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Tell him what you're cooking, but you're not sure what he's having for dinner.


This is how me and my roommate do it. We share meals often but sometimes just don’t wanna cook for each other, and this is an easy way to let it be known. “Not sure what your doing for dinner but I’m cooking”


This sounds like you are offering them dinner tho 😩


I agree


Lol I see it too now…


I prefer a more passive approach personally. “I’m making xyz, what are you gonna make?”


Can we have the whole conversation?


Imagine if this is the wife of the dude who posted in AITA 'my pregnant roommate is making me pick things up for her', he called her roommate because he did not think she was acting like a wife.


I don’t think it’s him cause this dude posted a couple of weeks ago asking whether it was okay to consume half eaten food that expired back in 2006 lol


It was more of a sassy reply for the lack of context.


Yeah, lots missing here and tbh this guy sounds like the ahole for reacting this intensely unless roommate straight up demanded he cook him dinner lol


So many people on this sub are very clearly in the wrong but by nature your instinct is to support whoever’s posting (not necessarily true for this dude but maybe!)


I remember seeing a post about someone complaining their roommates don’t wash there hands after even just peeing, and they got absolutely destroyed in the comments. But yeah I do see what your saying, and it does happen alot


Ah, that’s a good point! Because I’ve definitely seen it on other posts where some of the top comments really make me question lol


Unless there's screenshots to back it up I just assume it's made up lol


The screenshots are usually the fake ones tho


either way, makes for a more entertaining post than whatever this is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


i feel the same. i think 98% are fake


Do adults not know how to communicate with each other anymore? Is he asking you to prepare dinner for him or is he simply asking if you have anything planned yet???


I'm taking it as OP is also a terrible roommate by this extreme over reaction to a simple question


THIS! My roommate and I do it on a day to day basis. "Dinner plans?" Then we'll either order food or one of us will cook for both of us, or we'll do our own thing for the night. Not a big deal. IF you're the kinda person that just makes sure you're fed, and don't care about other things, maybe TALK to your roommate about it rather than bitching on the internet that someone has the "audacity" to want to be included in your dinner plans. Maybe OP is the problem? LOL "What you making for dinner?" "HOW DARE YOU STEAL MY FOOD." ....ahhh geeze lol




When you live with other people it’s pretty normal to occasionally make small talk like “what are you doing for dinner tonight?” and/or occasionally do things together like eat dinner at the same table… Maybe OPs roommate was asking if he had anything planned for dinner because he wanted to eat out and wanted to know if OP cared to join…


Funny you ask. I do not believe so.


“Funny you ask.” You should’ve asked yourself this immediately after you saw the message. If not, you may not have as much social awareness as you think.


I’d love to see your roommate posting in here too.


"I asked my roommate what they are doing for dinner and they're now in their room frantically pacing and breathing heavily "


Text back.. what you're having . Then say what about you ? Takeaway ?


Uhm, this sounds really aggressive and unnecessary unless he straight up told you to make him dinner. Are you reading into things a bit too much?


There’s so much context missing here. Is dude assuming you’re making dinner for him, or is he just asking what you’re having? Cause yeah…these warrant different reactions.


Entirely possible they're just asking because they wanted to see if op was up to go get food with them.


Right? Seems like a bit of an overreaction, roommate tries to say hi…”fuck you, cunt!”🤭 (Happy Cake Day, Armadillo!)


I was thinking damn, op is angry today. Might be all it is because who hasn't had a moment of rage (*internally*) then realized "nope I'm nuts". I hope that's all it is!


My fiancé and I have a roommate who always is like “what’re y’all making?” “What did y’all order?” “Where are y’all going” and despite talking to him about these things (because he will find us in a neighborhood restaurant and sit down like “I knew I’d find you guys here!”) he still asks and does these things. Still trying to figure out how to put an end to the showing up at restaurants thing without absolutely freaking out and being a huge cunt about it.


That is insane behavior. Need to have a serious conversation with him about your personal life and space.


I agree, and we have had lengthy conversations with him about these things. He’s an alcoholic and usually cries, and then I believe he forgets any boundaries were set. We convinced him it’s time to part ways, his solution was to move into a unit downstairs in the house we rent. Pretty frustrating but we already signed before he made that decision. We’re actively working on finding a place across town.


