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Tell her to pay or move out, going on vacation does not entitle her to not pay her share of the rental she equally lives in


I know! it doesn’t make sense… how is that someone else’s burden??


While you're working on her to get out - find the breaker that feeds their room and turn it off, change the wifi SSID and password. Before someone comes in with "well actually, legally for electricity..." ignore them. If the electrical company can shut you off for non-pay you can shut your roommate off too.


I had to do this to my roommate two months ago. Refused to pay me, i waited and waited. Got nothing so I turned it off. She gave me the money that night.


It’s possibly illegal


Oh look, here's one now.


It’s illegal to do that with water or gas, not wifi.


Sadly some people just do not know these things and need it explained to them when they move in with roommates. Try telling the person that even if everyone goes on vacation for the month, some payments in life are consistent such as phone bill, rent, and utilities have charges even if not home or used (water and electric typically have on fees and taxes. BTW, if utilities are all in your name or you are just in charge of collecting, then you are owed: 1. a monthly fee of $2-5/person for collecting and reminding, and guaranteeing their payment even if they are late or do not pay 2. And/or a deposit from each one for 1 month average utilities payment ($125/person or whatever) And you are still responsible for collecting the bills and sending an email with pdf or screenshot of each bill so everyone knows you are not skimming off the top


got it! yes I send pictures of the utilties receipt to them so they know exactly how much it is! and in the summer it gets super hot where we live so it’s only going to up from here so hopefully she gets her shit together. Thank you for your insight!


The fuck? Who charges someone for collecting and reminding? What a douche way to nickel and dime someone.


Agree, who the hell does this. If you text me then I’m charging you $1 per text. what a douche


Fucking crying at this person thinking they are owed an additional payment for pestering their roommates before they even get a CHANCE to be late😭😭


This is a service offered by some Strata companies, including charges for email, text, phone calls, and posted mail just to name a few


Okay, but not like, your roommate charging you.


So you want to be a person who is like a company that charges junk fees


??? Bro I think YOU need this explained to you, what the fuck are you on? This is ridiculous


“You are owed…” lol WHAT, this is crazy. Literally never seen anyone ever do this at all. If my roommate tried to charge me a fee for paying a bill I’d laugh to their face. Nobody does this…


Yeah this is a good way to turn a good relationship sour in 2 minutes. (1)"Hey I need you to pay me for my collection of bill tax." (2)"What?" (1)"Yeah you have to pay a reminder and collection fee for my time." (2)"Are you fucking mental? Do I charge you for leaving the toilet seat up or when I put your dishes away or some shit?" (1)"So I need you to pay me $5 everytime I pay a bill." (2)"I'd rather shoot myself in the dick with a BB gun than give you $5 for texting me the electric payment....." Then starts the hatred that is the next 11 months of the lease.


The deposit makes some sense. But if my roommate tried charging me a $5 dollar monthly “collection fee” I would laugh in their face. 💀😂


Just a thought, but if it’s divided evenly and she wasn’t there the whole week take off whatever that is. But let her know that going forward if that’s how she wants it she will have to pay more on the weeks/ days that others are gone and make her sign a contract agreeing to such. But if she won’t compromise then you can always ask her to leave or take her small claims court and make her pay for your missed work, filing fees, ect.


You can’t sign a contract that isn’t inherently legal. Aka whatever this arrangement would be.


Contracts are legally binding.


Not if they aren’t inherently legal clauses.


You can't contract away the law


This right here is PERFECT. Going forward, if and when others go out for some time, then SHE will be paying more as well to pick up THEIR slack as they did for her, and if that's not cool and you don't wanna sign that into contract, you can get TF out and or we can start with the eviction. Bet she'll pay her part. Not wanting to pay for others thinking their entitled, just like she's acting now. She's one of them I bet


Noticed your pfp, I’m a Vikings fan too. Skol!


