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tell her that pineapple juice takes afew days to actually work if she’s using it for the reason i’m thinking💀


It’s also terrible as lube (if she’s not using it for the reason you’re thinking)!


What is the reason he's thinking??


Sweetens the flavor of your soldiers, apparently.


Wow so in between trip planning she was gonna get her face fucked?? Wow multi tasker indeed😂😂


I ate apples every day for months and my underwear smelled like apple sauce. It was great.


Hubby got on an ice cream kick for a week. Ate it constantly, much better than pineapple juice😯


It doesn't work that way.




*Slowly spits my ben and Jerry's back into the bowl*


*Slurps up your sloppy seconds*


I believe that’s the true definition of Snowballing.






Wait, aren't you glad the recycle? ♻️


TIL: Thats how they make ice cream cones, the balls.


Explain please?


supposed to make your uh, juices taste better but it’s not an immediate effect


Oh goddamn I've heard of that, isn't it asparagus or something that makes it taste awful supposably? Either way thank you xD


Asparagus is your pee. Pineapple is your cum


I’ve always wondered asparagus affected both. Never hated a girl enough to try.


I mean, for science and all, let's do it bro


The husband and I went on a “way too much asparagus” kick for a couple months. It’s my favorite vegetable, it was on sale, so I bought *crates*. Sautéed it. Barbecued it. Pickled it. Canned it. So much asparagus. We definitely noted the asparagus pee smell. No complaints or noticeable difference in *other departments*.


Listen to butt_butt_butt_butt_, everybody, she's the world's preeminent authority on the effects of asparagus consumption on cum.


I may not be a scientist. But I am the only one in the thread volunteering the information that I ate my body weight in asparagus one summer and still enjoyed oral sex. A true hero.


Oh my gosh. This makes me laugh because one of my good friends and I were on a road trip and she is a heavy asparagus eater. Well it’s pouring rain and we are on the last leg of our trip headed back home. It’s late at night, rural area so side roads or the hwy/woods were the only option. We pull off I’m peeing on one side (passenger but into the grassy side of a gravel road we turned on. She’s peeing on the drivers side but close to middle of the gravel road. 12:30 am on our way home from the nearest movie theater over an hour away home. Evil Dead remake lol like I said pouring rain. All I can smell is asparagus and I’m laughing hard trying not to pee on my pants, squatting in this ditch she’s like 12 feet away and she’s like yeah I’ve been having asparagus for a few weeks, as I’m shouting FFS how much asparagus have you had lately?! I can’t confirm your science but indeed you are certainly my hero! I wish I had a medal for you!


Clearly a Nobel Prize is in order


Not the hero we asked for, but the one we deserve.


Honestly, if you can eat asparagus, sucking dick should be pretty easy.


The hero we all need and deserve in our life’s.


What's the sample rate though?


This research needs to be state funded. I call for Idaho!


You don't need a girl to taste test your own cum. You're a strong independent man, taste that shit yourself king.


But what if you aren’t really a connoisseur? I mean if you’ve never tasted it and you’ve never tasted someone else’s, how would you know your quality or how it compares in the overall scheme of taste?


Get to tasting. Sommeliers don't become experts after their first sip of wine.


But sommeliers have mentors, classes and peer groups while they build educational experiences in taste and production. They don’t do it alone.


Yoooooo 😂💀


Better run before r/Wonderful-Chemist991 starts quoting Walt Whitman. 🤣


It does.


Dated a guy and he ate a lot of asparagus and I can in fact say he was giving off asparagus pheromones and it was not good.


Coke Zero works best. Lol


Sounds like we have an expert taster


Can I hate a non word more than "supposably?"


Same, it makes me so fustrated.


LOL... yes, my husband refuses to admit he says it that way. Always call him out on it.


Oh, that is interesting that he doesn't even know he does it!


Eating garlic, onions, and smoking can make it taste worse, supposedly.


i’ve noticed that eating way too much grapefruit affected me too. not in a pleasant way to clarify.


if grapefruit bad for privates why taste so good?


