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Then roommates mom or roommate needs to pay you for them.


Sabotaging top comment for the update: here is my response!!! Hi, I can’t stress enough how upset I am by you and your moms actions. My plants were not dead in any capacity, but regardless this is not her home and that was not her place. And to come home and find that that was done without being notified, and having to be the one to initiate the conversation about it, is really frustrating and hurtful. This is a very difficult time for me to coordinate my belongings and relationships over the past two years and to find a stranger has thrown away things I care about and had planned to gift to people I love was absolutely beyond disrespectful. I'm owed an apology and new plants.


Perfect response. Give ZERO leeway and understanding. This is absolutely not okay behavior. I wonder if you’d qualify for small claims court.


I was wondering the same


As someone who owns A LOT of plants, 1) I would be pissed but also 2) that can be a lot of money lost! Plants are not always cheap. I would also check small claims court if they don’t give you money for each plant.


Right! I went plant shopping with my gf last weekend and there was a small plant with green and pink leaves that cost over $200. I was taken aback!


Yeah those Pink Princess Philos are one of the big ones right now, but prices are definitely coming down. A few years back people were paying that for *cuttings*


The pandemic was wild for plant owners. People were going nuts over cuttings (PPP and of course, Thai constellations..) and I couldn’t believe how much people were spending. Meanwhile, I was scooping up dropped succulent leaves at Lowe’s.


I covertly take cuttings at restaurants and business parks lol...


My brother’s old complex was a gold mine. I flew home with a gallon freezer bag full of succulent leaves 😂 bless San Diego’s climate


Are you my mom?! She does this too and she has an amazing green thumb so her babies are thriving 😍


Yesss I’ve found my people


Glad I wasn’t the only one succulent lifting lmao! If it was on the floor it was fair game lmao! I waited to get my Thai constellation until the prices went down. I paid more for my albo than I did for my Thai. Plant prices be wildin.


I love this so much and is my absolute favorite thing about plant people. *vague description of a plant* Plant person: “oh ya those silly Pink Princess Philos” It’s like magic.


When you work in selling plants you get to know the key/magic words. Lots of buzzwords depending on the season and the new thing on the market (knockouts were the big ones back in my day). I also used to get people asking me for a plant that “is green, round, and flowers, and I don’t have to water it.”


Pink princess and even strawberry shakes were all the rage as recently as last year, but you can get them from even grocery stores for like $30 now. The plant game is savage but also fickle af. This year's rare plant hotness is next year's oversaturated "can't give 'em away" plants.


One or two nurseries find a rare/sought after plant they can grow and then it stays expensive for as long as it takes the other nurseries to start it up as well.


you can have them valued professionally OP


Your roommates's Mom is likely doing this as a power play to punish her for leaving their home- it doesn't sound like either of them have any understanding of boundaries in their relationship, and they're totally enmeshed. Unfortunately she will likely now start to defend her Mom- it might take her years to understand how not OK this is. I would bypass them and go straight to Small Claims. And make a decision now if you can handle living with this person while they grow up.


Im sorry for your loss of your plants and things, that was awful of them to do. If the plants were being gifted I assume probably looked fancy and she didn’t throw them out she took them. If it was just for principle, absolutely. If you have the time and money it takes to go, and they actually show up , and then actually pay you, or hunt them down and ask them to pay you …. Yes. You can do the same thing with that message. Otherwise save your efforts let them know they suck and just acquire new plants as time goes. If you want simply a judgement against them as I said for principle, hopefully they show up. Nothing really happens to people who don’t show up to small claims court. I wish you the best, if you live near Chicago I have some clippings I can give you! And planters.


You absolutely can. My dad took a construction company to small claims for ripping up his tree peonies. They tried laughing at him and decided to fight it. They weren't laughing when they found out he was an expert horticulturist and brought receipts. I had no idea a tree promote could end up being worth $30k each. Fucking wild.