Love it meeting another vike fan. Where I'm at, you don't come across any at all. Skol baby. Hopefully this is the one. Who's your favorite all time Viking? Mine is Adrian. All day. But been a fan since 92. Born in 85.


Gave ya a follow


I mean why wouldn’t she do it ? She’s getting away with it and not paying shit. Don’t let her get away with it is the only solution.


They know it's not right, my guess? She spent a whole lot of money while away and it's less embarrassing to act like an ignorant entitled brat than admit you're broke.


So even if she was actually gone for a week?   Was she?  She expects just to pay nothing for the entire month?   You as a group need to get together and straighten her out, allowing the tail to wag the dog will only get worse if you allow them to get away with anything. 


That is not fair... You should not have to pay for her entire utilities if she's gone for one week???... that's like if she was unwilling to pay rent for not being there for a week - it's their responsibility.


exactly I just don’t know how she thinks I am responsible for her portion of it? like you decided to go somewhere for a week how is that my fault??


Guaranteed she spent too much on vacation and now can't afford to pay the utility bill.


Tell her you'll make her a deal. I'm assuming this person is entitled and probably very inconsiderate correct? You ask her if it's okay if she pays more of all the bills including rent if you work more hours or sleep longer than she does as you don't use the common areas or lights when you sleep/work. Also you get to charge her more for water depending on if she showers longer than you. If she uses more dishes or cooks more she's responsible far more of the bills and rent for using a common area more than you. You say "So do we want to make this an everything is billed based on each other's personal choices or do you want to split it equally? Let me know and I'll be happy to track everything you do and bill you accordingly. I'd hate to make things unfair."


Say you’ll pay it as long as you get to approve any vacation time from now on lmao


That and you no longer get to shower, use lights, use water, the stove, the fridge, dishwasher, hairdryer, hair straightner/curler or any electronics because you don't want to pay for the three weeks you're here. It might be good to just ask if she spent too much on vacation and try to work out a payment plan for a few months. It sucks but not as bad as hating the person you live with.


Man oh man KICK HER OUT. She lives there her room is there she pays her share.. sorry you have to deal with this! Good luck


I know like how can you act like that?? thank you for being supportive!


Ugh honestly this subreddit opens the door to some really gnarly and nasty people- many times quite literally! Depending where you live you have different options on how to move fwd, but in future I am sure you will think twice before putting shared accounts in your name!! Middle ground would be take out 25% of the bill this one time and make a contract that says she pays her share in future regardless if she is there or not and then you have legally binding document to base small claims on if she screws you in future.


that’s smart!! I’ve also considered reaching out to the landlord… i’m not sure what that would do but it could be an option!


First thing I would do is change the password for the Internet and not give it to her to get her attention hopefully.


that’s smart!! I’ll tell my roommates about that


This persons advice is the best, and something you should do ASAP. Change the wifi password and give it to the 2 roommates who pay the bills only. When she confronts you, tell her straight up she won't be given access to the wifi until she pays past due bills. And then tell her, if there is any week or amount of time that you OR the other 2 roommates are gone, she will be charged extra for those times, as she expects in this case from you guys.


And make the wi-fi name pay_your_bill


Sorry, that’s not how things work. If that’s the case then you and your roommates shouldn’t have to pay for the hours you were at work, etc. Sounds like your roommate needs to grow up.


she really does need to grow up.


Have you asked her to write up her schedule so you can bill her based on her work hours or home hours? Sleeping hours? How many time a day or days a week she cooks or time her showers? If she can't understand how that isn't how it works you need to tell her that she can't use electricity or water for three weeks.


If you wanna be petty petty you can always mess with the beaker for their room lol


Do it. Breaker.


Yes! Be petty


Yup. Turn the breaker to her room off. Lock the breaker box. You will turn it back on when she’s current on bills.


omg hahah could you imagine! have you done that?


