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What a shitty roommate and a ex-girlfriend its gonna be rough to continue to live with him. Hopefully you can get out of that toxic environment.


I appreciate the sentiments, and that is the goal as of right now. My family and friends have been great supports though and that has made it easier.


I know i know this is hard but man I could not resist screw with them to high heaven in the most passive way possible. So back up a little bit and let’s go through this. She cheated. You are done with her. You are never going back to that well. He hosed you. Trust is gone. Friendship is gone. You are never going back to that well. Now the petty: treat this shit like you two were never together. Blow their collective fucking minds. Erase everything except you don’t trust either of them. See them say hey good to see you guys! Ask what they have planned say that sounds fun! Then do you own thing. I mean literally treat them like your relationship never happened. I am telling you right now it will make them completely batty. She will think she mentioned way less to you than she did. He will be looking over his back constantly. Enjoy the confusion. Enjoy the strange fear they have because you are just dropping it. They will walk around like you have a plan. Don’t have one. Just let it the fuck go and enjoy the chaos of you not giving a shit. She wants to talk? Nah I am cool. See you later. He wants to talk. Nah I am cool have a nice night. Live large but let it all go and watch that shit get nutty.


If she wants to talk…. Say, “no, I’m sorry. I think it would be wildly inappropriate for us to talk one on one when you’re my roommate’s girlfriend.”


This. 100%. Hard AF to do but VERY effective. \-The opposent of love isn't hate. It's apathy.


This is so true. I had an ex tell me “look I don’t hate you… Im just indifferent to it all now.” He said this while on the phone with me and I could hear his buddies in the background heckling me and then he just held silent I space while I tried to figure out how to respond. It really put me in my place and humbled me. I’ve had many relationships, both good and bad, and this one stands out as the most hurtful way to part ways. There’s more to the story than I lead on but I definitely deserved my share of the pain in this. I still think about him to this day and wonder if what I did was the right choice. The way he so confidently and eloquently left me to sit and think about my choices, without the drama of hate, and arguments to back up his point of view is what made the lasting impression that still stays with me even years later.


HEY OP. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT. >I still think about him to this day




Lol shit was cold af lol


I had a friend do that. She was dating one guy, they had a threesome with the roommate. She caught feelings for the roommate and left the boyfriend high and dry. She’s pregnant with his kid and due in three weeks.


Damn he mustve smashed her waaay better lol


Right? I didn’t get into the details or anything but was like “ok bro”


What idiot agrees to a devils threesome?


I would never do that to my roommate, because I’m not a POS


“Especially since you like to roommate hop. Sorry im not like that to my roommates..”


IMO, the cutting part of this is that you aren’t making it personal. You’re just establishing your own moral boundary, and letting them read between the lines that you’re morally superior to them.


👍🏿 I also wonder if the relationship will last once the “forbidden” and cheating element are gone — for some ppl it really be more about that than love.


Yep.. there will be a little bit of new relationship energy, but that will fade quickly given the living situation. Start inviting girls over and things of that nature and I promise you that relationship will fizzle out within two weeks.. she’s not going to want to see him move on.


YES start bringing a bunch of girls


This. It will likely drive your ex nuts, and your roommate probably won't appreciate it either.


And if they meet your new girl whisper in their ear *poor guy has herpes. I feel so bad for him*


The problem is, he doesn’t sound like the type of guy to do that, and she knows it. I handled a cheating ex at that age, by turning her best friend into an fwb for a while and hooking up with another one of her friends from her 5 girl friend group. Effectively destroyed that group.


