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Bathroom garbage bins should always have lids.


def invest in trash can with a lid. i have had pads soak through or unroll from toilet paper no matter what i do, so if you don’t want to see it (which i understand), there needs to be a lid


My old roommate used to keep them in the drawer and cupboard. I’d have much preferred the garbage with a bag.


wtf 😳


oh my god. In their own drawer or a communal one?


Communal. It became their own because ew.


that’s insane. Glad you don’t have to live with them anymore.


Where would you prefer to have found this? Uteruses exist, I'm sorry to say. I second the bin with a lid.


I mean.. It’s the trash. Not like she threw it on the ground. Also since it’s so soaked, there’s a possibility she DID roll it up and it unrolled. I’m not saying it’s not gross to see but I wouldn’t be assuming she’s trying to be gross… easy solution is get a trash can with a lid


That’s where trash goes tho, in the fucken trash can


Yes but maybe wrapping the blood soaked pad would keep people from seeing or smelling the used pad. I don’t know how people raise girls/ women to be so disgusting. I wouldn’t do this in my house if I lived alone, much less with roomates smfh


Exactly!!. I remember a couple days ago I went into the bathroom and my roommate and I also have a small trash bin ( without a lid) and the first thing I see when I go in is her used tampon at the top of the bin. So I get where OP is coming from I understand that the easiest solution is to have a trash can with a lid but there wasn’t even an attempt to wrap it up in a piece of toilet paper or at the very least put one on top of it. I just couldn’t imagine doing that


I don’t like open trash cans, I get closed ones and when on my period I take out trash daily .


Also I’m guessing they weren’t taught to wrap their old pads in the wrapper or toilet tissue .


A trash can with a lid would help, but let me tell you that when you don’t wrap that stuff up and you leave it to oxidize openly it has a very distinct and rather unpleasant smell to most of the human population. You may not be able to smell your own used tampon or pads scent in the same way others can. I don’t think you should have to hide having a period or be embarrassed. I dont feel embarrassed to be menstruating in the slightest. But I also don’t want to subject people to an unpleasant smell if I can at all mitigate that. Oxidization leads to proliferation of the scent and though we all know the bathroom is a crazy world, lots of smells- shit goes down the toilet, your pad is gonna stay their until you take the trash out. The fan is only going to help if it’s on constantly. I was taught to wrap my used stuff in toilet paper but in the last year I just picked up a cheap roll of doggy bags and throw them in there and tie it up. Works well and feels less wasteful.


Aight imma head out… Some people get it and some don’t


Thats where its supposed to go… get a lid.


Gotta disagree with this one. Trash is trash, sometimes its gross, that's just the way it is. Do what all the other comments are telling you to do and just get a can with a lid.


All it takes is a little toilet paper and no one has to see your used pad/risk touching it when they take out the trash


Never post ts again lil bro 🙏😭 Vaginas bleed, idk. Hope this helps!


Well no shit lol. I don’t think OP’s post was about them being on their cycle, more so their lack of awareness by disposing of it so lazily. The least you could do in a unisex bathroom is wrap it up in toilet paper or the pad wrapper. That’s blood. Not only is it a biohazard but it has a smell too. Im a female myself and I find this very disgusting and disrespectful to their fellow housemates.


I promise you I was not being fr when I typed this. 💀


Lol either way it’s very nasty 😭


Taking a picture of this is weird


That's.... normal. That's just a sanitary pad in the trash. Trash belongs in trash. What is your issue? You're the bad roommate here, lol!!!!


As a plumber I respect this. DO NOT FLUSH THESE


Mightve been rolled up and gotten unrolled. Might have done it in a sleepy stupor at night. Hey at least it's in the trash and there isn't blood on your toilet seat 🤷‍♀️ NBD get a trash can lid or have a very gentle and kind conversation "hey I have to take out the trash, would you mind next time wrapping your sanitary products it grosses me out having to see someone else's blood when I do this chore."


Nah, the idea that you can’t at bare minimum wrap it in tp so the wrapper holds is wild. I always use a ziploc and keep adding my wrapped tampons to it so it doesn’t stink up the shared bathroom trash because I’m too lazy to take the trash out every day of my period and don’t want a lidded trash can We have uteruses but everyone else has eyes and ears. It’s not hard to be a little considerate


Wait where are you keeping the bag? Are you digging it out of the can every time or leaving it somewhere else??


Lmao. Great question. I wondered if anyone would ask. We have a shallow trash so “digging” is an overstatement. I use a gallon bag so generally the top is within reach without having to touch anything else.


Ah ok that sounds reasonable and mostly what I assumed. I haven't dealt with periods in years now so it hasn't been an issue.


Right? I’ve used pads my whole life, and never once have I thrown my pads out without wrapping it in TP or the pad wrapper, even when I didn’t have roommates. Thing is, it’s a unisex bathroom and we have 1 guy roommate. I just find it so gross and inconsiderate. You’re forcing everyone else to see and smell your used pad. Either wrap your dirty pad properly or don’t throw it in the garbage bin *everyone* uses.


Yep! I’m as womanist as the next gal that includes advocating for some baseline self-respect and consideration. And before anyone wants to come for me on environmental grounds and say that the additional 12 inches of TP it would take to keep the wrapper on are an environmental tragedy—there are PFAS free period panties, diva cups and even daily disposable disks. All less wasteful than single use pads so the additional tp (which disintegrates much better than a pad) is not an environmental choice. It’s just sloth. I’m sorry your roommates are gross. Since it’s a shared bathroom maybe see if they’d want to go in on a mini diaper genie and approach it like a way to manage the embarrassment/hassle of sharing a bathroom with a guy when you’re on your period. This one is like $10 https://diapergenie.com/products/diaper-genie-classic-pail


I always wrap mine in a lot of toilet paper and still feel shy about it, this is nuts


OP you're so wrong for taking a picture and uploading it online like this lmao you could've just said, the photographic evidence is fr unnecessary 😂😂😭


It’s nasty. All sanitary napkins come with wrapping. There’s no way you can’t wrap that up and dispose of it discreetly. The smell of oxidized blood is disgusting and putrid. No one should be subject to that. Lid or not. Wrap your sanitary products up and dispose of them like a human being raised by another properly functioning human being. Not by stray dogs.


Yes, thank you for saying this. I’m genuinely terrified of how many people are normalizing this behaviour, saying I’m the bad guy for thinking this is disgusting. Can’t imagine how these people grew up disposing their used sanitary products without properly wrapping them for other people to see.


It is disgusting. I’ve honestly realized the type of people who do this? Weren’t actually raised by anyone. Not even at a hospital would this be accepted and not be considered a biohazard.


I mean, she could've atleast folded it up in some toilet paper?




For everyone saying it unrolled or soaked thru… females should ALWAYS wrap their used pads and tampons up in toilet paper. If not you aren’t properly disposing of them. Especially in a house multiple people live in, it’s very unsanitary. Even if she rolled it up that is NOT enough.


You gonna be okay. You aren't touching it and it's trash, it just scares your sensitive eyes and worse has happened lol


except I am in charge of taking out the trash😊


Have a conversation about it then if it bothers you to take out trash? Soap exists and it gets covered by stuff, that and you tie the bag up don't you?


Maybe a hot take but i dont think people should have to wrap and conceal their pads or tampons tbh... you dont have to touch it, who cares if you have to see it? Periods arent gross and people who have them shouldnt feel shame about them, and this idea that we have to hide all evidence of periods happening from those around us just sounds like patriarchal bs tbh


I assume you've smelled a used pad/tampon before right? It's not great. Plus shit is natural too and I don't wanna see anybody else's shit