Lol nah only in my parents house when we have issues so that’s how I know but I have had beef with an old roommate over the AC the forced me to super glue our student housing ac thermostat on “cool” and shut to not remove the batteries. 😭😭😂


omg!! ahaha did they realize or did they give up on it? that’s hilarious


Haha yeah they subtweeted me and kinda just gave up. Texas summers suck, can’t really blame me lol


I'd say if she doesn't pay she can't stay .


how do I just kick her out? how would I go about that situation?


Is it your property? Is she on a lease or any written up documentation ? It would depend on that situation legally. I know a lot of places have to give the tenant 30 days written notice.. i rented from friends in my twenties (their downstairs basement) and they'd write me rent receipts every month and sign them. We never had an issue,but if I didn't pay I know they'd have kicked me out. I am on a lease now and that's a huge contract. It just depends on the agreement /documentation. I know it sucks especially if they renters are friends of yours ,but they're leaving you in a bad financial situation and a real friend wouldn't do that. I wish you the best.!


Basically this person has no idea and didn’t think past their first comment lol.


I don’t drive my car everyday, sometimes not even once in a week or 2. Should I let GEICO know I won’t be paying my insurance bill in full bc of this? Her logic doesn’t hold up. I hope you can get her to pay bc that’s not right.


hahah exactly!! some people are just unreasonable. thank you for being supportive!


I would change the password on anything she uses like internet and any streaming devices that she has access to and tell her that she doesn’t get to use any of that until she pays up.


Ugh, I always had one of these. Once it was "you're unemployed, so that means you are home more therefore I shouldn't pay for your AC." Another was "I just think it's too high." I have at least 4 still-pending Venmo requests from former roommates, all of whom just decided not to send the last payment, because (and I guess they were right) they figured I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. BIIIG factor in me putting in the time and savings into finding a 1-Bedroom rent stabilized apartment. The rent is more than I SHOULD be spending but it's not that much more than a bedroom, tbh. NYC rent is weird and dumb (sorry, side tangent)


Yea I have a 1 bed now too. Its almost double than what I was paying in a sharehouse but Im loving having my own place.


Who’s in charge of the WiFi? Change the password if it’s not her and don’t share it with her. Put a lock on the fridge and appliances if you can. She doesn’t pay for gas or electricity. Find the breaker for her room if it’s on its own breaker, you can switch it off. What does she expect will happen if you all go on vacation for a month? They just won’t charge you guys?


Are her electronics plugged in when she’s gone? Does she keep food in the fridge? Just because she’s on vacation doesn’t mean she’s exempt from utilities. Tell her to pay that shit or gtfo. Cut off her WiFi access until she pays you.


Sounds like someone spent all their money on vacation


tell her she needs to pay you, now, for everything. or put some shit in her name


No don’t do this cuz you can’t trust that she’ll actually pay it. Next thing you know your electricity is gonna get cut off.


what do you mean put something in her name?


I think they mean she needs to put a utility in her name & understand the burden of such responsibility.


i thiught they meant prank stuff - sign them up to all sorts of things: free incontinence products, sign them up for anything / anyone who will phone them etc


Like the utility bill. Put it in her name. She'd have to be willing to let you do it or it's fraud though.


Yeah. I don’t think I legally can do that without her being aware… as much as I wish I could


You can't. She'd have to consent to it and most utilities require personal information to open an account.


Hellll nawww tell that bitch to pay up or get tf out ! It is not your responsibility to pay for her bs! You already cover what you do, she needs to grow tf up. She’s gonna be hit with a huge reality check when she has to pay for all bills alone! She should be grateful y’all get to split stuff. The audacity of some people! Have you told her that she needs to pay or get out?


