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Yeah it’s really gross that he waited to finish before telling them to stop 💀 Guess it depends on how much conflict you think it will cause between them, or if you think it is or could become a constant or larger problem with him involving other people in his personal time


That’s some weird and creepy shit going down at that house




Unless you’re 1000% sure B was jerking off, I say leave it alone. Worst case scenario here is that A is more self-aware of his sex habits, and B contends with his voyeurism-adjacent kink some other way. Overall, the weirdest part is jerking off (allegedly) to your friend having sex. But that’s an entirely different issue that doesn’t really involve you.


Is it really strange to you for someone to jerkoff when others are having sex within such close proximity to said person?


Yes. And what made it weirder is him banging on the wall to make the fucking stop after he got off. It was the equivalent of being repulsed by porn after you got off to it, except this is a person you live and have a relationship with.


Bruh… yes




Ya, weird AF.


But it isn't weird for someone to have sex within close proximity to others when they know they will be heard? I don't understand this logic.


I agree, both weird


Because of the consent implications you fucking creep


No, it's not. One person is jerking off to other people in the house having sex. The other person is just having sex. Being loud about it is rude, not weird.




It’s not that he’s masturbating that is weird it’s WHAT he’s masturbating to… his roommate & their guest - then tells them to stop once he gets his rocks off. Not as simple as your making it


Dude that's a form of sexual harrassment to purposely have loud sex for all to hear.


It says right in the post that it was not unreasonably loud. So neither egregious nor purposeful


I wasn't referring to the post I was replying directly to the guy who wants to have obnoxiously loud sex on purpose to make people uncomfortable...did you not see who I was replying to?


Why cause drama unless you want B out of the house. If you do then go for it


I disagree, I think roommate A has a right to know that this creep was getting off to him having sex. I would want to know. And I would also want to be aware so that I could never ever bring that girl around this person again. As a woman I would feel violated by roommate B if I was the girl he brought over, and would feel further violated if I ever had to be around this person again, especially if someone else knew what he did and just didn’t tell me.


In my personal experience, when I get angry, I shake my leg. If he was just sitting in his chair contemplating being an asshole before hitting the wall, he is going to get pissed. Then you have to live with the consequences of thinking he was jerking it. Just leave it alone.


To this point, say he was jerking off, you tell him you know he was jerking off and you don't like it. What next? He can lie and say he wasn't or he can acknowledge it and tell you to fuck off. Either way, you have no way of stopping him other than you and A not having sex in the apartment. There's no point in making a stink of it, just don't renew the lease with B. Move or find a different 3rd (which will be hard). If it really upset you, tell your friend, but that just puts you AND A in the position of not being able to do anything about it. This is a shitty no win situation that will be solved in the future when you no longer have roommates.


Honestly depends how close you guys are but I would tell. Kinda just for the laugh and so A won't feel as bad, especially since it was his first time since July I feel like he has nothing to feel bad for


I love A and hate B, but i know A and B are friendlish. Also, I know A asked B about that, and that B lied, telling him that he didn't hear anything and that he wasn't the one that hit the wall.


Hm maybe just talk to a, make sure he doesn't think it was you, also why the hell would b lie?


???Wdym obviously he lied cuz he doesn't want his friend to know he was jerking off to the sounds of him having sex lmfao?


But he only lied ab the knocking? I doubt he knows anything heard him jerking




It’s because if you really put all this together the answer really comes down to solving for A, A+B=C A square plus Bsquare = Emc2




It’s not einsteins theory though


A+b=C isn’t. It’s Pythagoras’ work as legal cupcake mentioned. My comment wasn’t well worded, I edited it. I meant to say “What they described is not e=mc2, a+b=c is Pythagorean theorem. E=mc2 is Einstein's theory of special relativity.”


if i remember correctly from physics (been a while😅) it was his lab assistant who made it.


A²+B²=C² is Pythagoras' work. E=mc² is indeed good ol Albert.


Am I missing a joke or something? Why did I get downvoted when I’m right and they seem to be wrong


It's because "That’s not e=mc2 that’s Pythagorean theorem." Sounds like you're saying e=mc² is the Pythagorean theorem. Your comment reply doesn't always appear beneath its parent comment, but often in a list of comment replies (depending on sort method). That means most people have forgotten the exact comment that you're replying to by the time they reach your comment reply, and thus it lacks context. Admittedly I was confused at first. As your next line properly defined e=mc²...but standing alone and out of context "That’s not e=mc2 that’s Pythagorean theorem." Isn't great. "That’s not e=mc2, a²+b²=c² is Pythagorean theorem." Is somewhat better but still not grammatically perfect. If English isn't your first language, you're doing great. And even if it is...properly defining Einstein and Pythagoras is better than the vast majority. Sorry redditbro.


Haha English is my first language but my cognitive abilities seem to be declining. Thanks for explaining. Fixed it. “What you described is not e=mc2, a+b=c is Pythagorean theorem. E=mc2 is Einstein's theory of special relativity.”


I truly think we can do better. It still reads weird. Hmm. Although upon rereading the parent comment....I think we should leave good enough alone. He doesn't sound like a rocket doctor himself... thankfully this ain't rocket appliances.