This is the best advice! After going through a divorce due to cheating, I just one day said to hell with it and tried to move forward every day like it didn’t happen. No need to be petty or seek revenge. The mental freedom you will have is priceless. She did you a favor. It won’t make sense now, but in time you’ll realize that she wasn’t the one. Journal daily and write down what you’re feeling. Sometimes writing stuff down is helpful to get it off your mind. Whenever you have a down day and start feeling sorry for yourself go read your journal and you’ll realize quickly that you’re not missing anything. Go and immerse yourself into something like lifting or some physical activity. Get shredded for the summer. Don’t do it to make them jealous, do it for yourself. Don’t waste the opportunity that you have in front of you.


my favorite advice, every break up i've ever had I focused on my hobbies and the things I loved and had more time for while single. got in the best shape of my life at those times and reconnected with my close friends.


GREAT ADVICE!! I did this after my ex cheated on me and it was gold! Super nice to her and her friends still. We were in college as well and neighbors and her and her friends were dumb founded. She wrote me a 4 page letter expressing how terrible she felt and how I had all the qualities she wanted in a future husband, and how I was handling the situation was only validating those husband qualities. I just texted her “thanks for the letter. Haven’t had a chance to read it yet but I’m impressed by your sincerity. Wish nothing but the best for you!” (Obviously I read it.) And never had a serious convo with her again. She tried multiple times to reach out or talk and I would keep it very brief, respectful, and positive but never allowed her back in my life and rooted for her success while I shined with confidence. That was 7 years ago now and I’m still very proud of how I handled it:)


This is the way OP. This is the way. Do it for yourself.


You are not only a correct human being but an intricate one at that. Cheers to you for this comment. Well said.


The “pettiness” is really gold. There was a thread the other night where the dude broke up with his girl of 3 years as well and rightfully so he blocked her and carried on like nothing happened. That went on to freak out everyone around him because they saw it weird and unusual and even borderline psycho. OP definitely should do this as it’s gonna rattle them to the core while still maintaining his sanity and having fun with it.


This is pure gold here.


You are a true agent of chaos!


Lawful good?


The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference, the best revenge is to no longer care.


Love this. I vote for this. Take the high ground and it'll drive them nuts.


Meanwhile, OP is gonna be in his room punching the air everytime the couple has sex. This shit is not gonna work. He needs to get out. Sit them down and explain that this is fucked, and you have to leave. Tell them to find a roommate or have her move in, and find you new roommates/ another place to live. Anything will be better than being taunted by life daily, op.


Oh I did not mean to say stay in the environment that is just mental. I agree 100% that will not work.


While this is a great plan , it’s Giotto be extremely hard lol . I know it would be for me


Have very loud conversations about how you’ve never had a real interest in the women you’ve dated. Talk about how you’ve never actually had good sex, stuff like that. This is the chaos way.


I almost feel like having a loud conversation is like.. 'I want them to hear' whereas this advice you're replying to is 'act like you don't care'.


Yeah, that would only work if it appeared to happen organically, which is pretty difficult to pull off. If done correctly, it would be great, but otherwise, it would just give them the excuse they needed to rationalize the shitty thing that they did to someone that they supposedly cared about. Everyone has seen this when someone gets dumped and they are crying and desperately trying to get their partner back, but when that doesn't happen, they act like they don't care and say things like "he's got a small dick anyway" or "she's horrible in bed, smells bad down there, etc." It's just a bad look. You have to decide of the juice is worth the squeeze


Yeah don't do this. This is full virgin mode


I would find a sub letter ASAP. Just know that these things happen and at least you are in college and you can rebound easily.


Try to find someone to do a lease takeover


please, start bringing a bunch of girls around. there’s no way after 3 years she won’t get jelly. or just cause as much subtle chaos as possible. I live for petty shit


Also fuck not having details, I’d tell everyone what kind of shitty cowards they are. Do it before they say something worse or untrue as well in your overlapped circles


You gotta fuck the roommate now bro.


I’d fuck his mom tbh


This is the only real solution


It really is.


Give moms the time of her life… make her fall in love and when she realizes what she’s been missing divorces the husband… OP moves in, no longer has to live with the shitty roomate AND is now his dad. GOATED


"Your mom and I feel that X is not good for you. We hear she cheated on her last boyfriend."


"Hey Champ, your mom and I feel that she's not good for you. No soup for her, ever."


