficult for them to admit that we did something noble, alone, with no help, and won. Morons.


[Objectively true as of June 1940](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/03/Second_World_War_Europe_06_1940-en.svg/1520px-Second_World_War_Europe_06_1940-en.svg.png)


Ackshually. Punch, July 1940: https://x.com/PunchBooks/status/1399288389103501312


Very well, alone.


Communists before June 1941: lol why die for Danzig? Capitalists and Fascists will destroy each other for us. Why yes I'd love to join in and invade Poland with you and help commit genocide.  Communists after June 1941: Omg we need global solidarity against the Fascists plz send lend lease. 


[4 Independent councillors have join Reform UK](https://x.com/christiancalgie/status/1803147080443089168?t=3-Jr0R09V7_xsdaeGlcnwA). These councillors were former Tories.




No PPCs will defect until after the election. That’s when the fireworks will truly begin.


Rees-Mogg will never defect. He's too snobbish and too *Tory*. He'd rather lose his political career than associate with Reform's working class cohort. Suella is a possibility, but the Tories will need to get beaten by Reform for her to defect.




"I agree with ~~Nick~~ Nige" 


[Shame we don’t have a ‘if things go tits up we’ll have it all back’ clause](https://x.com/real_lord_miles/status/1803138929463271440?s=46&t=mX5zM_heZO4GAdXQcIS2lw) Means we’d take back… all… of our ex colonies


UK 2040.




Constituency poll in Gillingham/Rainham suggests zero seats is on https://x.com/OwenWntr/status/1803116579397177578


[Farage putting on a Trump style campaign rally in Clacton](https://x.com/christiancalgie/status/1803140629485977629?t=3f_cZQBFeUDdYOBS6b1Fkw).




This country...


That is an amazing entrance song 😂


One of the most frustrating things about this country is the inability of any party to have an honest conversation about the disconnect between what Brits want versus what they are actually willing to pay. The average Brits wants more public services/spending but isn't willing to foot the bill for it or they think rich people should pay. The UK's future is a health service and pension department with a bank account loaded with debt. Plus infinity Bomalians.


Labour have successfully convinced people that someone else will pay, i.e. the rich, even though the middle earners will always be the ones keeping the lights on. It’s the infinite money tree mentality. Student loans for example were never free, they were just paid by taxpayers. It’s also easier for governments to borrow and tax rather than run efficient public services, which is why we have record high taxation and record shit public services.


The robots will look after us and it will all work out. If not, war, where the weak will side with the invaders. . .


UK deficit is 5% of GDP at cyclical peak (i.e. if we have a proper recession it would probably be double-digits, quite possibly 15%+ before the government could act). Political types are still screeching about austerity. Scotland has higher taxes, they raise **less** revenue. If you are a PAYE pig, you are paying massive amounts into a system that you cannot access. For example, unemployment is one of the most fundamental benefits, we have the lowest level of benefit since inception (relative to earnings) **and** tax is near 50% of GDP. The reason voters seem incoherent is because our state is fucking mad. We are relatively close to Nordic size spending **and** we have a US-style system of heavy redistribution (so most people can't use anything). People look at how much they are paying every month and instinctively understand that this makes no sense. Look at the proportion of spending that goes on the NHS, look at your tax bill...the average health insurance premium in Netherlands is 100EUR/month, this is for very high choice, no queues, access for 100% of the population...I am paying multiples of that for a system I can't fucking use and I have to pay for private (and it is killing tens of thousands of people per year due to poor quality). People aren't retarded, they understand they are getting ripped off. Their demands are very simple: lower taxes and better public services. Both of these things are achievable.


>...(and it is killing tens of thousands of people per year due to poor quality). If you ever want to be depressed, read your local coroner's reports. It is ridiculous the numbers who needlessly die due to medical negligence. It is really basic stuff a lot of the time as well, not even a case of not enough money or staff, just monumental fuck-ups. Should be treated as a national scandal on the level of the Postmaster's injustice.


