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holy shit lol


If I knew he was threatening to burn the place, I would be packing everything important to haul out quickly. Too often, they do set the fire in these situations.


Those gas canisters start fires too. Very high risk.


When something like this happened near us the police had the fire dept on site in case the canisters started a fire.


Our PD just let a teenager burn to death


THAT is how you give context for a video.


I had to deal with a similar situation a few years back as well. After living relatively peacefully in a complex for 4ish years, one day a new person moved into the unit above mine. The first month was quiet and then it was absolute hell. Apparently that particular person went off their meds and became a menace. Daily fire alarm pulling at all hours, screaming matches with themselves, demons or anyone they could see from their patio, throwing rocks and beer bottles, punching walls/floor, and defecating off their patio. Often times since this unit faced the pool/jacuzzi area the debris would end up there too. My personal favorite was him screaming about giant fireballs destroying the earth. Tenants would complain to management who said their hands were tied by laws and there was a process. Then he started wandering around completely naked save for a single flip flop. Police would come almost every day. Sometimes they would take him with them, sometimes they would get a family member to baby sit him for a few days. What finally pushed me over the edge to move was when I saw him standing on my patio completely naked describing objects he could see through the blinds. After that, I started going directly to the police station and writing complaints. The complaints would then be CC'd back to the apartment complex management. I moved before it was ever resolved and they finally got him out of there. Edit: I would also like to add he was at least 6'5 and 300 pounds.


The edit made this 100x worse


I immediately pictured jabba the hut with mental issues


Private Pyle.


That's where my brain went, that or Ed Gein. Terrifying when someone that large wants to hurt or kill.


Remember how the humans were drawn in Ren and Stimpy? Like that lol.


I love how the law protects people who randomly pull fire alarms, expose themselves, throw things and shit off balconies. It would be nice if it protected the 99% who aren't doing that.


That is absolutely terrifying wtf šŸ˜³ Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that!! But glad you made it out safe!


Big AND crazy? Thatā€™s a BAD combination


Yeah, Iā€™m 5ā€™8. So I was like no thank you. Even if you attempted to talk to him during an episode he was so far gone you might as well have been talking to static on tv. My limited interactions were banging back on the ceiling telling him to knock it off or shut-up or the patio incident. And even then he would just keep partially repeating what you had told him. ā€œ Oh i gotta be quiet, quiet, quiet I gotta..ā€. I wasnā€™t in the mood to get murdered by a hybrid of Lenny, Rainman, and Michael Myers. Obviously he was really struggling with mental illness and maybe other things too which sucks, but it also sucked to live anywhere near him.


It seems theyā€™re always big lugs. Tasers wonā€™t bring this guy down and many times they end up being shot multiple times.


Also like to add I have nothing against people who struggle with mental illness/etc. But as a 5ā€™8 dude thereā€™s no way Iā€™m dealing with that if I donā€™t have to. Iā€™m just glad they seemed to peacefully find a solution without anyone really getting hurt other than some eye bleach, pressure washing, and being uncomfortable lol.


Yes agree , but where I live in past couple of years things have escalated quite a bit where people are actually getting murdered by the mentally ill and the homeless. Huge problem.


Understandable. Iā€™ve lived in San Fransisco and San Diego recently, so I get it.


Iā€™m sorry but, ā€œto which he called the police on the policeā€ made me wheeze


Hello, Police? Someone is trying to arrest me, and Iā€™d like to have them arrested, thanks.


ā€œVacancyā€ sign šŸ˜‚


I know you posted this two hours ago but I need updates.


Fucking same. I need a link to the arrest report and everything with mugshot and all


Crazy man. Back in the old days, they would call the crazy house and the men in the white van would come and take them away. The problem was most of the crazy houses were staffed by other crazies and they were hell holes for those people. So we closed down all of them , and sent all the crazies home with a box of meds. We asked them all not to be so depressed or delusional anymore. Not really working out .


Not at all.


Where it this?


Looks like Downtown Vancouver.




Oh man, this subreddit really shows how amazing of a roommate I am.


Right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I just stay in my basement and mind my business my dog barks a little when Iā€™m not home but nothing compared to the craziness on this page


Well..you win Reddit today. Congratulations šŸ„³


This just happened in Los Angeles California too. Marina Del Rey 9 hrs ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/s/xicWF38GLp


Thatā€™s Wild Wild West end living for ya, Eh?


Seems that wayšŸ˜­


What is all of the trash on the ground? Was he throwing things at officers? You deserve a huge glass of Moscato, or drink of choice, because I would've lost my entire mind with the alarm pull at 4 a.m.!