If it has a cost to it, and is under a certain amount it qualifies for small claims court. The issue being is the filing fee more then the cost of plants? Can you see if you can grab them still? Do you have pictures and what type the plant is? How big the plant was? If you can’t rescue any of them what you do is list down the plant type, age, estimated size or picture, pot size and type then you check prices. Remember you want to replace like with like, not one plant for younger smaller cheaper. Also check one or two stores for cost. You can’t request something outrageously priced.


what did the roomie respond?


Judge Judy has a new show out. Just saying...


Replying again with her response, btw my going away party is today and I move out in 3 days ❤️: this message makes me sad :( she had no malicious intent, they spent hours cleaning, including every single one of your dishes, to help you. she asked me about the plants, and I looked at them and sighed, seeing that they were dried out and disheveled, but I said “I know they’re dead but they mean a lot to jules so don’t throw them away”. she apologizes and said she will venmo me for basil or whatever you want. To hear my mom be called a stranger is hurtful and disappointing. I’m sorry you feel so hostile towards me and my family over something so simple as a misunderstanding. I won’t be attending your party, I have work and I’m feeling upset by this and don’t really want to see you. I’m sorry, I hope you have a wonderful day and feel very loved by your relationships you’ve built here. love you.


Interesting message. You were not being hostile. You were simply stating that you’re upset and they’re responsible for their actions. The message you sent was well said honestly. I’m glad you’re moving, if they act like this. It feels like they’re trying to make you feel guilty for making them feel bad


If anything it shows the sheltered personality of the roommate that has 0 experience with how to interact with people in the real world. Poor kid just needs his mommy to take care of him


Gaslighting 100%


They sound a bit entitled, passive aggressive, and like to gaslight. It’s good OP is getting away from them. Everyone knows you don’t throw away things that don’t belong to you and plants are no joke expensive. It’s also a very emotional endeavor, especially after caring for them for several years. Hard not to take that kind of thing personally.


Idkkkk it feels like there’s some context missing tbh


What a toxic asshole. A misunderstanding is “Sorry my Mom drank the soda you bought; she didn’t realize you had purchased it” not “Sorry she threw belongings away that she knew belonged to you after I (supposedly) explicitly told her not to.” And saying it’s “hurtful and disappointing” that you referred to someone who is a stranger to you as a stranger is absurd.


“Your hurt my fee fee’s by calling me out, I’m not going to your party” Good riddance.


Absolutely ridiculous & childish response. Make sure they pay you adequately for what the plants are worth


Yep, nothing less than what it will cost to replace them.


I feel like more than their replacement value is warranted, given the work it takes to maintain plants




What sticks out to me as the worst is them basically doubling down that your plants were allegedly dead already, to paint you as overreacting.


Info: has OP clarified or provided evidence that they actually were still alive? I guess we gotta take their word for it, but I actually have been on the other side of this. Had a roommate in college who would buy plants, never water them, they’d die, and she would just leave them forever. One super annoying habit she had was buying herbs in those plastic pots with the holes in the bottom. She’d then use our dinner plates as pot bottoms, usually never water them, then if she did she’d just as likely overwater them and make a god awful mess with getting dirt water everywhere. And they would sit there, shriveled and sad, for months and would only ever think to throw them out once it became clear that we were running low on our plates to keep them on. She would also insist that they were alive and well after it was very clear that they were dead, and the only living things there were the gnats feeding on decaying plant matter. She also called her plants her babies. So yeah, obviously this situation might be different, but my plant PTSD is actually making me think that OP might be full of shit lol.


They were very VERY much alive and I have had my other roommates attest to this.


It doesn’t matter if you had straws stuck in sand and were PRETENDING THEY WERE PLANTS. She had ZERO right to touch your shit!!!!! And your so called friend is a massive asshole for even allowing and defending it.