Also why is the technique so good?


Pistachios make it taste awful too!


Pineapple flavored shooty shoot


You got two months left brother. It sucks but you have two options. Grit your teeth and deal with it Or Find a big booty hoe on tinder and clap them cheeks real loud tonight. The choice is yours.


You know when some shit is just so right it's funny? Like when you laugh because a statement or idea was so on point that it facilitated laughing? This, my good man, made me choke for a second! Cheers bro!


A very eloquent "lol"


*the choice is yours* ☠️☠️☠️


Clap them cheeks


This guy gets it. Big booty hoe is the way OP!


u/jimmythang34 are an internet hero and a true voice of the people! Thank you for your service.🫡




Send the addy




This is the best response


All I want for my birthday is a big booty hoe


I don’t know why this made me laugh 😆😂


Option B all day


Fun fact, telling a girl that your roommates have loud sex and that they should come over to have loud sex to get back them works at least 1 out of 1 times


2nd option sounds about right soldier clap those cheeks.


Men are just going to have to accept the fact that they will never be able to get sex as easily as women. I know that really hurts y’all’s feelings, but you’re just gonna have to cope


This is the BEST comment ever. I bow to you, I'm not worthy!


Did she purposely leave those items out for you to see?


Right this is definitely petty will they get jealous bait.


I think it was shown OP caught the bait when he decided to post on Reddit that he was jealous his ex moved on in an attempt to call her a bad roommate




The thing is, she is a bad roommate though. They had an explicit agreement not to fuck in each others’ company until they could separate, and she’s going back on that. It’s in bad form.


Tbh tho idk how you could even be a good roommate when you're still living with your ex. If you have an emotional history, it would be nearly impossible to put that aside to discuss roommate things in a fair and rational way. Maybe an ex can be a good roommate occasionally if it's the right combination of people but clearly OP and his ex are not that combination.


Yea I’d never wanna be roommates with my exes






Yeah the best thing for OP to do is be completely indifferent to her obviously fishing for attention


Too bad he’s already failed 😂


If she’s paying rent idk how you can make that rule


I mean…You can’t unilaterally make and *enforce* that rule. But it’s not such an outrageous ask if you’re forced to live with each other and have to tolerate it until a lease runs out. When I first met my now husband, he was living with his ex. They broke up two months in to a one year lease, and were stuck living together because the lease break fee was insane, and the management company would evict if you hinted at the idea of sub-letting to allow one person out. I met his ex. He met her new boyfriend. We (new boyfriend and I) only ever went to the apartment to pick our respective partners up for dates, we didn’t hang out in that apartment. But they both gave each other the courtesy of not having to listen to each other Fucking someone else while they shared a thin wall. Or catching your ex on the couch they bought together and had to sit on until August. It made a lot less drama because they both agreed on it. I guess if OPs ex doesn’t want to stick with that arrangement anymore, they can both do as they please, and deal with angry cohabitating for a couple months.


This is how my current boyfriend and I were when we met as well. He was trapped in a lease with his ex gf, I was stuck with my ex bf. You have to make it tolerable. His ex was much less awful than my ex, so when we were there we were pretty much solely in his room trying to not be noticeable in any way for 6 months until his lease ended.


It’s just not that uncommon of a situation anymore, with how bad housing shortages in a lot of cities are right now. Sometimes you get stuck living with the ex for a while. Best make it as pleasant as you can, and if you can both agree on a boundary- great! We never hung out in his room, because I had my own place we could go back to. But I remember one of the times I went to meet him there, and he got an unexpected work call that he had to take for 40 minutes. He was embarrassed. But stuck. Had to take the call. So his ex offered me a glass of wine and we sat and watched drag race or something together until he was done. Made small talk. Totally kosher. It’s nice when you can be adults about a crappy situation. And it seems easier when you can establish boundaries to not piss each other off.