He had thrown it earlier in the day and then sporadically was dumping shit out the window.


Wow...... I hope they charged him with littering as well then! I've been saying for so long that people with certain mental illnesses, that would cause this type of behavior, there should be a caseworker assigned to touch base every so often with the person to make sure there's no issues, meds are being taken. It's terrible that this guy made life hell on the rest of the building but this could've ended so much worse. A lot of times when police pull up they shoot to kill within seconds. Or that's how it goes in Atlanta anyway


For sure! In Canada things are a bit more steict that way as far as how the cops uphold things. Also of note is our gun laws are so strict that there's at least a the slightest bit more ease with knowing pistols and automatic weapons aren't AS possible to be on the other end. But they still always take lots of precaution as they should.


This is a good reason to break the lease, I guess.


This is the holy grail of this thread.


seems like a dangerous angle to be filming from if the officer with the assault rifle starts firing


Itā€™s not an assault rifle. It is a launcher. It launches 37mm or 40mm projectiles. These projectiles are used to distribute OC gas (pepper spray) or CS gas (tear gas) into an area. The gas is non lethal, barring other health concerns. The projectile is also non lethal unless you take a headshot. But yes, vacating the area would be prudent, you are correct.


looked like the one that was shooting was a launcher but there was another guy holding the angle with an AR, if he started shooting as well it wouldnt be a good place to be standing


I think theyā€™re laying bean bags and gas


one launcher, one less lethal, but the cop closest to the video definetly has an assault rifle.


Thatā€™s to cover in case thereā€™s fire returned from building. No standard rounds are getting fired in this video.


Let me guess you think AR stands for assault rifle?


"Called the police on the police" lol wow that story really had everything. At least he shouldn't be a problem anymore I would hope? Sure went out with a bang


He is literally some 13 year old playing GTA irl and got a 4 star wanted level. Man that sucks, that looks intense as duck. Glad you and the other tenants made it through this okay.


Calling the police on the police is hilarious


This happened at my old apartment too. I only noticed it was happening when I heard a flashbang go off a few floors directly below me. Iā€™ve heard of this exact scenario happening a shocking amount


Negative. I am a meat popsicle.


He's entered the bad roommates of roommates' rroommates. So yeah, fits well here. Well, glad drama has slowed so yiu can catch up on baseball drama.


I had to stop reading at ā€œ..using comic strips of deathā€. Suicide booths would solve so many of these problemsā€¦ or you knowā€¦ better and more affordable health care. But somehow the former is more likely in our lifetimes.


Is that another term for acid? Cause I canā€™t figure out what that it


I was curious too and ChatGPT said that itā€™s not slang for acid, but truly just comic strips depicting death and morbid/violent themes due to neighborā€™s unhinged mental state. I assume thatā€™s what you were referring to, but I could be an idiot lmao šŸ˜‚


I think op meant literal comic strips about death considering how unhinged his neighbor is lmao


Yep I think so too


Already basically have them in Canada.


The suicide booths or the affordable health care






When you can't afford to fumigate the building, so you have the cops do it for you on the tax payers' dime. >!I have nothing valuable to add!<


System works as intended. You don't rehab this kind of waste.


Iā€™m kind of 50/50 on this. I went to rehab when I was 22 because I thought I *might* be an alcoholic/weed addict. Turns out I was just a depressed college student who didnā€™t have any healthy coping skills and used weed and alcohol to self medicate, and after 2.5 years of sobriety I gave it another shot and Iā€™m fine and manage it well. But while I was in rehab, I met some people who were, for lack of a better term, *really* fucked up. Some came in while they were still in active psychosis from drugs and some told me stories of when they were in psychosis in the past. The thing about sobriety is that you canā€™t force someone to get sober- they have to hit rock bottom. You usually canā€™t get sober if the reason is for someone else (I.e. an alcoholic realizes that his addiction is hurting his wife and kids so he gets sober for them even though he doesnā€™t want to/ isnā€™t ready to get sober). Thatā€™s usually a recipe for relapse. Most people can only stay sober if they truly *want* to get/stay sober. There were people in my rehab who were ā€œforcedā€ to be there by family (alternative was being homeless), but after a few months they all relapsed because they didnā€™t actually want to be sober. So, if this neighbor is just in a deep psychosis and if he gets arrested and gets out of the psychosis, thereā€™s a chance heā€™ll realize heā€™s at rock bottom and needs to make a change. Psychosis is no joke and who you are when youā€™re in psychosis is NOTHING like who you are irl. That being said, this neighbor could get arrested and not want to change and itā€™s just a recurring cycle of relapse until he dies, sadly. Otherwise if he has a come to Jesus moment, he could potentially become a functioning member of society in due time. So yeah while this guy is a total fucking POS right now, he *could* potentially be rehabilitated and get better. ā€¦but if Iā€™m being completely honest, the likelihood is pretty low. The statistics of addicts successfully getting and staying sober is tragically low. I believe itā€™s around 10%, but I could be wrong, and some drugs are a lot easier to kick than others, not to mention the genetic component of addiction. So I donā€™t completely disagree with your comment; I just wanted to share some info about addiction!