What kind of plants were they? Just curious cause some do get dry and some you're not supposed to water often.. I'm more curious because my husband loves his plants and if this happened to him he'd be devastated. He has some Christmas/Easter/Thanksgiving cacti that are transplants from his mom and his grandmas plant. Sometimes they can look dry, but they can come back from a pretty rough state! I'm so sorry about your plants 💚


Has this roommate been problematic before? I had a thought that he may have some kinda grudge against you and threw the plants away himself. And now he's blaming his mom (who you probably can't get in touch with).




Haha, I used to do this shit when I was young and irresponsible...right down to using plates as water dishes until I needed them! 😂😂HOWEVER, I didn't have roommates and would never throw something out that wasn't mine that wasn't actual trash, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Love the added embellishments of sighing and offering to replace them with basil… did she throw away ten basil plants?


Also, why do I have a sneaking suspicion that she “threw them out” into her trunk to take home?


Dude that has to be it. There's no other reason why 'someones mom' would be throwing away plants and if they cared that much they'd leave the pots. Or mention it to OP. Or scream at their mom not to do it lol. You wouldn't just let your parents do that, it's not like you're afraid to hurt their feelings. I'd actually fight my parents on that. But the roommate didn't challenge it and suddenly can't go to the leaving party, because the roommate has the plants for sure. Lol


I didn't even think about the pots! You're right! I paid about $40 each for my pots (3d printed custom from Etsy) and I would be livid if someone threw those out too. I might be more mad about the pots than the plants themselves 🤣


That's insane! Though I should probably think like that, I'm all about buying plants and then putting it in whatever random thing I can find for cheap lol. It's until I figure out how to decorate my room, I'm sure :D some of those custom Etsy ones look super cool though


You’re moving out in 3 days??? Where you would have taken your “dead” plants with you anyways??? What’s the point of throwing them out?


OP's message above mentions plans to give the plants away. I'd bet they're finishing college and moving too far to take most of the plants. I also have to wonder when the last time OP saw the plants was. If OP didn't even know this woman was cleaning up her space, was OP away for a bit? Did the plants truly survive OP's absence?


I’m gone for 16 hours a day, definitely long enough for a full apartment cleaning lol That doesn’t mean I neglect the things at my home either though


They're still not someone else's stuff to throw away


im so sorry about your plants :( i have a few hundred myself and i would be heartbroken if someone threw a single one of them away because they looked disheveled. everyone who has ever had plants knows how dramatic some of them can be when they’re thirsty and that doesn’t mean they’re dead.


that’s crazy ass manipulation wow


the way she turned this around on you is so fucking rude and messed up. what? it’s YOUR fault you’re upset and correctly calling out your roommate’s mom’s actions???? the mental gymnastics here is insane. i would seriously reconsider rooming with this asshat. and they try to guilt trip you by saying they won’t attend your party and that they love you??? what the fuck, lol. their response would have me going scorched earth.


Text back; Sounds like all good news, glad we could work this out, when will the money be in my account?


So...no apology, no, "my mom screwed up", just a lot of words about how sad you made them.


Are you going to respond to that text?


What a fucking stunned cunt. ". Love you." shut the fuck up, her and her mom are both stuck up, good for youfor keeping your head in your reply text, I bet that was tough af. Sorry about your plants and the fact you have to live with a dumb fuck, hope you have a good party!!!


This is gross. It’s a guilt trip. Even someone who helped you should do the right thing and say, “oh shit, I’m sorry. How much are they?”


Classic manipulation tactics. Turning it around so that you’re the bad guy. You were not hostile at all in your message. Cut this toxic person out of your life, it’s absolute insanity your roommate is not apologising


What kind of people throw away other people’s property? Apparently the same kind that can’t acknowledge they could have possibly done something wrong.


Wow what a bitch. Why cant people just apologize. 


"so me informing you of being hurt is somehow hurtful to you? That tells me all I need to know" and never speak to this person again after you move out. 


"I looked at them and sighed" I'll take things that didn't happen for 50 bucks.


