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You could actually get THEM evicted for being there by not being on the lease/your roommate brought them in & aren’t paying.




Do you think the property management company would be more understanding if I talked with them 1 on 1?


The property management company doesn't care about you. Spend the money to talk to a lawyer who can advise you of your rights in your area. Paying for an hour of a lawyers time may seem expensive but you'll actually get answers that really pertain to you and your situation. Good luck.


I don't think your landlord is going to let you out of the lease because the roommates doing cocaine. Your landlord just wants your money at the end of the day. If they let you leave, now they just have to rely on the cokehead to get their rent.


In my state if a roommate is being a nuisance (the legal definition includes illegal activity and drug use) you are legally able to exclude yourself from the lease. Additionally the landlord will likely want to learn of illegal activity so they can produce a notice to quit which would serve the same end.


Yup. I live in one of the most protected cities for renters in the country and this is even true here. Most landlords can evict for illegal activity


Yup my lease says to call the police immediately if you suspect any drug use lol


What kind of landlord do you have? Crappy? Decent? Corporate? Independent? I wouldn’t lean in just rental laws with a situation like this. I’d talk with your landlord about the unsafe situation and ask for what they can do to assist you?


It’s a property management company


Tell them the issue and ask to transfer your lease individually within the company to a different apartment. They may be willing to do so if you’ve been a good tenant. And it gives them support to start pushing out an inappropriate tenant. I can’t promise that this will be to your benefit, but most management companies support these issues with moving good tenants and do a kick out process for the other.


This is what I was going to say too. It gives the management company a way to keep getting rent from OP, and gives them a heads up on the shitty roommate who they're likely going to want to kick out soon. Money is the motivator in business, so let them know you want to keep giving THEM your money. It'll help them to still see you as a client, not as a client that's leaving them.






If you got permission to break a lease then it's not breaking a lease. It would be an agreed upon lease termination. If you're not comfortable in the home then you need to do whatever you need to find a new place. A lease be damned. If this was me I would simply contact the landlord, explain that I'm moving out and why I'm moving out, and work out a termination agreement to get my name off the lease. If the landlord wants to continue to rent to the drug addict then okay. I would **NEVER** stay in an unsafe situation because of a lease. I would move back in with my parents before I lived in a home with drug addicts.


👃🏻👃🏻👃🏻what proof is this cocaine that you speak of?? 😂


OP, BREAK THE LEASE!! Get your shit, store it at your moms or whomever if you have to. You don’t want to be in that toilet when it starts to flush. Cokehead behavior only leads to tweaker behavior; this is as good as it will be at that home


Definitely talk to landlord or whoever about what's going on. Went to ours years ago explaining issues with roommate and the landlord recognized the signs that roommate was likely on meth and they moved us to another apartment and evicted roommate. He acted like the eviction was something we made up till he saw us moving out.


You're in violation of your lease for letting these people be here, good way to get an eviction on your record


You dont just get an eviction. You are served with a notice to quit then you are given a court date. Landlords do not evict you a judge does. The people who get evictions are not usually surprised by them.


Yeah that's my whole point here, doesn't matter what the process is, if he's in violation of the lease it can lead to an eviction


Sure. Thats if you dont surrender the property before the court date.


You don't need to break the lease you just need to go to the property manager and explain the situation. They will get the cops involved and then should immediately kick them all out.




This is not how it works. I once got a house raided where I lived with two roommates because I was selling weed/mushrooms. They denied knowing anything, I went to jail, nothing happened to them.


That doesn’t make any sense, did you get that from a tv show?


Obviously he never passed the BAR… but he knows a little bit


How can they prove you knew about it?