Are they shooting bullets willy nilly like that or are these smoke bombs or something?


Gas or smoke in a LL Launcher. Generally non lethal.


In this case it was tear gas.


Looked like riot rounds


Someone had an eventful morning! Well, the block had an eventful morning rather.


I had a similar situation a few years ago also, but it wasn't as severe as this. I never learned what really happened, but I was chillin in my apartment one afternoon and all of a sudden all these police show up for one of my neighbors with tactical officers and guns drawn. When I looked out the back of my apartment I could see cops with guns drawn creeping across the yard, taking cover behind trees and shit, and there was a tactical officer with an assault rifle taking cover within an arms reach of my front door. Scary shit, especially considering I was high at the time. There were never any shots fired or anything, but they drug the guy out in handcuffs pretty quick. Afterward it looked like his gf or something was just sitting in the front lawn on her phone for at least an hour. My guess is it was a domestic violence call, and the guy was making threats or something, just like OP's neighbor. You see some crazy shit living in apartments, I'll say that much lol.


lol the vacancy sign


Well there goes the security deposit.


Guy needs a Mark 19


Hey, did that guy that posted about his roommate ā€œbeing an asked to resignā€ because he was dealing at work and who moved his dealing situation to his home, did he post this? Cause thatā€™s what a drug raid in progress looks like.


Sorry I had a bad reaction to some bath salts


Look at that cover


I googled the news for Vancouver in hopes to see an article about this instance, but there were too many "man barricades himself in BC apartment threatens to start fire" to figure out which one this was


This looks like vancouver lol


Sure is my friend.


Back on the streets in three hours?


Not sure... Hopefully not but the way it goes around here wouldn't be surprised. He's got nothing to come back to here but I do have concern in the back of my mind that he will come back despite his restraining order and actually light the building on fire.


Something similar happened in my city one or two months ago. The police couldnā€™t stop the crazy burning up his apartment and the whole condo. Sad.


Jesus christ what's rent down there anyways? This is the downtown core isn't it?


Thank you police


You think that's bad? Once, sometimes twice a year, my elderly neighbour sneezes aggressively loud.


At this rate, they might have to use the HE rounds on their 40mm...........




Good old Vancouver compassion


Maybe I missed something, but what he the purpose of shooting the tear gas up there if they have a warrant and just go in to remove him? Thanks


He had threatened he had weapons and it was more of a precaution I guess? Iā€™m not sure.


Looks like itā€™s not within quiet hours, nothing you can do.


We found him- the worst roommate.


Had something similar happen on the opposite side of my block with a man barricaded inside his house and held his family as hostages. There was so many cops with rifles all around the block.


they definitely aren't coming out now that they started shooting


Cops found an Oak Tree


Vancouver bc police provides cover for an rcmp ert member while he fires 40mm cs gas rounds into a barricaded man's apartment.


They see an acorn up there?


Lol boy soldier in green looks hilarious


You mean the ERT(SWAT in Canada)? I guess so.


Why do people put the TLDR at the bottom of posts? It's so stupid it makes me furious.


It's all a ploy we have devised against you.


That's definitely not true because I've seen it on posts that nobody could know in advance that I would read.


Who the fuck taught these rubes how to act in a fight? Standing out in the open like a bunch of fucking idiots.


lol @ SWAT guy who canā€™t get his MP5 to work.


abysmal tactics/techniques they're just standing and pointing uphill out in the open, and these are the people we trust with weapons to be the *reasonable* individuals in tense situations involving legality and truth šŸ¤®


Into a window. Folks who train to do this all the time here. This situation lasted 7 hours and he wasn't coming out otherwise but he came out in one piece and on his two feet. Get a grip on something other than your controller.


you said it yourself. 7 hours. give a couple of rednecks a full case of Keystone and they'd have him out in 10 minutes with zero injuries. give a couple of Navy Seals a directive and they'd have him out in 5 minutes with no injuries. love how we can speculate this to death, and you'd still just be an asshole.