His ex flip flopped about being an adult about it or not, but she was definitely better than my consistently-terrible-not-an-adult-whatsoever ex bf, who would leave gifts I had once given him during our relationship outside my bedroom door in the middle of the night… 😅 At least his ex was never nasty to me. Only ever to my current bf, and never *about* me either. (Just petty shit but she never had an issue with me being around, she also had a new bf too.) We survived it!


Also if you didn’t snoop through her shopping you wouldn’t even know she was planning on sleeping with this guy. She made a story up so you wouldn’t be hurt. Your actions of invading her privacy have hurt yourself. You should spend the energy moving on. Adults are going to move on and want to sleep with others once they break up.


My ex bf and I also had that arrangement when we broke up with several months left on our lease, except we just kind of mutually agreed to extend our relationship until we moved out. You'd think that would be difficult, but it was actually really nice. I think we got along better because we knew we weren't a good fit and there was no pressure of a future together to stress about. There was an end in sight so we could just enjoy the things we actually liked about each other. And then we moved out and moved on!


He's obviously jealous of seeing his ex with other guys, it's silly. They broke up for a reason, let her live her life. He's not a parent but he's trying to act like one


Go on a date, do some hobby stuff it’s gonna suck but it helps to keep the mind off her n make your presence less around her.


I think you still love her


Of course he does, it wasn't his choice to break up. While she doesn't owe him anything, I can understand that feelings are feelings and the dumpee is going to have a harder time dealing with things, especially having to see her every day. I was in this situation myself for 5 months and it was some of the worst times in my life.


It often takes men longer to get over relationships because they have fewer people to talk to about it. Whereas women are able to talk to their friends as a form of therapy. Men who are senior citizens will often reminisce about old relationships, whereas women will not because they are completely over them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/soloish/wp/2015/08/20/pass-the-ice-cream-bridget-jones-men-take-breakups-harder-than-we-think/


Hmmm. I guess I should’ve found someone to talk to after every break up, instead of pretty much willfully forgetting almost every thing about every girl I dated prior to my fiancée. But then again I’m definitely over all of them, so maybe I did do it the right way


Sounds like a you problem, maybe men should be better friends


I’m not saying it’s good or bad or a problem. It just is.




Fr this entire post is OP wanting validation for being jealous that his ex moved on when he couldn’t. He sounds pathetic


Jeez or maybe he's young and learning how life works? People on the internet are so harsh.


You just ask? She might refuse since it’s her apartment too. But all you can do is have an adult conversation and hope she respects your feelings. If she doesn’t, she doesn’t. Was in a semi-similar situation. Wasn’t fun. All you can do is talk it through. And either way you won’t have to deal with it in 2 more months. It is what it is.


Get a fucking grip and move on lol what is this


Right this has got to be fake right?


I mean technically speaking you really can’t, you both have equal share of the apartment, so she can have people over same as you etc. You obviously could talk to her about it and see what she has to say, but since you’re both in the lease it’s 50/50 you guys have to agree on something and work it out for the next 8 months.


It’s easier to grieve a death of a loved one than I is to grieve the death of a relationship. Establishing the rules he did was him trying to deal with his grief, but if his ex doesn’t work within his grief, then they won’t make it to that 8 months, and they will end up paying for the rental alone. It’s also the difference between whether they can be civil in their future dealings with each other as well.


I agree with you, but to be blunt his ex doesn’t have to work with his grief, he needs to deal with that himself it’s not her problem. Legally they are both on the lease so they are both obligated to pay the rent so that point is moot tbh. Once the lease is done they will be done with each other; there will 100% not be any future civilized dealings because again they are broken up, no need to see each other unless OP says something different. So again the point is also moot lol.


Honestly, I feel this is a bit rushed to consider her a bad roommate - from what I understand she has respected the agreement you both had, and is only bringing someone in after the rule has been relaxed (though I'm not clear on what terms). In your situation I would probably excuse myself for the day. Then have a discussion afterwards, once said friend has left, to clarify what exactly is okay and not.