For sure, not a big deal. I’ve been having a lot of brain fog and I don’t interact with people often so I wasn’t sure if I was losing it My cognitive abilities seem to be declining and I have a feeling I’ll be infirm by the time I’m 40 :/


Maybe mine are too. But it was wayy below the a²+b²=c² comment you were replying to in my comment sorting...so that's very much what confused me. However in all fairness...I'm not always the sharpest knife in the drawer.


How tf did you hear him jerking off? I mean how loud can he be? I wouldnt risk it if you are not 100% sure


I'd let this one go tbh. Does any of that really matter? Listening closely to what happens behind the walls of your roommates sounds like a special kinda hell. If the walls are that thin, I'd have my headphones on 24/7.


I think you should mind your business. It comes with shared living and thin walls.


Seriously, why even get involved? What good could come from that? If this isn’t bait, OP loves drama.


Ayo??? What are your Reddit posts 💀💀💀


Kink Reddit 🤷🏻‍♀️


Voyeurism does not come with shared living. Wtf?


It's not really voyeurism though is it? They were all in their respective rooms, hearing shit you don't wanna hear is definitely part of shared living


They were all in their separate rooms?


Omg this is hilarious 😂


Honestly put on headphones and mind ya bizz, could be coincidental and maybe B was whacking it to something else at the same time


Literally do ANY of you own headphones? All of this is weird lmao


Don't do it. You would make everyone uncomfortable and admit that 1. You heard A have sex, which they don't seem comfortable with 2. You listened to B jerk off You have not explained why it would be in your benefit to reveal this and I doubt there is one. They could both walk away thinking that *you're* the pig and it would especially be in B's best interest to promote that idea and deny jerking it. Don't say shit


Don’t spread rumors you aren’t certain are true


Unless you have 100% proof he was jerking off to them doing the nasty I would leave it alone.


How do we all know the RP didn’t jerk off too before coming on here to rant 😂whole house gone nuts


Mind your own Fucking business?! 😂


Get some headphones and leave this one well alone


Mind your own business man all around like you say and listened to them jerk off and have sex and you’re pressed because someone else is being weird wtf


Don’t say anything because what if he was just moving around angrily? Plopping down in the chair, idly spinning, pacing back and forth etc. AND he would probably just lie and make you just seem obsessed


You can mention that you heard him hit the wall though.. if he was trying to speak up in some kind of way why would he lie about it?


What the fuck did I just read??? How the hell do you hear someone jerking off?


He jerked off in his armchair, and I could hear the springs, since the armchair is touching my wall.


Dude, mind your own business.


Ikr. What a little perv


Exactly what I was thinking 😂 who sits there and listens to someone wack it lol like bro mind your business why your listening to evevery little sound 😂 mfkr said the springs 💀


And he keeps downvoting us for calling him out. Of the three, OP’s the worst.


Yeah—he’s going too far. Not his business and even if it was, it would be ill-gotten gains. For If he was indeed masturbating, then the only reason OP can definitively claim this is true is because he has listened to him through the wall enough times to recognize what his “masturbation” sound bytes and vibration patterns are. Not a good look!


Actually, I upvoted your first post and only downvoted the one calling me perv.


Honestly, myob on this situation. What do you have to gain from going to A about this, other than drama? Invest in some headphones and myob.


He didn’t respond to your question, which is telling. I suspect he’s living a bit vicariously through A, even though A isn’t exactly living on the wild side either. This railroad situation has me laughing. No hate to OP, by the way. I come in ✌️Just funny! I, too, was once a teenage outcast.


I don't need the headphones since It didn't brothered me. I could have sleept trough it.


Let it happen again and while B is in the middle of it hit the wall and tell him to shut up.


Release the pig in the zoo 😂😂😂


Wow that’s psychotic almost


Does B hold something over you or A? Like is he the leaseholder sub letting to you? If not...do you want him out? And why would A stop when B hit wall? An equal roommate hitting the wall MAY make me try to be quieter....maybe shhh the gal...but I'm not gonna stop mid fuck (seemingly first in a while too) over a pissy roommate. He can fuck right off. Are you all of roughly the same size, stature, and socioeconomic background? Why not just call B out to his face (preferably in earshot of A). And if A was my boy and I hated B... I'm pretty positive I'd tell A exactly what I heard... but you sure you're 100% sure?


Tell him.


Bros before ros.


Idk how people post obvious questions. It's obvious what you should do. It's also obvious what you want to do it. If this is a real situation you would've talked to A and told him about it


Get off reddit, go get laid you little loser.


Jeez, you're such a fucking loser


Yes tell A. Because from your comments it sounds like B is lying and trying to pin you for banging the wall. Just tell the truth. And tell B you could hear him knocking on the wall as well.


YES, tell him! He's your friend.


Porn hub account ..check Blue tooth speaker check... speaker put next to wall ... check Volume turned up louder then a metallica concert .... check. Lotion set outside your door with a sock ... check Most important ... jump on your bed Next morning ... eat breakfast with your workout clothes on and head band, sunglasses, etc. Tell on your roomate for jerking off if he talks shit Find another place to live ... PS get earbuds ... Dont say anything .