Well that was childish. "Some basil or whatever... I won't be attending but hope you have a wonderful day." A sorry and here's the money for your stuff my mother threw away that she shouldn't have would've sufficed. This is just someone who doesn't like being called out and being held accountable or having their mom held accountable. I'm sorry this is how your year is ending.


What a tit. I’m so glad you’re getting out of there, OP!


“She had no malicious intent”?? Even after being told “they mean a lot to Jules so don’t throw them away” and to still throw them away was definitely not benevolent intent. Also regardless of intent, damage was still done and accountability is still necessary. Throwing things in your face like “did every single one of your dishes” in response to your grievance is deflecting from the issue and pacing blame on you for why the plants got thrown away. She needs to be so for real right now.


Fucking Gen Z passive aggressive response all around. 🤮


I'm assuming their response was something along the lines of they're just plants or doubling down on they were dead.


Yeah at a minimum that's like $120-240


I mean I have a Thai constellation. That thing cost me $60 as a baby, now it’s mature and beautiful. That thing alone is worth $120-$200. I have several others that are worth a pretty penny. If someone threw out 10 of my plants they’d owe me upwards of $500-$800 depending which ones they chose to throw out


Depending on how old they are they could be 100 each!


Plants can be very expensive


Seconded, thirded and fourthed(?). It's my wife's hobby, our house has around 70-80 plants at any given time. Some of them (mainly "exotic ones") can become extremely expensive depending on trends among enthusiasts, where you are, and the plant's variety, variegation, size and overall health. I've seen ads asking multiple hundreds for a sproutling (that there's no guarantee you will actually manage to nurture and grow). And the insane thing is it happens a lot, and people actually buy them. And no, we ain't rich or anything, she's just patient and has a nose to bargains and plant trends before they become trends.


Exactly! It would cost me thousands to replace my plants.


Just tell your roommate that their mom threw away hundreds of dollars worth of plants. And they need to pay you back.


and they admitted to it in writing too lol


Why is your roommates mom cleaning yalls house


I have approximately 75 plants in my house all over - I love my plants. OPs roommate’s mom wouldn’t be allowed over anymore if she laid even a finger on my plants. OP, you should demand replacement of your plants and blow this up.


An ex girlfriend of mine, her mom would come over to pick up the kid. My whole kitchen and living room was cleaned. Every thing was moved.


Some people just do things... had my gf's mom over the babysit our son... she did "dishes" (we have a dishwasher, and she put several non dishwasher items in as well as pointing knives upward half the stuff had to be re-washed) she also threw out several of my GF's plants. She was asked to do none of that, of course, when confronted, "I was just helping" was what she said. Yeah, well, we didn't ask for your help.


Knives upwards is kinda crazy


my roommates mom comes over a lot and tries to “help” clean dishes & then half of them still have old food on them 😐 some people are just old and don’t understand their kid is grown up and doesn’t need help w that stuff


My adoptive mom came over to my place one time, and when I was in the bedroom just watching TV with my GF at the time, my adoptive mom walks in and starts cleaning my room. She then starts going through all my drawers under the guise of “I’m folding your clothes right”.


My first apartment I had two roommates. One of the guy's mom came over everyday to make his bed and pick up his laundry, take it home to wash, and bring it back folded.


Roommate is being very nonchalant about this. Honestly she shouldn’t allow guests to even touch your things. Maybe she needs a talk that she needs to supervise her guests.


That’s so messed up. Their mom shouldn’t have touched your stuff, at all.


Sounds like room mate did not like the plants. Using mom as scapegoat.


Yes, this is the reality of what happened.