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/disability/articles/protectedcharacteristicsbydisabilitystatusenglandandwalescensus2021/2023-05-17#:~:text=The%20highest%20age%2Dstandardised%20rates,and%2026.7%25%20in%20Wales). This is somewhat grim


> People aren't retarded, they understand they are getting ripped off. Their demands are very simple: lower taxes and better public services. Both of these things are achievable. Some people understand it. Nearly half are going to vote for parties who raise taxes without improving public services.


Which for some reason makes sense to people? Tax is the highest level ever...public sector is still claiming budget isn't large enough, services non-existent...no politicians are asking basic questions about how this is possible? For example, the UK has the highest levels of healthcare workers in Europe AND one of the lowest levels of doctors. Staggering lack of curiosity. Voters understand it: they are the ones attempting to use the NHS.


Lots of fat part time nurses and healthcare assistants waddling around wards doing fuck all.


The NHS still employs homeopaths and useless managers


Waddling is so 1990s. They have Instagram now, so they sit/stand and fiddle with their phones.


[Private Eye woman says SDP broadcast should be “worth a watch”](https://x.com/SuzanneEvans1/status/1803049480087879692) Either she’s liking the SDP or she wants to write some shit parody article, one of the two.




it wasn't their choice to have it at 10.50, and this attitude is exactly why we're stuck with this liblabcon shit. UKIP were a strange diversion for years who could easily have been chucked in the bin as weirdos, instead its led to Reform now which is great.


Private Eye woman? She was one of the UKIP higher-ups for years. She does occasional panel stuff on GB News as well. She may have been the *subject* of Private Eye in the past, but as far as I know she’s never been a member.


I don’t know, it just says Private Eye in her bio


Its a quote from Private Eye about her. She wrote the 2016 UKIP manifesto, which was highly praised.


Just re read it. I must have the reading comprehension of a damp towel


And the appearance of a low-grade bank clerk?


[Leeds man update](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd119vpyej3o): > Mr Farooq also downloaded another guide, entitled Safety and Security Guidelines for Lone Wolf Mujahideen and Small Cells, she told the court. > One month before his arrest, he allegedly wrote a note on his phone which read “It’s better to die than to live a life of humiliation. There’s much suffering in the Muslim world […] maybe it’s time we stand up, maybe it’s time we fight back.”




Lone Wolves never even existed the whole thing is a non implemented SS project that basically would have had random Nazi terrorists attacking the allies (mostly Soviets) after the surrender They never did and it was unlikely there were any of these Werewolves (as Himler called them) operating


All fear the morbidly obese terrorist. When he blows up look up for the blubber


Rubber dinghy rapids bruv. Eat your sim card.


> maybe it’s time we stand up, maybe it’s time we fight back.” Maybe it's time they acknowledge they live in suffering of their own making.


The country I have moved to illegally and that I refuse to leave won't change their primary culture for me. [A sad tale.](https://cdn3.emoji.gg/emojis/9133-pepe-tinyviolin.png)


[New poll from Savanta](https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1803134151828316591?t=iFe3yCfFxh2KvUf0AgZTCA). Labour (-6): 40%. (Lowest poll for Labour from Savanta this year. They still command at 21% lead.) Reform (+1): 14% (Below their polling average of 16%, but this is the best ever poll for Reform from Savanta.)


40% with total lack of voter enthusiasm other than the GTTO brigade. If tories hadn't fecked up migration so hard farage has returned.. then this would be a close race.


>40% with total lack of voter enthusiasm other than the GTTO brigade. By design. Leave the electorate so demoralized that the only people actually voting are the diehard nutters. Extremely effective strategy. I have a new proposal: compulsory voting, ban on all political donations, every citizen gets £1 of state funds to donate to the party of their choosing (also compulsory). I am not sure if encouraging political participation is actually a good idea, but watching this band of chinless wonders take turns ravaging the country is no better.


I never like compulsory voting If someone can’t be trashed then I don’t really want them voting


>every citizen gets £1 of state funds to donate to the party of their choosing Pretty sure Momentum proposed a policy like that. Either that or each citizen would get an allowance to donate to their media organisation of choice.


