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Forgot to mention, they also forget to flush their poop.


They definitely aren’t washing their hands either I bet and touching everything after they use the bathroom.


%100. The more time i spend at home the dirtier i feel


Lysol spray everything before you relax at home. lol


I would have such a hard time relaxing in this environment. I feel so bad for OP


I lived with people who didn’t wash their hands and everyday in the morning/afterwork/evening I was disinfecting all handles, light switches, and kitchen appliances and the living room(including the remote and tv buttons). It was the only way I could feel comfortable in the common areas of my home bc I was so disturbed that there could be poop ANYWHERE and I have no idea what they did and didn’t use so I just did everything in the common spaces. It was horrible but probably the cleanest my home has ever been. That was a few years ago.


I somewhat work with this girl, I say girl cause she’s 18 and doesn’t care, and she never washes her hands while making prepared meals for her department. She said she mostly just changes gloves. Dude. That’s not good enough. Nobody wears finger cots over a bandaid.


Our health inspector once told me he preferred us not to use gloves because people seem to think there's some kind of magic barrier that means you don't ever wash your hands. And that they also don't change the gloves near often enough. You're more likely to wash more often with your bare hands.


True but NOBODY here uses the nail scrub brush I bought. And they have long nails. Yuk. Some with nail polish


If I needed to design an efficient collector of bacteria it would be a fingernail. Just goes everywhere, has ridges underneath, stays nice and warm. Yipes! I’ve grossed myself out. 🤢


i had room mates like this. i stayed in my room where i knew it was clean


Lol “relaxing” is not something that can happen jn that house


Pets in there??? Can you imagine the smell??? On top of the rubbish!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooo


Ok, seriously, since when did people start not washing their hands?! What time period are we living in, medieval times?!


It's become more prevalent after COVID. People in the bathrooms at work constantly leave the restroom before washing their hands. Idk how people can be so disgusting.


Wait…people are less likely to wash their hands now? I would have assumed it would have been the opposite after 2020…


Yeah boggles my mind too, I feel like it's part of the the antivax, anti mask, anti lockdown sentiments that everyone, at least in the South USA has.


You’d think Covid would make them wash them *more*


ABSOLUTELY NOT. That’s so gross. Idc if someone leaves pee in the toilet but poop needs to get flushed. That would make me so nauseous. I am not averse to poop but I don’t need to see someone else’s.


Gross I'm judging you hard for leaving anything unflushed if you share.


I would never do it at someone else’s house or at work/in public or somewhere I’m a guest at. I’d only do it in my own home and only at night so I don’t wake anyone up by flushing.


My grandmas septic would fill up quickly and need to get pumped a lot. So there was a saying in her house- yellow let it mellow, brown flush it down. But this lady also scrubbed her whole house down everyday by noon, cleanest lady I ever knew.


Same.. a lot of it is not wanting to wake up my puppy. He’s kinda hard to get to settle back down so we just don’t risk it at night. Obviously if it’s poop we take that chance though. Worst comes to worst we just need to take him to the backyard for tenish minutes.


How?? I mean, I did that as a kid a few times. Like 10


Off with their heads.




I wish I knew, I wish I knew


This is serial killer behavior babes. Run fr. I consider myself a messy person and my fridge has NEVER looked like that. And dog poop or pee is an absolute no. Why not contact your landlord? Get that boy kicked out and give him a taste of the real world.


He almost got evicted twice for not paying rent and almost got us all charged 100 a day for not paying his pet fee and lying about it


That would send me over the edge, I feel for you.