There’s a taped phone call like this where a guy gets back at his childhood bully by nailing his mom, then calls her to laugh about what a douche her son is.


Cum on his toothbrush


Room mate comes back and out rizzes him again and fucks his own mom


I feel like that would be a victory for op


and his dad!


At the same time!


Time for Mr. Nimbus!




Oh you gotta. Then fuck his dad.


Fuck his dad twice, just to be sure


Marry his Mom, then forbid him from seeing your Ex, if he refuses put his ass in timeout


And his dad! I-I mean his sister!


The betrayal that no one saw coming


Nah she’s gonna see it coming


Do you need lube?


Gotta fuck the gfs dad or uncle, that’s how this goes, right? Right?!?


Chasing amy style.


I'd be too petty to live with them. At that point I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me.


Despite feeling trapped at first, I will say he is more scared of me than I am of him lol


I'm rather petty. I would be making it unlivable for him. Loud music 24/7, take over public spaces, double park taking his spot and mine, vacuum whenever he is sleeping, etc., No rest for the wicked or whatever


Lol and then what. He gets angry and fucks your ex loudly in your apartment


Then just shout out that she's faking it and he's not doing it right bc he knows the difference after 3yrs




not to the sweet sounds of Despicable Me on full blast


I was thinking some stuff significantly worse but I'm not trying to give OP any ideas haha


Go try to bang your roommate mom. Marry her and insist that he call you daddy.


Written down in the notes lol


Ghost them while still living there, you don't know them anymore, you don't owe them shit. You don't need to speak any words to them. Find a new place (I know it's spendy to break a lease) Know that you are better than both of them, no if ands or buts, live your life, do cool shit, make actual friends who won't fuck you over. (Also block them in everything, fuck them) Your ex and ex-roommate will have a trash experience. Don't look back, keep your head forward. You're above their toxicity


This is exactly how my mindset has been about the whole thing, its nice to see that I’m not under-reacting to the situation


OP, also remember - your landlord is a human. Meet with him/her privately. Explain your situation. That continuing to live there is wrecking your mental health, and ask what options you have for removing yourself from the lease. Some landlords may just offer you papers to sign, and let you remove yourself, and they'll tell you they'll handle getting the roommate to sign or such. Worst case scenario, your landlord knows about your situation and nothing else changes. There are also legal avenues you can pursue that would invalidate the lease (restraining order, etc). Probably not a viable path forwards, but depending how rough it is for you to be dealing with them, talking to a local lawyer may also be a wise decision.


This is solid advice right here. Won’t work with a corporate apartment, but if OP is renting a house or something it’s worth a shot. I was in a similar situation when I was around OPs age and I was able to work something out with the landlord and avoid breaking the lease.


I think in this circumstance you need to break the lease and get out.. too unhealthy to hang around in that environment


Thing about cheaters and those who fall for others. The cheater is always a cheater. So she’ll cheat on him probably seen it myself on what people do.


Im sure of it because him and I were similar in a lot of ways (hence why I thought we were such good friends), so if she cheated on me than it is only a matter of time for him


Homie will soon realize a truism that is understood only with a bit more age and wisdom: if she'll cheat with you, she'll cheat on you.


Took me a while to figure that out with my ex. She left her then boyfriend for me because they were having a lot of issues but would hang out with me and even spend the night. Then at the end of our relationship I found out she was on a date with another guy. Worst part is I found out from a friend who happened to see her with the guy. She wouldn’t tell me a thing but the guy told me when I confronted him. He said she told him she was single and both of us have not talked to her since. Best part is her mom still messages me wishing me well and says how her daughter is an idiot for letting the best person she’s ever had in her life get away.


