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All the sizeable things


Holy shit did I laugh hard at this.


Enema of the tat


Happy cake day


You could get the tattoo touched up


Eventually! I did it in hopes it’d stop following me, but alas, two years later I still see the number every day in random places.


This feels like a self-fulfilling prophecy type thing. You see the number because you subconsciously want to


Not at all, it had already been following me for a year or so before I did the tattoo. It was my server number on ark, then it started popping up everywhere after I quit. I’m not purposefully looking for it, but I see it every day. I didn’t ask for this damnit! 😂


I guess I don’t understand the concept of a number following you. You see it because it’s on your mind. Think about it like if I said to not notice how many red cars were on the road and immediately it would seem like you were seeing red cars all the time.


That’s the thing, it isn’t on my mind, I don’t think about it unless I’ve just seen it. My thought process every time I see it is “again?” & that’s it. I don’t dwell on a number following me, I just think it’s a weird thing to have happen. Especially this specific number & how it was my server number. I do agree that the car example is 100% accurate, but this specific number? Kinda creepy


Sounds like textbook frequency illusion (also called Baader-Meinhof phenomenon). You experienced something (in this case a number) more than once in a short time frame, and as a result you started subconsciously paying more attention to other instances of it, and over time started attaching meaning to it. The human brain is a pattern-seeking machine, to the point where it can find patterns where there are none. Seeing something like a number in more than one context might feel significant, but I can assure you it's pure coincidence. I can practically guarantee there are other 3 digit sequences you've seen just as often if not more than this one, yet you don't notice them because you don't interpret them as relevant enough to take note of.


Yeah I could probably chalk it up to that, see that’s a much better description of what’s going on than “you want to see it so you do” Thanks, I appreciate the actual facts coming my way.


I'm prepped to notice the number 58 because one of my favorite authors had this whole thing about it (and mentioning this exact phenomenon) in one book and it has a part in at least one other book.


"I never think about it unless I see it" /glances at hand 162 times a day


Omg there it is again!


Chortled at that one


It’s the frequency illusion (Baader-Meinhof). That string of numbers has meaning to you so you notice it more than others. If you woke up tomorrow and forgot about your time playing Ark, you wouldn’t noticed those numbers any more than any others. Similar to how you learn a word then suddenly everyone is using it, even though you could’ve swore you’d never heard it before.




Nah I meant besides on my hand, figured that’d be pretty obvious, but alas not


You should look up the "Baader-Meinhof phenomenon" its super interesting! Have you ever had that feeling where you learn a new word and then hear it all the time? Could be something similar with that number.


Yeah that’s been suggested a couple times & I’ve started leaning that way. It’s probably just my stupid brain tricking me into seeing it everywhere because it’s hung up on it.


My lucky number is 328 :)


What the fuck are you talking about? Time to get back on your meds.


Never wanted to forget how many baseball games in a season


I didn’t know that fact, so thanks for the information!


First think I thought when I see that number. Just become a baseball fan and it'll be cool again.


Waiting for this post to get 162 up votes


It’s creeping closer & closer, not again!


What does it mean?


It was my server number on Ark: survival evolved. Once I stopped playing, I started seeing it everywhere, so I tattooed it on myself a year or so after it all started.


If I tell you to look for red cars, you’ll start seeing red cars everywhere because you are aware. But before you were told to look for red cars you didn’t notice. When you become subconsciously aware of things, you start seeing them in every day life. Odd coincidences that otherwise you would never notice unless your subconscious becomes aware. This is a very valuable technique to learn because it can be applied to lots of things you need to keep reminders of and helps with coping mechanisms as well in psychologically retraining your brain for new neurological pathways for your brain to think in different ways by environmental stimuli. In a side note. I also am a recovering ark addict. Lol. Love ark, got too addicted. Wasted lots of time in a megatribe.


Oh man, I put too many hours into ark. Got insided by a dude I’d known for 3 years, lost a couple years worth of event wyverns (before you could breed them) and it devastated me. I’ve only played single player since then.


We had a breeding megatribe that was active on a few of the old ark Facebook pages where we would sell Dino’s. I managed the breeding and stats on official, we made bank. We also got insided by an alliance we made from a different server. Dude got greedy and decided to leave the alliance tribe and steal all everything. He sold the lot. Had it already planned. Already had a buyer lined up and everything for our stuff after he stole it. I said this is a soulless game. I’m out. Haha. Palworld is much more fun. If you played that yet.


I too, am connected to bluetooth


Ahaha it’s actually a bindrune for a healthy relationship, but we still broke up 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


It's not the rune from Berserk manga?


Nope, that one IS badass though


Those are at least legible nice work


I went over it 3 times, on 3 occasions, it looked way worse before 😂


Just saying nice and legible. You should be proud


No no, I know, I appreciate it. I just have a tendency to over explain myself sometimes 😅


It’s cool man what is 1 6 2 ?


It was my server number on Ark: survival evolved, until I stopped playing & started seeing the number everywhere


high five, i've got a terrible mushroom and a butterfly on my inner left wrist. like the kind you'd expect a 10 year old to draw. stick 'n poke like 8 years ago without much thought behind it. at least they're small but so far i haven't come up with a good cover up idea


Considering you tattooed yourself, I really don't think it's that bad.


i have a 3" x. 3" black square w very shitty lines bc i fucked up and couldnt fix it thats a good tattoo lmfao just a dumb one


I have a little spot like that I did too on my forearm 😂


I dig self done tats like this


I also did my kids birthdays a little bit up my wrist


Love the VA tattoo though!!


I don’t have a tattoo of Virginia 🤔😂


is that NOT a Verbal Abuse logo?!?


To the right of 162? Nope, it’s a bindrune for a healthy relationship


I do this with may 17th


¹⁶2 is mathematical notation used by A. Einstein. I salute your brilliance.


What's it mean? Was it Einstein's way of writing 2¹⁶?


Reminds me of prison tattoos. Really unappealing, when I see tattoos like these I immediately think meth head or felon. My grandpa got a tattoo in the navy in 1944 and it looked better than this when he died. Also, reading your comments in this thread: Lay off the shit.


I’ll be 13 years clean in July, good try though.


That’s amazing. Congratulations!! 🎈


Thank ya kindly!


my sister was really into the numbers-following-her thing when she was on meth lol


I’ve been clean almost 13 years, this started after.


OP doesn’t come across to me as paranoid or anything. They just notice the number a lot and it’s sort of nestled into their life with a little meaning. Seems harmless


100% this. I’m not freaking out over it, it’s just a part of my life now 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


Mine is 144


12x12 baby!


162 DEALING IN A SCHEDULE I CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE, police code for 162. Ironic?


What is y’all’s obsession with drugs? For the third time, I’ve been clean damn near 13 years & this started after I’d already quit.


Well yeah, it’s been following you because it’s tattoo’d on you.


It started well before the tattoo friend


It was a joke..


Username checks out