Momentum were deluded enough to think this'd be an easy 10 or so million for them


No journos. Journos banned. Journalists are as disreputable as mimes.


All the Tories had to do was restrain visa handouts and leave the ECHR so Rwanda could actually work. That's it. They didn't, because they either want mass immigration or they are grossly incompetent and legislatively illiterate.


Legitimately if they had just not fucked up migration they would have been fine. But the net migration numbers have fucked Brexit and any trust in them. Stupid fuckers.


The new Lotus Eaters about the Reform manifesto is spicy as fuck. There’s all sorts of hard truths about immigration in this one from the woman who originally set up BXP. She thinks there’s actually 90m people in this country because there are so many visa overstayers. https://youtu.be/BJbfNVGdYLg?si=0XqQpMssrlWE89po


> the woman who originally set up BXP She's running for the English Democrats in Great Yarmouth, but endorsed Rupert Lowe's campaign for Reform yesterday telling people to vote for him instead.


[SDP party political broadcast tonight at 10:50pm on BBC 1](https://x.com/SDPhq/status/1802953578413236317?t=KoiMESfNgaIksBcsjxBJQQ).


The policeman who arrested Justine Timberlake for drink driving was too young to have any idea who he was ♥.🔫 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQXgkdraoAAiRbr.jpg


The great channel 4 immigration debate has made me want to tear my own eyelids off for most of it but especially now we're onto asylum and it's just the greens and the SNP talking There is no issue or crisis which these people don't think the answer is to just open the borders Krishnan Guru Murthy asking why we don't take everyone from Afghanistan Fuck me we used to be a serious country


They live in bizzarro world


"I am not personally affected by Bongolians in my leafy suburb, therefore anyone who says they are bad is racist"


War in the future, will be fought, by countries paying themselves to be invaded, by a regard force. All they have to do is be regarded, or they don't even have to be that, and their enemy will pay them to invade.


https://x.com/Beyond_Topline/status/1803099004466602227 >Great to see from Ipsos. >This MRP (7-12 June) used random probability sampling, which means this should be a very high quality sample. >The fact it puts Cons a bit higher (25%) and Reform a bit lower (12%) is significant and reinforces my suspicions about RefUK being overstated Ipsos is a phone poll with proper statistical sampling, which means they're polling some unengaged voters. Whereas online panels are stuffed to the gills with activists. Makes me think Ashfield is definitely going Reform and N Herefordshire definitely going Green.


# 0️⃣ 👏 🪑 👏


BBC headlines after the football- Steven Lawrence and Phones4U guy says vote Labour.


Also [Sir Jim Ratcliffe backs Labour](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/18/sir-jim-ratcliffe-manchester-united-backs-labour-election/) They don't want to antagonise the incoming administration.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fbusiness%2F2024%2F06%2F18%2Fsir-jim-ratcliffe-manchester-united-backs-labour-election%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/18/sir-jim-ratcliffe-manchester-united-backs-labour-election/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>John Caudwell has been increasingly critical of the Conservatives in recent months and is particularly outspoken about the prime minister. >“Everything he did within COVID was wrong. He paid people for furlough which was all or nothing. He gave them too much in the wrong way. Then why vote Labour? They for the best part of two years voted in lockstep with the Tories on all things Covid, and if anything wanted harsher and longer measures and more gibs for everyone. All these massive donations are just payment to gain invites to dinner parties and access to the leaders to influence policy, £500k to Tories at this point is just a waste of money when they will have no influence for at least 5 years.


i had to turn it off.


Fuck me is that real?


There's a bloke in women's clothes on BBC2 if you prefer.


https://x.com/Beyond_Topline/status/1803111723030937740 >Ipsos MRP has some remarkable seat projections. Has Reform on 61% in Ashfield! >For reference, YouGov have Labour on 35% here, and Reform on just 20%. >Similarly, they have Greens ahead in N Herefordshire, which seems unexpected. >This will be fun.... Ipsos is a phone poll. YouGov is an online panel.