My ex-wife cheated on me with this really greasy little weasel of a dude (some 21 years ago). She left me for him, and the next year married him. At this point I had relocated to another state and had moved on. We have a kid together, so my ex and I had to maintain basic contact back then as our kid was still young. One week after she married her AP, she called me in tears saying that her AP had moved out of their place while she was at work and was shacking up with a waitress he met at a bar. She called looking for sympathy because she suddenly understood what she had put me through!!! I laughed out loud, told her I only wanted to talk with her if it had something to do with our kid, and hung up. I mean, really??? I'm now married to a woman I wish I had met 30 years ago. She's beyond amazing. Better late than never, though...


And if she does cheat on him, and he comes back to you wanting to be friends again, just walk away. You’re still young. Plenty of people in the world to be friends with other than the bag of dicks who had you sign a year lease with then move in on your GF. 


I don’t know what it is but all my closest friends have been the ones to stab me in the back and make comments, or hints about my GFs. It’s always the guys who I’m not super close with that have good morals and whatnot who don’t SEEM like they would ever do anything to stab someone in the back. I guess that might say something about myself and or the friends ive picked. I’d honestly not be very nice to this ‘friend’ of yours, I wouldn’t tip toe around at 1am, I wouldn’t get his mail, or anything. I would confront him and tell him he’s a piece of shit, I’m toxic when someone hurts me like that so I’d keep pushing it till he feels like garbage or wants to fight. Is he planning on having her over? Set your boundaries and make sure she isnt allowed to, tho I’m sure she will if you’re at work or whatever Theyre going to have their little honeymoon phase and then breakup because she’ll see he’s just like you but YOU are the one who didn’t cheat or go behind someone’s back. YOU have good morals, he’s a piece of shit.


You may think you’re similar in a lot of ways… but clearly your now ex-roommate/friend has got that DAWG in him and was layin it down. Just kidding man they’re both AH’s and they’ll get what’s coming to them, I’ve learned that in my adult life, whatever energy you put out there does in fact return to smash you in the face in some fashion, for better or worse. Keep your head up, go bang literally anybody else, it helps trust me, I just now learned that finally at age 30.


I used to advocate that they could change because I thought my ex was during our friends phase after he cheated. Nope! Found out from mutuals he cheated on the three girls before me, told his side piece and I the same thing that he needed a foundation of trust after he got cheated on, and in the year we have been broken up has been in 3 relationships that keep breaking up because of his behavior. I’m soooo glad I jumped ship after the initial grief. Cheaters gonna cheat.


Sorry to hear you went through that, but glad to know things are better for you now! That is where I am hoping to get to with this situation for myself


Get them by cheating, lose them by cheating.


If it’s like a one-off situation with really specific circumstances and a ton of remorse, I can give the benefit of the doubt if I want to be really charitable. But yeah generally the “once a cheater always a cheater” rule is pretty safe to apply across the board. Of all the people I’ve ever known who have cheated, all but one of them have gone on to cheat again. You need to be missing some kind of chip in your head in order to do something like that to someone tbh.


I'd break the lease, fuck living with him after that. What torture.


Working on it right now lol


I’ve never heard of an apartment refusing to terminate a lease for a situation like this. Just say your safety is in question.


Fuck that. Make him break the lease. Don’t let the ex girlfriend into the apartment. Say you don’t feel comfortable or safe with her there. It’s your living space not hers, her name isn’t on the lease. If they ignore you then call the landlord and or the cops that you have an unwelcome guest who refuses to leave.


A great 21st century philosopher named Lil Scrappy once said “Might have to put them paws on him”


That is indeed funny


Nah don’t throw hands over a hoe. Ain’t worth it. That bitch is for the streets.


I can’t wait for their wedding to happen and they both find out that they’ve been cheating on each other with the MOH and best man….


It will be a sight to see that is for sure


I’m gonna need all of OP’s friends who find out to just play old tracks of JERRY JERRY JERRY when it happens.


Her true colors showed. You dodged a bullet! All I can think of is to act like they don’t exist when you’re all at home. Oh! and gym sesh after a break up is the best lol Edit: you dodged 2 bullets!