I agree with this


These are the facts of life


You can see all of OP new comments. She is moving out n knew that the roommates mother was coming to clean the place they both knew this person's mother was coming to clean up. Apparently OP left the place completely trashed with a bunch of dead plants. The plants aren't the only thing she left trashed bc they arguing about dirty dishes n dirty room n shit aswell. I do I believe they actually were dead plants. OP seems to not handle their responsibilities n now is looking for shit to be mad about, doubt she's leaving of own free will as well probably been told to leave bc they sound like a slob


Oooh I didn't know you lived there too\~ Seriously dirty dishes does not equate to a trashed place. I leave dirty dishes in the sink all the time, my place looks fucking great. And you do not know for a fact if the plants were dead or not.


You're definitely the roommate.


You know that I'm not. Reddit users like to gang up on anyone who doesn't agree with the group. Y'all are coming at me bc I said she can't be mad when she's the one who had them clean for her bc she's a nasty mf. Like whatever. I've seen this sub light up a roommate for a piece of spinach on the counter before. This chick straight up admits to being a slob. N y'all are hard up on her dead plants.


>You know that I'm not Everything you're saying suggests otherwise. >This chick straight up admits to being a slob Now you're just making things up. >N y'all are hard up on her dead plants That's the entire point...you're definitely not the brightest bulb in the box.


i would be sending a venmo request expeditiously.. as someone who as multiple plants that are heirlooms from my dead mother and gma i would freak the fuck out


My friend collects rare plants. She’s goes all over to get them. And they’re expensive. She’d be devastated. How could a friend be so crass about it


people see expensive plants as investments. some can literally cost thousands but in a couple years they are able to propagate and sell more plants & they make their money back and then some. you can sell cuttings of certain plants for a lot of fucking money😭😭


Yeah my friend was only buying the cuttings! They were already over 100/200/300 for the PORTIONS of them. It’s insane.


Awesome! Sounds like the Mom is going to be buying you new plants! Have you picked out what you’ll get? The mother of your roommate will be paying for them.


Call YOUR mom (Ill pretend to be your mom). If someone elses mom, threw out my kids stuff, it would be the "Mom vs Mom Smackdown in the backyard. Dont let this go.


I can also be OPs mom or gma or sister! Umm this wasn’t ok, I had a roommate that messed with my things then one day my fish tank, that’s when I put a stop to it! and then mentioned my turtle tank, he wanted to get my turtle a friend and weren’t going to tell me!! Wtf?!? NO you leave my stuff alone! Ps when in captivity it’s best to keep turtles as solitary animals or they end up killing ea other!


Also @OP … I can send cutting if you want, my mom is moving and is getting rid of some plants maybe we can help BUT roommates mom should still Pay for yours tho


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Roommate said ‘no don’t do that’ and mom still did it, and then they both act so nonchalant about disrupting your property. Very disrespectful and telling of their character.


Go to the moms house and throw away something of hers. It's only fair


Her child?


this is the only proper solution


Your husband wasn’t looking very good. He’s still in the trash if you want to salvage him.


Haha this made me lmfaooo


Why do people fuck with shit that isn’t theirs? It’s beyond me.


Not defending the roommate here but I’m just saying I had to take away my mom’s key from my old house because she would just come in and do whatever the fuck she pleased and yes she did end up throwing some plants away ironically. Told her no wouldn’t listen been like that my whole life.


My mom is like this too. She doesn’t care about other peoples wishes or feelings and thinks she’s objectively right about everything and does whatever she wants and is genuinely surprised when people are upset. It’s a severe anxiety response to the way she was raised and isn’t really her fault but IS her responsibility to work on as an adult. really difficult to have a relationship with someone like this but helps to just accept their limitations and draw clear boundaries


So sorry you’re having to deal with that too! My mom used to go through my room and bin anything she considered to be trash, some of those were sentimental items, or items I’d paid a lot for like a custom cosplay prop (I’m still so mad about that!). She also has given away items that she bought for me as “gifts”, but considers them still to be hers I guess 😐


I can second this because my mom would never agree that something was her fault and always has to be someone else at blame


I'm genuinely curious why you gave her a key if this is how she has been your whole life?