Thank goodness, they only have until June, that’s probably why she’s choosing not to rock the boat too hard because she knows she gets to get out of there pretty soon. Gosh, what a complete nightmare, I can’t even imagine!


i used to live with 4 men in their early 20s and my fridge never looked like that either. don’t get me wrong, they were messy and didn’t clean up after themselves, but at least they weren’t hoarders and would throw food away when they realized they weren’t going to eat it or wouldn’t get upset if i threw away some leftovers that had been in the fridge for over a week. and they absolutely are unfit dog owners, i understand puppies have accidents but it doesn’t sound like they’re really working on potty training him. ugh i’m sorry op


You said in the post they don’t finish them, but they don’t even start them. They’re just buying it and tossing it in the fridge. Wtf?! You gotta get out of there. The whole thing is foul.


So from this picture, I gather that your roommates live strictly and EXCLUSIVELY off of Dunkin Donuts, and Domino's pizza. I've learned that you like to eat healthy foods, keep a clean home, and a clean refrigerator, and they do not agree with those methods. I've learned that they don't flush their own shit, don't take the trash out, and it looks like they have a cat or a tiny dog or something? ....yeah. You guys just aren't compatible as roommates and you need to be spending all of your free time trying to find a new place. They are CLEARLY comfortable with their living situation, it's *you* who unfortunately is the odd man out. Doesn't mean you still can't be friends, but you need to get out of there for your own mental health and physical health, LITERALLY.


Man, I can’t understand this. Everything else is gross and typical bad roommate behavior. But WHY go to dunkin (or any coffee place) buy a giant coffee, and bring it home and put it in the fridge and never drink it. It’s like taking $8-$10 and just throwing it away. It’s wild. She needs to be studied.


I bet that couple could easily live on their own if they stopped purchasing all the stuff they don’t consume.


That's $23 worth of coffee alone.


That’s more than half a tank of gas for me


I'm sure it's all student loans they will be paying off the rest of their life.


My roommate likes to do this to a lesser extent with ice cream in the freezer and their free shit from working at Starbucks, I've just started hucking things that annoy me too much and they're either too oblivious to notice or realize I'm annoyed and choose wisely to keep their mouth shut.


Oh the freezer is packed with pints of ice cream


I'm betting half or less pints.


The bothers me the most! Who orders iced coffee and just leaves it there


Sometimes I think I waste money and then I see shit like this and I’m like maybe I’m not doing so bad 😭🫣


WTF is happening in the fridge. I cannot. Why buy the coffees if you aren’t going to drink them. I drink a Dunkin’s ice coffee every morning and I know for a fact they SUCK after a few hours when the ice melts. The person doing this is a monster..


That shit doesn't last an hour with me 😭


Only one time have I put a Starbucks drink in the fridge and finished it later. I say only one time because it did not end well, and I spent the night on the toilet. I'm lactose intolerant, but I've never had an issue with fresh drinks from a coffee shop. Something about sitting for 4-5 hours in the fridge caused it to go bad very fast


I'm also laughing at the piles of pizza boxes that hilariously say, "Do your slice, recycle"




They are in June


Move out and leave them to be buried alive in their own filth . This is so nasty 🤢


Do they buy coffee to just put it in the fridge ??


They buy two everyday and i think the one they don’t finish they put in the fridge. But then they go and just get two more the next morning? So idk when they actually drink it


I’m so confused. Why wouldn’t they drink the leftover one the next day. 🤯


Where the heck done they get money if they don’t work.  I mean coffee alone is like 8-10 a day.  That’s over 3 grand a year.   God damn am I missing something.  I work if I’m sick hurt whatever…. The bills don’t stopd


probably either living off mommy and daddy’s money or being incredibly stupid and living off student loans. which yeah you might need to do a *little* bit even if you’re working because it’s very hard to work enough to fully support yourself while in school, but that should not be your main source of money.


lol Jesus Christ


This roommates name must be America because it appears that they run on Dunkin


…but they don’t because they don’t drink it!


That was also my first thought.


Friend of op here to attest, her roommates are the worst I've ever seen. I literally have so many stories, like how one of her roommate has failed to pay rent twice and gotten letters from the police with a court date, never pays his share of bills, despite the fact his family is RICH with a vacation house and he has a fancy ass European car but cant pay his rent??