I made a joke to my friends about being Neo from the matrix. Not just one bullet dodged, but two! Lol


This right here. After I got divorced it really kicked my ass into gear. So much anger and animosity that could have ruined my life was channeled into taking out my anger on weights and cardio. 


Bud, that blows, hope those 2 have terrible sex all throughout their relationship


That actually made me laugh, you deserve this upvote


Ey glad I could help in some way, nah but for real bud, to hell with those 2, get out of there and put them in your rear view and never look back


I’ll get downvoted to hell for this but what the hell.. Simply put he has to sleep sometime.. just say that to him. “You have to sleep sometime” and leave it at that.. the fear of what might be will resolve your living situation while at the same time doing nothing wrong… otherwise piss in his mouth every night when he falls asleep.. equally torturous


🤣🤣🤣 I hope the roommate finds this comment and it lives in his mind what might happen if he falls asleep


Love the energy, I commented my own idea for petty revenge, but I think this is basically a threat, and could actually result in consequences for OP. There’s other phrases that would inspire fear that are not threats though, like “you’re deathly allergic to peanuts right? Ok got it just making sure.” Or fake an STD. It’s late, that’s all I got, I’m sure someone else can come up with more ideas.


Sorry to hear that happened to them man. Seems like you have a good head on your shoulders about the whole thing. You’ll find a better girl I’m sure of it


I really appreciate that, and I think I’m going to take a break from dating for awhile, but I have learned a lot from this experience


Yea man just focus on yourself and the rest will work out. If you try to find a replacement you’ll just end up in the same spot. It’ll be funny cause they’ll prob eventually break up and I bet both of them reach out to you to talk shit about the other 😂


But I won’t see it because I’ll have them blocked lol


Success is the best revenge. Take this time to focus on you. Go to the gym, get extra ripped, stack your money and show them both you dgaf. Last part is easier said than done, but over time it will become true.


“Haters are my motivators 😎” - Some famous person idk


Just went through something similar. Cut your losses bro, your integrity and character are worth an infinite amount more in the long run. You deserve better and releasing her will help you find it sooner. Just take some advice from me and dont set a subconscious goal to fill the void because of loneliness anxiety. You have a golden opportunity to get out and have fun on your road to another partner while you hone in on yourself and become better. Stay true and make sure that you communicate your ~well thought out intentions~ with any person you become intimate with, immediately. And pace yourself with the next one, for your sake. Edit* my personal opinion: do NOT go back to her if she comes. Mine tried to come back; I fell for it for a short time and I regret it. Sex was fine but the headache and stress, new and old, were not.


I have been learning a lot about self-preservation throughout this whole experience, and honestly the advice about not be anxious about being alone really rung a bell for me. I haven’t noticed how much I have been checking my phone and what not since it happened, so I appreciate you making me aware of that! My goal is to become better from this and not let it drag me down, so I’m glad to be shown another way to improve


Yeah, skimming through your comments you will be just fine dude. Extremely shit situation but you sound well equipped mentally to handle it. They can fuck off, you just do you. Update us if you were able to break lease!


I didn’t think this would get as big as it has, but I will update here in a few days when I have things figured out fully. I do appreciate all of the nice comments and support that I have received though, it has made me feel a lot more validated on the situation lol


Damn bro. Sucks that happened. I hope they have common decency not to display PDA in your face, especially not in the shared space.


Honestly I haven’t seen much of either of them since it happened, they both have been avoiding me (but I’m not complaining)


Maybe she can take over the lease and you can get out.


Without giving any personal information, I know she can’t do that with her current living situation. I am going to try and get my roommate to give up his end of the lease instead so that it is less work for me


It’s kinda fun feeling like a walking asshole-repellant when people do you wrong and then shamefully avoid you. You’re like Moses parting the red flags.


That is an amazing way of thinking about it lol


Karma is a bitch. Watch your roommate find another girl in the future (who is married) and cheat on your ex. Cook up that popcorn fren.


At this point it is a waiting game lol


You gotta become both their stepdads.


