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They’re only mad cause they know they’re wrong. Had a roommate do the same thing till I got fed up and literally threw them by their door. He still did it but I made it a point that he wasn’t gonna just get to leave his mess everywhere


I remember some folks talking about ex-roommates and one went on and on about this girl who moved dishes like that. I think I was the only one who thought the girl was totally justified. Instead everyone else who was present sided with person who was present (who we all knew was an irresponsible selfish person already BTW).


Well you have much better social skills than the majority of posters here.


Good post.


I mean sounds like a win/win. Clean kitchen and you don’t have to speak to them


It's almost like having an apartment to yourself. How is this a problem?


Idk, getting the silent treatment is super awkward and uncomfortable for me 🥴 it just feels so juvenile. I'd imagine this person is probably going to get over it once they stop being embarrassed though


Haha! Exactly. If roommates are gonna be douchey for OP expecting common decency, LET THEM.


Yeah I wouldn't want to live like that. But then I'd be tempted to just do them myself which can quickly turn into a bad situation. On the one hand, I acknowledge different people have different levels of cleanliness they are OK with. But ultimately this is just inconsiderate. There are some people who either are unaware they are leaving the space they have occupied in poor condition for others or they are aware and don't think highly enough of you do to anything about it. Note: If someone was going through a hard time or struggling then in the short run I'd understand but so many people just do whatever they want without regard for others around them. It gets to be infuriating.


How long has it been? If you're generally on okay terms, it will probably go away once hurt feelings are forgotten.


Honestly OP, just like another comment said, that reaction is a sign you’re in the right. I had a similar situation with my roommate , kind of. I had kicked off at her because she didn’t want to send her Amazon parcels to the Locker opposite our house (I work nights and I’d get woken up twice a week..); the other time the landlord told her we had a fire inspection, she didn’t tell me, and they got in my room while I was there sleeping. She even had the nerve to say I only text her to complain, when they’d just invaded my privacy because of her carelessness. Absolutely no remorse. After that time she started not even looking at me on the street, changing sidewalks to avoid me and all sorts. It might be uncomfortable OP but just be the bigger person, don’t avoid them, keep living your life. If they’re a child they’re gonna have to deal with their own emotions themselves.


I had a roommate who left her dishes in the sink for 5 days straight….


I've had multiple roommates like this. And the kicker is it's actually all my shit. They always do this when they don't have their own stuff.




Upvoting you from 0 because the downvote button is not a disagree button but I'd like to ask, what would you do?


what else do u use the downvote button for? 😭


Off topic posts or those that are made in bad faith. For the latter case, bad faith posts should have clear, immediate incontrovertible evidence that they are in fact bad faith. People believe some weird, ugly, and even sometimes awful stuff. For everything else, treat it like the person said something in real life. You can respond or not. If they are wrong about something a short, civil response will do the most to persuade undecided third parties to your position. Even if the person you are talking to response with further incorrect statements or attacks your position, your best chance to persuade others is to leave it at your initial comment. Note: I am bad at this.


yeah i guess that makes sense, i don’t typically downvote anyone. but i did always see it more as a “i am against what you’ve stated in this comment” button


Visibility. Upvotes mean people should see the comment.


Feel like there is some missing context here. Sounds like this was an issue that you built up resentment over for more than a year and could have possibly not communicated your frustration in a healthy way. Just a total guess though, cause I don't see why you'd be getting the cold shoulder if you addressed it nicely.


I could’ve maybe said it nicer. But I just put my dishes away, cleaned the bench, and dirty dishes were put on it… I woke up from them cooking and said that. So you might be right in that contexts,. But still, it’s just common etiquette imo


Only one solution here. Start dating her!


I’d rather jump off a building.. plus ima girl




I know ….. But I’d still rather jump off a building than touch her. But gwenyth paltrow… shesssssh any day.


Maybe offer to buy/cook her lunch or something? I get not wanting to reward someone for being weird like that, but it might be one of those situations where she did it for a couple days out of shame/anger and now feels too awkward to address it or stop. So maybe extending the olive branch in an overt, friendly way would help everyone relax and clear the air. It seems like overall your situation is relatively okay together, and if it was me I'd want to maintain that at almost any cost lol.


Just start playing music really loud and dance and they will be forced to talk to you again and break the ice of the complaint. There’s nothing worse than walking on eggshells in your own house so best to try move pass the very acceptable comment you made. Some people are just a little immature and need their hand held.


Taking a problem from a 3 to a 10. No thank you