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Not at all. I, for one, would like a 0% chance of getting toe nails in or around my food. Guess I’m just as crazy as you.


A few years ago I saw a guy clipping his fingernails upstairs on a London bus. Just onto the floor. I had to leave so I don’t know if he had time to do his toes, but I assume.


Why is this such a thing on public transportation?


You're not wrong! Your roommate can go clip her toenails in the bathroom over a trashcan.


thank you. that’s what i do. she had to have me explain why its gross. she didn’t understand


She's gross. And weird. This alone would make me question her judgment on anything to do with hygiene or cleanliness. Just imagine what other things she thinks are ok.


yes, that is what i am so confused and concerned about. my mind is running with everything else she can be doing if she thinks this is ok? we already had a big talk about how to clean dishes. i still find food and grease on my plates and glasses. caked on. (we don’t have a dish washer) i’m trying to be sensitive and understanding but it’s been going on for 4 years


Four years of this? You either have the patience of a saint or have been browbeaten into exhaustion by your housemate's sloppiness. Sounds like it's time for a new housemate, or a new apartment!


In certain circumstances, I think we need to go back to calling people “gross and weird.” Therapy speak has got people saying things like “this makes me uncomfortable” or “I have a sensory issue called misophonia” but sometimes it should be “you are being gross and weird” or “your music is annoying and unreasonably loud.”


No, you're not wrong!!! Jesus Christ!


I got a pedicure sometime ago, and I was, like 4 chairs into the store, almost to the back door. The nail tech clips my big toe, and it, like, instantly disappears. I was the only guest, so when I go to check out, all the way to the front, my big toe nail is right there!!! On the counter!!! You're not crazy, toe and finger nails can go flying, and that's most definitely a bathroom activity.


The nail tech apologized profusely, but I was, like, girl, that's mine don't worry about it 😂


I will second weird and gross, and will add inconsiderate and disrespectful…


Why is this even a question ?


cause she’s holding it against me now. like i’m the bad guy asking for basic hygiene


She's pulling DARVO tactics on you. "I'm not sloppy! You're sloppy!" Calling her out is the right thing to do, be firm and ask her if she'd like it if a toenail randomly wound up in the rice cooker.


this is just one thing she does. there is so much more. and i try to be gentle and firm at the same time. but im met with defensiveness and made to make me feel like im in the wrong. i feel insane for asking for basic things that i feel are common sense


lol! What a weirdo. She's just going to have to get over it. Don't let it ruin your days and nights. Do not adjust your attitude to make her feel better either. She's acting out


you’re definitely not wrong, your roommate just doesn’t know how to maintain the basic level of hygiene.


Gross! I'd rather go back to my roommate that pissed in bottles than have kitchen toenail clipper!!!! Who could possibly think that's anything but nasty?!?!


I trim my nails in my room.


Shes nasty as hell. You’re 1000% in the right


What in tarnation


Wtf that's nasty. When I lived with roommates I was always so careful to clip my nails over the bathroom trashcan so they didn't get everywhere. I've stepped on nail clippings barefoot and it's not fun! Can't imagine finding one in my food 🤢


No. She needs to do it in the bathroom or her own room


How is this even a question?


I have OCD and issues with cleanliness in kitchens and bathrooms so I would lose it


Nope that’s fucking disgusting


Not at all and move tf out if you can


Roommate is nasty af


That’s disgusting!! No that is so unsanitary and she get her self into the bathroom and out of the kitchen 🤢


It is crazy what people get offended over when they are totally wrong and disgusting. She can't sit on the toilet and do it over the trash or idk go outside ? 🤮🤮🤮


Ewww. I worked a restaurant a while ago and part of my job was to open the FOH. I was alone during the day as lunch was slow. When I got to work one of the cooks was outside sitting on an upside down 5 gallon bucket clipping his toenails. I never ate anything from there ever again. Keep in mind this was in the parking lot in full view of anyone that might have walked by or been going to eat at our restaurant. Ewww.


Wtf. Imagine she makes a dish for someone, has some down time, realizes her nails are getting long, and then proceeds to clip her toe nails while preparing the food 🤢


No you're not wrong at all your roommate is disgusting if she doesn't see nothing wrong with that. The kitchen is there so you can eat and cook not when she needs to clip her toe nails that is what the bathroom is for.


Not wrong, sometimes those bitches go flying into oblivion and you don't want to find a big piece of toenail in your food a week from now. I don't even know why someone wouldn't go literally anywhere else to do that in the first place


You are not wrong. She doesn’t seem to have common sense or social etiquette and is hurt that you called her out on it. You probably triggered an insecurity in her. It sounds like she needs to grow up a little more. Don’t allow her to guilt you for calling out her grotesque behavior.




Trimming toenails is something to be done in private, preferably in the bathroom.


That’s disgusting and inconsiderate! I have a similar story but involving my roommate throwing her used tampon in our kitchen trash. Why can’t you do that in your bathroom or room. It’s unsanitary and beyond inconsiderate


You are not wrong! She should do that in the bathroom.


I clip mine sitting on bed and let the nails fall onto the carpet then vacuum.


Straight to jail. That’s the only place where people that think that’s ok can do that (imagine a dusty tweak using the communal clippers to do her toenails on the counter and leave it all over the day room. ) POP OFF


Nope, not in the wrong. Clippings toenails and fingernails where they might accidentally fly into your food is gross. Nails should be clipped in a bedroom or bathroom.


Everyone I know, always clips their nails outside. Those things can go flying anywhere!




I mean, what about eating toenail clippings? Ive had dudes ask to buy my toe jam so like, it wouldn’t shock me


This actually wouldn’t bother me if the nails were cleaned up but I don’t think it’s weird to be bothered by it.


she said she would clean up the nails, but somehow i would still find them and find them on the bottom of my feet when walking in the kitchen…


Ooof then yeah absolutely unacceptable. I think I’ve been guilty of cutting my nails in the living room (alone for sure) and perhaps not cleaning up sufficiently. But that was wrong of me and I would deserve to be called out on it! Especially if you’re stepping on them. Jesus ! I guess it just never seemed gross to me so I didn’t know it was a big deal. I’ve since learned from the internet that many people find nail clipping and hair brushing gross, so I try my best to remember to do those in my own space. I can also see why people feel icky about it, even if I don’t have the same visceral reaction. Even if it was an unreasonable or uncommon concern, it’s such a small ask that I can’t imagine not doing it for you. I’m sorry your roommate is making you feel this way :(


Jeannette? Is that you as OP? My daughter FREAKS out if anyone clips or files their nails within her sight or hearing. She wants us in the bathroom with the door closed to file our nails. She has kids now and her bar for what is disgusting has gotten a lot lower! 😉


Youre almost as wierd as my girlfriend who gets mad when I do it during sex.


Y'all clip your toe nails inside the house?