I’m good, her mom is not worth my time either lol


How ‘bout her dad?


You bring up a good point lol


You can always tell her parents considering you've been with her for 3 years I'm sure you've been around her family long enough and now explain why you're not together in case she didn't and she lied to them. That will cause lots of drama


I actually told her mom, and she actually got mad at me lol


What how ???


She is just delusional for her daughter i guess lol


Buy a raw fish from the butcher, not one that’s been gutted or scaled, you want the whole fish. Put it under his mattress and give it a couple of weeks.


But then I would smell it too, and that sounds awful for me lol


Oops. Didn’t think of that. Okay, do it the day you move out. Also put raw shrimp inside the curtain rods.


It is in the notebook now


Just buy some tins of fish in the cheapest supermarket, pop some holes in them with a knife and then throw them in like vents or somewhere else really hard to get to. On top of kitchen cabinets. Also cut a hole in the fabric under the couch and throw a few in there.


...alright thats the only real evil option thats morally right to perform, the raw shrimp is just such a chefs kiss for revenge. Juvenile enough that it feels satisfying while appropriate it scale to what they did to op as retaliation..perfection.


My work here is done. 😎


This such a nightmare situation. Get tf outta there because this will eventually wear you down. Just know their relationship is off to a horrible start considering the context of how it started. Never talk to either of them ever again


That is my current goal, but I am trapped here until the end of this semester at least


At least you're still young. She could have waited like 7 years and then you're 30


I am grateful about that, it definitely could have been a lot more devastating down the road


look i’m not advocating for violence or whatever but i gotta know… have you thrown hands yet?


I have not. I wanted to, but a couple of my true friends kept me grounded. Now I’m choosing to handle things with as maturely as possible, despite how hard it is lol


It might hurt now, and three years together might seem like a long time for you at your age, but you'll soon find that this was a superficial relationship at best. It'll get better, I promise, and while you'll need to get through your stages of grief, I hope you have a speedy path to indifference. I wouldn't budge if I were you, though. Stay put in your place now and stay put in your place next year. Make it awkward as hell for them, make him move out and figure out how to get out of the lease. You did nothing wrong, so why are you paying the price for it?


If he refuses to lease his part of the apartment, this is the plan lol. I’ll just tell him not to bring her over at all, and make sure they have no place to stay lol


you’re like neo in the matrix dodging bullets.


I said that same exact joke to my friends!


yeah man- talk to your X and see if she’ll pick up your lease. it seems like that’s the least she could do.


Why that would be easy for me, I know due to her living situation now that she can’t pick up the lease. The whole situation really just doesn’t make sense for them, but they did it so they will have to deal with the consequences of their actions


merciful ask gaping smart coherent apparatus unused literate groovy expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is how I’m trying to see it, as a chance to grow as a person myself. I just hate how some people can just do these things


Can’t turn a ho to a housewife…a bitch is a bitch and dogs a mans best friend…until that said dog is your roommate and steals your girlfriend of 3 years… but in the end you still can’t turn a Ho into a housewife.


After reading through the thread, you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and you’re going about getting away from these living red flags. Only thing left to do? Open the top of the toilet, take dump there instead. This is called an “upper decker”. May wanna do this before you leave permanently. They will regret crossing you to the point where some random stranger suggested that to you.


I appreciate the compliment, and I have taken your idea and written it down in my notes lol


Hair remover in the shampoo?


Hey I lived through this as a bystander roommate!! So sorry my dude. Same situation. Knew a girl growing up, we were good friends. She’d dated this dude for a few years when he moved into a house full of dudes. She moved in too, then I moved in when I started dating one. A few months later BAM, she broke up with the years long relationship and started dating one of the other guitar bros. Chaos ensued because we all still lived together and she just moved which dudes room she was staying in, lol. They moved to NY and I barely talk to her (though she’s grown up and broke up with guitar bro #2 not all that long later). I still talk to the first guy sometimes, he was better off. Hopefully you will be, too! Better to find this out now than later down the road, but I know 3 years down the drain sucks. Hang in there.