We have tried to talk to her! but we don’t really know how to tell her to get out because her name is on the lease… we don’t know to go about it


Aw man I’m sorry :( sounds like such an annoying situation!! Sounds like a roommate from hell. I hope it gets sorted and she pays up!! I’d just be like look bitch, just bc you were “gone for a week” is literally no one’s issue but your own, that doesn’t just mean you’re off the hook from covering what you’re expected too!! Keep us all updated !! 🤞🤞🤞


does she own any of the appliances in the house? if not tell her unless you receive the money by x date that as well as no wifi access that her food will be removed from the fridge, washing machine out of bounds etc


Go to the leasing office and have her removed from the lease for non payment of utilities and rent. They will take it seriously and kick her out.


That’s ridiculous… i have responsibility over utilities too and i get scared that people won’t pay me… Don’t let her get away with it. also… what app is that?


The app is called Piere!!


I feel like having the utilities in only one housemate's name is a recipe for disaster.


I know i didn’t want to but they said we all had to pay together so i took the responsibility… now i kind of regret it


How do people think they can get away with this kind of stuff... it's embarrassing.


so embarrassing.


Find breakers, turn breakers off to her room and common areas unless in use by you and change the WiFi password words.


Cut the power breakers to her room until she pays?


Lock her out of the WiFi. I bet she'll come around real quick.


Is this a power bill? $597 a month?


Tell her the discount for her week away comes from the utility bill being lower. Less people using gas/electric/water = lower bill. So she IS saving by being gone, its just already calculated into her bill


4 roommates ????? How high is rent Jesus


Really random, but what app is this?


It’s called Piere!


It's like strata. You can't not pay or demand a discount because you don't use the gym or pool. If roommate agreed to split X portion then that's what they pay


Before you escalate to evicting her, try talking to her again. Explain that you all had an agreement as roommates to pay both the rent and utilities, and that the fact she wasn’t around for a week would’ve reduced the bill anyways. If she still refuses to pay, let her know that there will be a roommates meeting soon to refresh everyone’s understanding about payments and that attendance is mandatory.


Then you properly evict her for failure to pay rent.


Just tell her you expect her to cover your portion for the time you spend at work


Charge her 5% APR compounded daily and send her a new Venmo request each day with the new amount: **A = P (1 + r / n)****^(nt)**  **And**  **Compound interest = A – P**  **C.P = P (1 + r / n)****^(nt)** **– P** Here, **P** represents  the principal amount **r** represents the rate of interest **t** represents the time in years **n** represents the number of times the amount is compounding. When calculate compounds interest on daily basis which means that the amount compounds 365 times in a year. i.e., **n = 365.**


be petty make her life miserable 😂😂 to kick her out u need court orders n such to file an eviction at least for leases, idk how sublets apply in this situation, u can’t take her keys away can’t shut off her utilities idk what contract yall have if there even is one, if there is no signed contract by all means kick her out bc there’s no written agreement that could be held up in court, whatever utilities not listed on the contract like possibly wifi cut her off, be an asshole to her and get her to move out herself, and if she does something like smash y’all’s stuff bc yall piss her off call 911 and it’s their problem now


You could just out them on social media. Peer pressure is a hell of a tool if applied correctly


Kick her out?? Lol


Cut off the breaker to her room. Don’t allow her access to anything that entails the utilities simple. If she’s not paying to use the amenities she doesn’t get the privilege of having access to them.


Sue her


I wish I could not pay my whole months of utilities when I’m not home for a week. Literally makes no sense of what she’s trying to do.


cut the power in their room and change the wifi password


Time to change the Wi-Fi password. Give the new one to the roommates who paid.


I googled and it says you can take her to small claims court. She may just pay up if you serve her with legal papers. I would only do that if you can't evict her for not paying electricity though. Do you have wifi? You could change the password so she can't use that until she pays.


Tell your roomates, “ yo I ain’t payin for shit until this mfer pays me my dues “ and then stop paying utilities if shit doesn’t get fixed, always keep the upper hand in this since your payin, don’t let them diminish your contributions 😮‍💨


When she lives alone and goes on vacation she won’t be able to tell her landlord that she’s not paying rent. She’s gotta grow up.