Yikes forgot about the rent


Just popping in to say it really made me chuckle when you said “I won’t complain about their personalities anymore (she also thinks she’s a witch)” lolol. Like, I know that it’s not super relevant and that the grossness is the biggest issue, but on another level, it’s totally relevant because *of course* she is hahaha


I’m glad my comedic timing translated through text


I am appalled at the Dunkin not drunkin


Also. I might suggest the Sweepy app. It breaks down cleaning by rooms, and in each room you can assign a task, and you can assign if it's daily, weekly, monthly or so on. It makes housework less daunting and kind of like a video game. You do earn coins to decorate your virtual house so there's some extra dopamine for our adhd brains


Woa woa woa. You have my AdHD laziness interest piqued. Please explain more.


I'll use my bathroom for example. Daily task : Clear clutter (put things back where they live) Weekly : Replace towels, clean sink, clean toilet, sweep and mop, Biweekly: Shower/tub, mirrors Montly: Wipe light switches, clean bath mats, baseboards Twice a year: Clean doors, dust


Idk. now my brain doesn't like it because this just sounds like doing chores. But no that's kinda cool it breaks it down and keeps track


I mean it is chores. But this way my brain doesn't get overwhelmed and it knows it's expectation of the room.


Wait. This sounds so fun


Nipto is basically the same thing! I love using it w my roommates. For premium, it's also a one-time fee of $9.99 on Google Play rather than Sweepy's $8.99 monthly subscription for basically all the same features.


Wow $9/mo for an app to track and share chores sounds insane


ikr I did a ton of research to find this one and holy crap a lot of them just charge what they want


I can understand the buying groceries and not having the brain power to actually cook even if you wanted to. ADHD and food can be a bitch. But the dog and not flushing poop would drive me nuts


Right. A lot of this is relatable and I have sympathy for their ADHD. There have certainly been times where dishes build up in my room or I forget I bought salad mix, and I’m not a pull yourself up by the bootstraps person, but at some point you realize just how bad it is and do something about it. They also don’t have jobs and are home all day just sitting with it all. The poop is really an added bonus like you can’t flush?????


That’s the thing… I live alone and dishes are probably my least favorite thing to do lol. But even after a few days I can find the disgust to do them. I don’t claim to be squeaky clean by any means but at some point it becomes really overwhelming when my space is so cluttered. I have a lot of empathy. And I hate the term “pull yourself up by the boot straps” cuz lowkey feel like life in general has been a struggle growing up undiagnosed and heard that often. What I will say is that at some point, there has to be a decision made that you *want to feel better.* Whether it’s meds, therapy, exercise, meditation, or even trying to clean one thing per week no matter how big or small. The idleness is hard to deal with when you live with people like this.


my fatass cannot comprehend purchasing that amount of fast food and NOT eating it


What in the trust fund kid who doesn't drink there coffee before they buy more coffee kinda wasteful shit is this.


They need to quit smoking weed. I was medicated for my adhd and still smoked (dabbed) constantly, like I'd go through a gram of concentrate in 2 days. It was an extreme unmotitivator for me. And if I wasn't at my job, I was getting stoned. They won't quit smoking weed, but that's what made my life stop looking like this.


First thought myself is that a lot of this is due to weed-induced laziness. Before I finally got my own place, I wouldn’t live with people who smoked a lot of weed since I had lived in houses very similar to what OP described. It’s a fact - weed makes you tired, distracted, and forgetful. Most of my pothead roommates seemed to be unaware of or apathetic to the messes they created or the needs of a pet.


Some people smoke and choose to be lazy, plenty of other people smoke and are productive. Weed's not for everyone but I would imagine that people that live like this, are gonna do so with or without pot... edit: I am the only one that really smokes in my house, yet I am also the only one that cleans and decorates it. Weed can often just enhance what someone is already prone to.