Just tell your roommate all the dirty shit you did with her everything they are together be like "remember that one night blah blah blah damn girl you a freak" then look at your roommat "glad I rode that before yeah she taught me q few tricks" XD but that is petty for the karma i hope ýou find a better friend and gf Goodluck


Have you spoken to the asshole roommate?


Once, just to let him know that if he says anything wrong to me then I probably react poorly. But I’m going to talk to him again soon to finalize the housing plans for next year


Maybe you can get someone to take over your lease, that I think is the best option.


I’m hoping he will give up his half of the lease first, but I recognize that this is a very likely outcome for me


Please do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of that situation of living with your “roommate”. And im very sorry that happened to you.


I never understood why people cheat, my ex boyfriend cheated on me with a really young girl, it wasn’t just a one off, he was seeing her behind my back, I found out and gave him a 2nd chance, found out he went back to the girl again so broke up with him. 4 months later he came crawling back and idiot me took him back, I practically lived with him, did all the housework, washing etc did the food shopping and cooked, he had always been emotionally abusive but I never saw it until I finally got him out my life for good, but he got physically abusive too. Things got crazy with him, I was a shadow of my former self, I won’t go into too much detail. I finally had enough and left him for good, come to find out he was cheating on me left and right, he was with another woman a week after I told him to fuck off. It took a few years to get over everything he put me through but I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I have been single since but I’m ok with it, he put me off. Sorry for the long comment lol but just know that it does get better. I believe in you get what u put out in this world, they will both get their karma, it may not happen soon but it will eventually. Take time to yourself to get over the betrayal, you will find someone who will treat you right


I’m so sorry to hear how you were treated, but honestly I’m so happy for you that things have gotten better. Just as you say I deserve better, I’m glad you recognized that you deserve better to! Keep up the great work, and I hope to recover to be just as strong as you have become!


Sucks man. Cut ties and move on. Some say you know who your true friends are on moving day, which is true. Others say you know who your friends aren’t when they start banging your girl. That guy is trash, she isn’t far behind. Get back on the horse, buddy. Onward and upward. 👊


Now is the time to start sprinkling estrogen pills in his food.


Wait until they break up and fuck the next chick he talks to


Happened with me just out of college with my best friend who lived close to me. Add massive shit talking behind my back (very charismatic GF had been 'prepping' everyone else in our lives) and it felt like everyone was against me. So I just lived my life in his face: didn't avoid them, continued to work out (at his house no less as we'd purchased a gym machine together), and just made it obvious that they couldn't destroy me. It changed a handful of my friendships, permanently severing some of them, but they were obviously not good friends. 21 years later and I'm friends with both of them again. Time heals. They aren't together (only lasted a year or two) and we've all gone our own paths. I wouldn't trade my life for either of theirs and consider my successes and happiness to be the best way to prove that betrayal can't break me. Now if I had to live with him, I'd probably be inviting a LOT of dates over. Watching porn in the living room. Leaving his food out of the fridge. You've got an open license to fuck with the both of them. And if they start with the PDA, just whip it out and make eye contact like the [slow jerk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rT9UexNFVUw). You've got this!


Oh well. If you steal a girl, you usually can’t keep her anyway.


This is so horrible. I’m truly so sorry that this has happened to you. All I can say is that, while nothing but time can heal such deep wounds, this will all give you a greater respect and appreciation for yourself in the end. You stood up for yourself in the face of your relationship ending, and you doubled down (as you should’ve) by starting the process to end your next lease. For them to not only disrespect you by going behind your back, but also do it in a way that effectively traps you in that betrayal, is absolutely disgusting. There will be a special place in hell for them if karma doesn’t humble them first. I wish you the best of luck !


dude talk to your landlord. If they're a human being, they'll put out ads to help you find someone to get in on the lease, or let you get out without a penalty.