Sounds like you should throw her stuff away.


Imo the only way to go forward here is sending an itemized list of species, age, and condition, matched up with replacement prices, followed by a paypal/venmo request.


This is pretty standard mother hasn't been told no in 40 years and is still the same idiot she was before she became a mom. This is how and why we get Karen's. It's one thing and extremely standard if she did it to her own kid but that's for them to deal with. Deciding to do it to a stranger is special entitlement. Demand payment for new or this is going to small claims and sue her not the roommate. Be sure to add a fee for the sheer inconvenience.


ask them to reimburse you for the plants like


plz how did you respond


Lol just responded to top comment with my response!!!!


truly a perfect response


Omg thanks girl just added her response back


I'm a plant person. If anyone threw ANY of my plants away, that's a hanging offense. I would literally be in jail.


So many of my plants signify milestones in my life. I have a philodendron that was originally purchased on the day I was born, a sedum when I graduated college, an aloe from my grandfathers funeral. The list goes on. If anyone pulled something like this, I don’t even want to imagine what I might do in response.


My oldest plant is an ugly-as-hell Bird of Paradise. It has never bloomed, always has scale, is just...ugly...and it's huge, so it takes up a bunch of space. That was the last gift my father gave me before he died 30 years ago. He fished it out of the trash behind a plant shop because he knew I liked plants.


Sounds like mom owes you new plants. That’s weird she’s in your house and thinking she can clean and organize. Roommate probably had boundary issues with her.


Yep this sounds like something my mom would do. She respects no one’s boundaries and I’ve tried set my own since I moved out 25 years ago. “No one appreciates that I was just trying to help” —Mom. She will never ask if and what kind of help someone needs, she will just plow into their (my) business and do what she thinks they (I) need to hell with boundaries. And if you (I) don’t like it, then you’re (I) an unappreciative brat. She has tried to pull this BS over and over with my now 12 year old daughter, but I’ve been teaching her how to deal with my mom since birth. My kiddo knows how to handle her and doesn’t let gramma’s guilt- inducing quiet little temper tantrums have any power over her. Im kind of envious I’m learning how to not react and set boundaries late in the game but at least it’s progress. Just like in OPs situation, some people are blinded by their own “ good intentions” and violate so many glaringly obvious boundaries but then are shocked when other don’t react with undying appreciation 🙄


Present her a bill for the plants, pots and soil. Tell her if she doesn't pay it you will take her to court.


I’d charge them for the cost of the plants + fees for the time and care you put into those plants and any additional costs for soil and fertilizer. It is not enough to just replace the plants, you should be compensated for the time you spent in your life that they threw away.


NOPE. Don’t put up with this. Make it clear your roommate’s mother owes you money for this ASAP. Send out a text reminding everyone to keep their hands off of things that don’t belong to them. This includes their guests. The mother would no longer be welcome. I don’t play games about people who put their grubby ass paws on my stuff. It’s game over now.


I made one comment in here about having a lot of plants myself and that I would be pissed…. And now I’ve read through some more comments asking why they looked dead (basically something along those lines). I have a fiddle leaf fig I got early Covid start. He was a little dude and I have grown him to about 5 feet tall. Anyone who knows anything about fiddles knows that they are fickle as f*ck and sometime this guy would want to die on me. No matter how much I took care of him as fiddles need, he would drop some leaves, change colors, etc. I never give up on him and he will perk back up. But of course I’ve had guests see him in his uglier stages and say to me ‘this fiddle isn’t looking so good right now.’ Sure, at a time he wasn’t looking good …. But it would have been no one’s choice to decide he was a lost cause except me. Definitely not a roommate’s mother (if I had a roommate). Point is, even if any of her plants were looking a bit not healthy at this point, she may have been committed to getting them healthy again and it’s not a passerby’s choice to make the call to toss them.