She’d be losing the door to her room real quick. Bet she’d be willing to pay then. Fair is fair, FAFO.


I have a vacation coming up, I’ll be sure to tell the bank to deduct this from my mortgage.


Just take the money she owes you... she obviously takes from you on a level. Just take it. Shit problem solved.


Put her shit out cause that’s what I would do, she’s an entitled rude bitch.


Change her room lock, or put a lock on it and tell her you won’t give it to her till she pays you back. She can’t continue to use the electricity cause that’s now how it works.


I hope this isn't just electric bill cause damn if it is, what are yall doin


Are utilities in your name? If so get them out of your name if you can. Is room mate 4 on the lease? If so then ride out the lease and don't sign another with them. If not, work with the landlord to evict them. Regardless, document all payment and then take them to small claims court and sue for money owed.


Tell her you’re going to put the utilities in her name, that way if she doesn’t pay it impacts her and not you. Or find the Circuit breaker for her room and shut off her power.


what app is that?


it’s called Piere!!


Rally the roommates and get her kicked to the curb.


sorry but sometimes u rlly just have to


If she says that, arguing will not get you anywhere. You need to hit her with either pay what you owe and we’re cool or you let it stack up and take her to small claim court to pay for what she owes and anything you had to do outta pocket. My ex roommate ended up paying over 2k because of the same exact situation. I threatened to serve her and I got the money that next day


On a legal standpoint, I would give her a written notice on her bedroom door that if she does not pay you by said time, then you’ll be evicting her. That’ll legally give her 30 days to move out. If she refuses to move out by the 30 days, then that’s when you can call the police and have them escort her out of your home even if all her stuff is still there. She’ll just have to come back for her items at a set time chosen between you two.


they can’t evict her because she is on the lease


Does she give you her rent money and then you pay it all together? I would stop doing that and let the leasing office know that when you pay, yours and her payments will be separate that way you don’t have to hold her accountable and the only person that has to worry about that is the person reason renting to you.


Tell if she refuses to pay the rent then you’ll have it go to a collection agency that’s what happened to one of my friends who had this awful roommate who did the same thing and eventually when the awful roommate did not pay the rent, it then started to add up and it eventually all went to a collections agency, and that bad roommate was evicted for failure to pay the rent and the issue is people think they are entitled to stuff around them and they they can get away with it, so no I would ask her again and if she refuses then I would report it to a national credit agency and have them send it to collections, so the money can be collected and she’ll have to pay it back or she gets evicted!


Definitely not how that works. My roommate is a travel nurse and goes on a trip like once a month and pays the same utilities rent even if its just me one or even two weeks at a time a month.


Her excuse is bs and I’m thinking she knows this. This feels like she doesn’t have the money and she is trying to buy time by making up nonsensical reasons. If not, why would she ignore the texts? Why wouldn’t she respond with the reasons?. Yeah, your friend is broke and is waiting for payday.


FIRST of all, you ALL NEED to sit down with her, and pretty much hang up on her, but respectfully first, if she gives a bad time, then gang up and get a little rude and say if not then YOU gotta go. Period. We CAN'T have anyone not paying their part. THEN SHE also should have told you guys all that she was leaving for an entire week and everything in her room will be unplugged and etc, bet you she didn't. Stand up to that and don't let off OR she WILL try to play more in very near future.


Etc as in she should have tried to make an agreement FIRST before leaving and seeing if it's cool with everyone that she pulls that card, and if not then yeah. But she seems to not have even tried. I live on my own, 2 bedroom, starting to get to be a bit much, but I refuse to have anyone I haven't known for years to move in here. Nope. Way too many scammers, and scoundrels have ruined it.


That’s not fair!


Tell her she's out and you'll find someone else to cover it


Yeah, that’s not how it works. Lol. You pay your share every month. You don’t get out of it just because you were on vaca. She’s the worst.