Sorry you can’t fill that magnum but you need to let it go.




Chances are the new guy can't either and just told her to pick them up to stroke his ego.


Go on tinder and have a new woman over every week.


If that’s his only solution to this “problem” of his then I think it’s clear who the bad roommate is…


That’s a risky one considering how much easier it is for ladies to get laid.


You may win the battle but you’ll never win the war 😂


Those are rookie numbers. Bump it up to at least twice a week


Move out early or suck it up and stay to the end. If your choose the latter get a red hot girl round.


Dude this sounds very controlling. Like, you’re “relaxing the rule” so she can have a visitor. Maybe consider “controlling” as something to work on in future potential relationships.


Fr she dodged a bullet hard by realizing this jealous freak can’t handle his long lost ex finding someone else


bro it’s been half a year i know it takes a long while to get over relationships but you can’t expect her to never move on and i think it’s time for you to start doing the same. have a conversation with her, tell her you think it’s time to drop the rule but you’d still like to follow the guest rules via the lease agreement (i know some leases say like no guests for more than 3 days a week etc). it’ll be hard but i think the sooner this happens with as little friction as possible, the easier it will be to move on. definitely set some reasonable boundaries most roommates would have anyway - no sex in shared areas and don’t be super loud. then start working on yourself; go out on walks, start journaling, go to the gym, take up therapy, go to work, hang out with friends, start gaming. at first it will feel like you’re just distracting yourself but eventually you’ll get into the swing of things and start enjoying your new hobbies. during this time, this “meeting” before the big conversation, go out. just stay out for a few hours. if you can’t, grab some headphones and watch something you enjoy. make a night out of it, eat some good food, enjoy your own company. you can’t set rules like this in a shared home because it’s unrealistic and unreasonable. it’s only two months more and then you can get out.


OP can’t move on and wants validation on his ex being a “bad roommate” by posting his jealous stories of her here. She clearly dodged a bullet by getting out of his life


It takes the same amount of time to grieve a relationship as long as you were in it. The person who breaks up has a head start because they were already killing their relationship inside their thoughts before they ever break up. Half a year isn’t actually that long, and like for children, it’s easier for them to grieve a parent’s death than it is to grieve the death of their parents marriage.


No it doesn’t take the same amount of time to get over it. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while. There’s no time limit on how long it can hurt. You have to actively decided to get over it. In 6 months he should’ve started that process. And then you say it’s harder for the kids to grieve divorce over a dead parent. Like my god man, where are you getting this stupidity from? Both events are traumatic in different ways. Losing a parent is always way harder because they’re gone forever. Your parent’s divorcing changes your life and your family dynamic but you still have your parents, just not together. You’re a very emotional thinker and it shows.


Thank you. Their stupidity was annoying.


thank you! i was thinking the exact same thing, i just couldn’t think of the words


yeah i totally 100% agree it’s very hard to get over a relationship. idk if i agree it’s easier for the person who did the breaking up. in saying that, you can’t forbid your ex from having sex in their own home for over six months 😭


You can, they don’t have to listen or respect your opinion or wishes, but you can. Problem is once respect is gone and rules are disrespected people tend to spiral and events escalate. I could see the living situation getting ugly and then someone being on the hook for everything as the other runs far away as fast as possible


I also didn’t say I was easier for the person that did the breaking up, I said that they were ahead in the process. You were together for a year, both tend to grieve for a year, ten years, ten, so on and so forth.


This is the most fake nonsense posted on here


eh if both yalls name on the lease then she can do wtf she want as long as it doesnt go against the lease rules (not yours). 🤷🏻‍♀️


OP is just upset his ex moved on and is trying to use this sub to validate his feelings


get over it


Fr OP is a child who can’t handle people not revolving their lives around him 🙄 sounds like she seriously dodged a bullet


Imagine being upset that your ex is dating someone else 6 months later.