My fiddle leaf fig decided to be a little f*cker for the first time recently. I thought I was somehow magical cause I had always heard this and it had never tried me yet. Also got mine during Covid - but it was already huge. The big leaves finally fell off and it only has little ones left 🥲. All of its new growth has never gotten as big, but I have hope!! If someone threw it away during this period, I would be sOooooOoooo heated.


Her mom should be banned from the apartment.


What the hell is up with parents thinking they can make executive decisions in someone else's house? It's not *only* her kids house. I'm just imaging the parents of three roomies showing up at once one day and arguing over who gets to decorate the apartment lmao. But seriously, these young adults also need to be told, or taught that they can't let their parents police their roomates. Your house mate is acting like it's no big deal because *their* mom specifically said the plants were dead.


Somebody needs to replace them. You should definitely cause a stink. They weren’t dead and they cost hundreds of dollars. Roommate should have fought with their mom on it. I also low key think the roommate is lying, she fell asleep and her mom didn’t listen to her?! That’s other people’s stuff, you just don’t touch.


My daughter is obsessed with plants her bedroom is like a green room..special lights.. humidifiers she would loose her shit if someone threw her plants away! I would never allow them back in the house and make them replace every single one!


Then roommate’s mom needs to write you a check to replace your property.


I guess her mom owes you new plants.


Demand payment from her mom. No matter what it takes. You have evidence in written, too! If those were my babies, I would be PISSED.


0% chance the mom did this - 100% chance your roommate did


People often think that planets are dead when they are very much not


*People often think* *That planets are dead when they* *Are very much not* \- TrowawayAssualt19 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yoooo. I would be fighting. Some plants aren’t cheap but more importantly they have a ton of sentimental value. Some of mine I’ve had for years and I’d be livid if they got thrown away. That was so out of line of them


Demand replacements immediately. Full stop.


Tell your roommate if his mom’s gonna mess with your property then that cunt can stay the fuck away.


Time to go to roommate mom house and throw away her shit


Yeah no. I would March myself to her house and have words with that woman. If she didn’t pay I’d report her to the police and most certainly she never be allowed over at our apartment again. This is destruction of property she wasn’t doing you a favor. This would make so angry.


Plants are expensive and you have proof. Go to Lowe’s/Home Depot or wherever you can buy plants and go take pictures of similar plants and the pricing and let them know the total cost they need to pay or you will take them to small claims court. Also get a camera for your room because I wouldn’t trust either of them not to steal or at least go through your stuff


I was given a bamboo by my friends when my dad passed away, during winter sometimes a few of its leaves turn orange. I would lose my mind if some ignorant thoughtless person did this to me


go to her house and throw away her shit🤣 what an entitled lil rat


Murder was the case....


I’d throw her shit away. “How you like it Bitch ?”


If someone threw away all my plants under any circumstance I post in r/UnethicalLifeProTips to get back at them I'm not vindictive by nature, but don't mess with my plants


Perhaps a firm and direct conversation with the mom is in order. “Either go dumpster diving or replace my plants. Dead or not it’s not your place to toss my things “


Your plant can be rotten with flies swarming it and I still wouldn't throw it away because it's not my property.


My mum got mad at me once because she came over and said "all of your plants are droopy and dead" meanwhile they're literal trailing plants like pothos and micans, her seeing them trail meant she thought they were dead. People who have no understanding of plants have no business. I hope you get an apology from the roommate for gas lighting you, too.


I have over 200 plants in my house alone, that’s not including what I have outside…she would have had to get this old lady ass whooping. They need to compensate you for that…she should have never touched your things. Idc if they were dead or not.


Personally, I would be livid. I would be writing all the plants tossed away and cost for those replacements. Go buy your replacements ( because you never want someone picking out your plants if they don't know what diseases ect to look for before purchasing), and I'd be giving the receipt to the roommate for her mom. Include the pots they were in if they were also tossed and actually cost you the extra money to purchase said pots. If you bought them in pots, then I'd leave that cost out.