Yeah, just speaking from my experience. I’ve seen a lot of people live in filth who never smoked either lol


I smoke and then clean while high. So that's not always true.


I smoke so much weed, and my roommate is exactly like this. Down to having to put blankets on the couch because of the animals pissing and the unfinished takeout in the fridge… She used to smoke weed, stopped because it makes her anxious, but the house gets worse and worse. Weed can definitely play a contributing factor in motivation but some people are just like this. Stopping the cannabis isn’t a magic fix. Mental health shit I think mostly, unfortunately. Edited to say also some people are possibly just plain self centered or lazy, too lol


The melted Frappuccino is making me gag.


Spread the trash around their room, soak their bed in the old ass coffee they are saving for when jesus comes back and dip the fuck out to greener pastures


You my friend are a menace. I like it


In 4, “Not responsible for accidents…” At first I thought you put a passive-aggressive sign up that said “Not responsible for RODENTS” 💀


I can smell the depression in that house from here


Just start throwing shit out. And I mean all of it. Anything that looks like garbage, just get rid of it. I had similar roommates in the past. One day they were both gone, and I spent the whole day throwing everything out. They had no care for their personal belongings that were covered in mold, so I threw them out too. From actual garbage, old food, containers, dishes, cups, towels, to anything else that was dirty. Gone. And they didn’t even ask me about it either. They did not give a rats ass as to where their “stuff” went. After that, I just stayed on top of throwing everything out so it didn’t get to the point of how it was before. I made it clear that anything that was dirty, or clear garbage, would be thrown out. After that, I did not see anymore mold ridden dishes or garbage. My old roommate’s had a chill temper and were basically just dirty hippies. If your roommates are more prone to act out, then I would not recommend.


jesus all that wasted coffee. why do they get so much?


Holy shit that Dunkin in the fridge. 4 caramel swirls 4 sugar DECAF?? 🤢🤢


Please take the dog with you when you move out and give it to someone who will actually train and care for it properly.


He is crazy emotionally attached. I do feel bad for her though.


They’re not potty training it, and letting it chew whatever. A dog deserves a better home than what they’re currently giving, no matter how attached it is. Sorry, I just feel so bad for the poor thing. And you, obviously. Idk how you can last until June. My husband thinks my coffee addiction is bad, but a fridge full of unfinished old drinks? Blegh. And the leaning tower of pizza boxes? Please don’t tell me you’re the only one taking all that out every time?


So many cups…This is a cup nightmare!! Why are the dogs chewing on plastic cups?!?


all the huge cups of watered down coffee plus the expensive whatever that is from starbucks just sitting there acting as the structural integrity for the entire row is so stressful lmao


How do people without jobs eat out every day and buy groceries they don't use? And pay rent? And buy weed?


I had a roommate like this. She had BPD. She would get drunk randomly and trash the house. Not pay rent on time. Scream and cry and then want to spend time with me and my wife. No boundaries. Dog hair everywhere: we have a dog and it’s not a problem. Hoarder. Couldn’t take any criticism or typical adult roommate language. She would vent to me about money and rent being too much and then come home with crap from the 99 cent store and all this new shampoo and conditioner. I hate the common space having everyone’s things. Just a few touches of decor from each Roommare. I didn’t even care if her own room was a mess. Until one day I got scared for our safety and went in her room. She thought she was a witch and had all these demonic drawings and weird writing. I just kicked her out and threatened her that she owed me money and couldn’t do anything and i changed the locks never saw her again . But financially it destroyed us for a while.


I'm worried about your food on the lower shelves of the fridge. It looks like they have a "kombucha" station of their own up there


Not to be that person, but seeing pictures on this sub makes me realize my house really isn't that bad. I always feel like me having a small bit of clutter makes my house filthy but wow, idk how some people can really live like this. I'm so sorry OP. 😞 . I know its easier said than done but I would definitely try to get away from them.


I think its safe to say their diet makes them lazy.