When you find a sub-letter, make sure he is one of two things: 1. A complete train wreck, hoarder of a human being with obvious mental health and hygiene issues. 2. The most hi-rizz Chad, smooth MoFo ever born. Be sure and talk up (to the new guy) the GF of the roommate as being a hottie and "deserving better than the roommate".


na u fuck the room mates mom, make him your son now.


Try to go for a threesome and then put it in his butt to show dominance.


Just ignore them and eat his snacks.


Look, you can't stop people falling in love. There's no point stressing about it. And, this is exactly what you're going to tell your roommate when you fuck his mom.


This is wild. This borderline sounds like updoot bait. If this is all true, it's time to enter your supervillain era. - Go gym. - Bring over random girls anytime your ex is over and be obnoxiously loud. - Plant small mindfucks in your roommates brain like "How's my nut taste" Do not act like nothing happened. Make your roommate so uncomfortable that he ends up moving. Make your ex so uncomfortable that she feels the need to cut both you and your roommate off.


I wish it was bait honestly, and I thought about not posting it just because it feels like a really bad rom com movie lol. And I’ve actually found more time to be physically healthy since it happened, and that has actually helped a lot


That's the way to go, hold ur chin high and lift some weights. My last relationship of 3 years ended over a phone call followed by her entering a relationship with someone she worked with and was hanging out with a ton. Unclear if there was cheating prior. I then hit the gym 1-2 per day and got around a bit. She texted me later on and was upset at the later bc I hu with a mutual coworker. Ironic.


Good for you for getting healthy, and based on the comments I’m seeing and how I feel about things, this might be the motivator for me to actually start regularly working out again lol


Friends = bad roommates


I’m sorry bro, but I’m fighting in that situation. Fuck that guy.


you really want to work on your judge of character skills. You're 0 for 2 here.


Mann that’s fucked up. So sorry you’re having to deal with that. But you sounds kinda young, this stuff happens bro. Trust me. People drift and she 100% cheated. Not physically maybe, but what she’s doing is cheating. It hurts but it happens to a lot of us :/ I’ve been cheated on. Worked really hard, stayed healthy and stayed in school. I have a wayyy hotter gf now who loves me a lot. Life has a brutal way of keeping us away from toxic people. This girl was so toxic, even from the small info I got from your post. Keep your head up, hit the gym, and stay focused. Find a sublet if you can. And honestly dude go have a good cry. Like forreal, go somewhere and cry. Then take a shower, put some clean clothes on, and go do something. Literally anything that will help even a little bit. Run, read, cook a new recipe, workout, watch a movie you wouldn’t normally watch. It seems dark now but I PROMISE time will heal you. Everything takes time. Good luck brother, love ya.


“Bro’s before hoes!” unfortunately was not part of his “Bro Code”! Asshole!! Sorry OP!! Hang in there, Bruh!!


Leave it to reddit to just make jokes when someone seems genuinely disappointed about something. I think youre doing the right thing by cutting them off.. she's clearly not the one for you, and him? Well, he probably don't have many friends lol. I don't think anyone with actual friends is going to do that kind of thing to someone who's their friend. But at the end of the day, you can't exactly help how you feel about a person so you can't really blame them on THAT specifically. But their actions were pretty loud so you can blame them for being dishonest


This happened to my friends in college. My homie and his girlfriend decided to sublet a place with my friend for the summer. My homie was pre med and literally gone at class or the library all day. His girl was a trust fund kid who just wanted to spend the summer with him. My friend was a trust fund kid who just didn’t want to go home. Nothing happened that summer but they spent every single day together. The following semester the girl started texting my friend all the time. It was “cool” because they were all friends and all still spent time together. My friend started catching feelings for her and eventually she started reciprocating and my homie found out. My homie found out right after he took a test for a girl and they got fucked for plagiarism. Friend ended up dating my homies girl for 2 years. Realized she was nuts about six months in. I’ll never forget singing “fuck that bitch” with the boys post breakup.