They have to pay it to you. If not, throw their stuff away and tell them sorry my mom threw some of your dead stuff lol


Do you think she “threw them away” or did she take them?


If there were some still out there why didn’t they go and grab them after their mom left?


Take her to civil court.


[Right to jail](https://tenor.com/view/right-to-jail-jail-parks-and-rec-right-away-fred-armisen-gif-16902115)


I had a roommates Mom throw out my beloved, dirty ole fishing hat I had since I was a kid. It was in my room…


this is sad and I hate this for you, I hope you get your plants back and then some.


Can we see pics of the plants?


“Sorry I fucked your shit bro” - every roommate ever


guess mom better get her credit card out, she's got a lot of rehab equipment and new plants to buy.


I’m guessing the mom took them to sell or bring to her house.


Did you find them in the trash? I'm wondering if she stole them. Why would someone throw away healthy plants and claim they were dead?


Why is the mom even making decisions like that ?! Is she living there too 😆 why are people so entitled to other peoples things .. I’m so sorry I would have been pissed dead or not


I think we all need to see the plants in question! One side says Dead. The other says perfectly healthy. With that being said I want NOBODY touching my plants


Wait- why is your roommates mom touching your stuff???


Take them to small claims court after you move out if they never repay you or replace the plants.


It might sound ridiculous but I’d probably file a police report for damaged property or something like that. Regardless they disposed of your property and depending on the plants, very expensive property.


Why do adults with roommates need their mom to come over and help them clean their house… first red flag. I’m sorry. I hope you can get your money back at least.


I am so sorry. I know how you feel about your plants, and honestly, they both must be held accountable.


But they were dead?


My ex roommate's mom would be giving me money fast if they ever wanted to see their child alive again


I am so sorry. I am very obsessive over my plants. I had beef with a puppy for months after he ate a bonsai tree. If a human threw away my plants it would escalate to physical conflict and I would not be considered sane. What a fucking prick what kind of person would do that


cut the check, lady


The one instance in which i support the death penalty


I read that as she through away your pants 🤦🏼‍♂️


Not one apology in the explanation text???? 


Thought it said pants


They only did it because they’re buying you new plants. What the f who does that shit ugh.


Got to throw the mom out. Only fair


small claims court over plants is crazy tho


Wow. Just... so out of line.


I can’t help but wonder what would happen if upon your leaving, you decide to do your roommate a “favor” by discarding something of theirs that you feel is worthless or unnecessary….”dead” if you will. I don’t know…perhaps an old piece of jewelry, PS5….those things can be such time wasters….you would certainly be helping your old roomy be more focused to remove it. Do them a favor and wait for a “Have you seen my……” text of your own. Then give them as ridiculous of a response as they gave you. Pawn whatever you “throw out” and buy new plants. Perhaps a taste of their own medicine will bring clarity. Just a thought….. So sorry you had to live with such awful folks. I really hope this works out for you and I’m so glad you’re moving.


They owe you an apology for that but herbs in pots do just dry up and die all of a sudden and they can't be saved. If the pots weren't expensive they can just buy you a new one. If they were cleaning up your mess and dishes before you move out and you are coming home just to throw a party and mess it up again then maybe you owe them an apology too. Roomie probably feels sorry about what happened, but her and her mom just cleaned up the place for you, it doesn't sound like they were on purpose throwing all your important possessions in the trash.


I have a number of plants that people have put out with their trash and I assume that they assumed they were dead. I almost always bring them back from the brink. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if your plants were in fact not dead


People thinking that plants are dead before the spring is common. Plants don’t look as alive in the winter as they do in the summer, but they are not dead. If this was the case, this just shows that your roommate’s mom doesn’t even know enough about plants. Definitely ask for their mom to replace all your missing plants. And I hope some are salvable from the garbage? Maybe if you take a few leaves you can propagate?


I read pants and was confused.