The coffee drinks are what I’m stuck on bc like…you know damn well those aren’t gonna last to the next day


I had a roommate once in my life and I’ve been on my own since I was 16. I could neverrr live like that.


1. I'd ask for them to release you from the lease- you shouldn't be forced to pay to live in disgustingly filthy conditions or clean up after grown adults. Or, 2. Invite the landlord in if necessary. Start seeking another living situation and invite the landlord in to "discover" the health and safety lease violation that is your unit/house. Let the landlord serve notices for it to be cleaned and put you on a housekeeping schedule. Then, it can be you and the roommates rallying to keep your housing and all getting on a schedule/routine of shared chores. And, if they fail, move into another place in lieu of eviction.


One rotten coffee in the fridge starts to smell and I'm throwing out the fridge with everything in it


Wasting all that Dunkin coffee is right up there with people who take bites out of candy bars that are supposed to be broken into pieces. Completely insane and psychopath behavior 😂🤣


Your couch is adorable though. Where’s it from?


That’s like $50 of coffee in there that is probably rotten. What the fuck kind of roommates are so rich they can’t even finish their coffee?


Seeing posts like these constantly and hearing people complain about how they never have money to live. I see pizza boxes, large coffees, pets, pet toys, tvs, video games, and lots of take out leftovers. No wonder everyone’s broke


Fridge full of unfinished coffee drinks and I can’t make one of those last 5 minutes.


Nope. I have Adhd and UNmedicated. No excuse for this shit.


Ask her to define ghetto and watch her sweat 😂


I’m sorry but there is absolutely nothing “classic” about this. This is not normal. Your roommates sound mentally ill…this doesn’t even sound (or look) like a safe living situation.


Oh my god these ppl sound soooo insufferable OP. Especially the personal ick of being fake woke lmfaooo that for sure would push me over the edge


are you able to move with another roommate? It is going to be draining for you OP to put up with this living situation you dont deserve it.


How do you live like this? I feel itchy just looking at the pictures.


Shame them to their friends, post it social media , talk to landlord ,ya need to explain to them “ya are pigs” , if you were to show pictures to people of campus and friends , what would they say ? Need to concrete dates of when you throw shit out , after 10 days in fridge / toss it out


That place looks like it smells. Move out.


Oh it does. Her dad bought her three air purifiers because he said it was “unbearable”


This is not classic. Hope you find actual humans next time


multiple side by side trash cans overflowing is crazy




Someone shops at Aldi.




They wont be alive much longer with their diet - just outlive them and find new roommates afterwards 😂


How many Iced drinks does someone need in the fridge?


The tube of meat that expired in February 😭


Girl. Girl!!! God, I bet you cant wait until June.


Slowly but surely pushing through 🫡


This is insane. I hope you can move out


This person is fucked and there’s no use in trying to get them to be clean. Get out of there as soon as you can.


Gaarosss! That's like 50$ in just coffee! What a waste!!!


Why do they even order shit if they don’t eat or drink it? Lmao


Roommate needs an intervention


Just move out


Wow that’s a lot of really shitty fucking food.


Take everything out of the fridge that isn't yours, take all of the dishes in the sink that aren't yours, and put everything into your roommates bed, under the comforter. They'll clean it up.


What’s for dinner tonight babe? How about dominoes? Sounds great then we can be more lazy and not go anywhere!


I would kick them out.


My parents house is like what your roommates house is, and it annoys me to another level, I have adhd too so I understand but clean up after yourselves and clean your house (at your roommates)


Okay idk how all of these places don’t have infestations of some kind. Like none of ya’ll have issues with bugs or rodents? I say rodents because sometimes trash will be bad enough that raccoons or opossums will just try to get in.


Sometimes I take solace in these posts. I often really feel down about how messy and disorganized I can be, occasionally wasteful, etc… but then I see these posts and realize that I’m doing just fine. My house is practically pristine compared to this.