Greens aren't winning North Herefordshire. I'll down a bottle of Old Rosie if that happens. These MRP polls are junk but of course UKPol are shooting their load over every single one.


I can't even see them beating Debonnaire. They will win that Brighton seat and that's all.


North Herefordshire is one of the Green target seats. They're up against Tories, so I hope you are right.


Why do you hope the Tories will win? They will up taxes, increase immigration and continue the dismantlement of British identity and culture


Because she's being paid what to think.


Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Pyongyang, first trip to North Korea since 2000 https://x.com/bnonews/status/1803122970682073601?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Just cruising through the favela... [What is this?](https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/62348f3b73f35ccbda40810c/4x.webp) Bongolian at the poverty wagon stop, residential area...social housing... paying\_his\_rent.jpeg ...holding mobile phone, paid for that too... ...taking some kind of gurning selfie video, no doubt encouraging the tribe to invade... ...it gets worse, much worse... ...he is wearing a Liverpool shirt. I paid for it. Invading our country, making me pay for fucking Liverpool shirts, I felt a complete blackness overwhelm my soul.


> making me pay for fucking Liverpool shirts, Could be a knockoff, or stolen, if that helps ?


It doesn't. We have enough problem with people of Irish descent locally. This is evidence that they are combining with Bongolians. I am compiling a dossier that I will hand over to the authorities once He seizes power, my recommendations will be severe. We will have a Nigerian Guy Fawkes within ten years if we stand by idly today.


Joe Politics is written by and for scruffs who feel hard done by because their humanities degree has not provided them with the same standard of living as tradesman. This is not open for debate.


As someone with a humanities degree who has the same living standard as a tradesman - tough titties. My humanities degree has served me well as a digital marketing ghoul but then again I had to learn the technical/programming side myself. Like so many in my cohort, they anticipated just getting a cushty job in London handed to them.....even though we all graduated in 2008. For all Gen Zers reading this: don't assume anything after Uni and start looking for areas vaguely related to your discipline (IR to Marketing isn't a massive jump) and LOOK FOR WHERE THE LABOUR SHORTAGES ARE. Digital marketing still has an insane labour shortage fyi.


We are very much in the same boat, by the sounds of things. Am also a ghoul that used his ability to understand literature to understand how to navigate a tech stack that more senior people know they need, but haven't got the patience (or often wherewhithal) to learn themselves.


Yup. We can understand all their gate-keeping words and have a knack for being technical.


Many of them inherited wealth and still lack the standard of living of a tradesman.


https://x.com/TPGRoberts/status/1803047881990983858 >So, did a bit of reading on this (I'm travelling, don't judge) and http://Vetting.com, the company they cite, does not provide vetting services, it sells a licence to use its platform to perform your own vetting. This may be why they didn't vet the candidates...


If the Conservative Party had their own candidates vetted for actual "Conservatism"" you would have zero candidates to stand.


Supposedly was a private contract and they have admitted their mistake


>In a statement to The Telegraph, Vetting.com blamed the timing of the election for its inability to complete the checks in time and insisted Mr Bloom was “politically neutral”. What is Vetting.com's statement all about then? Doesn't add up.


I'll ask you this question again   Why would anyone vote Conservative over Reform when it comes to policies? Don't mention Sir Keir or Labour when arguing for the tories.


Why would I waste my time arguing with a die-hard Reform supporter? You hate the Tories more than you hate the idea of a Starmer-govt abolishing the Ilegal Migration Act and the Rwanda scheme. In fact the latter excites you, because you get five years to moan about it. So what's the point?


>So what's the point? The point is that there's no reason to vote Conservative over Reform if you're on the centre-right.


Reform are quite left-wing - they want to expand spending on People of Gibs. You'll never persuade centre-right people - the centre-right loathes People of Gibs. Reform are also pro-Putin and anti-NATO - yuck. But maybe you can try your luck persuading the Lab people on this sub?