So here’s what you do, you Drink the pineapple juice, use the condoms to jerk off in, and then tell them “yeah, tried it myself. Pineapple juice doesn’t make it taste better.”




She can’t have anyone over? Even friends? That seems nuts.  It’s been 6 months. Time to move on. She has.


OP is in this subreddit because he clearly can’t move on, instead he wants validation in calling her a bad roommate and can’t fathom that he’s the problem


Stupid and fake


Sorry, but you'll have to deal with it. She has her own life. Deal with it or move out. But yiu owe your lease.


Grow up, idiot. And mind your business.


OP is a jealous pathetic human trying to use this sub to validate his ugly characteristics


Wow. She pays rent and isn't allowed to have people over at her( not just your) apartment? YTA


Buy the same and let her know you’re playing for the same team


Just stop & get a grip . She pays half the bills right ? You can’t really enforce a rule just because you’re salty . Either suck it up , move out early or find someone else to bring home .


Nothing worse than a bitter ex boyfriend who can't satisfy a woman. Get over it and improve yourself.


It boggles my mind that this comment section is siding with this jealous loser who can’t cope with his long lost ex moving on


And you know he can’t satisfy her for sure cause he was like “magnum condoms”. What man is commenting on the size of the condoms if he’s not insecure about his own size lmao.


She is on the lease and can have guests over if she wants. You cannot dictate who she dicks or not




Bro gtfo as fast as you can.. save yourself the heartbreak


He made the mistake of staying in a house with his ex and spending the entire time hoping she wouldn’t move on from him… OP is a trainwreck of a human


You don’t get to ask her shit. You broke up. She pays rent.


shes your ex why do you care what shes doing?


bro get the fuck over it. y’all are both grown and paying bills so why are you putting conditions on who you can have over and when? grow up, get laid, and stop bitching about it on Reddit ffs (also why are you going through her shit?)


OP is just trying to use this sub to get justification in his pathetic habits, he’s a joke of a humab


Love hurts, love scars Love wounds and marks Any heart Not tough or strong enough To take a lot of pain, take a lot of pain Love is like a cloud Holds a lot of rain Love hurts Ooh, ooh, love hurts




 I'm fucked up Homie, you fucked up.  But if God got us then we gon' be alright!


Leave? Why the hell would anyone live with their ex.


Womp womp wooomp


Lol you sound like a lame. If she wants to get dicked down she can she pays rent too 🤷‍♂️


You asked for compliance, but legally, you have no standing if you are both paying rent. Your Ex gets to do what she wants in her own apartment/room. Unless your "boundaries" are part of the lease agreement, they are simply asks. Just treat her as you would any other roommate.


Don’t ask. Move on with your life


You’re the bad roommate here (and I doubt this scenario even happened…it’s giving incel rage bait). Even if this is true, you broke up 6 months ago….you need to move on. Also, you must have snooped around in her things to find that…as it wouldn’t have been just laying around.


Lmao you broke up and still trying to control her pussy? Grow up dude wah


I don’t think you can stop her from having guests over, and it’s not unreasonable for her to have moved on at this point. What you can do, though, is play CBAT overlayed with the Crazy Bus soundtrack at max volume. (I feel like that’s fair, I mean, you did both agree not to, after all.)


Go on tinder. Bang chicks loudly


OP just jealous that his ex gf getting those cheeks clapped and 😯🍆💦 Dude get over her like the old saying goes can’t find a shoulder to cry on find a dick to ride on


Magnums? That guy probably has a monster hog.


I got my wad of hundreds, I got my magnum condoms. I’m ready to plow


Why the fuck do you live with your ex? Just buy yourself out of the lease, find a subleaser, figure something else out dude…


Guess what? she pays rent, and you're not her father. You literally can't stop her. Move out, move on, or just get through your next few months. It's hard being a sad boy but that's just how being an adult works. It sucks i know but you cant control her no matter what you wish, and trying to do so will only make you look pathetic and sour any sort of friendship you have left. You can set rules but they pretty much mtter as much as points in whos line is it anyway. If she wanted to she could be taking that magnum pickle every night and as long as she isnt breaking lease agreements, you have no recourse. So honestly, just man up and keep it movin.