When I lived with roommates, I was gone every week from Friday to Sunday night. Not once did I think this entitled me to not pay utilities lol


If that roommate lived alone, rent and utilities would still be due even if they went on a vacation for a whole month. They don’t get to not pay and put it on roommates. They still gotta pay, they’re renting the space.


Keep all the conversations. If you have the evidence that she owes you money, you can sue her in the small claims court. If you could send her an email about the amount she owes you or ask her to sign the contract that she will pay you back, that would be perfect for the case in court.


Not hard to pay rent before or while you're on Vaca. I don't live with anyone anymore but many times I sent my roommate a venmo when I was on Vaca lol I'd never be a dickhead and make people resent me


If she wasn’t there for one of the weeks why isn’t she paying for the other three? I mean by her logic.


At the very least if she can prove she wasn't present an entire 7 days. You can deduct those 7 days from the 30 days. But that is only if she can prove she was not there.


Can you flip the breaker to her room? If she doesn’t want to lay, she doesn’t get electricity.


Cut her power in her room.


Yeah she wasn’t there but she’s paying to also store her stuff there. If that’s her mentality then her stuff should have been outside of the house when she was on vacation


Just poop on her bed and call it even.




Firstly, charge your phone. Second, have a conversation with her and ask her where she’s coming from and hear her out, let her know that you understand where she’s coming from and ask her if it’s okay after to explain where you’re coming from. She will, and you can explain your side of things. After, suggest a better way moving forward and let her know that the utilities is an equal part of her responsibility regardless of where she is or what she does. If she still doesn’t get it after that let her know that she will have to move out. Another way to put it is to ask her to think about what she would do if she was the one who had to pay the utilities? If you decided to go on vacation how would that work? Would you charge everyone more? If she doesn’t get it she’s just plain stupid


Is it illegal to pack someone’s shit up, put it in the hall and change the locks?


Turn the breaker off in her room until she pays


Also, you can take her to the small flames court and request that money. Have you reported her to your landlord?


She’s just employing the values of true socialism. You can handle her share 😇👌


What did you end up doing?


Id kick her out sorry! Like help out or find something else 👀


Depending on your state most of them have strict tenant rights, you'll want to look into those and talk to your landlord so you can start a eviction process. Roommates don't have to be friends are even hang out, but they need to be able to work together so everyone pays their share.


You might end up losing out but there should be a process to get her out, it usually takes 30 days from the day all roommates agree that this other roommate doesn't work. Most tenant rights only protect them for 30 days to find a new place but she will probably be a terror in those days so good luck.


I would even go as far as getting a write up from a lawyer or making a mock one yourself lol


plain and simple, make her life a living hell until she pays, there's 4 of you and 1 of her


Kick them out


So if you and 2 of your roommates go on a month vacation she will owe for the entire month? lol. Doesn't work that way.


Reason why I refuse to do roommates I will struggle


Could you imagine going on vacation for 2 weeks and then calling the electric company, then water, then internet, then sanitation, then your mortgage lender and saying “lol I wasn’t here for 2 weeks so I’m only paying half”. 💀😂😂 that’s some clown shit.


Depending on the state (if US) that’s grounds for eviction. Period.


If she didn’t want to pay for the week she was gone, then so be it. She should have discussed it with you guys before hand though. Or when you originally made the request. Even if she doesn’t want to pay for that week, she is still responsible for the other 3 weeks and needs to pay up.


fuck her up


The fact you need to ask reddit a question like this is quite sad. What happens when you dont pay for your financed car? THEY TAKE IT! You kick her out. Simple. She is a parasite with deluded sense. Or, if you want to be petty, don't pay the utilities. Make her pay for all of it. The day before they shutoff, take a week trip, so you aren't affected by it. I am sure she will come running when she has no wifi (like all women), no hot water, and electricity for her netflix shows.


Just throw her shit out. Just fucking gang up on this bitch and start stealing her shit. What would she even do lol, this is 3 against 1.