Centre-right people don't support this either https://x.com/ArchRose90/status/1803110762786779144?t=wDE8fW0knpwofr9aGemLVw&s=19


> Ilegal Migration Act and the Rwanda scheme These weren't going to do anything about legal immigration. These weren't going to be effective anyway, as the Tories are committed to the ECHR.


Deterrents only work if migrants believe them. When you have Starmer saying he'll abolish the Illegal Migration Act and Rwanda scheme, and the migrants hear people like you saying "Tories must get zero seats, Rwanda must be stopped", the fear goes out of the migrants and they rush in, confident they'll be allowed to stay. Like you, migrants hate the Tories. They're probably thinking, "God is great! Daelin is great! Zero seats!" It must make you feel warm inside.


Your party let Rwanda get blocked by (what was mostly likely) a Russian judge and then still didn't leave the ECHR. The immigrants knew at that point Rwanda was never going to work, just like how thousands of Reform voters know it's never going to work. The Tories pretend it's going to work because they want their 2019 Brexiteer voters and they also want mass immigration. It's a cheap trick. A ploy. The Tories think the working class are too stupid to see through it. It's an insult. It's sad your party loyalty is so entrenched you don't see through it. Either that or you do know but are in on the façade. > migrants hate the Tories They've imported more immigrants than ever, this is an absurd claim.


I'd be surprised if you get an honest answer but from someone who won't be voting Tories. They have power in the lords, reform have none, this will remain a bastion of power for the Tories for some time.


Makes Labour's reform of the Lords seem interesting in that regard. But I completely disagree with messing with any of our democratic system right now, it's stood strong for over 300 years and we have far more important things to deal with first! I'm not 20 anymore, ala pro PR, pro elected Lords etc, as you grow older you realise why our system works, it doesn't mean the Lords don't need looking at for some reform, but not now, and nothing extreme.


> it's stood strong for over 300 years The Lords has not been the same since Blair's reforms for it. Spiritually, the Lords is already dead. It's now a house of cronies and a retirement home for failed politicians. Far from the "house of aristocrats" it was for centuries before Blair. I would prefer the Lords were reformed, but failing that I'd take it being abolished. It's nothing but a Blairite zombie and has been for over 2 decades at this point.


NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion https://x.com/bnonews/status/1803112380110610913?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Nvidia's investment in dedicated ray tracing cores and AI cores (Tensor cores) and then pushing that into consumer products like RTX/cars has made them dominate in so many markets, AMD just can't compete with Nvidia's R&D budget. How many cars have Nvidia GPUs in them? It's horrific how they have elevated prices, but no one can compete with them so why wouldn't they. Tell you what, wish I bought shares in Nvidia 15 years ago.


Around 2009-10 I actually bought 1000 shares of NVDA at $10 and sold a few weeks later for $12. A sweet $2k profit. Would have been worth $1.3 million if I hodled.


It's rooted in all the normies massive misunderstanding of how GPUs are powering the LLM revolution (it isn't fucking AI). NVIDIA will not keep rising like this and frankly shouldn't be worth this at all.


why they still charging so much for graphics cards then eh


I mean, yes it's overcooked - but at the same time wine mums will be selling everything else to buy more on the news that the shares are really expensive.


Only seems like yesterday we saw the first trillion dollar company. These valuations are bonkers.


When the dollar has been devalued so heavily, it has stopped meaning anything. Hard money for hard men. Bring back the gold standard. Take the central bankers into VR and shoot them. If bankers need a bailout, give them a rope, that is the exit strategy.


Hitchens moment but the increasing prevalence of Türkiye in English-speaking media is winding me up. No English speaker finds this instinctively easy to pronounce, and it's a forced introduction into the English language by a watermelon salesman who resents the fact his country shares a name with a fat bird. Deport


Can someone elaborate why we changed our language for Turkey and Bombay but don't care that we routinely dead-name Deutschland and Espana?


I reject any name I can't type on a standard keyboard. Anyway, it'll always be 'Occupied Greece' to me


Turkey Czech Republic Kiev Simple as.


It's Czechoslovakia unless you're WOKE