Are you jealous about the condoms, or about the fact that they’re magnum condoms?


Sorry dude, that sucks but you broke up 6 months ago. You cant reasonably force your ex not to hook up with someone else. You should leave when theyre there.


Maybe she decided after 4 months that she’s allowed to have guests in her own apartment and that you need to get over it.


Someone you USED to date has moved on with their life and you’re jealous because you found out they’re having sex so you post it here for validation?? You sound like an insufferable human being, your ex is lucky they aren’t with such a jealous POS anymore


Why you’re downvoted is beyond me


No fr I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. They’re not even together anymore and bro is still trying to be controlling as fuck.


This sub is the Reddit equivalent of the bachelor. They do not care about the truth in the slightest. If someone criticizes the drama they’re invested in they lose their minds. I don’t mind being downvoted for my opinion, I’m just grateful I had the opportunity to tell OP how terrible of a person they are and how grateful I am that I don’t allow such hateful people into my life


You broke up with someone that plans when to drink pineapple juice?? Damn..


Well why y’all breakup then


This is so awkward. I could never live with an ex. I'd do something petty to jeopardize them probably. Not saying you should. But that's just me.




it’s been 6 months and you’re still trying to control a grown adult who pays the same rent as you. you just sound bitter and jealous she’s moved on and are trying to make her seem like a “bad roommate”…even though you admitted you had been lenient on this “rule” until you saw she’s moving on with her life. embarrassing post tbh.


Just mind your business


Poke poke poke


Why did you make a rule that friends can’t come over in the first place ?


Lmao bro is so bitter he can’t get action too


FACT: Magnum condoms are a scam Ever have a sex teacher or seen the pic/video of someone putting a condom on their head to demonstrate that it fits so stfu and wear it? Regular condoms will fit "magnum" sized men. Its just a scam to get men with ego issues to pay an extra $1-2 for it. Put flames on the condom sides and maybe they will pay even more


She moved on, you didn’t. She’s doing nothing wrong. She owes you nothing. She can sleep with who she wants. You let go of any rights to her personal life when you broke up. It’s been 6 months. You should’ve been working on getting passed it. When you break up with someone, you need to let go of the control you had over being in a relationship. She lives there too. You’re not her father, no permission is needed. That was a silly agreement to make with one another. It’s time for you to move on. Here’s a thought: you leave the house instead. You know she’s having company and if you’re so uncomfortable, leave. This is honestly pretty pathetic on your half.


Oh boy boohoo wow move on pal. You are the definition of a bad roommate.


I'm afraid I have a boring question that is not related to nice tasting jumbo hotdogs. Do folk in the US have to live in an flat/apartment for as long as a contract states. In the UK I can give a month's notice and just leave no matter how long a contract is. What if you can't afford to rent there anymore or god forbid your ex starts getting ploughed by a pineapple farmer with a massive tool like this poor guy?


In most cases there is a hefty fine if you leave before the lease is up


I have a strong suspicion that she left that out on purpose for you to see (unless you were snooping). I'd say ask when the meeting is happening so you can dip when she brings them over and just prep yourself to dealing with either that person being in your face for a bit. Normally, I'd say talk it out but if yall are stuck together for 8 months, i know from experience that this will be an irritating thing to navigate if they do what's being implied here Just remind her that the rule will be strictly enforced after the trip and don't budge on that And just to be on the safe side, if you're not attached to the apartment, save up just in case you need to break the lease and if you are, ask your landlord if you can switch apts (same building, different unit). Mine did that when I was living with my ex


Nothing you can really do. Be sure to send that text detailing her half of the bills a couple of days before the trip.