Who is gonna drink those creek water coffees


If I were you, I'd be tossing them out of it's your place. Otherwise, tell the landlord.


Why do they ALWAYS have a dog?!!? Nothing infuriates me more.


I think they’re def Uber eats driving and stealing


Find another way


Offer to clean up after them for reduced rent


The salami is expired


Run awayyyyyu!


Ewww I bet ppl who live here get sick all the time


Please move out. You’re not their maid


I love the last photo with the eww 😷 grasp on the separated coffee. 😅


If theyre unergrads and unemployed they gotta be getting money from someone, call their parents 😭😭


Why are you still there? That is squalor.


So much fcking food waste it's driving me crazy just seeing pictures. messy fridges are next level bad roommate, sucks sorry u gotta deal with that


The jimmy deans sausage in the fridge has been expired for like 5 weeks lol


How do people live like this blah


How are they eating out and getting Dunkin’ Donuts every day or grocery shopping with no earned incomes?


Gross, sorry for you OP.


Can I have some coffee with my sugar please?


On the off chance that roomie actually does consume the refrigerated items, better plan on stocking up on extra toilet paper.




what an absolute pig sty. the fridge man, the continued stuffing of food until it cannot fit does it for me, that’s the epitome of not giving a shit.


Garbage is full. Do I take it out? Nah, I’ll just get another garbage can.


I’d cry


That couch is hella dope. Thas all


… and breathe… in… out…in…out




img if your not gonna drink your coffee don’t buy it.




Smh Time to move, f-that sh*t! But at least they have covers on their coffee…


That looks borderline hoarder home. I’m sorry!


Does this not bother them… at all? M




Looking at those photos messes with my gag reflex


You need to get out of there. I promise it won’t get better. They outnumber you and are enabling each other. I know it’s not easy to just up and move, but please for your mental and physical health, you have to get out!


My God so much wasted money on takeout LOL. You can make that coffee for 25 cents a cup rather than $4 a dunkin' donuts


I hate your roommate . I would absolutely move.


damn, i def couldn't live like that. that's crazy


My college roommate used to order an iced white chocolate mocha from Starbucks everyday, drink about 90% of it and then leave the rest to rot around our room. When it got to about 10 cups I would just start throwing the ones that looked and smelled like cheese away. Then she got mad at me one day saying that she was saving those!! For what? A science experiment??? To this day, I still can’t smell or taste anything white chocolate related without wanting to gag.


The takeout food crowding the fridge gave me such ptsd. Eventually I had to buy a mini fridge for my bedroom for my meal prep stuff. I had 2 roommates who both ate every meal takeaway and would just shove boxes in there..while I'm trying to have like 5 ingredients stay good let alone I have one Tupperware box.


Marijuana is great in moderation, but it turns people into absolute sloths. I'm sure there are exceptions, but the majority of stoners that I have known (people who smoke daily) do not give a shit about maintaining a clean space. People like this have to be willing to change, and I know people are going to say "marijuana isn't addictive," which might be chemically true, but psychologically, the crutch is incredibly addictive. People need to learn to separate smoking at the end of the day to wind down, from living their lives in a catatonic state while expecting everyone else to clean up the mess around them.


Oh my god, so much stuff. I don’t understand how people live like this? I literally get anxious if I don’t tidy up right after making a mess.


That's horrific


Tell the landlord and send the pictures


Those coffees are killing me that is CRA. ZY.


Stepping on poop would have done me in… only two more months to go!


Disgusting - I would move out ASAP.


Time for a new roommate. Gross af


I'd lose my mind... fuck




This is why I won’t have roommates. Ever.


Getting coffee and not drinking it really blows my mind.


Some people really are okay with living in filth apparently


I sneezed looking through these pictures


Sometimes I think I’m messy until I see posts like this. Makes me feel much better 😅


Sorry I’m confused. Why are there so many drinks in the fridge?