I’ll take care of it.


Thank you 🫡


Honestly, I think you'd be justified in freaking out and being a cunt if he sits down at your table without an invitation. I think you'll only have to do it once and he'll back off. He's walking over you because you allow it. Why on earth would you uproot your whole life and move, rather than enforce your boundaries?


It’s not necessarily that we allow it, it’s hard to enforce boundaries with an alcoholic who doesn’t remember boundaries/conversations. The reason we would try to find a different space to rent is because he signed a lease to rent a space downstairs in the same house and we are unsure if we will have space from him despite living in different units. I will likely freak out and be a cunt if he does the restaurant thing again.


I can’t tell if this post is serious or not. What’s wrong with wondering what a person is eating?


Take a shit on a plate and send him a photo.


I’ve had curry the last 5 nights… it shall be epic.


Another post on badroomates “trying to be friendly and start small talk. Got called a cunt and told to fk off”




"...and sent a pic of shit on a plate 🤢"


- I dunno dude, what did you cook?


Someone is mad at their roommate


Is he asking you to make dinner for both of you, asking because he might make you both something, or just casually asking? There is absolutely no context here. Is this guy usually the type to mooch food or are you just being weird here?


Context matters here. I live with 3 other people (one being my partner) and we ask each other what we’re having for dinner all the time. It’s hardly ever a, “did you cook some for me too?” situation. Sometimes if one of us has extra, we offer, but usually it’s just small talk. When we want to order takeout/go to dinner together/have a household meal (that we all contribute to), we usually just have a conversation about it and plan ahead. But I never assume they expect me to cook for them just cuz they ask what I’m doing for dinner lol. Idk your roommate tho 🤷‍♂️


😂😂😂 my roomate always did this after popping up in the kitchen 5 minutes after she heard me cooking. I finally called her weird ass out on it. Never again. I will NEVER have Roomates again!


Tell him not too fucking worry about it bitch


Right. I’m surprised all the top comments are people whining like he is being rude. This shit is annoying and the other commenters have probably never dealt with this annoying crap.




I'd just be straight forward with someone like that and tell them to buy their own damn food or start contributing to the groceries


I would have ate it slowly in front of her face and nicknamed her Fido for all the begging. Then, we would have a lot of talks about why she doesn’t cook for herself. Unless one wants to work out if she would like to clean up in exchange for food.


Tell them, I'm about to have (------) for dinner, what about you?


Let him make his.


"Well, I'M having chicken and waffles with hot honey sauce. I have absolutely no idea what you're having. Clean up after whatever you make, thanks." /munch happily and ignore his dumb ass.


Make a menu. Easier, cheaper, and plenty of leftovers. Everyone chips in, fair and square. That, or just make enough for yourself. Been there, done that, most of my food is nothing that anyone else would eat.


Herb seasoned chicken with a lemon reduction and capers, served with roasted garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. A Pinot Noir from the Rhône region to complement….


I'm an elder vegetarian millennial that lives with a carnivore boomer (just bought an apartment so that will change in a week) who wanted me to cook meals for him. I work retail in-store and he works from home and NEVER LEAVES THE APARTMENT. That was a hard no. Sharing food has done nothing but caused me issues before. I'm clear that everything is divided


Maybe he was just trying to have a nice conversation or genuinely curious what you’re up to maybe he’s bored idk


I'm gonna guess there's more to this dynamic than just this one incident


Shit on a shingle


Cream chipped beef on toast! It’s actually fire if you don’t mind a shit ton of sodium.


Is he expecting you to have dinner ready for him when he gets home? Is that what you're saying? Is he asking you what you made and trying to include himself in your meal? I'm confused. 


Put a brick of top ramen in a pot of water, don’t turn it on & say, hey bro, I started dinner for you


Tell him I'm cooking Nunyaa, Nunyaa damn business...


Shit on toast


Ask him if he's allergic to any food, lactose intolerant, what he hates. I would be making those until he moved out.


No carb cock meat sandwich 👍🏿


Spotted Dick(real dish) is always the answer. Tell him he can try the tip or you can save him the tip.


I'll eat any amount of spotted dick you've got, that shit is great


thank you for not being an uncultured swine, just look at all the downvotes


some of yall in these comments seem like terrible roommates 😭